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12:05 AM
Which bit? The part about the toilets is definitely true. There's a technicality that they were likely talking about the combined toilet + water fountain but that's still pretty Not Great on the sanitary scale
Overcrowding and shitty maintenance is real
tfw you gotta try to puzzle up way they don't have standing to defend the law but you totally have standing to challenge it
Which seems like it's possible, I imagine? But you gotta figure someone almost shot the foot there
12:49 AM
I don't understand why things keep getting dumber 🤔
I know the "win a dinner with a candidate" thing isn't new but this seems like an awfully specific and weird thing?
He got the tanks 🤷‍♂️
> Trump told reporters Monday that the tanks will be stationed outside the Fourth of July celebration but has not given details on how they will be used.
yeh having tanks stationed outside just sitting there doesn't give the right message
Unless they can load fireworks in the cannons...
1:57 AM
A deal which, additionally, no longer exists in any meaningful way
buhh they're now violating an agreement we already set on fire see I told you
Later they'll pull out a photocopy and go "AH HA we got you, the ol' double bluff reverso"
office of john bolton: twirling moustache
Weird that he printed that out and sent it to the press but
2:26 AM
@TimStone "oh but they were violating the deal before the deal even existed so there was no point in making the deal" is how i reads the highlighted part
2:42 AM
they are trying to imply that it is well known that they do, did, and are developing weapons
there is no evidence for this
1 hour later…
3:59 AM
@TimStone My guess is that they meant to say "before the deal's dissolution"
i.e. "retroactively we say they already violated it so it was OK for us to stop upholding our end"
3 hours later…
7:10 AM
@murgatroid99 I wouldn't just assume competence from the US government...
5 hours later…
12:04 PM
@murgatroid99 I think they're saying that they've always been in violation of the terms of the deal so Obama shouldn't have signed it because there was no point
Which is of course not true but 🤷‍♂️
12:15 PM
(Like that they don't have to prove Iran was in violation now because…they always were, obviously, everyone knows that)
This following Chennai basically drying completely up
1 hour later…
1:56 PM
"Peanut allergies occur whether or not a child is exposed to peanuts before age 3", nods, "Fish oil does not reduce the risk of heart disease" nods, "A lifelike doll carried around by teenage girls will not deter pregnancies" n …wait what?
@TimStone A... pregnancy phylactery?
@TimStone what...?
Oh it's that thing sitcoms make episodes about
I didn't realize that schools actually did that
Yeah, apparently a non-zero number of people gave teenage girls lifelike dolls to remind them how much of a burden a child would be?
Which raises all sorts of questions
@TimStone Probably by the same people who think woman are just breeding chambers. Just ya gotta get married first.
Somehow I feel like teenage pregnancy doesn't happen since girls think "This will be easy!"
Or, uh, because of any reason that involves planning.
It's a thing
In Ohio this was an option for extra credit in like
8th grade health class or whatever
public school
ohio is an abstinence only state afaik
which as it turns out does not work!
I still like my explanation of pregnancy phylacteries.
@Unionhawk Of course it is
> Political ads in 2020 expected to hit over $6 billion
This implies that they're getting a significant return on that and I'm not sure that says anything good about the electorate!
2:20 PM
well both menacing and sad piano
you know the vibe
Trump was apparently swayed not to bomb Iran in part because of that time we "accidentallyed" an Iranian commercial airliner, something he had apparently not heard about before?
@TimStone again just reinforces Trump was bullshitting when he asked how many people, Iranians, would die and when told 150 he thought it a drone wasn't worth 150 lives
@TimStone which party? the GOP? is that comparable to last time or is Trump funnelling a huge sum from his companies into the campaign
Just collectively
Again, this is not necessarily candidate ads, probably
@Memor-X I mean this is kind of related to that but I'm kind of amazed he hadn't heard about it since he was, like, alive when it happened
2:28 PM
I imagine P4AHCF is going to get in on it
and or, is already in on it
(they uh, obviously expect to get ROI in the form of their industry not being eliminated)
@TimStone yeh but i see him as a huge narcissist so if it's not about him he doesn't give a shit
@TimStone oh y'all weren't subjected to that?
Not at all, thankfully, because my word
Worst 48 hours of my life.
i'm glad we didn't do it. the most we had was looking after eggs
though it was everyone, not just the girls
2:33 PM
Oh no this was a plastic hellbeast full of electronics and screaming
Oh, talking about the fake baby and you had to take care of it.
I had totally missed that reference.
I've only ever heard of it being bags of flour or something, and I don't know anyone who actually did it
Yeah it's a thing
I always assumed it was one of those American things
There are so many things that I don't know whether TV made them up or they're just done in the US
@Ash oh i can imagine. wait i don't, there's an episode of Mrs Brown's Boys with one. she ended up just taking the batteries out
2:36 PM
In my high school there was a whole credit you could take on parenting, it involved the screaming hellbeast and also a bunch of a day spent with the stupid fake pregnancy belly
@Memor-X ours would know if you did that, they had a bunch of tamperproofing
@Ash and it being high school there would ofcause be a bunch of little shits who wouldn't be mature enough in either stage of that huh?
@Memor-X mhm
> The menu for the Water Bar in Park View lists more than 40 waters, including a $25 bottle harvested in the mountains of Chile. It might be the beginning of fancy water in D.C. dcist.com/story/19/07/01/…
@Unionhawk they probably all come from the same tap downstairs
2:38 PM
@Unionhawk wtf
@Ash capitalism gone too far
there are things that can be made and sold to people, but not all of them should
@Unionhawk This reminds me that either Arizona or New Mexico is having water problems because Saudi Arabia purchased land to grow hay that they ship back overseas, which is essentially exporting water.
Capitalism probably went too far when the primary focus was maximizing shareholder's returns, illegalities, immorality and unethical behaviour and all.
Why do fancy imported water when you can instead do fancy imported giving me $25
Mars Water, harvested using new Elon Musk Tech that collects Ice from Mars and melts it under the Martian sun - $1,000
2:42 PM
@Memor-X (May or may not be irradiated)
@Yuuki well if it glows, sell it as Mars Water Quantum, it worked for Nuka Cola
3:12 PM
Ah, specifically people visiting the region where they're doing the mass human rights abuses, it seems
3:26 PM
Hmm how much you think this nonsense costs?
Also: way more than is lost to fare skips
3:43 PM
MARTA gates please don't attack me when I'm in Atlanta
That reminds me, I've been meaning to read up more on the single use plastic ban for my province. Or country... One of the two.
ah it's all of Canada okay: pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2019/06/10/…
Everyone is super angry about water bottles, but I'm pretty sure that's not considered "single use" since they can be recycled. Never let the facts get in the way of your anger though.
> ban harmful single-use plastics as early as 2021 (such as plastic bags, straws, cutlery, plates, and stir sticks) where supported by scientific evidence and warranted, and take other steps to reduce pollution from plastic products and packaging
> work with provinces and territories to introduce standards and targets for companies that manufacture plastic products or sell items with plastic packaging so they become responsible for their plastic waste.
Here's hoping this stuff continues. I'm really worried if the conservatives win come the fall they'll just roll back all the green energy programs, and instead like, I don't know, start burning forests or something.
Pence has been recalled to the White House for some reason, cancelling an event he was supposed to headline in New Hampshire
Including the carbon tax. Everyone wants to fight climate change and pollution, so long as they don't actually need to do anything.
> As of July 1, shoppers in P.E.I. won't find many single-use plastic bags at the checkout counter. The Island is the first province in Canada to ban single-use plastic bags.
> The new rules prohibit businesses in Prince Edward Island from offering single-use plastic bags at the checkout. They have been replaced with paper or reusable bag options. Businesses are now required to charge a minimum of 15 cents for a paper bag and $1.00 for reusable bags.

> There are a few exceptions: Businesses are allowed to offer small plastic bags for food safety, medications, and dry cleaning.
You know somewhere out there there's someone pushing the narrative that Medicare for All involves putting all existing doctors in a blender or something
It's almost like people don't actually care about their plan!
3:52 PM
"If my doctor gets paid I can keep my doctor?" shocked_pikachu.gif
And we actually have standing to promise "you can keep your doctor" because we aren't trying to preserve a system that makes networks a thing in the first place!
@TimStone I like how they keep insisting there's no need for concern about this recall despite the guarantee it's going to be something really dumb and thus concerning
@TimStone this could be anything from a major issue to nothing at all. Not sure what to make of it yet
stares into camera
4:22 PM
@TimStone yep this is some weird shit
i hope it will be more eventful than the SETI shutdown that turned out to be a pedophile investigation
It probably is nothing particularly consequential. I was about to joke that Trump was demanding he stick around to get fitted for his Uncle Sam costume for Thursday but then I remembered Trump doesn't care about tailoring
@Wipqozn plastic straw bans are ableist and hurt disabled people without fixing the environment
Uhhhh actually?
rest of single use plastics can go but leave the straws
oh goddammit are we wardeccing
@TimStone It has to be Iran
4:27 PM
I was going to say, is this a question or is there about to be follow up with like [breaking: we are at war with iran](twitter/watch?v=kfV)
did the trump admin break a russian sub?
@TimStone This is reportedly what the Putin thing is about, not sure what everyone else is doing
Gotta be aliens 🤷‍♂️
@TimStone "pence come here, help me pick out a card to send to putin"
But yeah
lmfao somewhere a techbro definitely peed themselves
> Kellyanne Conway on #FourthofJuly celebrations: "The public is welcome to come and celebrate our great country, the greatest democracy, the Constitution, all the Amendments... I'm not going to allow you to politicize it."
stares directly into the camera
tfw serial Hatch Act violators call for not politicizing something
(the article is actually about how the left isn't really radical at all, mostly, but I didn't know Kentucky was receiving that much aid)
(which who cares if they are except for Mitch McConnell's entire existence)
is that to the state or is that the state and the people within
It's combined federal assistance programs, so the latter
4:55 PM
and by the people within I mean all the rube goldberg contraptions of like "if we give this solar startup a lot of money, they'll go out of business and not provide any jobs for the people of eastern kentucky so we'll build a prison instead"
which is roughly speaking actually a thing
place based initiatives
thank you tedx whitesburg
or wherever that tedx was
There's so much to unpack in that Trump rambling about homelessness but my personal takeaway is that he 100% thinks cops walking the beat is still exactly like Office Dibble from Top Cat
5:10 PM
There's some news about a number of mining companies self-insuring their own mine cleanups and now that they're going bankrupt to avoid the actual cleaning up part.
5:30 PM
@TimStone I don't understand these people. Or well, any conspiracy theorists.
@Wipqozn The chemtrails can make it hard to think sometimes.
@puzzlepiece87 Apparently
I'm sure there's some actual SCIENCE! behind conspiracy theorists, but I'm not familiar with it.
6:12 PM
Ted Cruz is very mad online at Nike and looking for shoe recommendations, any ta…Oh no Adidas, not like this
6:42 PM
@TimStone Oh, I thought this was going to be Adidas -> really popular in Russia -> Russia's weird relationship with the GOP.
Kinda disappointed that it's not nearly so clever.
3 hours later…
9:16 PM
The administration has begun printing the Census without the citizenship question
They'll probably supplement this by sending ICE agents along with every Census worker or something, I'm not sure they've actually taken the L on a single thing so far
After losing the 100 Years War you'd think England could have done better in 100 minutes, but no. They will come to Rooney this loss - they won't Sheeran other day in this tournament.
America with 1 more Thames left to play, but serious injury concerns as Rapinoe never played and LaVelle was forced to Brexit with a hamstring injury.
USA fans continue to have a good RAF; the team is Meghan America Great Again.
10:06 PM
@GodEmperorDune I believe those are just listed as examples. The law hasn't actually been enacted with any details or anything yet. However, a lot of companies have started switching over to paper straws here. Although I've heard those might have issues compared to plastic, but I'm really not sure what.
@GodEmperorDune PEI plastic bag ban is actually completely unrelated to that law. IT's just a thing PEI started doing independently of that federal law.
@TimStone when are people going to learn that automatically tweeting things from the crowd is never going to end well
chuckles Never
Also Trump has made a nomination to the Fed and it's someone who sounds like they might be remotely qualified?
Uhh so apparently Andy Rubin is accused of having cheated his wife out of money while running a sex ring?
@Wipqozn Although this seems to cover it fairly well. Still, I don't agree that we shouldn't look into alternatives of plastic straws. They do contribute to global pollution waste, although it's a small amount. It's just that it can't be the only action we take, but this law is doing much more than considering banning plastic straws.
And of course we shouldn't ban them if we can't come up with such an alternative.
@Wipqozn yes but banning plastic straws is also an accessibility concern
10:21 PM
@Ash I..know?
Sorry, maybe you didn't look at my link, but that's actually what my link contained.
I was replying to say "yeah okay I just rad read into this now, but I don't think we should just drop the issue. but should look into it more"
Which is what that link actually says oo
> The focus must shift from banning straws to pressuring the manufacturers and corporations to create an environmentally and disability friendly alternative. Even better, environmental and disability groups should work together to come up with more impactful ways of improving the environment.
Sorry that may have come across as more harsh than I intended, upon a reread. Just seems like you completely misunderstood that specific message.
(because obviously before that specific message I wasn't fully aware of the issues with paper, which that page covered)
@TimStone i read that as amanda waller tbh
she'd fit in with the trump admin
@Wipqozn the problem is that what will likely happen is that plastic straws will be banned, disabled people will die, and the alternative research won't be funded or done
disposable plastic straws are just extremely good at what they do AND being cheap on top of everything else
@GodEmperorDune OKay I'm sorry but no, "disable people will die" is extremely hyperbolic and doesn't help at all.
@Wipqozn actually, it's not that hyperbolic
Disabled people can die from this
@Wipqozn unfortunately its not hyperbolic
10:30 PM
Yes, if we just banned plastic straws and did nothing else.
@Wipqozn yes, which is what is likely to happen
I don't agree with that
No matter what they're rolling plastic straws into these bans
So you can't really separate this
the only reason it hasn't happened yet in the US is because conservatives have become anti straw ban, but it's more of a business interests/triggering the libs thing than a "straw bans are ableist" thing
10:33 PM
Honestly I'm not going to have this conversaation. There is no conversation if your stance is just "we shouldn't consider single use plastics at all, because that might else putting in a plastic straw ban without fully considering it or putting in alternatives"
Like you're already assuming the worst is going to happen, and stating it as fact.
We aren't saying don't ban single use plastics entirely, just don't ban straws!
Re: paper straws; problems range from- Straw becoming mush if you don't down your drink within minutes. To the food-safe adhesive holding it together is wheat/gluten based - WHOOPS celiac.
@Wipqozn my original thoughts on this were "ban all the single use plastics you want, just leaves straws alone"
Straws are a accessibility thing. In a lot of cases there aren't other possible options for people.
@Ash but you just said you can't seperate straws from the single use plastic ban, unless I'm misunderstanding you, in which case I apolozigie for both the misunderstanding and my harshness.
10:35 PM
@Wipqozn I'm saying that most bans refuse to separate straws
@Ash yeah, policymakers pushing the plastic bans don't seem to understand this point at all
So yes, complete misunderstanding
@Ash Then we should make sure this one doesn't if we can't come up with a suitable alternative by 2021.
@GodEmperorDune not at all, and if they do understand they refuse to care but honestly why should I be surprised that people refuse to consider an access need above anything
@GodEmperorDune OKay just you only focused on the straw part, which is just listed as an example, and not anything else.
10:37 PM
I mean really, we need to push for more than just forcing consumers to change all their habits because statistically that's such a small fucking part of the problem
But it's so much easier to tell people to give up straws and go vegan and all that junk than deal with the bigger corporations systemic shit
Sorry I know I'm heated, and likely typing before I think, but the general sentiment around banning single use plastics is just "It'll be hard, or have problems, so we shouldn't even bother" and that's just the impression I got from your responses.
I mean you've clarified now, and I appreciate that, but that's just the impression I got.
@Ash extremely this, 10000000000%
I honestly have no spoons for this, I am tired of trying to have these types of conversations
10:41 PM
Ban single use, except straws, and deal with the corporation bullshit too. I don't know how to make that any clearer.
goes back to Animal Crossing
I mean I personally also find it really frustrating that we're just zoning in one one potential issue with this plan to enact a law.
Just seems like we're constantly look for the negative in everything here
Okay no, sorry, I'm going to remove myself from this conversation, because I'm clearly too agitated to discuss this right now.
@Wipqozn the problem is like Ash mentioned, the impact on disabled people tends to get overwhelmed, which is why allies are told to push back fiercely on this one specific thing with the straws
White House: there's nothing wrong with the presi....
@GodEmperorDune Overlooked == overhwelmed?
Except assume I can type
Not trying to be cheeky, just making sure I understand what you're saying, since I've misunderstood a few other things.
10:48 PM
@Wipqozn yeah sorry, good catch
@TimStone wont it be funny if he does reveal himself and go "you all are fucken stupid for following this man"
typing while trying to take a phone call scrambled me up
i think we are all on the same side here
@GodEmperorDune Okay, in which yes I understand why people would push back so harshly.
@GodEmperorDune I'd say we are, I just think we have differing levels of confidence on how well this will be implemented, which is the main source of the friction.
@Wipqozn yeah i have lost some confidence in the trudeau govt's environmental policies since they went ahead with the pipeline
i HOPE they do it well, i fear they will not
the cities and states that have done plastics bans here have in the US have not implemented it well
@GodEmperorDune My feelings are somewhat mixed on the pipeline. I wish it never went ahead, but I think it's a case of "IT's too late to stop it now" (it started under harper). There's just so many jobs in Alberta tied up in oil, and the province is already started to struggle due to pipeline delays sooo I don't know. They're planning invest profits back into green energy, which is good, but it's just something that should've happened ages ago.
Basically I think the pipeline is a lot "look how fucked of a situation harper left us with". There was no way to handle that which wasn't going to cause massive issues. Just a case of pick your poison.
So yeah, I just hate everything about the pipeline situation, since there is no good answer to it now. The only good answer was for Harper to have not started it to begin with :/
10:55 PM
@Wipqozn sure, but my understanding is that they didn't advertise it as "sorry, harper stuck us with it" or "we need the jobs" as much as "this really isn't THAT bad for the environment" which really chafes me
@Wipqozn yeah this is like the wars in afphanistan and iraq
@GodEmperorDune Oh yeah they've definitely been trying to playing politics game with it, which is frustrating.
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, another great example of the same thing.
A lot of times the biggest impact of a political leaders actions don't really start to take effect until After they leave, the good and the bad. Not always of course, but it happens a lot. Then the following party gets all the blame or credit, because politics.
@Wipqozn if we take the time to figure things out before enacting them, this is how ALL their actions should be
but humans are very bad at this
@GodEmperorDune Very

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