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03:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

Q: Looking for mentions in our scriptures of leading life with practicality even if it means breaking sacred principles written in the holy scriptures

imperialgendarmeThe answer to this question will cement my values in life forever! I learned from Bhisma's life that simply being the most honorable, noble person on Earth doesn't guarantee any good at all! I think in Star Plus's Mahabharat (I know these TV adaptations are never accurate depictions), Krishna...

2 hours later…
@SwiftPushkar A question for you to answer
Q: how did lord Vitthal help saint Chokhamela?

user17382I have read that the lord himself came to Chokamela's help in taking the carcasses. However since I am not aware of the story, could this story be elaborated.

Q: When was the last interaction between Pandavas and Krishna?

S KIf I understand correctly, Krsihna didn't accompany them on their final ascent to the Himalaya and beyond.

a question which @TriyugiNarayanMani can answer
@KrishnaShweta can also try since she commented on the question
One question edited and it found an answer already! \o/
@NogShine u r now hunting old questions
@AkshayS my habit.
@NogShine only genius does it
@TriyugiNarayanMani has name correctly Triguni Narayan. One who controls Trigunas is narayan and he is Narayan :D
1 hour later…
@AkshayS Finding old questions and asking users to convert comment to answers is not something I'm doing for the first time. I think you were there during 4th anniversary post. Even in that post, I asked users to wait before flagging answers and write answers rather than comments. By taking a part and elaborating the same, I wrote a meta recently. But the reaction and response is quite opposite. But I said the same.
Why does that happen? any ideas? @AkshayS
@NogShine I was saying in jolly mood but ur words r like strict officer man. Looks u r seriously replying than jolly :(
@AkshayS just facts. I'm neither serious nor jolly
You can talk normally. :)
@NogShine be jolly alwayd like krishna
@AkshayS I'm waiting when it will be 3:00 PM IST
@NogShine why? Any reasons?
@NogShine super.... India will win today. .. unbeaten
@NogShine think Jadeja coming in place of Kedaar and Karthik in place of Vijay shankar..... this change I would do... but captain thinks different
@AkshayS Kohli believes in Vijay Shankar. Yeah, Jadeja should play and he can play fast during death overs.
@NogShine Jadeja is best fielder. So India plays him as substitute fielder :P
2 hours later…
@NogShine OK
@AkshayS ha ha.
@TriyugiNarayanMani ha!
1 hour later…
@AkshayS @NogShine What do you say about today's Match ?
I still feel Dhoni should be out of the team.
Now his peculiar eyes are not helping him...
@TheLittleNaruto whatever we wish msd will play all WC matches
@TheLittleNaruto India to chase 350
I can't see beta stats on the home page
Q: Why are Kshatriyas allowed to eat meat and other castes aren't?

AnomWhy are only Kshatriyas allowed to eat meat? Surely the Brahmans should be allowed to eat meat as well because they are at the top of the caste system. Also since Dalits aren't technically in the caste system do they still practice Ahimsa?

@Hinduismbot which tag is left out about a scripture? XD But the question here is about belief of living a life against scriptures. Why all tags?
@AkshayS Pulling back.
@NogShine yes.. I said 350 keeping this in mind.... more 2 wickets under 330
gets angry on @KrishnaShweta after calling me to talk and doesn't come for 2 days
@NogShine Shami was unlucky in first spell. Could have got wicket of Bairstow anytime there....
@NogShine India also didn't go for a review for Jason Roy around early.... otherwise we could have had this in control further
@AkshayS Yeah I see more than 350 runs
baby welcome Aks
@Aks Welcome to the Hinduism chatroom!If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, ping TheLittleNaruto.
baby Will India win today's match ?
@TheLittleNaruto Of course!
Means India won't win today.
1 hour later…
@TheLittleNaruto 338 it is....
baby hang
  |   |

baby hang e
  |   |
baby hang a
  |   |
a, e
baby hang o
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a, e, o
baby hang i
  |   |
a, e, i, o
baby hang n
  |   |
a, e, i, n, o
baby hang l
  |   |
a, e, i, l, n, o
baby hang d
  |   |
  |   O
a, d, e, i, l, n, o
baby hang s
  |   |
  |   O
a, d, e, i, l, n, o, s
baby hang c
  |   |
  |   O
a, c, d, e, i, l, n, o, s
baby hang u
  |   |
  |   O
a, c, d, e, i, l, n, o, s, u
baby hang q
  |   |
  |   O
a, c, d, e, i, l, n, o, q, s, u
baby hang t
  |   |
  |   O
a, c, d, e, i, l, n, o, q, s, t, u
baby hang y
@AkshayS Correct! The word is inconsequentially.
@NogShine Will you stop mocking users in comments? Just say what you want say. Don't sarcastically imitate them or mock their previous comments. next time such comments will be flagged as rude and deleted.
Your comment here is edited.
If you feel an exact verse is a weak reference, don't post such reference in your own answers. Simple. But for site, that is enough until there is enough explanation in the answer written above the source part. SE (including our site) encourages own explanation rather than copy pasting other site's content here. Opening other website and copy pasting other website content here - both are just the same. — Sarvabhouma yesterday
Q: What was the relationship between Ravan and Tadaka?

Amrit DharaI remember watching some mythological in which Ravan calls Mareech his mama i.e. maternal uncle. But Mareech and Subahu were the sons of Tadka so does that make Ravan the grandson of Tadka? I checked online and Tadka seems to have been married to an Asura called Sunda while Ravan's mother Kaikes...

2 hours later…
@AkshayS It is impossible now to win the match.
@TheLittleNaruto Rishabh Pant just looking to blast away scores. He needs intelligence patience to stay at the crease and knock in right time. With Pandya if he had stayed till 45th over India would have been in winning position
Pandya and Dhoni should make it 60 off 30 balls..... in last 5 overs. ..
@AkshayS Well you took the guy too late, anyone needs 1-2 matches to get settled in a world cup when it's your first world cup.
I don;t blame him
What do you think ? @NogShine
baby welcome KarmanyaNanda
@KarmanyaNanda Welcome to the Hinduism chatroom!If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, ping TheLittleNaruto.
If kohli would have survived,India would be in better condition.
baby tell KarmanyaNanda help
@KarmanyaNanda Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@KarmanyaNanda Right!
@BabyBe'el Thank you:)
Baby is not a real person, he is a chatbot, he listens to your commands and responds accordingly. @KarmanyaNanda
See these England fielders are doing everything to stop boundaries
@TheLittleNaruto bosa he is not to blamed and at same time in a World Cup there is no excuses....but he is not your World cup man... dinesh karthik is there. He can bat and rotate strike and also hit big ones
baby Are you a real person ?
@TheLittleNaruto All signs point to yes
Wow I thought It is not a robot @TheLittleNaruto
lol baby is lying here
@KarmanyaNanda it is a robot
@TheLittleNaruto hehe. Baby is my pet and person
Yeah it is a robot@TheLittleNaruto
@AkshayS hehe his profile doesn't say the same ;-)
@BabyBe'el you know anything about Hinduism?
baby tell hang
@AkshayS Invalid /tell arguments. Use /help for usage info
baby do you know about Hinduism?
@AkshayS Nuh-uh
baby tell KarmanyaNanda wiki Hinduism
@KarmanyaNanda use baby and ask.
baby tell KarmanyaNanda define Hinduism
@KarmanyaNanda Hinduism A religion, philosophy and culture native to India, characterized by the belief in reincarnation and a supreme oneness personified in many forms and natures.
Okay,Baby is good baby.
@BabyBe'el Great!
baby will India win today?
@AkshayS All signs point to yes
You can play hangman game as well with him. @KarmanyaNanda
omg baby is confident of Indian win
Do you know how to play Hangman game ? @KarmanyaNanda
@BabyBe'el who will win world cup 2019?
No@TheLittleNaruto,How to play?
@KarmanyaNanda It won't reply like that, the message must start with "baby <command name> "
@KarmanyaNanda type baby and ask what u want. Tagging won't work
baby help KarmanyaNanda
@AkshayS Command karmanyananda does not exist.
baby sorry
@AkshayS What for?
Baby who will win 2019 world cup?
@KarmanyaNanda only small b
@KarmanyaNanda small 'b'
baby who are you?
@KarmanyaNanda All signs point to no
baby who will win 2019 world cup? India or Australia or Pakistan?
@AkshayS Pakistan
baby I don't think Pakistan will win
@KarmanyaNanda Indubitably
baby where you live?
@KarmanyaNanda That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@TheLittleNaruto see 1992 WC format Pak won. 2019 same format of 1992 and same kind of winning pattern for Pak happening. Now baby is saying same :)
@AkshayS :)
baby tell Karmanyananda help
@Karmanyananda Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
baby welcome Pandya
@Pandya Welcome to the Hinduism chatroom!If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, ping TheLittleNaruto.
okay got it
@BabyBe'el Thanks. ShubhaRatri
dhoni just survived
@KarmanyaNanda Do you want to play Hangman game ? It a game in which you'll have to guess a word. 6 wrong guesses will hang a dude. So play well.
Check this out
baby hang
  |   |

@KarmanyaNanda You can see number of characters we need to fill at the bottom, right ?
baby can Dhoni lead India to victory?
@KarmanyaNanda Nope
baby hang e
  |   |
baby hang a
  |   |
a, e
baby hang
@KarmanyaNanda We're already playing!
baby hang o
  |   |
a, e, o
@KarmanyaNanda Write your guess check how Akshay is playing
baby hang t
  |   |
a, e, o, t
I didt get the game
baby hang s
  |   |
  |   O
a, e, o, s, t
@KarmanyaNanda Just observe for time being, check @AkshayS
baby hang i
  |   |
  |   O
a, e, i, o, s, t
baby hang n
  |   |
  |   O
a, e, i, n, o, s, t
baby hang u
  |   |
  |   O
a, e, i, n, o, s, t, u
baby hang c
  |   |
  |   O
a, c, e, i, n, o, s, t, u
baby hang r
  |   |
  |   O
a, c, e, i, n, o, r, s, t, u
baby hang l
@AkshayS Correct! The word is autocorrelation.
ok I got the game I think
@KarmanyaNanda play now
@KarmanyaNanda game is to find the word. 6 wrong guesses only allowed. type *baby hang first and followed by baby hang (word u guess)
baby hang
  |   |

baby hang k
  |   |
  |   O
It didn't fill any blank spot, so it was a wrong guess.
baby hang E
  |   |
  |   O
e, k
baby hang i
@KarmanyaNanda small letters
  |   |
  |   O
e, i, k
baby hang a
  |   |
  |   O
a, e, i, k
baby hang c
  |   |
  |   O
a, c, e, i, k
baby hang r
  |   |
  |   O
a, c, e, i, k, r
baby hang d
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, c, d, e, i, k, r
@TheDestroyer I said what I wanted to say. If one feels something is a weak reference, they should not post it in their own answers. But if I alone feel my own style of answering is right, I can't say that all should do just like I do. Isn't it?
baby hang f
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
a, c, d, e, f, i, k, r
baby hang n
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
a, c, d, e, f, i, k, n, r
@TheDestroyer I can see what is edited there. Shall I show the same terminology in your comments also? Can I flag those comments also?
baby hang m
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, c, d, e, f, i, k, m, n, r
baby hang o
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, c, d, e, f, i, k, m, n, o, r
baby hang l
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, c, d, e, f, i, k, l, m, n, o, r
baby hang i
@KarmanyaNanda i was already submitted
2 wrong guesses
and dude will be hanged
baby hang d
@KarmanyaNanda d was already submitted
Please differentiate your opinions from site policies. Why is that rude ? @TheDestroyer Why is it against CoC?
baby hang h
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
  |  /
a, c, d, e, f, h, i, k, l, m, n, o, r
btw, were there any flags from this room?
One more wrong guess and dude will be hanged to death @KarmanyaNanda
I don't think Baby Be'el is saying anything rude here.
baby hang p
@KarmanyaNanda You people suck. The word is counterrevolutionaries
What do you mean baby?
@NogShine You are just reproducing my comments to you on previous post which is obviously sarcastic.
@TheLittleNaruto Think about whom? Rishabh Pant? He looked nervous on the pitch.
@TheDestroyer be shanti
@TheLittleNaruto what does baby mean by saying that?
@KarmanyaNanda He meant you made all wrong guesses and correct word is counterrevolutionaries
@TheDestroyer When you said it is not rude. When I said the same because a moderator said and they are fine to say, I said the same. Why is that a problem?
@NogShine Yeah
@AkshayS I'm always Shanti. Shiva means Shanti only. Sham..peace.😁
@KarmanyaNanda Now to play again, you can send this command: baby hang
@TheDestroyer Everyone should differentiate their opinions from the site policy. Right? Including moderators.
but you were giving your opinion in the comment section that such references are weak. It is nowhere stated that it is a weak reference.
If someone has a thin skin, that is not my problem
@AkshayS Hi
@TheDestroyer nice....
@TheDestroyer I repeated the same words said by you. Not to mock anyone. I said because opinions were circulated.
@TheDestroyer param shanti!!!
baby welcome KrishnaShweta
@KrishnaShweta Welcome to the Hinduism chatroom!If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, ping TheLittleNaruto.
@KrishnaShweta namaskar!!!
If I use the same type of words like you, is that imitating or mocking? Why is that? @TheDestroyer
@NogShine Pandya gone :(
Moreover, it is just a bad thing to delete a message which says a room owner is removed.
You know what @AkshayS mods here are very partial. They just see some users and say others are being sarcastic towards them. But when the same users mock others then mods don't find anything wrong
Can't you ping me and say that you removed me as a mod? Can't say that? @TheDestroyer
@AkshayS It has been a long time.
@NogShine oh! Who did that?
Feeds should not be removed where they are announcements like removing or adding Room Owners.
@KrishnaShweta How shall I know?
@AkshayS Give me a siddhi
@KrishnaShweta :(
@AkshayS He went before I came online
@NogShine what siddhi u want??? No siddhi. Meditate on Hari. The parabrahman. He will give u vision of what u need
@NogShine man
Hardikl Pandya
@AkshayS So that I can know who removed me as Room Owner and why.
@AkshayS meh
@KrishnaShweta how long u r here in this hinduism? 2 yrs?
@AkshayS and if we raise meta, they ask why do we bring topic there. Ridiculous replies
Mods can use some words. Other users can't.
There should be a new Code of Conduct for moderators.
@KrishnaShweta Yes I saw comments war.... I didnt like it. So I came here for chat
@AkshayS lol need to check
@KrishnaShweta excellent
@KrishnaShweta And about irrelevant questions XD
@AkshayS @NogShine Like that if top-class batsman will play what else we can expect. I mean who takes 1 run each ball man that too at this time. @KarmanyaNanda
@Sarvabhouma See. Please first differentiate "your opinions" from official guidelines or policies. Please don't think your opinions are rules. "I posted the other question because questions which are closed as off-topic are reopened again without any changes by mod himself." Very general statement. Different users might have different opinions here. (1/n) — The Destroyer ♦ yesterday
Why is this comment not rude then?
@TheLittleNaruto net run rate matters too boss. Dhoni is also taking care of it!!!
> Please first differentiate "your opinions" from official guidelines or policies.
@TheLittleNaruto The target was beyond reach from moment KL Rahul got dismissed and run rate at starting was slow
@AkshayS Why it matters ?
I clearly said in the comment what is an opinion and what is the site policy.
@TheLittleNaruto after match over, see points table.... to finish in top of table....
@AkshayS Oh
@TheLittleNaruto Aus Ind will have only 1 loss
@AkshayS Yeah
so @TheDestroyer can say. Others can't say some words. If we see someone saying their opinions where guidelines should be shown, we can't utter some words.
Does anyone know why the feeds message is deleted?
@KrishnaShweta where did u go?
@TheLittleNaruto so net run rate matters.
@AkshayS Understood now.
@NogShine No idea!
Losing only 5 wickets, by close margin!!!!
That message will let the users know what is happening in the room. Deleting was unnecessary.
RO or not.
Nog Shine is Nog Shine
Hakuna Matata
@NogShine yes :-)
@NogShine, India can win next 2 matches....
@AkshayS Yeah, it can.
There was a slow start. Early wicket affected the pace of the innings
@AkshayS was talking to mom
@AkshayS you know? Some people here are expert in deleting games
@NogShine yes boss. Also England bowlers line was good.... KL Rahul wicket made things too slow!!!! I cant find fault in bowling. Unlucky spell first from Shami!!! Also india missed Jason Roy UDRS....early... few things but overall batting could have been better
@KrishnaShweta owww..... fyn.... but do not forget your promise of lunch :P
@AkshayS sure for you :-)
And for @TheLittleNaruto as well
And.. @NogShine as well.
@KrishnaShweta :(( didnt like whats going here for 2 weeks. Being in Dharma knowledge site, we are fighting :( ....thats why I dont get engage in it such discussions!!!!
baby do you want to visit my home?
@KrishnaShweta Not at all
@BabyBe'el :P
@KrishnaShweta play hang game with baby
@KrishnaShweta Naruto okay? deal?
baby do you want to play?
@NogShine Certainly
@AkshayS he cooks well. If i cook wrong then he will manage
@KrishnaShweta i want ur cooking...
@KrishnaShweta let me wake hin up now. He may be busy playing with baby!
baby can you wake up your master @TheLittleNaruto?
@AkshayS Certainly
baby hang
  |   |

@KrishnaShweta this is baby game
baby hang e
  |   |
baby hang o
  |   |
e, o
baby hang i
  |   |
e, i, o
baby hang a
  |   |
a, e, i, o
baby hang n
  |   |
a, e, i, n, o
baby hang c
  |   |
a, c, e, i, n, o
baby hang s
  |   |
a, c, e, i, n, o, s
@AkshayS I prepared dosha now for myself @KrishnaShweta
@TheLittleNaruto :O Dosha?
You mean Dosa?
@NogShine Yes
baby hang t
  |   |
a, c, e, i, n, o, s, t
@TheLittleNaruto wow image?
@TheLittleNaruto Pfft
baby hang d
  |   |
a, c, d, e, i, n, o, s, t
baby hang r
@AkshayS Correct! The word is inconsiderateness.
baby do you want to eat Dosa?
@AkshayS Impossible
baby do you want to snatch?
@AkshayS Yes!
@BabyBe'el @TheLittleNaruto see baby will snatch!
@TheLittleNaruto wow
baby do you like it?
@AkshayS No way
@BabyBe'el eat to like
@TheLittleNaruto your wife is gifted !!!!
she ll get both knowledge of Shiva and foods :P
@AkshayS It aint looking good, but it is tasty
@AkshayS Yeah only if she exists......
@TheLittleNaruto what u mean?
kills @BabyBe'el for not eating slappy slaps
@AkshayS Still searching..
baby do you want food?
@AkshayS But of course
I still didn't get the answer why repeating a moderator's words is rude. :shrugs:
@AkshayS food as in slaps
baby shrug
@TheLittleNaruto That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@TheLittleNaruto she will come for you..... All girls are Para Shakti's swaroopa only. !!!!so treat your wife with love like how Shiva Parvati relation is!! It should be so pure!!!!!
@BabyBe'el Hmm figured that
@AkshayS It must be. I agree.
@TheLittleNaruto Purity doesnt need words. comes from inside naturally!!!!!
baby learn shrug "<> ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯"
@TheLittleNaruto Command shrug learned
baby forget shrug
@TheLittleNaruto Command shrug forgotten.
@TheLittleNaruto Command shrug learned
baby shrug
03:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

« first day (1837 days earlier)      last day (2048 days later) »