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I'm only *ten sales* of Have I Been Good? from being able to donate triple digits to Rocket Dog Rescue for #dogjam2k19! Help me support an amazing local canine foster org by buying a game where you are a magician trying to communicate with your dog. https://jeeyonshim.itch.io/have-i-been-good
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer, pattern-matching email in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (347): What is a "spellcaster" for the purpose of magic item attunement? by spell on rpg.SE
hey there @nitsua60
Kickstarter: The ADVANCED: Pandemonium, a complete tabletop rpg system. Featuring the unique WAR system, allowing the creation of weapons, armours and spells through a streamlined point buy system on the fly. Free PDF of current system available via DTRPG link.
@nitsua60 how're things going?
Alright here--you?
@nitsua60 alright here, wondering if we can catch up a bit tonight?
Not likely--I have to learn enough of Inkscape to be dangerous in the next hour =|
@BESW Welp, I'm definitely going to know the style guide's RGB codes by heart before I'm done....
1 hour later…
Q: If a character drops a magic item that turns on/off, does that item turn off when they drop it?

Ur3SlowLets assume a character has a sun blade and it is turned on, if they somehow lose that item in a fight, does it turn off the instant it leaves their hand? Does it turn off at all?

@HotRPGQuestions "have you tried dropping it and picking it up again?"
Maybe give it one good whack
That usually works
@trogdor "don't you know what the immediate action drill for a sun blade is?"
I don't know that at all
"immediate action" is a term of art in gun handling -- it's a short way of saying "what to do when your gun goes click instead of bang when you pull the trigger"
So hit it a few times
Like In the movies XP
I'm sure that can't go horribly wrong
@trogdor actually, I can link you video here or on Discord of someone having to clear back-to-back malfunctions on an AR-15 during a shooting match, and it's actually a bit more complicated than what you mentioned :)
@Shalvenay it was meant as a joke because the movies never really accurately portray how something works
@trogdor ah XD :)
and indeed, they often don't
And that seems like a really dangerous way to try to force a loaded weapon to discharge
But I've seen several movies where at least one person does it after thier gun jams
interestingly enough, it's the magazine that's the most difficult/critical part of an autoloading firearm when it comes to making the thing feed rounds reliably
@trogdor and often the idea is simply to get the weapon to cycle (either the bolt hasn't quite moved "into battery" i.e. moved into the safe-to-shoot position yet, or something has jammed up with extraction or ejection of the spent case. there are also issues like a total failure-to-feed or a double-feed, but those should be rarer provided your magazine is good)
Q: Downvotes on Homebrew Content

TheCentaurIn my brief experience with this site, I have encountered problems with asking for balance on homebrew items. Every single time I have posted a homebrew question, it is downvoted, regardless of content. Just recently, I posted a homebrew, and, within 5 minutes, I had 1 downvote. I really do not...

hey there @AmethystWizard :)
this is my first time here
welcome to the RPG.SE lair then :)
thank you, i'll take a few mins to look around
@AmethystWizard Welcome! Feel free to chat or lurk as you like.
@trogdor percussive maintenance!
Hehe yeah
what are best magic initiate feat spells for a fighter (human variant, lvl 1)? two cantrips, one 1st level
@AmethystWizard Depends - I think Find Familiar is useful for anyone.
yeah that's a good one, i was thinking absorb elements or hex but can't decide.
A lot of people really love Booming Blade and Greenflame Blade, the augmented weapon attack cantrips.
i am somewhat confused by greenflame blade, does it only do extra damage to other ppl within 5 feet of the person attacked, or does it also do damage on the person attacked as well?
For some fighters (those with bad Dex but a good mental stat) it's not a bad idea to grab a basic attack cantrip, so that they have some way of fighting at range.
yeah that eldritch blast is good
@AmethystWizard To begin with, it does regular attack damage on the person attacked, plus extra damage to someone within 5 feet. From level 5 onwards, it does bonus damage to the person attacked as well as extra damage to someone within 5 feet.
For a Dex-based fighter Mage Armor is a strict upgrade to studded leather, but a) it's better if you can get a party member to cast it on you, especially since b) it's redundant if you ever get magic armour.
oh i'll try to wear chain or platemail for this guy, was also thinking of picking up a shield and for next feat do shield master
make him a defensive fighter
I'm not a fan of shield master, personally, but that's just me.
yeah, its not the best feat, but i like the idea of having the bonus action
I'd recommend checking with your DM if they're happy for you to use the bonus action before you make your attacks, at least.
haha yeah, i'll ask - i'm okay if it doesn't though cause i'll also have the trip combat maneuver
like the idea of using a net to catch someone then sheild bashing them into a pit
Well, just as an fyi, using a net always has disadvantage, unless you have either crossbow expert or sharpshooter
yeah both my preferred fighting styles are nerfed haha, i'll have to hide in shadows to get advantage then jump out and use the net
Heavy armour will give you disadvantage on hiding :P
Miniman's just out here crushing dreams
@AmethystWizard What Miniman said about GFB is correct; note that you don't have to have the fire jump to another creature (including yourself) if there isn't another enemy next to the one you hit
@V2Blast I don't crush dreams! I just use Pound on the pillars holding them up and watch them crumble.
(Good luck getting that one...)
...Yeah, I don't get it :P
sounds like a Pokemon move
I'll hazard a guess at Golden Sun
@trogdor Yeah, but you cheated :P
By knowing you
At least a little
I actually remembered what Mars Djin was but not the name of the game so I had to remind myself by looking up Mars Djin and then of course the name of the game it was From popped up, so yeah I actually did cheat
Wtf is Marshall skin phone?
I'm increasingly concerned this thing is evil
So. I just broke Anima: Beyond Fantasy so hard that I could time travel with it. You can make negative mass (Weight Reduction (Air 10)), at which point you just have to spin a finitely long cylinder fast enough.
@Miniman if I didn't know better, I would have hazarded a guess of GS as well, bit only because I have a similar fondness for the game
@trogdor It's plotting to take over from humans while you sleep
Mar 2 at 8:00, by BESW
2 days ago, by trogdor
Happy Quantum frame of reference from a sky fireball to you as well
@Ben I'm not convinced that this isn't happening
@Ben this implies humans are in charge to begin with
Alas, sky fireball is concealed from me by a vast mass of airborne droplets of dihydrogen monoxide
There is a lovely small park near my new home
Q: Can more than one creature benefit from multiple Hunter's Mark spells cast on the same target?

Gael LThe Hunter's Mark spell states: You choose a creature you can see within range and mystically mark it as your quarry. Until the spell ends, you deal an extra 1d6 damage to the target whenever you hit it with a weapon attack, and you have advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Surviva...

Sky Fireball only hides so it can surprise you later
@trogdor need to roll a Perception check
That's exactly what it wants you to do
Then it gets a surprise round
@V2Blast that's what they want us to believe. Less chance of resistance
seriously though, time travel, WTF
@Ben I'm curious, as someone who's actually played it, did you get what I was referencing?
@Miniman The pun had a certain psynergy to it
@MikeQ You're clearly quite adept at the art of puns yourself.
@Miniman I think anyone that has played could potentially Catch what you were doing there
It's possible we need to Move this conversation along, or it'll Grind to a Halt.
These are some very golden puns
Well I don't really want this to Dragon...
(that last one was a bit loose haha)
One million square feet of free original RPG battle maps by the excellently named Zatnikotel.
But I think if we try hard enough, we can Lash this back together :P
1 hour later…
Q: What kind of edits are acceptable to a question after an answer has been posted?

Someone_EvilThis post originates from this question, but is not about handling that question. I will summarize the transpired events for context. The question is about a specific rule and at its core about whether that rule allows for a ridiculous scenario. It used an example which appeared to "break" that...

1 hour later…
hey, game jam people? can we make a game jam where the only rule is “you literally cannot do violence in this game?”
seems like a fine idea
So, um, that Kingmaker 10th anniversary crowdfunder? I'm not saying don't do it, but check their receipts before you give them your credit card (a Twitter thread about Paizo's history of crowdfunding).
jeeeeeeezus the list of nope is long on this one
hello yes I would like to pay 999$ for shipping? cool thanks
@BESW Thanks for the heads up, I've passed it on
I haven't done any business with them before but I'm sure not starting now
Q: Can an Eldritch Knight fighter use a siege weapon as a bonded weapon?

Maiko ChikyuOur group recently managed to acquire a Ballista, and our Eldritch Knight fighter was thinking of loading it and making it one of her bonded weapons. Is it possible for her to do so?

the only letdown in my kickstarter backer history is Barkley 2
nope, using my eyes determined that was a lie
Net Gain completely failed to exist as well
@BESW Wow... Not a great track record. Thanks for the warning. I might steer clear of any paizo crowdfunding product.
> I might steer clear of any paizo crowdfunding product.
@Miniman Haha, maybe a little harsh though. A decent amount of their stuff is good.
Pathfinder Pawns in particular are great value for getting a decent set of paper minis
I am cautiously optimistic about Pathfinder 2. Reserving judgement until it is probably released and reviewed though.
If I were interested in anything they produced, before I gave them money I'd be more concerned about how they're reportedly treating their employees and contractors, than specifically about whether they're bad at crowdfunding.
Bonjour o/ how's it going everyone
@kviiri Hyvää päivää!
@Anaphory Goedendag!
It looks like this can be reopened now if anyone was inclined to do so.
(also there's a comment-answer on there that would be nice to flag as well)
@BESW yes please!
Oh my, a question on what counts as a "willing target" in DnD 5e
Always a fun topic :))
I'm sure it fits some definition of fun :)
It's one of those rules that is for all practical intents simple, in normal gameplay, but starts really breaking apart if you look at it too closely
Which is true for many DnD rules, of course, but I feel the "obvious intent" versus "unclear specifics" ratio is through the roof for this one
Yeah absolutely. It works really well for all cases where someone is obviously willing or unwilling, but if there's the slightest bit of ambiguity then there's really no help.
Does the usual standby from other games of letting the player decide for a character not help?
@vicky_molokh I think in the case of the question it can probably be determined to be an NPC that this would be applied to.
Then the GM.
does someone unconscious count as a willing target?
@vicky_molokh So maybe? That thought is interesting but isn't something isn't something that is a common way to rule things in 5e. An interesting thought though. Hmmm...
@Carcer A yes to that question has some rather dark implications
@vicky_molokh Sure, it circumvents the problem, esp. if the GM doesn't really want to get pedantic about it
for most intents the rule can be interpreted as "if the effect is cast by your ally and it's to your benefit"
@Rubiksmoose Yeah, I'm mostly just arguing with vicky here
@Someone_Evil Off topic, but that meta question was really good. Well asked, researched and scoped. And really freaking hard to answer...
> does someone unconscious count as a willing target?
I've seen other games disambiguate that by using 'willing or helpless' in ability descriptions.
Or 'actively willing' on the other end of the spectrum.
@Rubiksmoose Thank you, and hope it will be useful especially for new contributors to learn those ropes
@vicky_molokh with the GM the answer seems a bit of a cop out. The DM gets to decide all the things like this already though. As a DM I'm actually not sure I would know how to rule according to a strict RAW (because there are none).
Note that I'm not even trying to poke my help into official RAW answers because I don't know D&D 5e at all. Just mostly mentioning what I saw as best practices from other games.
Yeah, it's basically "How do I know if a target is willing?" "The GM decides." "Okay, I'm the GM. How do I decide if a target is willing?"
@vicky_molokh sure sure sure. I get that. I'm just not sure how well that particular ruling works here unfortunately, though it is a really interesting though
@vicky_molokh Is still a bit problematic with non-sapient animals who aren't helpless, but cannot meaningfully understand what magic they're being subjected to, but who by common understanding should still be able to be targeted :)
eg. a horse as a mount
@kviiri No problem at all. They still have some sort of default reaction to weird stuff they don't understand. If their default is positive, count them as willing, if not then as unwilling.
So you can actually train a horse to become willing to accept weird stuff, just like you can train a horse to become willing to accept a rider, a participation in warfare etc.
Even though normally horsies tend to react negatively to these things.
@vicky_molokh Horses react negatively to basically everything
"You can train a horse to become willing to accept weird stuff" is a statement that in and of itself could be very positive or very negative depending on context
I am not sure I'm allowed to elaborate on that in this channel
@Someone_Evil abort abort
OK, I guess that joke was not acceptable. Your hesitation was well founded.
can't be reprimanded for something if you merely heavily imply it
@vicky_molokh The default reaction interpretation is a problem because that means they're willing to spells cast by hostiles too
@kviiri Well don't train your horse to be accepting of weird stuff like spells indiscriminately then.
It's the usual strategic choice in animal training - train to accept a thing, train to not accept it, or train to vary acceptance based on some factor that the animal can understand (such as the caster being the animal's recognisable owner - which can of course be usefully exploited by enemy mages).
That seems like a lot of fun potential for trickery and interesting plots.
I doubt that is the intent of the rule, though.
I can't comment on designer intent of a foreign system.
Which is basically the crux of why I find the "willingness" stuff so hilarious: it's a rule that's perfectly clear and provides good gameplay except you try to think about what it really says
except when*
it was clearer in prior editions, even
3e does include the simple rule that an unconscious creature is automatically considered a willing target for magical purposes
Q: Are we satisfied with the state of homebrew review questions?

Oblivious SageFor the past seven years, homebrew review questions (that is, questions of the form, "Is this homebrew balanced?") have been on-topic and thus allowed. As brought up in the latest "How is the community doing?" meta, however, they're becoming more common and arguably more problematic. Are we happ...

1 hour later…
the 5e demiplane makes me a bit sad
What is the point of this line in Planar Binding:
> If the creature was summoned or created by another spell, that spell’s duration is extended to match the duration of this spell.
every spell that summons creatures is Concentration, and as such you can't cast Planar Binding (since it has a longer casting time and required Concentration) without the target being dismissed
where do you get that planar binding requires concentration?
You could work together with another caster, perhaps?
yep, fair point
@Sdjz But then there is this problem (although some conjuration spells have longer than 1 hour durations)
Just seems like an oversight to me
Q: To what extent may I customize a demiplane?

Q PaulFor example, say I want to cast demiplane and make it zero gravity. Can I do this? The rules do not say anything about the demiplane's gravity so this seems like it could be valid but I am not sure.

a sad 30x30x30 box of nothing
> Gene Wilder: YOU GET NOTHING!
Q: What defines too Broad as it applies to these two questions?

Connor ClarkeRecently, this question of mine was closed as too broad: https://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/145442/avatars-of-nature I can understand the impulse given the amount of information I provided, however I intentionally tried to mirrored this question as it was not closed: Is this homebrew Dry...

@DavidCoffron well there was this question
Q: Does Planar Binding require you to keep concentrating on the summoning spell?

RubiksmoosePlanar binding states: With this spell, you attempt to bind a celestial, an elemental, a fey, or a fiend to your service. The creature must be within range for the entire casting of the spell. [...] At the completion of the casting, the target must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed s...

And the one linked to it
different questions though
I'm going to go home
Oh for sure. Definitely not dupes. Though I actually did touch on an answer to the current question interestingly in an earlier revision too my answer to the linked question.
Should be interesting to see what everyone comes up with I guess
Holy homebrew, Batman!
@nitsua60 Their original question containing all of those spells was closed for being too broad. XD
I thought there was some sort of rate-limiting so that one couldn't just post 7 questions in the span of a few minutes...
Q: Is there enough time to Planar Bind a creature conjured by a one hour duration spell?

Gael LMany planar entity conjuration spells, such as Conjure Woodland Beings, last up to exactly an hour, at which point the creature vanishes : A summoned creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. The Planar Binding spell normally takes exactly an hour to cast, bu...

@ACuriousMind ...Oh. Am I posting too many questions ? Maybe I am.
@GaelL I wasn't talking about you at all :)
Ahhh. Cause I do post many questions here. I think I posted about 200 of them in less than 2 years.
So many intricately complicated interactions in 5e D&D ! ...and I've been told that it's less complex than previous editions, whew.
that's about 2 a week, seems perfectly fine to me
Ah yes, when we see it this way, it doesn't look as bad.
It is much more complicated than I thought to Planar Bind a summoned creature without the use of a Stilled Tongue Tome / Wish spell / Extended Metamagic !
I am flabbergasted.
@Someone_Evil Just want to apologize again for wasting your time because of the edit I made. I didn't really think it through.
@GaelL less complicated but also less specific. 3e's complex but does have less in the way of "the rules don't cover this at all" which is the cause of a lot of 5e questions
So the lack of complexity makes it complex, in a way.
@GaelL Where in space and time are you now?
(what are you talking about specifically?)
Ah you know, the edit I made that invalidated part of an answer of yours.
the falling question?
No worries, I should probably have pointed the flaw out as a comment, but here we are
I created the fictitious Hiking scenario, but the purpose of the question was to see, also, how many "pile dives" a very fast character could do to a grappled target in a single turn. The intention of the 500ft cap rule is clearly "per turn", so that means that realistically, no more than 25 pile dives (of 20ft each) can be made on a given turn.
...which reminds me, I forgot to link the falling question in the related section of the pile dive question.
there ya go.
Q: Is the homebrew weapon attack cantrip 'Arcane Strike' balanced?

RichardI have created some new cantrips which include making a weapon attack as there are only two official ones to choose from. I've tried to follow these principles based on Booming Blade and Green-Flame Blade: Melee weapon attack only, 5 foot range No unavoidable extra damage to the primary target ...

[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (87): Is there enough time to Planar Bind a creature conjured by a one hour duration spell? by Mary Baker on rpg.SE
Fate of Cthulhu just tipped over $62k! Proud of the response to our Mythos-meets-Terminator take on the genre. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/evilhat/fate-of-cthulhu So let's talk about one particular design point: Fate of Cthulhu doesn't use a Sanity mechanic. Important for a few reasons (a thread) /1
A tabletop game Scheduled in one attempt A Friday miracle
Q: How to make a Lich look like a human without magic in 5e?

Balefire LiegeThis question is for 5e, I posted a similar question for Pathfinder here. I'm designing a character for a campaign whose role is to be a recurring antagonist. When the characters first meet him, I want him to seem undeniably human. The idea is that the party will "kill" him and his body will be...

1 hour later…
hey there @GaelL and @Maximillian
Hi. Sneaking in for that item on the star list to read at home, the Kingmaker thing
hey there @nitsua60, take it you're still busy as?

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