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I also translated the other post regarding tools to associate questions:
Q: Herramientas de asociación de preguntas entre SO y SOes

fedorquiTraducción semi automática de Инструменты ассоциации вопросов между сайтами en Meta SOru, escrita por el CM Nicolas. ¡Edita para mejorarla! Estadísticas ¡Los números primero! fetch("https://es.rudevs.ru/api/leaderboard/").then(resp => resp.json()).then(({items}) => { document.body.innerHTM...

7 hours later…
@fedorqui Hi! The idea of the tool is to help users find most popular questions to translate/to associate. The list of questions that you see on the main page, I've gotten from the engine logs. I checked what questions on SOen that Spanish speaking users look at, and sort them by view number by Spanish speaking users. (Does it make sense?)
So, one can go thought the list, choose a question to associate, click on it. Then you see a question from SOen. Below there is a search box. If you type something and click search the app using Google Search API executes search site:es.stackoverflow.com your query.
Then the app processes the result, selecting only questions and adds them to the list under the search box.
If you click on one of the questions from the list you will see two sides: on the left a question from SOen, on the right a question from SOes.
If you click "associate" the app via SE API adds a comment "association: <link>" to SOes under your name.
@fedorqui Thank you a lot for those questions!
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in body (63): Circularizaciones RODATI SERVICES S.A. EECC al 31/12/2018 by Mauro Fortuna on es.stackoverflow.com
1 hour later…
@NicolasChabanovsky thanks for the explanations. People are asking some questions in comments, such as:
- can be comments deleted after the association is done?
- is it possible to filter by tag while using the application?
@fedorqui Hey! Thanks for brining it here. The answer on the first question: technically we can delete the comment, the problem is that if somebody else decides to associate they will not know that the question has been associated already.
I answered the second in details on GitHub. In a few words: it's hard to do technically right now because I store ids of most viewed by Spanish speaking devs questions and their view count. Everything else I upload dynamically when a user requests a page (I use cache on server side).
The only sort available right now is by view count. Site logs (if I'm correct) do not contain tags, they contain only the id of the question requested by a user.
@NicolasChabanovsky mmm and what about having in the SOes question a text linking to the English version? That is, making the engine symmetric, so people can jump to the SO question
1 hour later…
@fedorqui Could you please clarify the idea?

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