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Dec 10 '18 at 18:17, by Wei Zhong
Sorry everyone, approach0 index has not been updated for many months, since crawling the data and upload to the server takes quite some efforts, and I just had two busy semesters. But these are just excuse... The thing is, I am working really hard on the new model, which can boost the search recall and precision a lot, but still need more time to implement wildcard and combine the new model with text search.
@WeiZhong Would it perhaps be possible to display the last update of index somewhere? I suppose that might be a useful information.
BTW I have mentioned some caveats in the proposed FAQ - the part at the end of the post: How to search on this site? Should we perhaps mention also the fact that newer posts are not necessarily in the database?
5 hours later…
Q: Community Promotion Ads — 2019

JNat2019 is here! And with the new year, as usual, comes a new iteration of Community Promotion Ads! Let’s refresh these for the coming year :) What are Community Promotion Ads? Community Promotion Ads are community-vetted advertisements that will show up on the main site, in the right sidebar. The...

@WeiZhong I suppose it might be useful to repost the entry from the last year in the new edition of the community ads: Community Promotion Ads — 2019.
1 hour later…
Does Approach0 not distinguish between "=" and "<=" ? A search for $f(x+y) \le f(x) + f(y)$ shows (almost) only results about $f(x+y) = f(x) + f(y)$.
(Reason: I was looking if this might have been answered before.)
4 hours later…
I have tried adding keyword inequality in Approach0: approach0.xyz/search/…
I have also tried internal search with [functional-inequalities] "f(x+y)" is:q math.stackexchange.com/… and [functional-inequalities] subadditive [functional-inequalities] subadditive.
I found som results with this functional inequality, but not specifically the question you are looking for. For example, I found Cauchy functional inequality or Limit of a function satisfying an inequality.

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