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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive body detected, offensive title detected, toxic body detected (161): What does shit mean in the expression "doesn't take shit from anyone?" by JJJJ on ell.SE
1 hour later…
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ He (s)nailed it, though. Most books use that label (the First Conditional) to denote sentences containing an if-clause and a main clause with a will. Some, however, subsume the Zeroth Conditional under it.
I skimmed the transcript of the other chatroom and I doubt they got the answer because tchrist's replies there only make sense if you already know what they're trying to say.
But maybe...
But it's definitely aspectual...
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Thank you! Every star counts (1 star = 1 prayer).
Pretty sure that book snailboat keeps suggesting should be starred until we all friggin' read it.
Malapropism of the day: shy knees food
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Because CowperKettle and Snailboat are both my accounts. I forgot to chide myself.
Word of the day: chyrons (I wonder what the etymology is; I thirst thought the word meant "Gods of the dead")
@CowperKettle Using my computer-fu skills, I managed to install Windows back on both my old and new laptops which I installed Linux on to wipe out Windows.
1 hour later…
@Jasper Yay!
Where do you want to go today?
Welcome to the world of Windows!
1 hour later…
@CowperKettle I wish I could go back to 1998. I was still OK then.
@CowperKettle By the way, how is your Dell Inspiron now? Is the fan still constantly spinning, or did you manage to fix the fan issue? I am interested to know, because this fan problem keeps me from wanting to get some otherwise good Dell machines.
@Jasper The fan wasn't that noisy. But you could try buying HP, for instance.
My laptop is still at the repair station (do we call it "repair station" in English?)
Oh, I wrote thirst instead of first
@CowperKettle I am not sure what it is actually called. I guess the company can call it whatever they want.
I keep seeing grammarly.com ads when I watch youtube. The ads make me laugh because the autocorrect in grammarly is not always correct, so don't use it. I wonder who is behind this.
I think if you use grammarly.com, your English will become very bad! Just use yourself. =)
Word of the morn: tabetic patient
3 hours later…
First post on a main SE after, say, two years!
It feels a bit clunky to me. Hopefully it's not too far off.
Any ideas about this one's tags?
Q: How to use "a part of", "part of" and "parts of"?

Lei XunLet's say I have five reasons for something. If I would like to say one of five reasons, should I use A part of the reasons or Part of the reasons If I would like to say more than one reason, can I say Parts of the reasons It sounds a bit of weird. Any better ways to say this?

Howly shit, 35 close votes
Guess I should do my civic duty
Probably won't do worse than the average reviewer despite being away for so long, so.
Wow what's going on here?
Q: Which one is correct? "offers her" or "offers she"

M. AfrashtehWhich of the following sentences is correct? The man offers her to drink coffee. The man offers she drinks coffee.

Sounds like the aftermath of a drama
Not touching that
It's probably a duplicate even if fixed to an extent it'd no longer be OT
1 hour later…
@snailboat thanks a lot, that looks exactly like what I need!! If I can find it on amazon I will buy it anytime soon. I used to think japanese pronunciation was straight forward, but more and more I'm realizing that that's not exactly the case.

So I need to learn about the technical terms in order to actually create questions about that, thanks again!
2 hours later…
Word of the day: Weltschmerz
I've heard that before recently
@snailboat Hello!
Hello! Fancy meeting you here :-)
@snailboat fancy?
It’s a fixed expression.
@Fawad https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/Fancy+meeting+you+here!
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ not available
@Fawad It's because the SE's link renderer incorrectly thinks the exclamation mark isn't part of the link.
Yep, that one
@snailboat For some reason I felt like doing some stuff on ELL
First impression after a while: Question quality isn't all that bad
But that might be a fluke because I saw higher rep users posting which itself might not be a fluke
So 50% fluke
Hello everyone!!
@manooooh Hi!
I would like to know if there is a community where I can post a question related to a comprension of an article in English through answering in Spanish some questions in Spanish, in order to practice a little more English. Hence is English Language Learners the best community?
@manooooh You mean you ask a question about an English article and get responses in Spanish?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ thanks for your answer, yes!! If not I can translate the questions and answers into English but I would not prefer this
@manooooh Stack Exchange posts are supposed to be in English, so you'd probably get downvoted by users and / or warned by mods if you started posting Answers in Spanish
@FumbleFingers thanks! Ok. Maybe in the only Spanish Stack Exchange Community?
If not, I probably have to translate the questions and my answers into English. Is this community the best to answer my question?
If you’re learning English, I highly recommend you avoid translation. Write your questions and answers in English; don’t write them in Spanish and translate them to English afterwards. Read posts in English and do your best to understand without translating mentally.
@manooooh I haven't visited the French SE site for some years. As I recall, they used to ask people to use English as much as possible, but checking back just now I see much more French text than there used to be.
@manooooh If you post on Spanish.SE, your posts will be expected to be about the Spanish language, not about articles written in English.
@snailboat @FumbleFingers ok. I will translate the hole question into English. Is this community the best for ask this kind of question?
It’d be better if you wrote the question in English directly. Avoid writing in Spanish and translating.
@manooooh Translation questions or ones that involve fluency in two languages usually don't work well with the SE model because there is an emphasis on rating content so quality content rises to the top and the number of people who can reasonably do that in such posts and who happen to stumble upon them is almost always too small.
IOW if you did include a Spanish sentence in an ELL question you should make sure it doesn't impact answering it in any way.
@snailboat the questions are in Spanish, but I cannot tell that I translate them (there are 4-5 questions, not much) so the users can answer without problems
@manooooh Is this community [the] best for asking this kind of question? Yes. But only ask one specific question in each post.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ ok. Suppose that nobody knows that the 4-5 questions were un Spanish. Is the comprension text question allowed in some community?
@manooooh ! Stick to 1 question per post. I'd just post the one(s) I have problems answering, and would definitely include my effort in answering them
I really hope you don’t mean ‘Google Translate’ when you say translate. Google Translate is harmful for language learning, and you shouldn’t post using Google Translate.
@FumbleFingers @M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ posting the same article in 5 diferents topics would be silly!
That would be worse than mentally translating into English.
@snailboat Haha no of course not. Yandex Translate
Oh, boy.
What an exciting development!
@snailboat the questions are not difficult to translate, I remember. I had a 6 for answering the questions
Wait, I thought we were talking about your questions. Are these homework questions, test questions, or something like that?
So far from your description, it sounds like your post is likely to be closed, especially if you post five separate homework questions in one post.
We prefer one question per question here on SE.
@snailboat does that really matter? They are questions of an English test that I had, and I would like to know in which my answers fail
I feel like writing to the CEO of grammarly.com to tell them to stop teaching people wrong things about English.
@snailboat I would not say "homework". But in that case I will show my work for answers these questions, why would the question be closed if I only want to know what mistakes I did?
If you just type in your translations of five test questions and ask us to answer them, then yes, your question will most likely be closed. Instead, post one question at a time; tell us what you think the answer to the test question is, and explain what you’re unsure about or why you’re confused about it. What exactly is the problem you’re facing?
Out of 10 youtube videos I watch, I see grammarly.com ads for about 7 of them. It is so frustrating. Why do they keep showing me their ads?
@Jasper Grammarly is Very Low Quality. Let’s vote to close their ads as off topic.
@snailboat I see you have acquired some of my sense of humour. Most people do not find me funny, but I find myself funny.
@Jasper The question is: Funny peculiar, or funny haha?
I think with the huge number of ads, they might take over the world soon, seriously, not joking.
@FumbleFingers Hi, I have been following your country's Brexit with great interest. What is happening is very sad for Britain.
@snailboat article, questions about comprension of the article, and answers to that questions (everything in English). I will show what I answer. I want to know what I was wrong to answer and how I could answer every question completely in case mine is incomplete. With all this, is the format of a question per thread maintained?
It sounds good, but posting all five in one question will still get your question closed as Too Broad. Please split them up.
@Jasper Too true. I still find it hard to believe that The Establishment look like they're gonna get away with totally ignoring our collective decision to leave the EU. A decision which was taken in the full knowledge that there would be some (mostly temporary) downsides and disruption.
@snailboat yay, thank you again!
I will try to find a nice title to every question haha
FWIW, I'd like to see five thought-provoking questions about only one paragraph than five "what is the meaning of this sentence and everything around it" questions.
@manooooh Note that we often get questions on ELL where the poster doesn't understand why his answer to a test was considered "incorrect", and the reason turns out to be because the test-setter doesn't know English very well
@FumbleFingers I'd dare say at least 90% of all English teachers in Iran need a crash course on things like reported speech and conditionals.
@FumbleFingers LOL! I cannot see my test because "As you approved the test you do not need to see it. You are done". But I want to know how to answer it 100% correctly with your huge help :)
@FumbleFingers it is a possibility, but I am more inclined to that I know less. In fact you can already judge me by how I write in English, and being aware of it I want to improve my English
@manooooh I see you are influenced by the duck culture in TeX chat.
@Jasper yup :). Are you influenced by the beatiful sky color? Haha
@manooooh It is just my favourite colour. Many things I use are also blue.
Duck culture?
Is it something about the avatar?
'cause they're blocked here
@manooooh Perhaps you should present one of the problems here on chat, which might help us and you decide whether the kind of issues you have are suitable for formal Questions on the main site
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ They make lots of duck graphics using TeX.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ yes, see TeX.SE and type duck and you will se
@Jasper oh nice!
I thought it was about that guy that upvoted Every. Frigging. Question.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ That sounds more like me, but I don't take part in the duck culture.
With me deleting accounts so often, people will lose their points from my votes anyway.
But when I do vote actively, I upvote lots of things on SE.
@FumbleFingers I did not think about the chat because often here are less people than the main site, but when I vacate I will publish here everything necessary for you to help me here in chat :)
I don't downvote anyone anymore, because they serve no purpose for me.
@Jasper Everyone does but they tend to have some concepts for judging whether or not to upvote
And there are way too many downvotes and closevotes on some SE sites, though I realise it is useless to argue with these voters.
@manooooh All the right people, however!
Q: What does it mean "i made him a cake"

Ldeirjckel5489Is it correct sentence below? And what does it mean? Also, how is it working grammerticaly? "I made him a cake" I made a cake for him I baked a cake using him?!!! (Sounds so horrable) To me, 1 is more natuall but i am not sure. I've never seen that kind of sentence before. Is 'i made him a ...

Obviously "I turned him into a cake"
No other interpretation possible
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ yes, you are an amazing users <3
Apple products are getting so expensive that their sales dropped last quarter. I hope that will make them stop increasing the prices every year. In fact they should halve the price of everything they sell.
But apples are rich in vitamins, cut them some slack
Oh you don't mean the fruit prices
@Jasper Fat lot of good that'll do them! Huawei would just reduce their prices even more!
@Jasper I have been told that Apple products are excellent, more than Samsung, LG, etc. Of course its products are very expensive
God it's so costly to eat healthily here
@FumbleFingers Oh, you know about Huawei too! I didn't think they would be popular over there.
@Jasper My daughter is sitting right next to me using a Huawei phone - cost about a third of the equivalent from Apple
I have a Philips phone from where I am writing right now and it's the worst thing that happened to me in life, it slows down a lot
Apple products have always been bloatware for me. Half their functionalities are blocked in Iran because of our officials caring about morality and kids or their officials caring about not selling services to terrorists
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ oh are you from Iran?
So people here only buy huge bulletproof waterproof bricks only to dial their grandma.
I'd rather do with Nokia's 1100 Mjolnir
Apple today is a bit like IBM at the start of the PC revolution back in the 80s. They're on a long-term downward trend unless they shift market focus, or massively reduce prices
@manooooh Ayep
Lol haha, what a funny life
Whoa so many people in the chatroom!
Hey Cowp, what's the medical patient term of the day?
Tibetic patients, was it?
@CowperKettle IKR, I decide to be active for one day.
Lemme see
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Medical term of the day: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
@CowperKettle It's the quality of the clientele! :)
I'm reading "Neurology of folic acid deficiency" by Reynolds.
And I found tabetic patients there.
But have not found any more curious terms thus far
@CowperKettle because he is nice and decided to help me
@manooooh Hmm? I didn't get that
@Jasper Oh, ALS was Hawking's disease, right?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ sorry wrong quote
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Yes.
Actually the thing that will probably make my kidney stop functioning is some form of sclerosis too, I forgot the name
@cobaltduck Yes 😀 — Mango Gummy 21 mins ago
Emojis are so creepy on Win 10 Chrome. Dunno how they look to you
Apple today is a bit like the Menshevik fraction of the Russian Social-Democratic Party way back in 1644. If they don't join the Roundheads, they will go bust.
I should start a new company called Banana.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ me ^^^^
Oh man, now I should find an analogy for Apple ASAP. Erm, Apple today is like . . . well . . . 1900s Iran. Working on the details
It is Chrome but in Android
@manooooh Well, i.stack.imgur is blocked in Iran
Apple today is the same as it was back in the Garden of Eden. Tempting, but best avoided!
I trust it looks either very beautiful or very repulsive
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ oh no another good site!? :C
@manooooh It's because Imgur is blocked. Their algorithm used to work in a way that wouldn't block i.stack.imgur but that changed around 2016
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I see them as if they did not produce any feeling; when using them feel like isolated
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ what about facebook, instagram, twitter, youtube?
Except Instagram maybe, they're all blocked
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ do you think that those precautions help lower the number of terrorists?
They help increase the number of VPNs
Everything else, not so sure
I don't think that's the rationale they use for blocking them
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ lol they think private>>public
What does terrorism have to do with this?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ what is the reason to block a lot of public sites?
@manooooh Well there's two major types of blocking here. One is the censorship imposed by the government and the other is sites like Google etc. blocking some of their services because it violates some US policy
Which one are we talking about?
Iran's government blocks YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and most of other social media, pornographic sites and last but not the least, any site with potential anti-regime content
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ oh
It seems that the State of Iran is not only controlled by politicians
We have a Persian idiom that roughly says "[It is] a stick that's filthy on both ends"
I guess we're sticks that are filthy on both ends. Both refused foreign services based on foreign policy and blocked from using others based on national policy
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I really regret that this is happening to you. I hope censorship ends soon. How are the presidential elections? Is there only one president? Is it democratic? Is the same guy ruling for years or is there a tradition for censorship?
@manooooh Meh, censorship is usually grounds for a little whining when I feel like whining. It's not the end of the world. I guess the answer to the other questions would either be purely subjective, or too complicated for a muggle like me to be able to provide. For example, what's "democratic", really, when there's ample evidence that the 2016 US election voters were influenced by paid Russian agents to vote for Trump?
Heck, the majority of people are usually in a pretty close state to mind-controlled when it comes to elections
Biased media outlets, phony campaign promises etc.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ ok, thanks. I was asking purely "democratic" in the sense of if people are influenced explicitly to vote a candidate
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ oh :(
@manooooh No not really, not any more than other elections in 1st world communities
1 hour later…
Word of the evening: stapedial reflex testing
This reflex is reportedly abnormal in autism
Medicine is very interesting.
Riveting. Ribbiting.
On this day in 1989: Representatives of Ruhollah Khomeini delivered a letter to Mikhail Gorbachev, inviting him to consider Islam as an alternative to communism, and predicting the dissolution of the Soviet Bloc.
What a blow it would have been to me as an 11-year-old boy to have to suddenly study the tenets of Islam.
Q: Is it not correct to say "I have the brown eyes" instead of "I have brown eyes", and why?

BlaszardI encountered the following sentence: I have brown eyes. However, I was told that "I have the brown eyes." is not correct here. I don't understand the reason, so I would like to ask, why is the use of a definite article (the) not correct in this sentence?

Soviet Psychedelic Cartoon of the Day: Wow, a talking fish! (1983)
One of my favorite cartoons in childhood
With English subtitles
Thanks. I found that my answer was wrong since the sentence talks about the generality. But in English, is there a case where "the" is used to express the generality? — Blaszard 17 mins ago
Inquisitive little Blaszard!
You can always tell when someone has the language learning spirit in them
I think it's a typo or editing mistake. The sentence is not correct without the article. — Canadian Yankee 17 mins ago
Now that's a bit strong, innit
@CowperKettle Today while reviewing first posts I stumbled upon a 2014 post with greyed out Damkerng comments. It had such a wisdom-of-the-ancients vibe to it
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I hope he visits the chatroom someday. We must ask Jim to correspond with him more
@CowperKettle We must ask someone to correspond with Jim more
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ @JimReynolds is busy posting his crack pictures on Facebook )))
Or abducting cows
By the way, you can probably use Facebook - it has an official .onion site, accessible using the TOR browser
Word of the midnight: duds (rough clothing; Brit., dated)
Would it be understood today by a US person, say?
Duds is also AmE
Quote: "We were hard-pressed to find anyone who actually skis in these designer duds, but someone's buying the stuff: Hilfiger's ski and boardwear line grosses around $25 million per year"
@ColleenV So you would recognize it as "clothing"?
@CowperKettle Absolutely
Sort of an outfit
I only knew it in the sense "malfunctioned ammunition" and related senses.
Then I'll add it to my Anki
Good night!
It makes me think of cowboys for some reason
Or rural western US
Good Night!
When I think of rough clothing on cowboys, I think of... these rough thingies that do not cover your ass, only the fronts of your legs
I forgort.
@CowperKettle chaps, but those really aren’t duds
And duds is always plural like pants
Phrase of the day: chaps are not duds
When applied to the clothes sense
I think I associate it with cowboys just because it’s that sort of slang. Ima get my best Sunday duds on and head inta town...
I think of “togs” as the BrE equivalent, and more fancy. Dunno why except maybe I read too much bad fiction;)
@CowperKettle I'd rather cut the internet cable
1 hour later…
Man, so many new multi-k guys I haven't seen before
Wow, I don't wanna make a fuss but maybe I should keep an eye on the next low-rep user that posts more than a couple well-formulated questions
Questions with an accepted answer don't get Roomba'd, right? Even if the answer and the question are 0> score
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ A fuss about what?
@ColleenV That's the opposite of not making a fuss!
Well I just noticed a couple of user removals and my hunch is voting irregularities.
Shame, I was starting to like that guy
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ oh, you mean the “death to oligarchy” sock puppet? It’s a sticky situation
Now THAT'S more interesting.
But hey, the gravatars were similar, my memory wasn't sharp enough.
The mod team is pretty disappointed by the whole thing because of the quality of the contributions in general. And that’s about all I can say
Wait, the gravatars aren't similar. Oh well
@ColleenV Mhm, more fuss than usual
It's amazing how someone can be so articulate and yet manage to trigger a quality ban warning leading to a meta outrage
Your mods hard at work earning our pay.... hey! Wait a minute...
@ColleenV You don't get paid?
Only in appreciation and I'm going broke lately lol
I'm pretty sure J.R. gets paid. The amount of disinfectants needed to keep a bitten orange from rotting for so many years
JR has ascended beyond the need for preservatives of any kind
He did switch to an apple on 2017 IIRC but apples oxidize pretty quickly
@ColleenV Oh, darn GMOs
> - Ruined a compliment. Daily task done! ✔
Heh, who knew
I was 4 edits away from Copy editor for like 2.5 years and I got it today
Wish every gold badge felt so effortless
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ lol I was thinking more of the citrus version of the golden apples in Norse mythology but if he genetically engineered himself, that’s also impressive
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ 👏
Thanks, a double facepalm
How’s life treating you? You seem upbeat
I'm always upbeat. Except when I'm not
I feel pretty good. I've never felt this good since secondary school maybe
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ That’s wonderful!
I was upbeat for the most part even when I should have been dead
True story
It is better than being gloomy all the time
My creatinine levels are fluctuating between 1.5 and 1.7 mg/dL (I think this is the unit)
And making people start to avoid you (speaking from experience)
I’m not sure if that’s good or not, but I hope so
Normal people have ranges from 0.7 to 1.4. Normal kidney patients have around 3. ESRD patients (bye bye kidney patients) under dialysis have ranges from 5 to 10. Patients under peritoneal dialysis have 10–15 because it's a newer technology and it sucks. Creatinine levels of 20 mean a coma for most people.
My creatinine levels before dialysis were around fifty-effing-four. 54 times the normal range
Well then I’m glad to hear you’re so close to normal
I assume those are great numbers given what you’ve been through
So basically anyone else would have been dead. Twice.
Some Guinness record (Is it just me or is the spelling so annoying?)
So you’re not afraid some secret govt agency is going to kidnap you and experiment to figure out how your super power works?
@ColleenV Well now I do a LOT of exercise (a fixed two hours a day) and do consume lots of protein until I fully heal so it's normal-ish. Creatinine is a result of metabolism in the muscles and when you're rebuilding the ones dialysis took from you it takes a toll on the levels
@ColleenV They probably already know. It's yogurt!
I'm dairy man
With a cow symbol on my chest. Not as cool as a bat but this is as good as a 3rd world superhero gets
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ :) I am a cheese girl, both in diet and affect
BTW it's so livestockist that cows have been symbolized as dairy producers
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ depends on the cow... have you seen the video of the giant one that’s too big to send to the slaughterhouse?
What about goats, sheep, heck, camels?! Outrageous.
@ColleenV Cowzilla, nope, couldn't resist
I do love a nice sheep’s milk cheese, but goat milk doesn’t agree with me for some reason
And I dislike disagreeable things
I like cheese too but it usually tends to be salty here and I hate everything salty
Oh of course, why did I even bother? Rule #2 of Iran internet is it's blocked unless proven otherwise
"The connection was reset" Well I didn't ask it to
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ yeah too salty is bad. Less expensive restaurants here over-salt everything
Search for “giant Australian cow”
It’s gone viral, so it should be lots of places
Holy mother of Knickers! That's a frigging Sauropod
Yeah I thought it was a prank, but there’s video
Funny, like 99.99% of the other things that go viral, the hype is meaningless
On that note, I need to head out. Toodles ;)
I need to nod off. Toodles

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