This is a good answer because really the room shouldn't have been called "New Mom's Room" to begin with. If the room is for feeding babies, it should be called "Baby feeding room". This whole issue would have been avoided. — Edmund Reed27 secs ago
"What's up" specifically may not always work so well, as some people might consider that to be somewhere between an extended "Hello" and "How are you doing". — NotThatGuy54 mins ago
I don't really have a good IPS answer for you, but your suggestion of calling her sounds like a great idea. Maybe even meet up for lunch or at an event that you both enjoy. Tone of voice and non-verbal cues are just about invisible in texts. — Lawrence6 hours ago
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I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it seems like an intrapersonal question, not an interpersonal one. It also sounds like a "What should I do?" question which is off-topic. — Noon7 hours ago