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12:01 PM
Bad comment: [that's a but of a problem since it will no longer be a dictionary. with this suggestion I will get:
Bad comment: Which constant?
Bad comment: @eyllanesc Done.
Bad comment: [This would be closed soon as it's off-topic in its current form: You're looking for debugging help without providing a [mcve]. So please edit your question to include one. Also, the explanation of the problem is a bit hard to follow, could you reword it?](stackoverflow.com/questions/51464623/…)
Bad comment: Welcome to Stack Overflow! Unfortunately [questions asking for: tutorials are off-topic and should be closed. Stack Overflow is a Questions & Answers website for specific programming questions.](stackoverflow.com/questions/51465124/…)
Bad comment: @MartinPrikryl Why ?
Bad comment: [I can't really post any relevant code for the issue beside a generic combo-box in fxml because i don't know how to even start working on it. I'm new to javafx but so far i haven't been able to find a tutorial or a discussion that would even remotely cover the issue. Again you don't have to post an entire completed solutions to this, even a general tip as to what control to use or anything at all will be very helpfull.](stackoverflow.com/questions/5146526
Bad comment: [@JorgeFuentesGonzález Whats the point of you coming on here to talk sh*#? People learn by doing I'm not the kind of person to sit and watch tutorials for hours and never build anything on my own. I like to learn by building and failing and learning from my mistakes along the way. Not sure who you think you are trying to tell me what I should do before I do something else. I know javascript and HTML and yes I am stuck on this reason why I asked for help. Didn't expect s
Bad comment: [Unfortunately, this question is off-topic here: There's no specific programming question; rather, it's a very broad survey. And any responses you get to your survey will be highly opinionated. And this can also be seen as a tool/product/service recommendation question, which often just leads to debate and spam. As far as the "making sense" part: You're comparing two very different things: Hadoop (essentially a set of tools) and Azure (a cloud environment).](ht
Bad comment: Your grid is filled
Bad comment: Welcome to Stack Overflow! Unfortunately [tutorials are off-topic and should be closed. Stack Overflow is a Questions & Answers website for specific programming questions.](stackoverflow.com/questions/51465436/…)
Bad comment: [What input did you use and what 'wrong' output do you get for that? (Do not answer in a comment. Use [edit] to add missing information to your question.)](stackoverflow.com/questions/51465483/…)
Bad comment: tried but notworking
Bad comment: [Please read How to Answer. Link-only comments are not considered answers on this site](stackoverflow.com/questions/51464990/…)
Bad comment: Please be sure to check: stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask. To answer that question more information is required. Is is about c# or c++?
Bad comment: which order sir?
Bad comment: the link is dead
Bad comment: [The inline style of the images is not the same for every single image that is already set in the inhouse CMS, it's also not doable go through each of the content pages giving the images some css class to handle it through a stylesheet. I just want to understand why wordpress wp_insert_post function is removing the display: block only, as it doesn't touch the other inline style rules](stackoverflow.com/questions/51461663/…
Bad comment: Where is your code?
Bad comment: show your code here
Bad comment: [as facebook and linkedIn if you send a message to disconnected friend ,
your friend ,when he open his account he find your message , i would like to make application like that](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51466105/how-can-i-produce-message-to-disconnected-customers-with-spring-kafka#comment89900805_51466105)
Bad comment: [@안홍경 In order to help you we need to see the actual content, and the error messages. Please [edit] your post and add this information. There's nothing inherently wrong in how you are invoking the compiler.](stackoverflow.com/questions/51466035/…)
Bad comment: [This doesn't quite seem to be a question on loopbackJS but rather a question on system design.
Usually to repeat a job multiple times, you might want to look into a cron job scheduler. This will take care of sending an email every 1 hour.
You might also have to use a database to store whether the HR has read the email or not. And handler functions to add/remove the cron job as well.

Generally questions on stack overflow are for a specific problem. Maybe if you try these out and face a specific issue, you could come back and write another question.](https://stackoverflow.com/q
Bad comment: [The command exact is "cordova platform add android" friend.
Can you show me clearly what is missing from my config.xml page please?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51464194/what-i-should-do-to-have-my-apk-file/51464663#comment89901042_51464663)
Bad comment: tried this as well

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