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However, you are not really qualified to say whether an answer is correct or incorrect or has factual errors. The proof is in your comments to that answer. You have no clue what you're talking about.
Mith, you're wasting my time, please don't.
Mith: what do you want?
Well what you're doing is destructive and not enjoyable at all.
You've barged in and said "people telling you that you're wrong makes you uncomfortable" which is not true. It's just wasting my time. Please be correct next time.
Ok Blue. I don't need your comments, just focus on trying to explain why my answer was incorrect.
4 messages moved from The Classical Channel
1 message moved from The Classical Channel
1 message moved from The Classical Channel
EVERYONE deserves respect. @Mithrandir, please don't message me.
1 message moved from The Classical Channel
The term spoons was coined by Christine Miserandino in 2003 in her essay "The Spoon Theory".[8] The essay describes a conversation between Miserandino and a friend. The discussion was initiated by a question from the friend in which she asked about what having lupus feels like. The essay then describes the actions of Miserandino who took spoons from nearby tables to use as a visual aid. She handed her friend twelve spoons and asked her to describe the events of a typical day, taking a spoon away for each activity. In this way, she demonstrated that her spoons, or units of energy, must be
1 message moved from The Classical Channel
@XanderHenderson one might argue that the infinitesimals are a thing, but that gets into a messier realm
and true infinity still never exists
just numbers that are infinite in comparison to the real numbers
it's all relative
That doesn't address the issue, @TheGreatDuck.
"What is a number?"
@XanderHenderson let's not get into ZFC
You don't need to get into ZFC to answer the question!
then im misunderstanding the question
regardless the user is arguing for 0/infinity to be a thing
and my point is that maybe that works if one means infinity as in an infinitesimal greater than all real numbers
The high-rep user claims that infinity is not a number. In order to make that claim, the high-rep user needs to give some definition of a number, and explain what property that numbers have which infinity does not.
but even then it's obscuring the succintness of the limit
If I claim that a "number" is an element of the one-point compactification of $\mathbb{C}$, then there is a "number", usually called $\infty$, that lives in that set.
@XanderHenderson that debate has been around since the age of the Greeks. I doubt that one user is going to resolve that.
You are entirely missing my point, @TheGreatDuck.
but this is in the context of a basic calculus question
and in calculus one only deals with real numbers
of which infinity is not
If you say that infinity is "not a number," then it is incumbent upon you to provide a definition of a "number" which is not satisfied by infinity.
@XanderHenderson I know but I agree with Henning entirely.
Sigh... I didn't ask you if you agreed or not.
or at least that attempting to define infinity ends very badly
then what are you asking me?
And no one is asking you to define "infinity" (though why does "end very badly"?)
if you define infinity
and say it is greater than everything in the set it is within
Honestly, I wasn't asking you anything. I was making the point that if you say "X is not a Y!", then you need to define Y, and explain why X is not a Y.
than you cannot have infinity^2
Simply asserting that it is so is not okay
infinity^2 = infinity
which is even worse
it is far better to appeal to the notion of infinitesimal when dealing with infinity imo
@TheGreatDuck You should look into the study of infinite ordinals
or just use it as "notation" for divergence
@XanderHenderson if I have time
where things like $\omega^2$ can be made sense of (where $\omega$ is an infinite ordinal; ordinals being objects that one might even---gasp---assert are a kind of number)
yeah i know
the set of rational expressions is a field that in a way contains infinity
a sort of infinity
But, once again, the point is not to debate whether or not $\infty$ is or is not a number---the point is that when you assert that "$X$ is not a $Y$," then you should explain what, exactly, a $Y$ is, and why $X$ is not one.
unless you mean something else
@XanderHenderson which is why I said ZCF
or better yet
just say real number
i have to go
But no one was asking you to explain what a number is; I was pointing out that, in a comment thread, a certain high-rep user twice asserted that "infinity is not a number" after being asked, explicitly, to define a "number".
I find it kind of insulting that you think that I don't know what a number is, and are trying to explain it to me like I am a first year undergrad. The particular example of what is (or is not) a number isn't even my point. :\
@XanderHenderson no I know you know
I assumed you were questioning my knowledge.
or wanting an actual explanation to be written in that thread.
If someone at least doesn't know ZFC they have no business reading those real analysis questions.
so i figured you at least knew that
@TheGreatDuck: ZFC has nothing to do with real analysis. Please don't talk as if you know both well, when you don't.
@user21820 don't butt in
@TheGreatDuck This is a public chat. @user21820 is not "Butting in."
2 hours later…
@Did this was a discussion of a post that needed editing.
@user21820 you're right. I don't know anything at all about either to be honest.
@TheGreatDuck Quick recommendation: you can learn 'elementary' real analysis from Spivak's Calculus. ZFC is not worth learning until much much later. (If you want to ask more about how to learn either, you should ask in the main chat-room.)
@user21820 i saw the answer
He claims to have a proof of a well known theorem
and a citation
And i gather that the theorem answers the question?
please may you turn on your bot :)
It wasn't a citation; it was to his own writing. Secondly, link-only answers are not allowed on SE, even if it were not a fake proof.
@Raphiel has had an upgrade. Right?
@FreezePhoenix What does that suggest to you ?
if course
i said other than being a link only answer
@Raphiel has had an upgrade. Right?
@TheMaskedRebel That is interesting. Please continue.
Yikes just seemed a bit of an extreme reaction
@Raphiel My problem is asthma
@FreezePhoenix Does that suggest anything else which belongs to you ?
but if that was his own writing then yikes indeed
the link wouldnt load for me
@Raphiel no
@Raphiel it suggests an inhaler
internet issues
@TheMaskedRebel Why not ?
@FreezePhoenix But your problem is asthma.
He explicitly wrote "a link on my view", so it must indeed be his own writing.
@Raphiel because I have a gun
@TheMaskedRebel That's quite interesting.
I didn't click the link. Clicking unknown links is one way of getting malware.
@Raphiel and I'm shooting you right now
@TheMaskedRebel Do you know anyone else who is shooting I right now ?
Anyway I got to go. See you!
@Raphiel yes. Me
@TheMaskedRebel I understand.
@TheMaskedRebel this is not the place
see ya
@user21820 didnt catch it. it disappeared pretty fast from the delete. :-)
20 messages moved from Game Development
@snailboat Well... that works i guess
Have we met before?
Probably not. Although I'm a game developer, I don't go in gamedev chat much. In the past, people have reacted guardedly to off-site mods showing up in gamedev chat, so I try to be cautious about popping in there. I just saw the flag asking for the messages to be removed and thought I could bring them over here for you.
@snailboat I think we have met - I walked in a room that was for a conversation on a question... and the room got changed to private while I was in it.
Ah, I see.
You may possible know me as TheOneWhoMade or Pheo
Anyway... Thanks!
@TheGreatDuck The answer was link only answer which goes to an non-peer reviewed article written by the author of the answer. As pointed out by a commenter, the article does not even mention Fermat's last theorem, hence it does not answer the question. Moreover, the article's title is "No conjecture is permanently undecidable in real numbers," which is mathematical nonsense. The article itself isn't much better.
I felt like "Yikes!" was a reasonable reaction.
@XanderHenderson well technically I've heard (but this may be wrong) that any turing machine augmented to compute any arbitrary limit to an actual value is capable of solving the halting problem (which would in turn make decidable any problem we have currently thought of afaik). Of course, it is nonsense to assume we will ever physically construct such a machine or be capable of evaluating its results.
I assumed Fermat's Last Theorem already had a proof
am I mistaken?
but yeah
my reaction would be a tableflip emote
It's like you don't even read what I wrote...
too bad SE doesnt have those
@XanderHenderson i did
It depends on what "No conjecture is permanently undecidable in real numbers," means exactly
certainly makes no sense
but i have seen interesting things claim that such computational models exist just outside the reach of our limited minds
@XanderHenderson oooh
undecidable in that sense
I thought they meant non-computable
i.e. a turing machine doesnt exist to solve that problem
to which the answer would be to make a better mouse trap
too bad we cannot
this got way too drawn out though
I'll refrain from such discussion in the future
if i gather correctly this chat is more of a "post link => close or not close" sort of place
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57 messages moved from CRUDE
38 messages moved from CRUDE
5 hours later…
If someone claims "I observe a therapeutic fury towards me that is objectively concrete", can anyone translate that, or suggest how to interpret that? seriously.

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