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Q: 2018 Moderator Election - We need more candidates!

Grace NoteIn around 4 hours, the nomination phase of the moderator elections is scheduled to end. However, in order for the election to proceed, it is necessary to have at least one more candidate running than there are slots. This allows for there to be actual voting phases, so that the community can actu...

4 hours later…
In my world, people do not nominate themselves. I am rather new here, so absolutely cannot be a canditate. I have liked several of your contributions.

And the fact that you "are not sure" about being moderator material, is in my perspective something positive. We do not need forum-Nazis here, this seems a rather civilized place to mee. Far too much stuff (for example on Wikipedia) gets over-moderated - but we got powerful search tools. So even with some poor questions or some poor answers, we can still find what we need.
@MartinZaske You've actually been a member of the forum longer than I or Billy have been. (You do have over 300 rep, you could definitely run yourself)
I am in Africa and very often off-desk, running a very rich and multi-job project. Internet and electricity often in-and-out.

I come here only to find answers (which I appreciate a lot) and try to give back a little with my humble experience. But the spammers would love a moderator who only comes around every few days or weeks...
Fair enough.
Hey @Ryan, nice to see you.
3 hours later…
@GraceNote, if after a week - there still aren't enough candidates... what comes next?
@WELZ We shut down the election and contemplate why no one is nominating for the site, and if that's an indication of dire straits.
Moderator elections aren't simply a means of finding 1-3 individuals amongst a community and empowering them to better care for the community. It's a gauge of the actual community upkeep health of the sites.
If there's plenty of people who would want to, but they all have scheduling conflicts, that is a problem for the site. If there's no one who wants to step up and we get crickets, that's an entirely different problem. If everyone just doesn't feel up to the actual tasks of moderators, that's yet another different problem.
Which category do we currently fall under?
Right now I'm hearing mostly a lot of nothing and crickets. We had you step up right at the start pretty much, but... not hearing much in any kind of direction otherwise, not that would stir out of that bucket anyway.

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