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@[any-moderator] aren't all [feature-request] questions on meta supposed to be tagged with a status-***** tag? at least after an year or two
2 hours later…
@GaurangTandon Why did you remove mathrm ?
in The Periodic Table, Mar 10 at 8:57, by Gaurang Tandon
also don't \mathrm on fractions without unit
told you before
@GaurangTandon Why are units necessary?
@AvnishKabaj well why do you want to use \mathrm on pure numbers? I fail to see the reason, mind explaining?
@GaurangTandon it looks straight and roman
@AvnishKabaj aren't all numbers already straight within the two $s?
@GaurangTandon not on my phone at least
Anyway there is a reason
\text{} makes it automatically roman
That's why
@AvnishKabaj No. It requests that symbols will be set in roman (upright) type, which might be correct, but it might be wrong, i.e. like here. Here it has no effect at all, as \text is always set in roman type. If you want to know more, please have a look here and here. – Martin - マーチン♦ 6 mins ago
i would love to learn more with a proper reference links, but the comment you just posted has no links
@AvnishKabaj martin actually removed those \mathrms you inserted...
@AvnishKabaj where does it tell you to enclose unitless fractions in \mathrm?
Yeah I know
I'm not saying that you should enclose bare text
then what are you saying?
5 hours later…

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