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**| [MATL Online](https://matl.suever.net/) by Suever | [Try it Online](https://tio.run/#matl) | MATLAB/Octave [implementation](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL)| [MATL CHATL](https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/39466/matl-chatl) chat | [Documentation](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL/blob/master/spec/MATL_spec.pdf) | [Esolang](https://esolangs.org/wiki/MATL) |**

MATL (pronounced to rhyme with cattle) is a general-purpose stack-based golfing language, which excels in vector- and matrix operations. It was created by [Luis Mendo](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/36398/luis-mendo).
How is that for a language-of-the-month proposal?
Looks good to me
Of course, a MATL-specific challenge idea may be desirable.
And perhaps a showcase of some of the more intricate MATL answers.
2 hours later…
@Mr.Xcoder @DJMcMayhem Thanks for the heads up, it's back online now!
10 hours later…
@Suever Thank you!
@Sanchises Thanks for the effort! Looks very good to me. A couple of suggestions:
(1) I'd replace While initially made for MATLAB by the following, which is perhaps clearer:
The MATL compiler, while initially made for being run in MATLAB, thanks to a continuous effort also runs on Octave (free and open-source MATLAB clone). This provides a completely functioning, free MATL implementation.
(2) As per the Nominations for Language of the Month meta post, the nomination should ideally include some links to documentation, other good resources for learning the language, a link to the language's tips question. Here are some of those:
Documentation; Tips question; Showcase of languages answer (provides descriptions of some of the main languages features; this should probably go first)

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