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1 hour later…
1:06 AM
@Rubio , thank you! I was asleep.
That should give you less peaceful dreams. Or something. :)
Laughing myself awake.
How i love music and musing.
(And Joel is indeed the name of whom i lament now. Target.)
wow, that works so well
Life just ain't fair. I've been spurred to the worst. While the best get cast aside.
You haven't lived until you've served someone undergoing chemotherapy.
It's a near death experience on purpose.
Dear diary!
Live and learn.
"Initial it with loving care, yourself."
"Move me onto any black square, use me any time you want."
. . . that just makes me go out for a walk, look in hand . . . Peter Gabriel almost has the look.
It's in 7! But the poser wouldn't stand a chance on streets. Nice music however.
I'm going on streets. Back soon.
2:50 AM
The streets were kind.
I have brothers. One is taming the above piece.
He learned by watching me wrestle our piano to pieces.
3:04 AM
"Performing on a stool, we've a sight to make you drool."
"See the show!"
3:34 AM
"What a scene, what a scene."
(Am i the only here who pretends to speak English?)
(Don't make me go native. Puhun paskaa.)
I know English in the worst way.
Learned from the best.
Truly, you'd be lucky to have me edit your writing. And, off hours, you'd be delighted to have me stroke fun with the language.
Oh, you.
Oh well.
Once upon a train station, this song whiled the time.
4:17 AM
^ Best song ever.
"Soul dreamer."
"Don't doubt your part. Be ready to be loved."
It really is the best "song" ever.
With the climbing bass line.
With Moraz's clambering nasal tones.
With Howe's' sitar-like guitar.
Signed, music lover.
8 hours later…
12:32 PM
^ I learned chemistry with that song in the background. Times were when a radio was in every classroom.
1:47 PM
. . . on a Genesis jag . . .
The guitar trick at 5:08 astounds!
2:05 PM
I'm so distraught by my bumblebee's passing. Not the first time, won't be the last.
"Things are not the way they used to be."
So it's up to us remnants to make things ever more so.
The light i'm shimmering would go on walks with me and we'd be mistaken for hobos by the same students in his class.
They tried to get us to hobo fight.
Were they surprised! I put the gloves on my bare feet.
To quote who taught me humr: "Too many bozos, not enough big tops."
3:04 PM
^ can't do worse than that.
But worth a try!
C'mon, joggers, please stretch.
I'll go Pluto if you don't.
And you didn't, so i did:
(Am i the only here who pretends English?)
^ best drum part ever!
thump thump badump.
^ best song, ever. Took me months to learn to whistle it.
Worth every moment.
The intervals are beyond notes. And, yes, i wound up writing it down. It was a wrestling match.
Again, paste any piece of music here! No judgmentalism, only appreciation.
Mas musica mas buena!
Molto musice molti benna!
Paljon musikkaa!
"The troll" can refer to fingers trolling the strings of a harp. I'm confident that @manshu would abide in this endeavr.
Don't make me go further international. The well is deep.
"I swear, i didn't do it. And if i did, it was an accident. Honest."
4:05 PM
Learn Finnish from bastards.
"Kunneilus" means "listen closely."
"If you don't, things will really go wrong."
So i did.
Things went okay.
So much fun to traverse multiple lingueaeiou.
Truly, i have a gestural nomenclature. It's universal.
I catch sidewalkers off guard.
They try to avoid agaze.
But a little turn of the fingers is all it takes to gain their attention.
@Rubio, please chime in. I need a friendly term.
I go out and give signals beyond belief.
4:23 PM
I can't offer a friendly term. I can offer a turn, though.
"when i'm a good dog they sometimes throw me a bone"
There's some really great lyrics in that song.
lub a dub!
@Rubio, you may have crossed to the wonderland vacated by whom i lament.
It's a splendor where things go unchecked.
where boundaries are recogniszed and overtrodden.
Let's go there!
I have my flashlight.
Not this time? Next time.
4:41 PM
Tied up alas
I've bumped my head on steel beams.
More to follow.
Anyone who wants to dig, I'll lead.
That's a bold claim, but the rotters have an easy claim.
"one of these days"
How i love youtube!
One of these days.
2 hours later…
7:06 PM
Welcome to the eager growers' club!
This hint grows hair and cuticles beyond experience.
(Truly, i expected to have liver failure. Instead i seem to have kerotonin accelerati.)
(Life goes on.)
(Freak of nature.)
Each day i awake to exclaim "life just ain't fair!"
Were it fair it wouldn't happen that way.
So i go out to even the score. No such luck yet.
It just ain't fair!
7:35 PM
@humn This seems like a song you probably relate with; perhaps there's someone, or several someones, about whom it might resonate. Enjoy.
That insiduendotissimo!
O Rubioso.
(That's a compliment and a half.)
(when "oso" follows you know you're in golden territory.)
Amoroso sustenuto perpetuoso.
That's a lot of "osos." Hang on for dear life.
I have no fear of lingue, regardless of langue. English is a common tongue even if tarnished by irrevelancy.
What more needs be said? Hit me!
8:10 PM
Apropos of nothing, I just like it -
More than worthy!
O @rubio, i just listened to that piece with full blast. Thank you.
They understand Queen.
8:28 PM
That's my favorite cover of that song, bar none.
"Any way the wind blows!"
You and i are on the same page, @Rubio.
Perilous as that page may be.

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