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I think people've just gotten sick so far
@cazc_941 not while people are calling poison services to save them
Q: Question marked as duplicate that isn't a duplicate?

Seth ThomasonWhat generates animosity? This question was market as a duplicate but animosity and guilt are two very different things in the game, what do I do?

Q: Minecraft command syntax not working

AesithrSo I'm having this command issue which doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon. I have this command here, what syntax am I getting wrong, it just summons a husk, none of the desired effects /execute @e[type=player,name=nimbusirrus] ~1 ~ ~ summon minecraft:husk {CustomName:"Milo-the-Dragonsla...

@Lazers2.0 for a minute i thought this was @fredley
warframe people, should i potato the twin grakatas?
@GodEmperorDune I didn't
but you can if you like them enough
I am somewhat known for being overly conservative with my potatoes
@cazc_941 there is a rare item that looks like a potato and upgrades weapons and stuff
so everyone calls it a potato instead of the real name
I've not potato'ed much
I keep forgetting I can potato things
"P.O.T.A.T.O. means "Potent Orokin Technical Augmentation and Tactical Offensive" device, as stated by Darvo during A Man of Few Words."
Q: Minecraft PE command blocks

CyberLemonI'm not that good at command blocks in MCPE, but I do know a lot of stuff, just the average MCPE redstoner. But I'm confused about the data thingymajiggy for example {Enchant:1{Unbreakable:1}} or anyting like that. I know that stuff is in PC, but can anyone teach me how to do that in PE? Or at le...

@GodEmperorDune I didn't notice it when he says it but World pointed it out
i have captions on so i saw it
I do too, but I wasn't paying the bestest attentions I guess
@Ash Fun fact: this was a fan name that they added into the game in this quest
Clem was also a fan creation
@John YESSSS good I love Clem SO MUCH
I still love that there's a real person somewhere actually named Clem
that does it, imma potato these grakatas, just for clem
You can actually hear Grineer shouting a line that sounds like "get clem" or "rak det clem"
which people took as grineer hunting for someone named clem
@GodEmperorDune grins best reason ever
as clem ransacks everything
evading everyone
clem is so boss
Tea person problems: I want to make a nice calming cuppa...but I have like 20 kinds (not exaggerating)
I vote for something minty
OOOOOOH good choice that reminds me I have Red Refresh from Trader Joes that is "HIBISCUS, ROSEHIPS, LEMONGRASS, PEPPERMINT, ORANGE PEEL, LEMON VERBENA, NATURAL FLAVORS, WILD CHERRY BARK." according to the website
Honestly, not a big fan of minty or really anything herbal in my tea.
that will do nicely! Calming, and it is PINK
@Yuuki I love herbal teas
I have one that tastes like frosted lemon cake, it is awesome
That sounds mad tasty
And yeah, herbal teas and where it's at
...I would like to try that frosted lemoncake tea sometime
@ToxicFrog I will set some aside for you for tomorrow morning!
Awesome, thank you!
Maybe I can tempt some boiling water out of the foodlords and have some with breakfast.
makes you a tea sampler of their current favourite teas
I guess I’m a purist, I just can’t deal with herbal teas.
Yay thank you :D
More tea for me then, @Yuuki :)
Side note, I’m currently drinking a cocktail with hot chocolate, bourbon, and Kahlua.
And as always let me know if you want anything out of the tea cabinet here, since we are still trying to reduce the amount of tea we have
I have to sip it because the bourbon vapors waft up into my throat when I try to drink.
@Ash Everyone should drink tea.
@ToxicFrog Surprise me! (I like having new things to try)
Alright :)
does a yay tea dance
Do not mix hot chocolate, Kahlua, and mezcal.
It is rough. Tastes like cigarette butts.
Oh, I boiled water for tea.... goes to make the tea
The more I work on this project, the more it looks like Elder Scrolls Arena.
1 hour later…
@John is there anything unique to this event that you won't be able to get when it's over?
Also has anyone ever felt like they don't have enough spoons to get through the day, then you get a chance to really help someone close to you and it makes the day a bit easier to get through?
@Dragonrage so basically this:
because yes
Yea similar. This case I was having a pretty lousy start to my day. I didn't sleep real well and just wasn't feeling like driving an hour to work 12 hours and then drive another hour home
@John thanks for group
Q: Any games like Fornite battle royal but with magic?

xHasleyI’ve been playing a game called Fornite battle royal and I thought it would be funnier with magic. So does anyone know a game like Fornite but with magic or any games with magic on Xbox one? Thanks

@Dragonrage this is the second time the ghouls have come through, maybe it will be a recurring event now
But on my way to work my sister called asking for help with a flat tire as she didn't have a spare. She lives a mile or two away from my work, so I called my coworker and asked if he could cover for me and I was able to go and give her my spare and get it on so she could get to a tire place to get a new one
> Q: In terms of Apple products you could afford, what is your current account balance?
A: One apple juice
@GodEmperorDune maybe. There is a bunch of stuff to farm there and I've been working the entire event.
So I've barely been able to get much of anything
@GodEmperorDune it me
Maaaybe like a jar of apple sauce :P
@Ash broke millenial high five
@GodEmperorDune yesss good
What is the cutoff for being a millennial? Or the only requirement being broke, having crippling debt from college, and generally being nostalgic for the 90's and having summer break in school?
I forget the actual "rules"
"There are no precise dates for when this cohort starts or ends; demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years."
Has any one else gotten lost on the plains of edion?
every time
My squad got disconnected one game and it took me 25 minutes to find where to extract
:yeah its a mess, especially at night
i finally figured out how to pop up the big map and that the gray thing is the town entrance
Also I have yet to find any pieces for the glass warframe
Gara or whatever they are called
I did finish the second dream quest though. So that was nice
yeah i liked the lore in that one
She says she wanted to still be friends, so I tried that, and she bit my fucking head off on discord earlier over nothing
Done bending over backwards for this. Told her off
Q: How Many Chim Chims do i need to kick to S Rank the Chim Chim part of the Area Ranking?

Memor-XWhen i go into an Area, to make sure i get as close to an S Rank as i can when i find the first Chim Chim generating action that gets more than 1 Chim Chim (kicking trees/activating steam vent on mine track, not places like the Wells) i generally do 5-10 activation before i continue on. I'm wond...

@John @GodEmperorDune @KevinvanderVelden Do Prime Warframes use the same helmets as their non-Prime counterparts?
@Yuuki yes
well they can use the same cosmetic ones but primes have a different default helmet
Hmm... there's not really a purple option for armor dyes.
@Yuuki even in all the various palettes?
Ah, there's one in Daybreak.
So is the plat cost for the entire palette or just a single color?
i think whole palette, @ash bought one maybe they know
I remember why I wanted Oberon (Prime).
I could use the Destrier Helmet and try to make Unit-01.
@Yuuki whole thing afaik
Just realized that I have yet to use a shotgun.
> Sanctifies the ground before Oberon with righteous fire
It actually summons grass.
@Yuuki blaze it with that righteous fire
Q: Minecraft keeps freezing

X3ryusWWhenever i join a server and click on anything, my whole game completely freezes. I have tried joining new servers, re-installing Mine craft, but it still won't fix it, Please help.

ugh this archwing mission in the war within is dumb
@Yuuki try the kohm. It's fun
Requires 2 Argon Crystals to make.
So I guess we can farm them tomorrow?
Huh, Magnus is apparently a revolver.
The only L taken in Philly tonight https://t.co/bIWvidxh9l
Sausage fest
I guess it is Sunday night
@cazc_941 the movie or the situation?
The what
This club
I'm at a club
oh lol
btw @ash in the war within there is more alternate control sequences, i'll let you know how to do it on controller
basically it tells you to jog, but i've found its easier on controller to jump forward repeatedlt because the jog thing doesnt work
and wait until the thing is on the other side of the room so you have more time to make it from island to island
it's frustrating but not nearly as much as the waves thing
when it says to press "E", use the melee button instead
"B" is default
when it says to dash, use the bullet jump move (left bumper and A is default)
also you can charge your power on the islands
the "mode" power is through crouch (left bumper on default)
Electronics Repair

Proposed Q&A site for engineers and technicians, who have to deal with damaged electronics and can't simply replace them.

Closed before being launched.

the final power is not in the default controls, you need to go into options and map it to something. i picked dpad right
Thanks for the tips :) I will probably forget them by the time I get to TWW because my brain is very much forgetful but I appreciate they're here
@Ash we can always search transcripts
or better yet

xbox 360 controls for the war within

25 mins ago, 23 minutes total – 11 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 8 secs ago by GodEmperorDune

Awwww you rock <3
Q: Steam: "You are missing the following 32-bit libraries, and Steam may not run: libdrm.so.2"

Dustin OpreaIt is the weirdest. I opened up my Steam and suddenly received this message when it had been working perfectly fine a couple of days before. It was already installed. I tried reinstalling Steam from the package in the Steam website. I also tried purging libdrm2 and reinstalling. I tried just res...

war within done, yay
Tonight we started Inaros and we ended up doing 25 waves of defense and it was 40 min of fun :D (I am starting to really like Rhino)
yeah i played rhino for a bit and it screams @ash lol
Rhino is just so blessedly solid
and the explosion when landing
That is fun :)
Either you're awake early or I am up too late
It's only 11 pm. Feels like he is up early
I think that makes it 5 am for him?
Its almost 2 am for me so I should likely be sleeping at some point soonish but we shall see
ugh can’t sleep
Ouf I almost went home with the dj
Probably for the best
I know her sister
I'm sorry I'm just struggling with stuff
@cazc_941 you'll find a way though it, it will just suck for a while
It's okay
Good thing I didn't fuck my friends sister though I mean I don't know her that well but still
I'm on the bus but I'm gonna fall asleep
And more so stop
Miss my
Messy Church Seth FB
Try not to fall asleep
Yeah I think I'm okay
I'm almost Jimmy
Almost home*
My god I can't every text
Sorry guys I'm a little fuct
lol no worries
@Ash Second one. It was 7:40 at the time of that message. getting up for work.
I am still up too late. :p I should try to sleep.
@GodEmperorDune No U. I'd love me some more archwing missions.
@Arperum just wait until you get to underwater slowness
Anything underwater usually ends up twigging my claustrophobia after a bit. I hate submersible mission stuff.
Like this game is good at making you feel trapped underwater. At least for me.
@GodEmperorDune I'm still only at Europa.
I finished a questline yesterday though!
@Ash i didn't think i had an underwater claustrophobia but the game is good at making me feel lost and powerless underwater
controls are all sluggish
anyway i have almost all the planets unlocked
but i kinda sped through many parts so i need to go back and clear all the skipped nodes, including terrible modes like interception, defector, and archwing
@GodEmperorDune Interception is the worst. I don't know deceptor , but archwing is loads of fun.
@Arperum defector is all the fun of rescue plus survival and a little bit of extraction put together
it's worse than interception
@Ash This message caused two messages in my inbox somehow.
Morning chat
@Arperum interception is fun! You just need to be trinity
@Arperum chat knows how important @Ash is, it decided to give you double the notifications
@GodEmperorDune uuuurgh, underwater spy missions are the worst
I don't know if Ash is there yet but they'll hate it :(
@Jutschge Do you think Blizzard will give compensation or at least an official explanation for the poor state of the game after patch 7.3.5 release?
@Nzall I doubt it... They fixed all the performance issues and everything else is rebalancing. People don't like it but then again they rarely like change.
Also what was the last time Blizzard gave any compensation for a fuck-up?
@Jutschge Warlords launch
I believe we got 5 days back then
@Nzall Ok well that was literally unplayable
I was among the lucky few that nolifed through the first 4 hours and it was still tough
My friend couldn't move for like 2 days straight
He was one of the people stuck in the garrison and DCing as soon as he moved.
I mean IIRC with 7.3.5 there's only the lags in raids that were problematic (and those are fixed now). Other than that it's mostly the leveling/low level dungeons people are complaining about.
There is a bug that only happens in firefox, and killing the cache doesn't help.
@Arperum what exactly is happening?
Are you using SharedArrayBuffer or Performance.now?
Paging not working in firefox, because it keeps requesting the first page.
No to both.
Is it sending the right request?
I assume not since you say it keeps requesting the first page
It isn't.
Check whether the parameters that are used to create the request are correct on the page itself
As in, check the URL of the next page button etc
This is all through ajax requests.
And yes, the buttons have the correct html.
And why is this bloody bug only in firefox.
@Arperum Sanity check: does it happen in incognito mode?
because that doesn't use anything like caching from the existing session
Like, I frequently have to tell my coworkers to hard refresh the page before saying it doesn't work
@Arperum And second sanity check: if you kill the cache in other browsers, does the bug still not happen there?
@Nzall I hard refreshed.
It works in incognito mode.
After a hard refresh, before a hard refresh it broke down even harder.
Please leave sanity at the door.
Fml I'm dying... I forgot my lighter and I'm the only smoker in my company. And the next store is 15 minutes by car....
Sounds like a good time to stop smoking
@KevinvanderVelden probably won't stop for as long as I have to go to my army courses...
It's about 90% waiting for stuff. Or doing pretty much nothign on guard duty. Kinda hard to stop there.
@Arperum If it works in incognito mode, that means that a hard refresh isn't enough and you need to kill the application cache
Q: How can I clear a single site from the cache in Firefox?

Ryan ThompsonIn Firefox, I occasionally need to clear my cache to fix a website. But clearing the entire cache seems like extreme overkill. Is there any way to just clear the one site from my cache?

I've had similar issues where a single hard refresh didn't change the JS files the site had in cache and I had to clear the site cache completely, and I've even had issues where I decided to delete the offending javascript file from Tomcat and redeploy it
@Nzall tl;dw? since the beginning is just going over the current status quo and it's 15 minutes
@StrixVaria having half-assedly listened to half of the video - they are personalizing your monetization experience
to the point of listening to your mic to determine the size of your house, availability of pets and children to determine your net worth and adjusting prices of microtransactions based on that
at least that's what stood out to me the most from what I heard so far
also - bots stalking you on social media to monetize to you better
Q: What do I need to do to unlock the “Record Breaker” recipe?

MargaretAccording to this link there is a Fiz recipe called “Record Breaker”. What am I expected to do to earn this recipe?

Q: Are there any cooking games where you also have to take care of ingredients (plants, animals)?

timmyRSI'm looking for a cooking game where you can't just simply buy the ingredients, or where the ingredients are already provided, so you have to plant plants and care for animals, so you can then make the meals using the ingredients you have available.

Ugh, I can't wait for Last Week Tonight to return
@KevinvanderVelden I don't think I am as far as I recall but that sounds positively awful
It's uranus I think, it's very very annoying
Fortunately you only have to do it twice I think (one spy node on the planet and a mission in a quest)
Hallelujah because that sounds like murder
Is that still Warframe?
Everything is warframe, including the things that aren't.
Especially the things that aren't
(in this case it absolutely is)

Proposed Q&A site for developers building sites on top of the Ghost publishing platform - ghost.org

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for people that need help with ethical hacking and pentesting.

Currently in definition.

lol bylock
mfw I want to check out what it is but if I check it it'll literally get me arrested for terrorism so I can't
@Ave let's hope noone hotlinks an image from their servers, because I'm fairly sure even that can land you on the list
was just thinking about that.
let's just hope that no one here is terrible enough to destroy others' lives.
@Ave Did you open the article? Some images in there are literally labeled bylock.jpeg
yeah but I'm on avepn
bc this is not my home network
@Nzall also, https
except cbc sucks and they use http
@Ave that might be the best name for anything ever
it's beautiful
I love it
Startup Very Casual About Dress Code, Benefits https://trib.al/vIkqAaz
Right, walking to subway, afk
cc: @Ash
the drawing part is like 95% finished
few things will need to be changed as they're not quite working well with our "artistic abilities"
No IT Security professional is alive on the inside to begin with
I actually heard a story that apparently they can see powershell scripts that run
Some say they're looking at your powershell scripts RIGHT NOW
@Sterno 10/10
would jiggle
So someone had a script running every 5 minutes which upon inspection moved the mouse (corroborating other suspicions about them)
Clearly people should just build a robot that moves the mouse for them
@Sterno I should forward this to our IT department. I'm sure it'll fill them with joy.
@Sterno there are mice that you can put weights in. Put a tiny vibrating motor in there and watch it jiggle
I'd probably make IT cry too. I've been working from home by VPN'ing in to my machine at work. But it was rebooting like every other day and it was a pain in the ass to get someone to reboot it and put in the bitlocker password for me. IT doesn't let you disable automatic updates, but there is a way to tell windows you aren't going to do updates for like 30 days. So I do that and just update once a month.
Plus, the whole "telling a few people my bitlocker password" thing
I'm glad that I don't have to input a bitlocker password
Though to be fair about 90% of my company has the same bitlocker password
I don't know what it does technically speaking, but I do know that whenever it asks, the answer is restart and it won't ask next time
So basically you don't have encrypted drives?
That doesn't sound like how it's supposed to work
I don't know
Our bitlockering has a lot more to do with a laptop being stolen or something than keeping coworkers out of your machine
I'm pretty sure my laptop claims to be encrypted
I'm reasonably sure no one at my office uses the same bitlocker password as I do, though to be fair it is a counts 13 character long alphanumeric+caps+special characters password that was once randomly generated
@Unionhawk if it doesn't need a password it's not encrypted
> Q: Seller: does this just show as a hid compliant mouse or generic mouse or does it show as a mouse jiggler in devices as suggested by some here???

A: Generic mouse. I've left this device plugged into my computer at work (hospital system) for the past couple of months with no issues. They have deleted mouse jiggler programs from the computers in the past, but never noticed this.
@Unionhawk Bitlocker is full disk encryption integrated into Windows Professional editions
Protecting your patient records one mouse jiggle at a time
@KevinvanderVelden Well now it isn't starting up at all so I'd call that pretty secure
@Sterno Imagine throwing a data exfiltration tool into a mouse jiggler and selling it via Amazon as the cheapest version possible
Pfft, just put a malicious nuget package out there and wait
Hmm, I recall there being a thing where a usb device said it was a network adapter and was able to access the internet due to packets being forwarded by windows
Here we go, my bitlocker appears to be set up in this mode:
> Transparent operation mode: This mode uses the capabilities of TPM 1.2 hardware to provide for a transparent user experience—the user powers up and logs into Windows as normal. The key used for disk encryption is sealed (encrypted) by the TPM chip and will only be released to the OS loader code if the early boot files appear to be unmodified. ...
> This mode is vulnerable to a cold boot attack, as it allows a powered-down machine to be booted by an attacker.
@Unionhawk That's one of the more secure versions. it verifies that your BIOS and MBR aren't tampered with
I don't know what any of that means
I don't either
I don't understand why it would mean if it asks you for your password, you just reboot and then it doesn't
37 secs ago, by Unionhawk
I don't either
The security is so transparent even attackers won't know it's there!
@Sterno it only asks for the password if it can't verify the early boot files
so effectively if you boot from a different medium
So if they have the drive, it's going to be like "what no". But if they have the whole laptop, then it's fine
or something
I don't know
In other news, Star Trek Discovery is pretty good
@Unionhawk for definitions of fine including "totally screwed"
@KevinvanderVelden Honestly, there's no data on the laptop, and I don't care, so I don't care
The best they'd get would be like
email cache
@Unionhawk Even if they have the whole laptop, to unlock it they still need to know your user password
as in your Windows credentials
without that the drive still won't be decrypted
@Nzall yes it would
Because that data is stored on the laptop, encrypted
Bitlocker happens before all that shit
@KevinvanderVelden I'm confused. what do you mean "yes it would"? yes it would be decrypted by the attacker?
@Nzall Yes, the drive is still decrypted as-needed before you get to the bit where you enter your windows credentials
@Sterno I'm enjoying it. Haven't watched Trek since TNG ages ago, it's very different from that, but pretty enjoyable
The decryption key is still loaded into memory
You are still f-ed
In cryptography, a cold boot attack (or to a lesser extent, a platform reset attack) is a type of side channel attack in which an attacker with physical access to a computer is able to retrieve encryption keys from a running operating system after using a cold reboot to restart the machine. The attack relies on the data remanence property of DRAM and SRAM to retrieve memory contents that remain readable in the seconds to minutes after power has been removed. == Description == To execute the attack, a running computer is cold-booted. A removable disk is then immediately used to boot a lightweight...
there is still mitigation
@KevinvanderVelden read the wikipedia article
They can't get online, anyway
Oh the things on that list
All the things on that list are either 1) not implemented or 2) made impossible by doing what @Uni did
I didn't do anything
Like yes, shutting down the system properly can prevent a cold boot attack... that doesn't help if I steal your laptop
The only thing that requires sophistication is if the memory is soldered, but that's not 100% proof either
I wonder if anyone tried an attack by reading the memory bus
All I did is have someone else set up bitlocker in accordance with what our infosec department deems adequate
Your infosec department needs to be smacked
And by that I mean someone else opened a ticket for someone else to do that thing last year
@Unionhawk Then put in a second ticket saying that bitlocker was setup incorrectly and sometimes asks you for a second password.
I mean, if you consider the time it takes to reboot every time it happens, you probably already cost the company more than the risk Bitlocker tries to work against ever would
It doesn't happen often
@Sterno I think some of the payoffs that they set up early in the season have been the best seen in Trek ever. The big payoff from last night, in particular, which I really should have seen coming.
In other news, boss is out sick, and I don't know what I should be doing today...
@MBraedley I've started watching it, but I would enjoy it a lot more if there was a dub that would also translate the Klingon. I tend to listen to stuff more than I watch it and read subtitles, so having that gobbledygook frequently appear is hamstringing my enjoyment
@Nzall what if instead you enabled the subtitles that are entirely klingon. Wouldn't that make things better?
@KevinvanderVelden it would make it even worse
because then I can't even switch my context to the subtitles
Are you sure?
Surely more klingon is better
Like, STD isn't a show I can watch while eating, or while doing world quests, because I have to constantly switch my vision to the screen so I can catch the English subtitles for the Klingon scenes
@GodEmperorDune back atcha
@Dragonrage I think just the encrypted journal fragments, which appear to just be lore, and could very easily be added to bounty rewards at some point. Doesn't seem like there's any "must-have"s from this event
@Nzall The show is fast paced enough that I wouldn't recommend multi-tasking while watching it
a few months ago Hunter hopped out of the truck on a road trip and the sheriff called an hour later cause she'd snuck into the kitchen of a Taco Bell
Also, STD is a bit of an unfortunate abbreviation
ST:D is probably better (STD is sexually transmitted diseases)
@PrivatePansy Which is not really the kind of show I like to watch because I already don't have enough time in the evening to both do WoW stuff, watch the Youtube content I'm interested in and watch Netflix on top of that in separate chunks

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