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It seems that certain languages are being used more than once like ArnoldC, was there an amend to the no-repeat-languages rule?
4 hours later…
@AlbertRenshaw 150 answers per language.
Note for next sequence: You do need to take GCD with the denominator.
@NieDzejkob How could you make this coloring? (with SE font and background) With hand? By modifying hexagony colorer?
4 hours later…
@user202729 I can't get Hexagony Colorer to run on wine/mono so I make a screenshot of the uncolored text field in the answer preview and pulled out GIMP
I had a couple translucent layers
Anyone close to an answer? I just implemented this suggestion to the feed.
@cairdcoinheringaahing I just posted an answer
@user202729 cough
299!! would be smaller...
@cairdcoinheringaahing That feed link gives a 404
@cairdcoinheringaahing use /feeds/ instead of /feed/
Apparently, most of HyperNeutrino questions are about OEIS sequences...
@NieDzejkob Any feeds documentation?
@user202729 I found this on DuckDuckGo
Thanks to Mr.Xcoder I earned Enthusiast on math SE.
@Mr.Xcoder By manual binary-search I figured out this was the reason why HyperNeutrino asked that question.
(for reference that question)
@NieDzejkob What was wrong with mono? It got syntax error?
Here's hoping the 300th answer will be the first posted by the feed :D
A: One OEIS after another

NieDzejkob295. Unefunge-98 (PyFunge), 133 bytes, A000218 #z3&#rz#;::/3*j$.@1-\:a%:*\a/:a%:*\a/:*++\#;r print(*map(lambda x:'pHra ywe!NY'[int(x, 16)], '%x'%(3*7*8*1821847*279590039)), sep='') Next sequence! Try it online! #z3&#rz#;::/3*j$.@1-\:a%:*\a/:a%:*\a/:*++\#;r #z ...

A: One OEIS after another

mudkip201296. Pyt, 161 bytes, A000133 ←ĐĐĐ1⇹1⇹««⇹1⇹«⁻⇹3Ș⁻1⇹«⁺1⇹«*+⇹⁺1⇹«÷ All of those spaces at the end are padding. Try it online! Next Sequence!

A: One OEIS after another

user71546297. Shakespeare Programming Language, 1460 bytes, A000161 A000161 - Number of partitions of n into 2 squares. Romeo, the first square. Juliet, the second square. Othello, the input. Macbeth, the counter. Hamlet, the narrator. The Ghost, the temporary actor one. Act I: Main Program. ...

A: One OEIS after another

DLosc298. dc, 1008 bytes, A001460 # Define a factorial macro f; expects the accumulator in register a and the loop number # (> 0) on the stack [ d # Duplicate the loop number la * sa # Load accumulator, multiply by loop number, store back in accumulator 1 - # Decrement loop number d 0<...

A: One OEIS after another

NieDzejkob299. Unefunge-98 (PyFunge), 137 bytes, A001008 &1+3p01p12p2g3g::/1-:/d*j:0p%0g\0f-8-j$:3g\/:1g*1p\2g\/1g+1p2g*2p1g2g::/1-:/d*j:0p%0g\0f-8-j$:1g\/1p2g\/2p3g1-:3p:/0ab*-3-*j1g.@ unefunge Try it online! Next sequence! Due to the way PyFunge handles input, the input to this program has to be fol...

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