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12:37 AM
@Downgoat XSS vuln should be patched
@Downgoat You should be able to login as user downgoat with that key now
port 22?
ports 22 doesn't seem to be open
Should be fixed now
12:52 AM
Thanks ufw
$ nmap -PN

Starting Nmap 7.12 ( nmap.org ) at 2017-11-21 16:53 PST
Nmap scan report for 72-48-166-68.dyn.grandenetworks.net (
Host is up (0.087s latency).
Not shown: 999 filtered ports
3306/tcp open  mysql

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 15.11 seconds
seems to still not be open.
Oh I forgot to forward it, duh
wow... took travis 10 minutes for the latest build
also looks like deploy isn't working: travis-ci.org/Mego/PPCG-v2#L2607
Probably because it's missing the +x bit
Try again on ssh
12:57 AM
cool, works :D
Run your test server(s) on a port other than 5000
right now just inspecting logs
@Mego does my account have a password
@Downgoat Yes
what is it?
1:05 AM
Why do you need to know it?
Trying to install npm package and I need sudo to do that
What package? I'll install it for you
Your account doesn't have sudo privs
@Mego sudo npm i -g n
sudo n 8.9.1
1:11 AM
@Mego could you also run:
ln -sf /usr/local/n/versions/node/8.9.1/bin/node node
ln -sf /usr/local/n/versions/node/8.9.1/bin/npm npm
ln -sf /usr/local/n/versions/node/8.9.1/bin/npx npx
@Mego could you also open port 4321?
Also done
There shouldn't be any problem if I run a different version on another port right?
1:26 AM
I don't think so
The Celery tasks stuff will conflict
But if you change the redis port, it should be ok
Though you might need a second redis server instance spun up - not sure
I'm not using the 5000 version right now, so I can just shut it down to prevent conflicts for the time being
4:50 PM
Does the "Run" button work for everyone here: codegolf.vihan.org:4321/post/4
make sure to clear your cache if you've tried before
@Downgoat works for me, but it's more of a link than a button and it's small enough to not notice. Also I don't consider the code fields to look nice...
@NieDzejkob could you elaborate what you mean by "link" rather than button
and code field meaning the entire box, the output area, the syntax highlighted area?
a picture is worth a thousand words, so...
Yeah it took me a while to find the button, actually
@NieDzejkob oh my that is not supposed to happen
4:56 PM
Firefox 52.4 on Debian Sid
Also, the second code returns an error, don't know if it's relevant.
I'm on Chrome 62.0.3202.94, W10
@Downgoat Works, but looks garbled on Firefox Quantum on Windows:
@NieDzejkob if you refresh/clear-cache, does that fix the problem?
should look like that
@Downgoat mine looks like that after a refresh, didn't need to clear cache.
it looks exactly like that (and that looks a lot nicer), but the Run button is still small
I decided to visit the homepage to see what's ready, but I only got a broken picture. Is that supposed to happen?
5:02 PM
@NieDzejkob Yeah, I dunno what to put on the homepage yet so it's just a placeholder picture of a giant penguin
that website does not support hotlinking, probably
@Downgoat We should probably load the image from an actual CDN like imgur rather than loading it from the server :P
The page looks nice and clean from what I can see, here's hoping for native dark mode :p
The post beginning shown on the post page does not look so nice when there's background
Maybe there's a way to render the markdown and cut it at a certain vertical height?
Also, does login work for you?
5:08 PM
@Downgoat shows a login/sign up with google button.
is login with google supposed to be the only option?
@NieDzejkob for now
I clicked the button, selected a google account and nothing happened, I'm still seeing the lightbox with the button
refresh does not fix it
Same here.
@NieDzejkob hm ok
@Mego the other flask server is not running right? Is it OK if I change the port to :5000? I am wondering if these issues could be caused by some weird JS domain restriction
weird... works if I delete all google cookies
5:23 PM
@Downgoat Sure
The user login stuff is only allowed on 5000 I think
Ok I tried to make dark theme
@Downgoat looks good to me. Maybe a slightly brighter shade of blue for the buttons and headers?
5:38 PM
@Mego should this be moved to the ppcg v2 room?
@Mego should I keep a user's "dark theme" preference in session, redis, or DB?
5:50 PM
@Riker Probably
@Downgoat Session
Though we might want to move prefs to DB if we end up adding a bunch of options
Many messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
@Mego tbh I'd prefer DB
6:32 PM
Ok I added dark theme so once you login and you click your username you should be able to activate it: codegolf.vihan.org:4321/post/4
@Downgoat okay I was able to register and log in but clicking Dark Theme doesn't do anything.
@J.Sallé It doesn't reload the page or anything?
what browser are you using
@Downgoat nope, nothing happens. I'm on Chrome v. 62 on W10
weird, it's 100% HTML so it's not like it can even the the JS that's breaking
I used an incognito window to register/login with my personal email instead of my work email, could that be causing it?
I'll try to login in a normal window
6:37 PM
@J.Sallé that could be it, it doesn't track IP or anything so perhaps chrome clears your session so the server can't ID your peference
huh I have same isssue in chrome
does the logout button work?
Yup, normal window still has the issue. Logout also does nothing.
So I guess Chrome is... chroming? >.>
when you click it, does the popup disappear, or does it stay?
it could be the popup disapears before the "Light Theme" link is clicked
For me, the website doesn't even load (codegolf.vihan.org:4321/post/4)
crap lemme restart server
should be back up
@Downgoat the popup disappears
6:41 PM
oh god
@Downgoat Bug? (safari)
@Downgoat mhm. Using JS to click the button works
@Mr.Xcoder did it load like that?
@Downgoat Yes, refreshing doesn't help.
The login button is also in the same weird position
what safari version?
6:43 PM
And the login button does nothing here
any errors in console?
Is it Chrome that doesn't render the latex in the post page? prntscr.com/hdwk5w
Looks like you have Sierra which is even weirder
@J.Sallé It renders correctly on Safari
@Downgoat 10.0.2
@J.Sallé that can't be right, latex rendering is server-side
oh, must be integity
6:45 PM
@Mr.Xcoder yeah I noticed it because of your imgur link :p
35 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
@Downgoat not sure why it's happening. I'm behind a proxy here but it couldn't be that, could it?
@Downgoat I would check, but the site seems down again
@J.Sallé Try now
@Downgoat now it works, nice!
6:47 PM
@Downgoat No errors. But the login button doesn't work
@Mr.Xcoder can you run [(a=getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('header'))).alignItems,a.justifyCo‌​ntent] in your console and tell me the output
yeah just a sec
> SyntaxError: Invalid character '\u8203'
SE chat markdown
CMC: write a userscript that removes stupid unicode characters like these ^
I must write that by hand...
6:49 PM
@Downgoat The response is ["stretch", "center"] (2) = $1
Idea: if the post contains the word "goat", the upvote and downvote buttons change to an upgoat and a downgoat (inspired by the goat detector)
Idea: Goat mode (inspired by the userscript)
@Mr.Xcoder what if you run getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('header')).display
@Downgoat Very weird situation: Opening the website on Safari mobile makes the Login button work, whilst trying on a Mac, nothing happens. Any idea why?
@Downgoat "flex" = $2
O_o 0/10 weirdest bug ever
maybe try clear cache?
6:53 PM
I'll try
@Downgoat Clearing the caches does not solve the issue
Very weird...
This is really weird, Imma see if I can find a computer with Safari 10
@Pavel what was that website again that lets you test on different devices at once?
@Downgoat from what I can see, it looks like as soon as I press LMB the popup for Dark Theme and Logout disappears. If I hold the button the same happens.
I don't think it's just me, since clearing the caches didn't work
7:03 PM
@Mr.Xcoder browserstack is a paid software iirc
Yes but has a free trial :P
Oh nice. I only know of Screenfly but it's for screen resolutions, not different devices
@J.Sallé does it work now (you may need to clear cache)
@Downgoat yup, works now.
@Mr.Xcoder after you click the login button, do any errors appear in the console?
7:12 PM
and it saves my preference if I log out, that's neat.
but closing the incognito window resets it, but that's probably because it clears both cache and browsing history and stuff?
@Downgoat Absolutely none. It is just like a no-op.
any warnings (you may need to reload page with console open to see them)?
@Mego btw with js markdown, been having 0 problems with markdown rendering so far
on the server
Would you prefer the markdown editor to wrap or scroll?
Wrap (I realized you meant horizontally)
7:25 PM
wrap is weird for code imo
@Poke Agreed
Why not implement a user setting, that lets them choose to wrap or scroll?
^^^ Agreed
@Poke so would you deem markdown code?
Are you talking about an answer's markdown or a codeblock in an answer
talking about the 'post body' textarea
7:36 PM
ooo i'm not logged in to google on my work lappy toppy
should this markdown:
be two lines or one line
i.e. should it be foo bar or foo\nbar
@Downgoat Most Markdown impls I've seen only do line breaks on \n\n
@Downgoat I'd say foo\nbar. Is there a reason why usually it's the first though?
good question
@Downgoat The menu button doesn’t work on Safari mobile (the upper-right-hand corner one)
7:41 PM
oh, you mean the hamburger one?
yeah I forgot to implement that >_< :P
I should do that now I guess
Good call
1 hour later…
8:48 PM
@dzaima foo bar is how it is supposed to work. Consider a text document where there are single line breaks at 72 or 80 columns and double line breaks between paragraphs
9:01 PM
@Downgoat Browserstack
9:18 PM
@NieDzejkob I guess so, but with programming as the main focus it shouldn't be a problem
9:32 PM
btw do we want to allow editing posts?
I assume so
but that means we need to track versions which sounds hard ;_;
@Downgoat are answers 'posts' on PPCG v2?
not technically.
I am just reffering to questoins/challenges
what I don't want is for Mr. Sheep to be like "I am going to edit my post!" and then invalidate 50% of answer
but everyone makes mistakes. Also fixing loopholes is useful
that is also true
Maybe we can have a "Answer XY will be invalidated by this edit." popup
and once versions are tracked old answers could link the version where it worked
9:40 PM
@dzaima don't change the convention just because. IIRC even these bbcode forums behave that way

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