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and that day he came to our class and yelled to us about how we shouldn't bring him approval papers and our parents should
I literally got yelled at because of HIS incompetence.
I know it's anime and sometimes character direction makes characters look dumber than a human could possibly be, but this time it seemed like they were genuinely retarded to a point
like in rom-com anime you know characters are not talking to each other or misunderstanding basic things because that's how the genre works, but this isn't that genre
so I'm confused
lol.. well, yeah. now that I think about it, it was kinda slow. anyways, I enjoyed the watch :B
maybe they tried to portray very reserved kids and the way they talk, idk
it was super slow, yes, that's part of the charm I guess
but I don't think it worked very well
Sure, I could apparently check e-okul and see if it went through or not, but guess what, I can only login with my school number, and guess what, I didn't know my school ID bc I was transferring. So we did the next best thing and mom called them everyday, asking if it went through, and they only acknowledged it 8 days into school, even though it went through on the first day of school.
I'm not even sure what to do. They fucked up and I'm suffering because of it.
I'd rate it 7/10 for everything else like interesting scenes and cozy interiors of book shop and homes and shrines and store streets
mm, the art was kinda nice, yeah!
if you like slow paced anime, you might wanna check out mushishi
@Avery that's sad
if they said "we're really sorry but we sadly can't change historic data", I'd be less mad. They're just refusing to acknowledge it (let alone apologize or take action), and they're acting like I did something wrong.
@Avery keep pushing them and make it apparent that you will never stop
@Hakase I'm too shy for that.
eventually they'll get tired of you and just do it faster next time and create less problems for you
school administrations being bad is probably a worldwide phenomenon, but you've got to be a dick not to acknowledge it
well that's one trick doctors hate
you gotta fuckemup my friend
honestly I'm sick of school already and I'd rather not deal with their shit much longer
know when you're right and they're wrong, be ultra stoic about it, try to be polite and professional all the way
and they have the right to just make me lose this year
well, these fuckers shit on people every day, it's kinda their thing
@Hakase I gave a thought about watching earlier at some point of this year, but the art style didn't really match a tone with me. I'm really picky about the visuals and stuff. So much, that I didn't even watch Cowboy Bebop even though it is stated as one the best animes ever created :<
@Avery write to higher places if they try to pull that shit on you
demand justice and retribution!
don't stop, don't back away
and when you get your passport, find a job and leave forever
@SaitamaSama huh weird
can you watch Code Geass?
well, I loved Code Geass :B
u r weird
what about Higurashi?
haven't seen that one yet...
just check out screenshots and tell me what you think about that art style
but from the google search results, yeah, the art looks kinda daunting
ok so you're not totally weird :p
@ave did you know database admins and high load programmers earn hella money and it only takes about 3 years of work to get to?
@Hakase I mean
we get ours at 14 but you know
@Hakase did you know that nearly all decent countries require a university degree to hand out a worker visa?
@SaitamaSama just browse my list and see if you like something myanimelist.net/animelist/ee9&show=0&order=4
@Avery yea yea that's certainly a thing to consider
UK and NZ don't require it.
nz is hella expensive
also deathbugs
uk isn't the cheapest either
also crappy tea and biscuits
so I'm boned?
well it wouldn't hurt to work for a bit and then move on to better places
I mean it's better than staying
I didn't start working at a better place right off the bat either
I'm not even where I wanna be at right now
but I'm glad I ditched my first job
still it was a necessary stepping stone on my path
@Hakase any particular romance anime you'd recommend? tbh the list is kinda long :P (and I'm lazy)
@Hakase thing is, I can't "move on to better places" thanks to the degree requirements.
after watching koe no katachi, I've been on a romance-genre watching spree
@Avery start looking into companies you want to work at now, write them letters asking how else you could get in, perhaps by showing them certificates for high level programmer stuff, database and IT administration knowledge
those certs can go a long way if you want to get to a better place sooner
@Hakase as I said, they can't sponsor a visa without a degree.
I'm talking about schengen region and NA btw.
well, if you're 100% certain about that, there's nothing else to recommend
shenanigan region! >.<
@SaitamaSama have you checked out the recs? myanimelist.net/anime/28851/Koe_no_Katachi/userrecs
@Hakase umm, does gsoc count as a nice certificate for future admittance to companies and stuff?
google summer of code
I'd say that it helps.
oh I don't think it's considered serious but it's all better than nothing
everything helps
well yea
but yeah, not as much as a cisco cert of whatever
but better look into database and high load certs
because the sector is dumb.
coz the real world wants programmers who can also design optimal databases and fast queries
there are lots of jobs where you gotta refactor old stuff by basically redesigning the whole 1995 system from scratch to today's standards
@Hakase looks like AnoHana is a common rec for a lot the animes I watched :D I'd give it a shot after watching Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda.
@SaitamaSama oh it's good but I'd only suggest watching it in one sitting
it's like a cry festival
there's no pausing that
@SaitamaSama koe no katachi is more like drama than romance imo
so is AnoHana
I really dislike dB and stuff, though I like to work on pretty low level things like web servers and stuff
I suppose that's what Sai's looking for
@SaitamaSama you can totally do that too, but all higher level jobs eventually demand database expertise
I read the first chapter of Koe no Katachi and it was depressing enough for me to drop it
I mean, sure, what else I expected, but still
@SaitamaSama What the other says: it doesn't look like anything official but surely helps
@Darjeeling yeah, ikr... I really missed a hint of romance in koe no katachi, like at least a kiss or something :<
or you could focus on high performance backend programming, even SO blog says it's totally possible to narrowly specialize like that these days
Publicly available personal experience tends to help when you're a developer anyway
I just don't have that kind of experience
@milleniumbug don't read, watch the movie
it's very beautifully animated
I didn't do any C++ profesionnaly, but my libraries + the fact that I contributed to the standard would allow me to land a near-expert job anyway
hmm.. thanks for all the suggestions :)
eh it wasn't much but you're welcome
@Morwenn that sounds pretty cool
user image
beautiful eyelashes
@Hakase I remeber the face of an employer changing and him not saying anything for 5 seconds straight after I said "well, one of my proposals just made it into the standard" after he asked about my lack of prefessional C++ experience xD
It was golden
He was like "what am I supposed to do/say now?"
@Morwenn hahaa
[x] c++ experience
@Morwenn which proposal tho?
@SaitamaSama I was something about removing a few defaults values when a fold expression was applied with some operator over an empty parameter pack
I... I know some of those words
tbh, I prefer C over C++ because I really find all teh std things and stuff... with C you just build everything from scratch, and you get to define everything :B
I know I'm weird :P
@SaitamaSama It makes me look like an expert /o/
I'm a C# person myself
I don't do that high performance coding yet
and not sure I wanna start
@SaitamaSama do embedded C++, they won't let you use the standard library and you'll do everything from scratch too x)
I used to work with C+
and, my expertise lies in PHP :) [I know people hate it for various reasons, but it's so versatile]
help I'm not used to this keyboard.
php is still widely in demand
I meant C sharp
But I mostly write python lately.
are you using blank keycaps?
@Hakase wha
I'm using mx blues
@Avery Python is cool
which are looooouuuud
PHP :/
I also write some php and some C/C++
not the switches, I meant keycaps
@Hakase ah
no, but they're printed turkish q.
let me try again
+ is pretty far from #
u on some weird layout?
@Hakase but not more than JS, tho I enjoy writing node, and JS stuff as well with all these new ES6 featues, but my heart lies withing PHP XD
IDK, I just don't write # that often
last time I checked job sites, js devs earn same or less than php, at least here
coz js is mostly client-side and front-end dev
oh eyah I write js too
php is more backend somehow
I write everything
I write on the wall
with permanent blood markers
yet I kinda like IT more.
IT is a pretty good movie indeed
(nah it's average, I was just doing a meme)
@SaitamaSama I use nvim on cli
but I use atom/ST when I need a gui editor
@SaitamaSama ye ye whatever I just use notepad++ and sometimes regular notepad when I'm super lazy
all this emacs nano vim stuff is for weird non-programmers
well, tbh when I first opened vim, I actually panicked that I didn't know how in the world to exit it :B
I mean what do they even do
PHPStorm forever <3
my first experience with vim is logged forever.
people that don't use the force to program don't deserve to program :|
I use StackOverflow to program :p
PyCharm advocate here
PyCharm is ok
(no strong text editor preference here)
CLion sucks tho... I tried initializing php-src with it, but it crashed :(
@SaitamaSama I mean
it's an IDE.
we're talking about code editors
@SaitamaSama It's scared of it :D
I like Pycharm. It's OK.
Oh, for text editor I generally prefer VSCode or Atom... (or, gedit)
hmm I haven't tried vscode yet
how different is it from just the full visual studio?
they share the name
@Hakase like, all of it.
I don't like vscode
it's not customizable enough.
one would think it would be weird if VS team didn't include the Code's features into the full IDE
Someone just mailed me about a project I made and open sourced
what do they want
they're thanking me about it
oh ok
> We are a non-profit association that develops environmental sustainability projects.
In a small project we are doing, we wanted to monitor temperatures in various classrooms in a school, and after testing all the libraries we had found of influxdb, none of them worked correctly.
Finally with the example of your project we managed to make it work.
what's the project
I mean what's your thing
@Avery That's nice ^^
And such feedback might be valuable during an interview :D
good for you and bad for those weird losers who couldn't make their stuff working :p
idk looks like normal code to me
I mean the good kind of normal not the indian whatever normal
@Hakase eh, I tend to really dislike stuff I write
it's how all artists live, don't focus on it too much
well, I've built this :P
@TimE.Lord guh now you made methink about putting long hair inside a condom '~'
I can relate to her because I have to put my hair in a top knot too.
@SaitamaSama no idea how to look at this
@TimE.Lord where do you get these?
these different twitters
also don't stop coz I like seeing different pics I wouldn't have seen otherwise
well, it basically parses PHP error log files, and has a kawaii web interface of looking at 'em
@Hakase it'd work.
ye but the slime
yeah prefer non-lubricated ones.
had to google that one
@TimE.Lord lol
anyway that's what you get for being on the internet for so long
tho, I'm personally more proud of this one the first web server I built
@SaitamaSama thanks for puttin on that notice

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