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Is this conversion correct:
@0celo7 huh
(B is coordinates, just like r)
@PhysicsMeta boy oh boy, is that one ever a bucket of whoa
I don't see how $\sin \theta$ become $\frac{\mathbf B}{2|\mathbf B|^3}$ after conversion from spherical to cartesian coordinates
@EmilioPisanty that's a whole bunch of something
@ACuriousMind Can you help with this ^?
@ACuriousMind Ok, so the construction of a covariant derivative from a vector bundle horizontal distribution is much harder than for principal bundles.
@EmilioPisanty looking at the one answer: the OP took all his comments there and reposted the entirety of it in his edited question
$$\nabla_v\sigma =\mathrm p(\mathrm p_\mathrm{v}(d_p \sigma\cdot v))$$
that hurts just to look at
@0celo7 what are those p's here
projection operators?
and then $$H_y=\{ds\cdot u-j_y\nabla_u s:s\in\Gamma(E), s(\pi(y))=y, u\in T_{\pi(y)}M\}$$
and that $j_y$ is the vector bundle isomorphism $\pi^*E\to VE$
@Semiclassical various ones, yeah
there's four or so in this construction
there are five bundles involved
and in my GR problem there's Hom bundles and tensor bundles, etc.
I hate bundles
yea, uh
i have to go
and do something else
and stay the hell away from that mess
@Semiclassical there's a reason why connections on vector bundles are usually presented as friendly derivative operators
So from this, I can see roughly what Christodoulou is saying. I believe him. Time to move on.
@Semiclassical this "mess" is attempting to coherently describe invariants for Lagrangian-type theories in GR
It’s meant for braver men than I, then
@Semiclassical Ahhhh, this nonsense is to get rid of the pseudotensors
Trade one evil for another :)
lol of course
@Semiclassical yeah, I know
Conservation of horror
Get rid of it in one place, it pops up somewhere else
(I like to joke that there’s a conservation of absurdity in QM interpretations)
@Semiclassical clearly you haven't heard my goblin interpretation
@vzn I read that, was like "but we knew this months ago!" Then realised they were talking about Intel, not IBM :P
@0celo7 The goblin interpretation: Goblins got a wizard to do it
Hello again.
Why is it that we usually refer to a paper by the names of its authors, rather than the name of the paper?
@SirCumference papers tend to have very generic names
Author + subject tends to narrow it down better
Papers also tend to have longer names and some of the terms in the name are oft repeated. Author names are more unique. Pairing the two gives you the best search results. I think.
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