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12:39 AM
room topic changed to The Overlook Hotel: Writing exercises are now on Writers meta [irrelephant-scribblings] [pixelings]
room topic changed to The Overlook Hotel: Writing exercises are now on Writers meta [irrelephant-scribblings] [pixelings]
room topic changed to The Overlook Hotel: Writing exercises are now on Writers meta [irrelephant-scribblings] [pixelings]
Well, putting a link up there didn't work.
Since writing exercises are on meta now, trying to publicize that.
Seems reasonable.
1:26 AM
@BESW Any ideas for chat events that might replace it?
(Feel free to change description to whatever seems best over time.)
Oof, I'm rather cynical about chat events overall; the ones I've seen succeed emerge organically from the interactions of an active community, rather than starting with "we need a chat event."
However, you might try seeing if Literature is interested in partnering up for something.
And... I remember my first downvotes ever, on Superuser. It was like a punch in the gut.
@BESW Will do.
They've got a monthly reading challenge already, and The Reading Room is pretty active.
Also Role-playing Games is starting up its own chat events with some limited success. Since RPGs are basically collaborative, improvised storytelling with an imposed structure, there might be some meshing available there.
(I think the scifi chat has regular movie-watching events, but I would think twice before yoking up to that ox.)
...Graphic Design used to have a "book cover design" event.
@ubersoft Firearm errors in fiction are like building a baseball diamond in an Iowa cornfield.

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