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09:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@cairdcoinheringaahing Outgolfing him seems... wrong
Of course it was.
@Mr.Xcoder yeah apparntly it was wrong :(
I must port his Jelly answer to Pyth, he said it would save me 3 bytes
@cairdcoinheringaahing Perhaps we should Hypertrain after that?
@Mr.Xcoder train what?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Jelly lol
@Mr.Xcoder obviously, but what CMC?
No idea. After I port his answer to Pyth, we'll find one
CMC: given n, find the n-th term in the sequence 1 5 14 30 55 91 140 204 285 ...
I get three bytes
@Cowsquack I don't even understand the rule
check the difference between the numbers
@Cowsquack square numbers
The differences are 4 9 16... Square numbers
I need to golf 1 more byte on my Pyth answer, will be back shortly
f(n) = n² + f(n-1)
@Cowsquack how do you do recursion in 3 bytes?
you don't need recursion
@Cowsquack meh, I give up. Its too early in the morning for this :P
@Cowsquack I have 27 bytes in Python: f=lambda n:n and n*n+f(n-1)
My first recursion answer, ever
hint: how do you solve the nth triangular number in 2 bytes?
now you have everything you need
I am back, I couldn't find the solution to my Pyth answer
@Cowsquack how long have you been doing Hypertraining?
Jun 7 at 12:34, by Erik the Outgolfer
Welcome to our class, Kritixi Lithos!
but I have not been very active since
@Cowsquack a month longer than me :D
Poll: How many tabs do you usually have open when training with Jelly?
@Mr.Xcoder at least 5
Chat room, TIO, Atoms, Quicks, Tutorial, plus anything else I'm supposed to be doing
at least 3 or 4
@cairdcoinheringaahing I have 4, I don't have tutorial
depending on the difficulty of the problem
@Mr.Xcoder tutorial is the only way to get string stuff and chain separators
brb getting coffee
Another CMC? The one above became obvious when you said "triangular numbers", so...
@Mr.Xcoder Chat Mega Challenge! Do all the challenges in this
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's a bit too mega, choose one
@Mr.Xcoder how about this one?
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's even more MEGA, I know that challenge
Don't look at Dennis's answers, 19 bytes :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I won't even solve that one
@Mr.Xcoder golf as many as you can then
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ok, after I golf my Pyth answer....
CMC: this sequence: 1 -2 3 -4 5 -6 7 -8 ...
@Cowsquack The nth number?
given n, generate the first n terms of the sequence
@Cowsquack This seems cool, can't wait to try it :)
@Cowsquack Would ¦ and N be useful?
Idk, I haven't started on it yet :P
what does ¦ do?
@Cowsquack applies an atom to specific indicies of a list
@Cowsquack <link><indexes>¦ - applies the link to specific indexes
@Cowsquack For example, this only adds the argument to elements at the indexes [1, 3, 5]
Rm2 this gets the odd indexes, right?
@Mr.Xcoder Yeah I think so
@Mr.Xcoder yes
RNm2¦ generates [-1, -1, -3, -4, -5] :/
@Mr.Xcoder because you need the other call to range
@cairdcoinheringaahing RNRm2¦ wouldn't work
@Mr.Xcoder yeah, just tried it. :/ There is a 1 byte method of getting the odd indexes though
@cairdcoinheringaahing Why would it return nothing?
@Mr.Xcoder its Jelly
RḤ? Or similar, in different order
@Mr.Xcoder all I can say is try it :P
That would generate exactly what we need [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20]
This works, I think it is valid
@Mr.Xcoder check mine ^ :D
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ok
@cairdcoinheringaahing ಠ_ಠ
@Mr.Xcoder I hope you didn't copy it ;)
@cairdcoinheringaahing I didn't... You could have just told me they are identical in the first place
@Mr.Xcoder another CMC?
Don't spoiler, such that you can be confident I didn't copy, right?
@Mr.Xcoder sure, I won't give you mine
@Mr.Xcoder given a number n, calculate n factorial without using !
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ok
@Mr.Xcoder Do you want a bytecount to go for?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Why not
@Mr.Xcoder 2 bytes
@cairdcoinheringaahing This one was easy
@Mr.Xcoder how about making a quine?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I have never written one
Especially a proper one
@Mr.Xcoder try it in Jelly then (no reading the source code)
@cairdcoinheringaahing I have no idea where to start
@Mr.Xcoder read through these
Jelly codepage first?
@Mr.Xcoder no, look for the word "quine"
Cheat for quine
@Mr.Xcoder it doesn't go against PPCG rules, so if you use ØV or Øv, it still counts
Byte count?
@Mr.Xcoder 3 bytes is the minimum, but its tricky
I am convinced the 3 byte once doesn't use ØV or Øv
@Mr.Xcoder you're right there. But they still lead to the right path
@cairdcoinheringaahing So I should start writing a quine with them, first?
@Mr.Xcoder experiment with what they output, and add or remove characters that don't seem to help
I was very curious what Ṙv and noticed that by removing v, as a stand-alone is really interesting
It is definitely helpful, I can tell you that
For example, Ṙ6 prints “”6 .
Also, 4ṘṘ prints 444 and ṘṘ4 prints “”“”4
6ṘṘ => 666 Dennis and Jelly are clearly the devil D:
Ṙ”Ṙ prints: “”Ṙ... I feel like I am very close
I should read up on
> Print a string representation of z, without a linefeed. Returns z.
For some reason, Ṙ”Ṙ prints 00Ṙ for me on TIO
@Mr.Xcoder you've got a argument added
@cairdcoinheringaahing I spot the problem, I had 1 command arg empty, forgot to remove it
Ṙ“Ṙ”Ṙ prints 00“Ṙ”Ṙ
I just need the first one somehow
@cairdcoinheringaahing Solved it in 4 bytes: “Ṙ”Ṙ
@Mr.Xcoder good. Where can you remove a byte?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Hm....
Oh god, those quotes for one character are redundant!
@cairdcoinheringaahing :) ”ṘṘ
@Mr.Xcoder there you go. I've gtg rn so bye!
@cairdcoinheringaahing Bye
1 hour later…
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah...basically you can't outgolf with an invalid answer ;) (I know you couldn't delete the message lol)
btw I've only managed to outgolf Dennis once...basically since Dennis is a mathematician or something
@EriktheOutgolfer I tried to make my answer work again with the method I took, but it cam out at about 12 bytes, so I gave up :(
btw I think mr xcoder succeeded in writing a quine
@EriktheOutgolfer yeah I saw. Its the same as the one in the quine challenge, but I'm pretty sure he didn't copy it
probably not, since if he wants to learn jelly he shouldn't look for spoilers lol
@EriktheOutgolfer when I started, I thought that I could just look on main for the answers, then realised that it wouldn't help me, so I stopped :P
yeah that's why we have the first "rule" here...
@EriktheOutgolfer I was goning to try the binary wall challenge on main in Jelly, but would up with about 20 bytes because of padding, so posted a joke answer
@cairdcoinheringaahing actually I think that's easy at a quick glance
@EriktheOutgolfer so did I, but then the part about right padding got long, because Jelly doesn't have a builtin for it
@cairdcoinheringaahing oh it's not allowed (like you said in your answer)
> Input must be taken in base 10, if your language accepts other bases you cannot use them.
but I can do it in 9 bytes lol
@EriktheOutgolfer yeah, but you're a Jelly teacher, and I'm a level 1
yeah I know...that's why I give you a hint: zip
(btw I'll let you figure out and post yourself)
@EriktheOutgolfer is Dennis ok? Its been 2 hours and he hasn't posted a 3 byte Jelly answer, something must be wrong.
@cairdcoinheringaahing because it's clearly impossibly in three bytes
Hi again
I was wondering what's your byte count for this: CMC: [-1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 6, ...], first n terms (n ≥ 1)
@Mr.Xcoder me or erik?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Any of you
@Mr.Xcoder 5 lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing well, okay if you want to give up so hard
@EriktheOutgolfer I'm too tired to Jelly right now :P besides I have other work that I really need to get to
ok then
@Mr.Xcoder hi
@EriktheOutgolfer Hi
well, have you done the challenge to dj yet?
@EriktheOutgolfer Which?
this one
Oh, no.
remember, As go to first column, B go to second column etc
wanna have a go at it?
I have some ideas from my Pyth answer yesterday on it
also remember I can do it in 10 bytes
I think I'll use assorted nilads
you only get A-Z or a-z input, but case is consistent
@EriktheOutgolfer I will have to pick one, alright
pick whatever's better for you (I remember you went with lowercase in pyth yesterday)
@EriktheOutgolfer It's essentially the same thing
@EriktheOutgolfer Did you use (many) quicks?
@Mr.Xcoder nope
@EriktheOutgolfer I think I'll use it first
@EriktheOutgolfer If I want to go through a String and map its indexes into another one, how would I go about this?
what do you mean?
like, translate?
For example, I want to map the indexes of the input "PLAY" into ØA.
16, 12, 1, 25
like, “PLAY”(stuff)ØA?
Perhaps y ?
no that's for translation
unfortunately that's only possible in 3 bytes: i@€
NOOO, I just lost my work because I accidentally hit cmd+Q... I must start over
I don't think chrome has ctrl/cmd+q lol another reason to install chrome
@EriktheOutgolfer Any app has CMD+Q on mac. It's like ALT+F4
darn...it must be annoying right?
@EriktheOutgolfer It is. Especially when (out of reflex) hit Q instead of V in CMD+V
have you done anything yet?
i@ۯA for now
so that's how you get the indices
Already wasted 5 bytes LOL
don't worry about that rn
I have i@€ØA×” Y+, but It does not give correct results just yet
L            A
umm, + adds two numbers, why would you need that here?
you may be interested in ; instead
@EriktheOutgolfer I have i@€ØA×” +³Y now
I am one space off
there's a builtin for a space
@totallyhuman Which?
urgh ninja'd
it works if you have <4 command line arguments
I have 11 bytes: spoiler
@EriktheOutgolfer I dunno how to use ;
it's just concatenate
e.g. [1, 2, 3] ; [4, 5, 6] -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
non-list arguments are treated as singleton lists
note that jelly strings are like this: ['P', 'L', 'A', 'Y']
@EriktheOutgolfer How would that be helpful?
+ would generate python strings, e.g. ”P+”L+”A+”Y -> 'PLAY'['P', 'L', 'A', 'Y']
jelly doesn't have native support for those
only rarely is abusing that useful
@EriktheOutgolfer Can you show me how to use ; here?
I don't place it correctly, I think
to what?
the ; thing
I don't place it/use it correctly
And I have no idea where I should put it
that's the quick I was talking about
Jelly is taking over my life!
it's correctly placed, but it needs a quick for it to work
@EriktheOutgolfer Wait, isn't the quick?
@EriktheOutgolfer Ok
nope I meant the quick in my version
@EriktheOutgolfer you know the keyboard thing for Jelly on the github page? I saw that, and now I'm trying to make something like that in tkinter.
heh I just use compose key lol (that is, I use linux too)
@EriktheOutgolfer it saves me from having to copy paste everything, plus its linked to the Jelly interpreter but the prediction for the key is impossible.
@EriktheOutgolfer I cannot find the quick
@EriktheOutgolfer Found it: i@€ØA’×⁶;"³Y
yep that's it
Now... to golf it
but you're using ×⁶ while you can use ⁶ẋ lol
Isn't that the same thing?
that still generates stuff like ' ' instead of [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ']
and no it's not the same × is python's * and vectorizes
yeah...do you know why ⁶ẋ works here?
@EriktheOutgolfer Nope
@EriktheOutgolfer If I type y, its supposed to come up with buttons for Y¥yỴẎỵẏ but it only comes up with Yy because Python hates me.
Because it vectorizes?
@cairdcoinheringaahing that's not how compose key works
@cairdcoinheringaahing Why don't you use a custom keyboard layout instead?
@Mr.Xcoder vectorization is one thing, python string generation is another
@EriktheOutgolfer do you know why ⁶ẋ works here?. Why?
@EriktheOutgolfer @Mr.Xcoder I use windows UK keyboard so I can't access the other keys, and I can't be bothered to buy a different one
@Mr.Xcoder oh
it's a nilad-dyad pair that's why
@EriktheOutgolfer Jelly just became more interesting
Do you reveal yours?
Or keep it safely, and give us hints?
(don't immediately click ;) )
@EriktheOutgolfer FYI I might drop in and out today, as I work (btw ^ is clever)
you meant ^^^ not ^^ right?
@EriktheOutgolfer your code
Ok, I am tired of Pyth beating Jelly (for this CMC), so I will pick another one from the list caird gave me earlier
@Mr.Xcoder what list did I give you?
@cairdcoinheringaahing You linked me a mega list earlier
4 hours ago, by caird coinheringaahing
@Mr.Xcoder Chat Mega Challenge! Do all the challenges in this
@Mr.Xcoder oh yeah, Martin's list of challenges! FYI, try them in Cthulhu when Its finished
@cairdcoinheringaahing I will try them now, because Cthulhu will follow the docs I've written before.
But Jelly + Pyth + Cthulhu develoment / training is exhausting
@Mr.Xcoder tell me about it. I've got about 10 languages and whenever I work on them, I begin comparing them to Jelly.
I will probably ask for tips
I just realized that I had a second tab for Hypertraining open, with 137 unread messages in it :P
that happens more often with tnb though
there's a space in the name ಠ_ಠ
6 hours later…
@EriktheOutgolfer do you have a puzzle for me to do?
afraid not atm I may have to go in a bit
@EriktheOutgolfer ok bye!
@cairdcoinheringaahing CMC: Given a String, print all its uppercase vowels.
@Mr.Xcoder is y a vowel?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Up to you to decide
How has Dennis not added this as a nilad?
it's there at the bottom
@cairdcoinheringaahing Target byte count (for yours)?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Well done
For yours?
@Mr.Xcoder I'm doing it now but 3 bytes (maybe)?
Yeah, 3 bytes
@cairdcoinheringaahing Can you please not spoiler anymore?
@Mr.Xcoder oh yeah, sorry. I'm used to the teachers asking me for solutions. Should I use spoiler or just post after you?
@cairdcoinheringaahing After me, on your CMCs
@Mr.Xcoder sure
This one is quite easy anyway: Ṁ,Ṃ
@Mr.Xcoder How many of the easy challenges they've linked to have you done?
@cairdcoinheringaahing About... 0
Ah, those
Lemme count
@cairdcoinheringaahing 18
I've got 6 left. Which ones (not including strings) haven't you done?
No, 20
@cairdcoinheringaahing Not including Strings:
09:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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