I have two names Roland Barthes "Camera Lucida" and Susan Sontag "On Photography".
Can you recommend any other books similar two the ones listed above?
I read a book in the mid to late nineties that I don't have any clue how to search for. Here are the things that I remember from this book:
The main character was younger than 18 and he had a vision problem.
The kid played soccer, and was a goalie. The book had a few different parts where it...
> I believe the setting of the book was Florida, but that might just be from the oranges.
^ I thought oranges come from the Mediterranean (Greece and Italy and Spain), and possibly from South America. But apparently Americans have different associations.
There was a poem that I studied back in high school that at first glance was all about flowers and butterflies, pistils, proboscises and the like but after further analysis was extremely explicit. I have tried in earnest to find it but I cannot. Does this ring a bell with anyone? Has someone ever...