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Do some of you remember from exercises for example some values of esterification reaction enthalpy?
Oh, great, thanks @Hexa. Now you've gotten @ortho stuck in a linkbot loop.
@hBy2Py sorry what ?
Lol, never mind
@Hexacoordinate-C Haha, never mind. We had an issue with a mod
@ortho accidentally linkdumped a bunch of questions for review here, instead of over in Spring Cleaning.
OH ok
I need to find reaction enthalpy of making aspirin from salicylic acid and acetic anhydrid. I know what to do but I don't know where to find values
This is not the reaction I'm looking for haha
I know. How exact a value do you need?
Well I'm doing a heat balance for sizing a reactor to make 40kT of aspirin per year
I need to find the maximum value of heat if my reactor is adiabatic to find the best possible heat exchanger
I wonder if there are enthalpies of formation tabultaed somewhere.
CRC Handbook, I guess?
I'm seeking for 2 weeks now lol
Hum maybe I looked at perry's and try a lot of numerical method
I compared with some esterification reaction and sometimes reactions are endo or exo so...
@M.A.R. I thought we had already done that some months ago, didn't we do a retagging session for that ?
@Hippalectryon The efforts have been intermittently ongoing
There's a more serious movement afoot to completely eliminate it, now.
Q: Do we really need [homework]? [Part 3]

orthocresolWhile we're on the topic of getting rid of tags, I would like to bring this up as a first step towards making a new closure policy. This has actually been discussed before. See: (1) Should we have a homework tag? (2) Should we stop using the homework tag? Apparently, at the time, it was thought ...

@Hippalectryon That was removing the tag on questions that had it as their only tag
Now we're removing the tag completely.
Please join us on GitHub for easier coordination of spring cleaning. Ping hBy2Py or M.A.R with your GitHub username to be granted access to the GitHub organization.
@M.A.R. not found
@Hippalectryon Gah, you're right
Yeah, have to be a member of the org
@Ortho can you edit that message with a link to some invite or whatever?
in Spring Cleaning, 41 secs ago, by hBy2Py
Please join us on GitHub for easier coordination of cleanup efforts. Ping hBy2Py or M.A.R to be granted access to the GitHub organization.
@hBy2Py This throws me a 404 when I open it in incognito as well.
@orthocresol Hmm yeah, you need to be part of the team to access the link
So you should edit my message and add the ping part @Ortho
@orthocresol "Ping hBy2Py or M.A.R. with your Github username . . . "
ok now?
I don't remember my github account ^^
@orthocresol Maybe take out that extra ellipsis in the middle?
2 mins ago, by M.A.R.
@orthocresol "Ping hBy2Py or M.A.R. with your Github username . . . "
Yes, I know
I figure that wasn't meant to be included literally
Oh well, I didn't mean the ellipsis to be included
Awesome, thanks Ortho
What would we have ever done without someone with infinite edit capabilities? Praise be to @ortho​seal!
Q: Are answers that only contain hints to be considered answers or not?

JanI recently flagged an answer as not an answer because its entire content was something along the lines of Hint: Consider these two mechanisms. What would happen in case one? What would happen in case two? It was an answer to a (heavily downvoted and thus no link) homework question. I assume...

@orthocresol thank you I didn't know there were heat of formation in Handbook
So at 298.15K enthalpy of reaction to make aspirin from salicylic acid and anhydride acetic is -6.41 kJ/mol
@hBy2Py add me to GitHub?
@pentavalentcarbon I can do that, username?
@M.A.R. on my SE profile
@pentavalentcarbon Sent, I guess
Yep, it worked.
I always thought your first name is cool, BTW
Your chat personality matches it pretty well
I can't access the link you shared
@Hexacoordinate-C Yep, because only members can
@Hexacoordinate-C Sent, now delete this message
I can't delete my messages
Thank you :)
I'll need to look at my github lessons because I don't use it a lot and I forgot almost eveything ^^
@pentavalentcarbon Looks like M.A.R. is on the ball.
I debated about just adding you without asking, but figured waiting was smarter.
@Hexacoordinate-C In the event that you have more difficulty with Git than GitHub: try.github.io
Yeah, @Hexa, we're not using much of the git part of GitHub for this
It's almost all playing in the Projects area for now.
Didn't they make it so you can do all sorts of editing/commiting etc. even just from the website?
@penta @Hexa For discussion related to the cleanup, chat in Spring Cleaning, though
They did, but it's still pretty awkward.
Committing changes to more than one file at a time is awfully awkward through the web interface
I think you have to create a new branch, make one commit per edited file, then open a squash pull request to bring everything back to the initial branch
Don't worry I informatic is another part of my knowledge. I just need to look at it again a little. I like to commit :P
Goddamnit, why did I even start this?
A: Why do the halides run in reverse orders in the spectrochemical series and the trans-effect series?

JanThe two features you cite — trans-effect and spectrochemical series, i.e. ligand-induced crystal field split — are based on two different phenomena, two different structures and two entirely different observations that warrant two different discussions. Thus, the probability for the two trends to...

@Jan Because in the kingdom of blind the one-eyed man is king ;)
My punishment is to write a thousand times:
> I must not procrastinate.
@Jan That should stop me from procrastinating!
Just under "fig 1" you wrote "in the cass"
Gosh, you have the editing priviledge, don’t you? ;p
Yes I have but I have not the time :p
I'm sizing my reactor :D
Not sure if that sounds lewd or scientific ô.o
Double continous reactors to make 40kT of aspirin per year :)
posted on March 28, 2017

+1, huge fan of your wife’s oven.

1 hour later…
Second place at research day at school! So stoked! I developed this project and poured my heart into it for the last year and a half!
It's so disheartening when you boil a poster down to five bullet points for methods which makes it sound like, "press button, get results." It's like, "You have no idea how long it took for me to design these graphs!!" Haha! (originally posted this in the wrong chat, haha!)
@MelanieShebel Great job!
And I assume that was also an actual decision and not like my grad school where the voting slips for PhD students were lying around and our group just grabbed all we could find to fill one of us in (and win the poster prizes) ;D
Q: Cyclobutadiene - Jahn–Teller effect or not?

MarkoIn transition metal chemistry the Jahn–Teller effect arises when the configuration of the metal ion and d orbital splitting set up a doubly degenerate state, which is less stable than a state without the degeneracy but with lower symmetry. In Ian Fleming's Molecular Orbitals it is stated that cy...

Haha! I love it, @Jan! Haha, there'd be no pride in that, though! But I mean... I'll take the prizes!
Lol, I would have expected a star on that xD
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