\o/ hoo raa , just got paid for closing the house finnaly. 8months of hell , freezing my buttoff in the houses garage, working 24-7-365 . I am not "done" but i did get the reward
@allquixotic \o/ hoo raa , just got paid for closing the house finally. 8months of hell , freezing my buttoff in the houses garage, working 24-7-365 . I am not "done" but i did get the reward (source)
> Safari gets a score of only 380, one of the lowest of the major browsers. ... But most pages implement their own date picker anyway. How many people choose a color with a webpage? Most decent web pages that ask for a color have a picker implemented already.
As a web dev: fuck off.
That's the entire problem!
Inconsistent, shitty, laggy, buggy reimplementations of the same thing that the browser can easily handle with proper semantic HTML.
Though colour pickers might not be the best example cause most current browser impls are pretty bad for web use. But as a general idea... "because it's currently done in JS/plugin" is a terrible excuse.
And what's with that argument anyway?
You might not want to use Chrome ... because it has better standards support?
Oh god. Two whole sections focus on how it 'lacks' some weird gamified interface.
@JourneymanGeek someone just pulled a bunch of text out their arse, that's what...
@JourneymanGeek The problem is that the most obvious alternative to Chrome, Firefox, is quite poor by today's standards and is really only of interest to power users.
Can you send private messages through any website and have your search history not show this? Have your search history look like you were searching for a car when infact your messaging someone instead?
@Bob NO. Please, no. Especially my work laptop's HDD (less than 2 years old but usually powered on a lot; if I leave it at work, management scripts wake it up for Windows Updates)
too much config built up over time, and a custom image (approved image but "unsupported" = you can put it on our network, but if it breaks you're on your own or have to reimage to a supported image)
fortunately I'm keeping my code backed up on the network drive because I'm paranoid
I got a Windows 10 Lenovo laptop and formatted all of it to Linux. Now after a year I need to do some software testing on Windows 10, but how to find the Windows 10 license? (Is there a site where this question would be on-topic?)
@JourneymanGeek I see! So I could backup my stuff, install both Linux and Windows as dual-boot, and not have to care about Windows licenses at all, if I understand correctly?
So, a summary of the Ryzen reviews I'm seeing: The chip performs worse than expected, with software issues being a significant factor. Several reviewers encountered BSODs and motherboard instability, and it performs worse than 4C Intel parts under AotS with performance improving when multithreading is disabled.
Looks likes some teething problems for AMD. I hope they sort them out before they kill sales.
Ryzen has lots of potential. I really hope glitches like this don't kill it and take AMD along with it.
...this is clearly a software or firmware problem perhaps in the motherboard. Previous benchmarks showed Ryzen performing much better than this in AotS.
> We disabled the 1800X's SMT feature and its average frame rate increased to 70.9 FPS. By comparison, we disabled Hyper-Threading (Intel's equivalent technology) and re-tested the -6900K, yielding a 7 FPS performance loss
Oxide Games says they're working on it. Motherboard firmware and Windows updates are probably going to be necessary as well.
Given AMD's absence in the high-end CPU market for such a long time, it's not exactly surprising to hear that software is often just optimized for Intel processors, with AMD processors as second-class citizens. pcper.com/news/Processors/AMD-responds-1080p-gaming-tests-Ryzen
> Through the AMA in Reddit AMD has stated that an example of the game not utilizing the Zen correctly. The example was the workload move from thread to thread can lead a process being given to a thread of a core of a different CCX module in the processor, that leads the thread not finding its data in the module cache that leads to data calls or process dump (roughly)
Heck, unless the data and algorithms themselves are embarassingly parallel by nature (some are. physics is a maybe. AI is usually yes-ish), multithreading can slow things down cause now you're waiting on locks and maybe a cache sync/memory barrier.
I asked for an updated manual for our app and noticed that all the screenshots are not mocked into devices, which just doesn't look good. But the CEO already signed off on the current revision, so I just did a quick job on it and used the next best mockup I had at hand
@Bob Err know anywhere I can get hold of a MDP => DP cable in Aus?
@Bob Lol. I have a HDMI cable for that
This MDP to DP cable is the only one I could find after visiting four giant tech malls, and it doesn't run my monitor at anything at all (Except "Powersave mode")
It also had fairly decent wifi, so I didn't test the ethernet, but that's the first time I saw wired networking in every seat in any vehicle let alone a plane
@djsmiley2k Err... it might actually be >_>
I had the choice of my basic but super light 21" monitor or my heavy advanced 23" gaming monitor, and I picked the latter thinking it would work over HDMI :-/
And especially given Eastern countries' dislike of licensing and royalties and the like, I'd have expected the royalty-free DP to be more popular not less
@JourneymanGeek I would too, except I'm short on time
Didn't realise I needed one until two days into Italy
Tried to Amazon Prime myself one but Italy's Amazon just gave me a generic error when trying to sign up for another Prime trial, and my UK prime wouldn't carry over
> example of software: matlab, solidworks, coding->editors, photoshop, videoeditting, stuff like that example of games: the free and popular ones: csgo, league, maybe some mmorpg, maybe some rts games, etc
I usually don't like recommending parts I don't have any experience with, but this is probably a worthwhile exception. Just gonna wait till most of the BSoD issues are gone :P
though he's actually playing at least one game where single-thread CPU perf is key
then again he's currently actively using a laptop as his primary (gaming) machine... on an Intel HD 4000. So. Yea. Anything would be better.
@JourneymanGeek oh yea. the mech keyboard questions. he's just looking at the moment, but had his eyes on a k70 rapidfire and he's tested a blackwidow ultimate in-store. he was just asking generally for advice :P