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@Downgoat I will kill one goat per hour until you pull the chat relay
I will destroy you and everything you hold dear
I hear monologue is popular
cheese danish connected
I will destroy you and everything you hold dear
Wait, what?
Wow, little late to the party.
[TF2] cheese danish: I restarted him like 5 minutes ago
phinotpi connected
[TF2] cheese danish: This is PASS time
[TF2] cheese danish: There's a ball in the center of the field
[TF2] cheese danish: You have to toss it into one of the goals
[TF2] cheese danish: That's basically it
[TF2] cheese danish: And as you can see you can understand why I want the goat to pull the relay
[TF2] cheese danish: broken totally right now
Sock connected
phinotpi disconnected
[TF2] Sock: oh lol
[TF2] Sock: he doesn't like me
[TF2] Sock: fun
phinotpi connected
[TF2] cheese danish: Oh sorry.
[TF2] *DEAD* Sock: XD
[TF2] cheese danish: Didn't realize you were crouching until it was too late
[TF2] Sock: that happens to me all the time in ctf
[TF2] cheese danish: nice magic trick
[TF2] Sock: ikr
[TF2] Sock: magics
[TF2] phinotpi: ayyy
[TF2] cheese danish: ayyyy lmao
[TF2] cheese danish: we're just chilling by the jack
[TF2] Sock: phiiiiiii!
[TF2] Sock: it's like hi
[TF2] Sock: but phi
[TF2] cheese danish: here use your grappling hook
[TF2] cheese danish: press h
[TF2] cheese danish: whoa
[TF2] cheese danish: oh you can't use it with the jack
[TF2] cheese danish: I forgot
[TF2] Sock: did the jack always mark you for death?
[TF2] cheese danish: wait wait
[TF2] phinotpi: I don't understand this map
[TF2] cheese danish: basically there's a jack at the center
[TF2] Sock: it's not an intuitive map
[TF2] cheese danish: you have to bring it to one of the goals
[TF2] cheese danish: you can't use weapons while you have it
[TF2] cheese danish: that's it
[TF2] cheese danish: try it yourself
[TF2] cheese danish: the goals are marked
[TF2] cheese danish: with an outline
[TF2] cheese danish: take it to the other side you'll see
[TF2] cheese danish: one goal here
[TF2] cheese danish: one goal over there
[TF2] Sock: you have to throw it into this one by using m1
[TF2] Sock: and walk it into the other one
[TF2] cheese danish: the other one you have to walk up to yeah
[TF2] Sock: I didn't know that until I tried it :P
[TF2] cheese danish: the score is at the bottom
[TF2] cheese danish: ooh
[TF2] cheese danish: didn't know you could go up there
[TF2] Sock: I had no idea that was
[TF2] Sock: yeah
[TF2] *DEAD* cheese danish: oi
[TF2] Sock: tbh
[TF2] Sock: I didn't think I'd make that
[TF2] Sock: I suck at mg
[TF2] cheese danish: dude
[TF2] cheese danish: I think phi just did a rocket jump
[TF2] Sock: :o
[TF2] cheese danish: a special occasion
[TF2] Sock: celebratory dance?
[TF2] Sock: not taht I have any
[TF2] cheese danish: yes
[TF2] cheese danish: I don't have any equipped so
[TF2] Sock: the heavy looks hilarious with the jack
[TF2] cheese danish: darn I want to get it up on the roof
[TF2] phinotpi: Rocket jumps remind me of zook loops in battlefield
[TF2] cheese danish: except rocket jumps came first
[TF2] Sock: noooo
[TF2] Sock: it fell
[TF2] cheese danish: I'll give you a few tips with rocket jumps:
[TF2] cheese danish: one always crouch jump
[TF2] cheese danish: two never hold w
[TF2] Sock: oh
[TF2] Sock: I didn't know that
[TF2] cheese danish: with those two tricks you will be guaranteed victory
[TF2] cheese danish: seriously
[TF2] cheese danish: dude
[TF2] Sock: yea
[TF2] cheese danish: w caps your forward velocitry
[TF2] Sock: oh
[TF2] Sock: that makes a lot of sense
[TF2] cheese danish: kek
[TF2] Sock: but then how do I strafe forward
[TF2] cheese danish: you turn your view and use a and d
[TF2] Sock: oh
Replay: 0
cheese danish: 1
phinotpi: 0
Sock: 1
[TF2] cheese danish: or just let the rocket do it for you
[TF2] Sock: coolio
[TF2] cheese danish: hint hint
[TF2] Sock: take my launcher
[TF2] cheese danish: the parachute is the base jumper
[TF2] cheese danish: and he has the rocket jumper which means his rockets don't do damage
[TF2] cheese danish: just for fun really
[TF2] Sock: or hightower
[TF2] cheese danish: yes secret weapon of hightower
[TF2] Sock: that and minis :P
[TF2] Sock: o-o
[TF2] cheese danish: sock stay up there
[TF2] cheese danish: crap it disapperaed
[TF2] Sock: I can't carry the jack with rj
[TF2] cheese danish: oh right
[TF2] cheese danish: hey phi
[TF2] phinotpi: are the marks my shovel makes on walls visible to others?
[TF2] cheese danish: It depends
[TF2] Sock: sometimes
[TF2] cheese danish: If they were in the vicinity yes
[TF2] cheese danish: but they're not networked so they may vary depending on prediction
[TF2] cheese danish: also clients can set a decal limit
[TF2] cheese danish: so they may be pruned
[TF2] Sock: who keeps turning friendly fire on
[TF2] cheese danish: me
[TF2] Sock: why
[TF2] cheese danish: because it's great
[TF2] *DEAD* Sock: yup
[TF2] cheese danish: that just happened
[TF2] *DEAD* cheese danish: seriously
[TF2] Sock: I have much skill :P
[TF2] cheese danish: and you didn't even do it right
[TF2] cheese danish: just grappling hook up there
[TF2] Sock: lol
[TF2] Sock: why is merasmus the announcer again
[TF2] cheese danish: because we have halloween on
[TF2] Sock: oh
[TF2] cheese danish: the jack is also a pumpkin
[TF2] Sock: cool
[TF2] cheese danish: I can't see decals for instance.
[TF2] cheese danish: My graphics settings have them off.
[TF2] cheese danish: Can't see anything there.
[TF2] phinotpi: I like how my fists leave bullet holes.
[TF2] cheese danish: yes very realistic
[TF2] Sock: and air shovels
No such command.
[TF2] cheese danish: ahahahaha
[TF2] Sock: I suck at mg
[TF2] Sock: lol
EasterlyIrk connected
[TF2] cheese danish: I also can't even see your body
[TF2] cheese danish: That's how low my settings are
[TF2] Sock: .-.
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: i shall pocket teh phi
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: go phi go
[TF2] cheese danish: I have no antialiasing at all
[TF2] cheese danish: not even trilinear filtering
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: RUN PHI RUN
[TF2] cheese danish: but I have 300 fps and it's worth it
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: towards the ball
[TF2] Sock: (° ͡ ͜ ͡ʖ ͡ °)
[TF2] Sock: I need to get a mantread kill
[TF2] cheese danish: skybox is too low
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: wait
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: why is that merasmus
[TF2] cheese danish: bbecause halloween
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: oic
[TF2] *DEAD* EasterlyIrk: nuuuu
!rm 33815633
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: sory
Sheesh, the relay being limited ruins this
[TF2] Sock: q what is your melee?
[TF2] cheese danish: frying pan
2 messages moved to Trash
[TF2] cheese danish: normally I do boston basher
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: ^
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: not even trying anymore
3 messages moved to Trash
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: yes i have a bind for tht
[TF2] Sock: .-.
[TF2] phinotpi: Who is sock anyways?
[TF2] Sock: conor
[TF2] *DEAD* EasterlyIrk: conor
[TF2] cheese danish: conor
[TF2] *DEAD* EasterlyIrk: kek
[TF2] Sock: XD
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: noooo
[TF2] *DEAD* EasterlyIrk: :(
[TF2] Sock: alright
[TF2] cheese danish: phi is outscoring you
[TF2] *DEAD* EasterlyIrk: pls sock + me vs Q and phi
[TF2] cheese danish: feel ashamed
[TF2] Sock: ^
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: ^
Goat #1 has been sacrificed
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: i am
[TF2] *DEAD* Sock: phi join red
[TF2] *DEAD* EasterlyIrk: i just got panned
[TF2] *DEAD* EasterlyIrk: i feel sad
[TF2] *DEAD* EasterlyIrk: nooo
[TF2] cheese danish: perfect
[TF2] cheese danish: #rearguardaction
[TF2] Sock: (° ͡ ͜ ͡ʖ ͡ °)
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: lol
[TF2] cheese danish: cra[
[TF2] *DEAD* Sock: cmon I had that
[TF2] Sock: (° ͡ ͜ ͡ʖ ͡ °)
[TF2] cheese danish: ok maybe we shouldn't have friendly fire
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: nooo
[TF2] Sock: yes
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: i like it :p
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: nice sck
[TF2] cheese danish: gottem
[TF2] Sock: nice irk
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: ti's literally right there :(
[TF2] Sock: (° ͡ ͜ ͡ʖ ͡ °)
[TF2] Sock: nice!
[TF2] *DEAD* cheese danish: pick up the sandwich dammit
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: lol
[TF2] cheese danish: we both had 64 health
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: lol
[TF2] *DEAD* EasterlyIrk: phi took 2000
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: 2000
[TF2] *DEAD* cheese danish: that was fair
this is not current
these messages are about 10-20 minutes old
(the relayed ones)
[TF2] Sock: yes
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: yes
welp, what's the IP address of that server?
Nov 12 at 2:08, by Downgoat
connect vihan.org; password blamehooves
Thanks :)
Sorry, the relay is a little bit behind.
[TF2] cheese danish: ok I'm playing demo now
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: :D
!rcon sp plugin reload tf2goat
1 message moved to Trash
[TF2] cheese danish: enjoy
Sock connected
The heck
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: wait
[TF2] Sock: admin
!rcon sp plugin unload tf2goat
there's two sets of messages going
I'm just leaving it unloaded until Downgoat pulls it.
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: shit
[TF2] Sock: !admin
[TF2] Sock: #screwed
Replay disconnected
Sock disconnected
[TF2] cheese danish: hahahahahaha
@JHM planning on joining?
[TF2] *DEAD* Sock: shit
Changing map to plr_hightower
[TF2] *DEAD* Sock: I sow that
Replay connected
[TF2] *DEAD* Sock: *saw
Name: PPCG Server
Map: plr_hightower
Players: 2/17 (1 bots)
Tags: friendlyfire,nocrits,norespawntime,payload,ppcg,replays
[TF2] *DEAD* EasterlyIrk: nice
^ there's the status
[TF2] *DEAD* EasterlyIrk: i also gtg in a bit
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: like
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: 1min
@ConorO'Brien See if the goat pulled things...
[TF2] Sock: o
I fixed this already
[TF2] *DEAD* Sock: I couldn't do
@TF2Goat @Downgoat pull things plox
[TF2] Sock: I am the distraction
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: gg
[TF2] *DEAD* cheese danish: are you kidding me
[TF2] Sock: yes I am blind
[TF2] *DEAD* cheese danish: the hook stopped working
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: rip
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: did you hit space?
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: if yes, then that stops it
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: and see you guys!
[TF2] Sock: I don't really use hook in this mode :P
[TF2] Sock: peace!
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: thanks
[TF2] phinotpi: I don't know how to use hook
[TF2] Sock: wat
[TF2] Sock: lol
[TF2] cheese danish: h
[TF2] EasterlyIrk: no.
EasterlyIrk disconnected
[TF2] Sock: I need phi
[TF2] *DEAD* Sock: phi join me
[TF2] Sock: wait
[TF2] Sock: oh
[TF2] cheese danish: yes
[TF2] Sock: I had the goals the wrong way around in my head
[TF2] cheese danish: I went back to get health
[TF2] cheese danish: that's probably why you got confused
[TF2] Sock: yes
[TF2] cheese danish: then I just went far right and surfed phi's scattergun shot
[TF2] cheese danish: peace
[TF2] Sock: !noclip @me
cheese danish disconnected
[TF2] Sock: oh
[TF2] Sock: my aim is horrible btw
[TF2] *DEAD* Sock: that was a sick interception
[TF2] *DEAD* Sock: ow
[TF2] phinotpi: y pyro so slow?
[TF2] Sock: it's not terribly slow
[TF2] phinotpi: want to do something else?
[TF2] Sock: yes
[TF2] Sock: what's on your mind?
!rcon sp plugin reload tf2goat; sp plugin reload tf2goat
[TF2] Sock: !noclip @me
[TF2] Sock: !noclip @me
[TF2] Sock: XD
[TF2] Sock: what do you want to do
!rcon sp plugin unload tf2goat
[TF2] phinotpi: I can't join red
[TF2] Sock: ??
[TF2] Sock: oh
[TF2] Sock: that's feedback from the tf2goat in SE chat
[TF2] *DEAD* Sock: ow
[TF2] Sock: do you ahve a favorite map?
[TF2] *DEAD* Sock: oop
[TF2] Sock: rip
[TF2] phinotpi: ?
[TF2] Sock: ?
@ConorO'Brien Not now, but maybe this weekend.
@TF2Goat the doubled feed was confusing me here
I know. It shouldn't happen now that the goat fixed the config
I hope.
I mean he said he was but
Name: PPCG Server
Map: pl_upward
Players: 1/17 (1 bots)
Tags: nocrits,norespawntime,payload,replays
Crap something's busted
!rcon sp plugin reload tf2goat
Damn. I know what's wrong.
!rcon _restart
13 hours later…
stand back everyone I'm going to perform science
cheese danish connected
What the heck
Name: PPCG Server
Map: pl_upward
Players: 2/17 (1 bots)
Tags: nocrits,norespawntime,payload,replays
What is even
The server is literally down
cheese danish connected
[TF2] cheese danish: And the me field is still not right
cheese danish connected
cheese danish disconnected
@quartata Pull failed. Return code: 128
The heck
why does it "work" now
1 hour later…
cheese danish connected
cheese danish disconnected
cheese danish connected
cheese danish disconnected
2 hours later…
Just discovered my new favorite console command
3 hours later…
What's that do?
Crap, is the multiple-instances thing back?
No, shouldn't be.
@printf Depends on how you call it. But it shows debugging information about NextBots
nb_debug behavior shows the current "high-level" behaviors of all the bots

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