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> Waking up your workspace from hibernation
@El'endiaStarman Getting back on the Pytek grind
Where did we even leave off?
I think I was working on functions last.
I thought we finished them?
except for yield
Not 100%. Take a look at TODO.txt.
Oh OK. Let's see...
I went ahead and cloned a fresh copy locally so that I don't have to put up with C9's speed; lemme know if you make a change
Sketching generators out in my head a bit
also we need some proper lists. Should we use dynamic arrays or unrolled linked lists?
the inspector checks back in: shortest fibonacci?
@ConorO'Brien o.O
Uh, lemme see...
I know your quine is very short, almost esoteric XD
Hrm no ternaries yet. Just regular if
closed form might be shorter actually
oh wait no
I am filled with confidence :P
@El'endiaStarman Three options for generators:
Option 1. They just store previous values in a list with no lookahead and no removal of previous items
Option 2. They keep all items around but also make sure they have at least k items ahead of their position calculated
@ConorO'Brien It should be n=4func:f(x){\if(x>1){\f(x-1)+\f(x-2)}{x}}\corePrint(\f(n)) but the parser seems to be having issues.
Option 3. They keep at most n items cached, n/2 behind n/2 ahead
With appropriate modifications if that's beyond the generator bounds
@El'endiaStarman I see.
I haven't tried doing a loop yet.
What class is pytek? (Along the lines of functional, object-oriented, etc.)
Of course if they do not have a value they generate up to that index
@ConorO'Brien procedural
@El'endiaStarman Thoughts?
func:f(x){a,b=0,1\for(x){a,b=b,a+b}} should be the loop version. Lemme see if it works.
...actually just realized that lookahead isn't a speed improvement. woops
Nope, parsing issues still. Grr.
And dangit quartata, I'm already working on the game mechanics project. I can't split my attention between that and Pytek.
I'd say Pytek is the more critical of the two; can't let Cheddar get any farther ahead ;)
Did you know they have an HTTP library
puts on spy hat, writes notes furiously
10 hours later…
@quartata Don't worry, Cheddar will need to be rewritten for performance, which is going to take a very long time
5 hours later…
@El'endiaStarman Ooh, we need to update the unit tests....
> ValueError: Function print has not been defined yet.
These must be old, we don't have \corePrint in them...
OK, most of them fail because we took out some of the arthimetic functions
But exponent fails with something interesting:
\corePrint(2 ** 8) -> TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
Looks like it happens when collapsing
lemme take a peek
The parser seems to be quite borked and I haven't taken a look to figure out why. Because, y'know, game mechanics taxonomy...
FizzBuzz and Collatz both seem to be working so that's something
@El'endiaStarman Just out of curiosity, why is there a SQLite database in the root?
@quartata Comes built-in in Django. Probably hitched a ride in the setting up of git.
2 hours later…
@El'endiaStarman So what do I need to override to extend pIterator?
I suppose I better take a look at pRange
How are we planning to do assignment in list? Just a.3 = x;?
2 hours later…
@quartata I believe so, yes.
@El'endiaStarman What are you working on currently? If I add a new node will everything explode
AST_list is basically just AST_args with a different object type :PP
Huh, oh wait....
@El'endiaStarman Right now a list will actually be parsed into AST_opts, but I seem to recall there being a way to choose which object node is used for an AST node
So that there can be multiple types
How does that work? Ideally I'd like to have pOpts and pList
@El'endiaStarman Do we have multiline strings yet?
@quartata I think we had those from the start.
Yeah, I found that out
@quartata I'm not working on anything at the moment, bit the parser needs fixing first.
@quartata I forget the names, but there's a list of object types it can parse into, and the parser tries converting to each type in turn, stopping at the first success.
OK, nice.
I assume pOpts will fail if it's not after a function
So I can just put pList afterwards
@El'endiaStarman I want to add a @doc directive but I don't have multi-line directives so I'm not quite sure how to handle it
Something like this doesn't work:
@doc "
Since the " is consumed as part of the directive
And then the rest is ignored
I guess what I'll do is split it up into a bunch of directives for each documentation field
@El'endiaStarman What exactly is wrong with the parser? All the code I've tried worked
@quartata Hmm, maybe there's an issue with the lack of newlines.
@El'endiaStarman Try stripping the newlines from Collatz or something?

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