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Q: What stops Safari being the perfect Mac OS X browser?

Jon HallPlease Search Prior To Posting! To search, use the search box in the upper-right corner. To search the answers of the current question, use inquestion:this. For example: inquestion:this Evernote If it hasn't already been posted, please follow a few simple rules when adding it as an answer. R...

COMPLETELY subjective. This is the perfect example of a bad CW.
@JasonSalaz cringe
close it for us :)
We only need one more close vote ;_;
@JasonSalaz even with 20k rep, I can't close as a moderator can. I'm also surprised I can't fix tag synonyms like the one that bugs me the most.
Hmm, that's odd. I thought a Trusted User was in-essence a de facto mod. Kinda the point of a trusted user.
apple.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/upgrade is not the same as apple.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/update - knowing the difference is one of the big items that new people to Mac stumble on and having our site link the two as equal is embarrassing
I would write up the tag synonym thing on MSO.
ok - our Meta or the main one?
or MAD if you prefer :)
MSO, MASE, MASC or MAD. Meta Stack Overflow. Meta Apple.SE, Meta Apple Stackexchange Com, or Meta Ask Different. (heh)
I think I like MAD the most.
@JasonSalaz I like the ring of MAD.
Sort of like - push that issue to MAD ...
I've commented on the relevant questions already asked on MSO about trusted users and tag synonyms.
A two year old answer points to the idea that they just want people to ask for the changes on meta rather than extend that tool to trusted users...
Q: Add the ability to create any tag synonym to the "trusted user" privileges

Greg HewgillCurrently, the ability to create tag synonyms is limited to those users who have a certain amount of activity in that tag. This creates awkwardness for rare tags such as [z-order]. Request: Add the ability to create any tag synonym to the trusted user privileges.

Isn't there a tag wiki vote function for normal users of particular rep?
Come on gang, one more close vote:
Q: What stops Safari being the perfect Mac OS X browser?

Jon HallPlease Search Prior To Posting! "Perfect: having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be." This question asks in which way Safari falls short of what you require or desire in a browser. To search, use the search box in the upper-ri...

@JasonSalaz Yes - I proposed mail as a synonym to email some ages ago and it has yet to garner a single vote. I would wager that one or two people have ever even visited that page for this site....
/me looks
apple.stackexchange.com/tags/synonyms then enter mail into the filter... (as that suggestion is usually buried on page 2 when I look there)
pending (0)
and I can't click on it
I think that takes 10k
that (0) qualifier really bugs me. on edits too and what not?
that just doesn't make sense
yup - it's also odd that you can't flag synonyms. Perhaps nothing bad ever seems to get into those fields to need a nudge from the general user population
1 hour later…
could you CW it too?
Not much point. Doesn't take away the rep from before.
that's not the point
the point is that it's a CW question, and I'd like it to be part of the stats via a search like iswiki:1 closed:1
2 hours later…
Oh man
I had noticed the nomination text there, but I didn't really pay attention to it until just a few minutes ago.
/me writes furiously
surprisingly, there are 3 spots available
apple.stackexchange.com/election/2#post-38783 (awww, no rendering for posts of this type...)
wall of text
so you can write on demand
huh. indeed.
It's a motivation / pleasure / something something.
I want to have the "town hall" as a live streamed podcast
That could be accomplished very nicely with a hangout
the Town Hall moderator (director?) could mute everyone but the person they're referencing
10 people could be just perfect for the candidates, and maybe some chief SE individuals, and it could be streamed for audio, then the chat room for audience questions
/me is in over-drive at the moment.
P.S. You should seriously suggest that as a general activity for SE. Like, now.
I didn't realize you could stream a hangout - I thought that was still in testing
and I don't want to do video
I never said any such thing. And streaming is just streaming the audio on your system.
Easy-peasy, right? I proved that last night. (I know how to use Soundflower... I SWEAR! >_>)
I thought hangouts required video
(1) you can shut your own video off (2) the video would be just between the participants
the host could/would/should stream audio out only from their computer to whatever audio source.
I prefer Skype
Skype is a bit harder due to the need to exchange usernames and all that.
plus, the "mute specific users" feature is what a hangout would excel at.
which was the crux of my whole idea.
I'm sure that if someone wants to be a mod, they'll have the motivation to exchange Skype usernames and the self control not to talk over others
Doesn't mean there aren't background noises and distractions.
coughs, sniffles, etc.
loud-loud-loud keyboards in the downtime? :)
sure, the user could just mute themselves, but... eh.
perhaps, I'll have to look into it further but I'm not enthusiastic
and I have no interest in having SE people on
I guess you're talking podcast, and I'm talking general. For any site. Publishing the town hall on a medium more realtime than chat. Answering all the questions and what not was quite a bit hectic last year with all the messages flying back and forth, interlaced with the occasional discussion.
yeah, chat is not a good medium to hold it in
although, the reference of the answers was nice to skim after the fact.
we could provide a transcript
You'd lose that granularity if it were only done in audio. Unless you clipped out and transcribed each individual.
yeah what you said while I was saying it too.
I think it's also beneficial for people to hear the candidates
get to know them, in a sense
I won't say it's better or worse, but audio is definitely a whole different medium from just text.
It's better and it's worse in it's own respective ways.
obviously, I'll have to give up any hope of getting individual recordings and trying to edit it
which is another reason for my google hangout isolation idea.
you really don't let things go, do you
nope :D!
I'll look into it, but it's starting from a position of being behind
But again, you're talking podcast, I'm talking general SE applicability.
well, why don't we talk podcast from now on, hm?
Because that's not what I'm talking about :<.
With the podcast I generally agree with you entirely. We'll have to see how timing works out, and if we have any international friends to accommodate like we did last election.
I suppose you could always accrue a list of questions, and then 1-on-1 with the user.
Though that loses some general warmth of conversationalizing and what not. (yes that is a word, shut up spell check)
no, conversating.
I'm in overdrive, that means I make up words that sound completely right. Among many many other things.
yeah, I can tell
I think you need to cool down about 5 notches
that's a good start
But I'm burning off a Rockstar and lunch right now. And since entering commands into vim isn't nearly as exciting as this conversation, it's all spilling out here.
the only vim command worth knowing is (esc) :q!, then firing up emacs
I completely agree
isn't that what I said?
I love emacs and hate vim
I've been trying to pick it up again
I probably should have enlarged that picture by like, 20x, to be hilarious. But whatever.
I saw something change and wasn't sure what, and now I see it.
What a handsome and attractive and smart mod you are, Kyle!
your knowledge knows no limits.
Yeah, pretty much.
(This conversation is going to be so confusing to anyone else reading it.)
just curious, can you see the edit history for a comment?
ok, just curious
which is why your edits + my edits = LULZ
I've never been a non-mod in chat so I don't know
(way to read, Jason)
can you read (removed) posts?
doubt it
no history info?
ah, ok
hm, looks like I can nominate myself as a mod
does that give you double black diamonds?
I hope
maybe that would elevate me to the level of employee?
Either that, or just a really good ski'er
maybe they should adopt that paradigm
wonders if you got the reference
I got it
are you sure?
allow mods to appoint users as deputies, and give them either circles or squares
I don't even know ski ratings besides single and double black diamond :P.
So I do believe you just took my joke and ran with it.
Isn't the training course a triangle?
now that I don't know
Alpine skiing is the sport of sliding down snow-covered hills on skis with fixed-heel bindings. Alpine skiing can be contrasted with skiing using free-heel bindings: Ski mountaineering and nordic skiing – such as cross-country; ski jumping; and Telemark. In competitive alpine skiing races four disciplines exist: slalom, giant slalom, super giant slalom, and downhill. Slalom ski races have courses that require short tight turns, whereas giant-slalom races have courses which are set with more widely spaced turns. Super-giant slalom and downhill have few turns, the courses have gates spac...
my link is not nearly as cool
Green Circle - The easiest trails to ski which are generally wide, groomed, and with a gentle slope. Green Circle trails are popular with beginners.

Blue Square - Considered “intermediate” trails that are steeper than beginner trails yet easy enough for intermediate skiers to ski on, Blue Square trails aren't extremely steep. They are popular trails at most resorts because they provide skiing that’s fun but not scary. Generally groomed, some Blue Square trails have easy moguls or extremely easy glades.
(hello wall of text)
looks like I'm wrong.
I'm used to it
/me is shot
do you watch The Big Bang Theory?
I don't watch TV, generally.
nor do I, generally
generally was a bad choice of word
what would be a better replacement?
good question, where is the up vote box?
You watch with some semblance of regularity. You've talked about those shows that take place in Maine, plus Top Gear, and a few others.
The only regular TV show I watch right now at the moment is Stargate SG-1. Previously: Dexter. Before that? No idea.
you watch stuff from this decade, at least. (Literally, stuff since 2010)
I don't watch shows on a TV, and I do it pretty atypically compared to most people (finding an old show and blasting through the episodes), but I suppose that, based on certain definitions, I watch more TV than you
having said that, you only watch more recent TV than I. Because I'm already towards the end of season 3 after barely 2 weeks or so of SG-1
I watched all 101 episodes of The Big Bang Theory in the last 2 weeks
I once watched an entire season of Deep Space Nine in a weekend
I could do that.
that's just 24 hours. start friday night end sunday night? cake.
actually, quite a bit less. commercials and all
yeah, ~44 mins/ep
17.6 hours roughly
26 episodes
19 hours
oops. right. 13 is half a season, 26 is a full season, everything else is just obnoxious.
The TBBT episodes have a full-time place on my iPad (for those excruciating off-line times.)
Having said that, most of the seasons of SG-1 have been either 20, 22, or 24.
off-line? what's that? >_>
@jaberg glad someone's a fan
(Answer: Something I almost was a few weeks back.)
Cute blonde. Geek jokes. What's not to love?
But seriously. I'm online 24/7. When I'm sleeping, driving, working, at home, anything. It's pretty scary to think about actually.
Next step is the neural implant, AI, and skynet. You know how it goes.
I generally refuse to pay for access on a plane or in a "luxury" hotel so the iPad is sometimes offline.
indeed. But I don't fly and haven't been in a hotel since... Well, ok, since May.
hotel wifi is (usually) beyond terrible
but before that, I couldn't tell you if I've been in a hotel since 2008
(Insert Kyle's blog post here.)
I have enough offline moments that having some (device) local entertainment is useful.
the VLC app for iPad is great, assuming you got it before it was pulled
oplayer is so much better, at least for categorization/heirarchial reasons. (read: folders)
VLC is better at having its icon look like a traffic cone
I have it and actually had to use it for the first time last week. Some weird encoding on a some flying boat porn. (err promotional video)
which is a huge feature IMO
Just read your blog post. Yes, your experience is biased, but that doesn't make it inaccurate (in my experience).
Hello again bmike, election nominations are underway if you're going to do it.
(You may know this already!)
there was actually a span of time I was paying for tethering so I didn't have to deal with the hotel internet at that place
Once had to have my room changed four times (at a fairly nice hotel in Reno) just to get more than a bar of wifi on my MBP. That was wifi they were charging me $20/day for.
@KyleCronin Or a triangle for people that although well intentioned, need a little schooling :-)
"remedial flagging"
I have the option of turning on the iPad 3G if I really must. So far, I've been able to limp along using the phone and hitting free wifi spots so it's never been activated. But like ketchup in a French restaurant, I may not use it but I like knowing it's there.
@JasonSalaz Yes - I saw that. I'm going to try to ping some people I hope apply as well.
Hey bmike
@KyleCronin or mediaeval flogging
@jaberg hey @jaberg - how's life in @jaberg land?
Heh. Let's just go with the polite "terrific". ;)
@jaberg so not so well...
@bmike On the bright side, in four minutes I can pour a glass of anjeo without accusing myself of being decadent.
@jaberg My motto is it's now (always) 5 o'clock somewhere....
@bmike I've been known to apply the same relaxed standard, but without standards we descend into anarchy. :) Now if you"ll excuse me for a moment I'm going to pour myself a little cold remedy.
well, this chat has taken a depressing turn
Didn't mean to drag it down Kyle.
well, it's hard to know what to say to that sort of stuff
On that note, I'll take my leave for a bit. Mom called--she wants me to take her to dinner. My evening of revelry and debauchery is on hold. Catch you guys soon.
@KyleCronin I read that as flogging at first.
Probably because bmike said it later. And my read-ahead brain went with it.
@KyleCronin Oh no - it's beautiful and sunny and warm here in minnesota.
My vehicle temp sensor was reading almost 50 degrees in the sun (and it wasn't engine heat causing the local warmth - but it probably was sun on hot pavement and no wind helping it)
oh wow
this winter has been unseasonably warm
@KyleCronin It's not one for the record books here, but warmer than most
it was mid-January here before we got some snow that actually stayed
@KyleCronin We still don't have permanent snow cover.
but we don't get a lot of snow most years, just that normally the little has no reason to go away for months and months

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