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People say the weirdest things on this site sometimes.
What exactly is the difference between a "true researcher" and a "grad student"? Are you suggesting that a "true researcher" somehow knows everything, and that once someone earns their last graduate degree they reach that state? — ff524 ♦ 19 secs ago
10 hours later…
I suggest to rename this chatroom to The Ivory Tower.
7 hours later…
Q: How does someone ask a good question on StackExchange Academia?

user60445I like asking questions on random sites to figure things out and pick other people's brains, but I'm new to this site so I'm trying to figure it out so I don't get my questions shut down all the time.

3 hours later…
I started to use keyringapp.com this weekend to mange my loyal cards. I am totally impressed. I think it is time to revisit a password manager. Need one that works on Linux and Android. Any suggestions?
@Wrzlprmft that is pretty good.
@Wrzlprmft in case the feed does not update. I asked for names on Academia Meta( meta.academia.stackexchange.com/questions/3417/…). Please add your suggestion (didn't want to steal your rep).
Q: What should we call our chat room

StrongBadYou chat room has the default name of academia. Some sites have come up with creative names for their chat rooms. It was suggested in that we rename our chat room. Should we rename our chat room and if so to what?

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