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I've read guide for Dungeon World and I loved combat flow. Actually I think about trying to run some encounters in my campaign using it.
@Zachiel Ooh, sounds fun. And yeah, Lady Blackbird lends itself to awesome pregens.
@BESW I'm going to step back from that meta question. I'm not feeling tolerant enough to continue to handle it in a detached, helpful way
mmm Lady Blackbird XD
@Wibbs I think it's a "led the horse to water, give him space to drink or drown as he chooses" situation.
When Mxy signs on in a few hours, I expect to need some popcorn.
@BESW I see what you meant now. The "oh, you have a knife but cutting onions requires Kitchen Proficiency feat and Slice and Dice sueprnatural ability." was always a reason why I often laugh at D&D being a "choose from the list" game.
@eimyr Right. Instead we gravitate toward games that have a very small list of mechanics which are broad enough to encompass whatever situation we find ourselves in (assuming the engine is designed to encourage stories where that kind of thing happens).
There was a time when I really liked relying on developers to have designed a shockingly wide array of very narrowly applicable options each tailored to a particular situation.
Well, the character pictured on my avatar is an all-around circuswoman. Lots of skills in all things physical, lots of feats and character classes taken just to have her be good at that while sacrificing combat and all ability scores but Dexterity and Intelligence.
And then, we get a character that has "contortionist, acrobatics, gymnast, boxe, brawl, running, karate" as tags of the same Athlete trait, with one other trait for being manipulating and seductive, one for being an artist and still one to spare.
my favorite character in Lady Blackbird will always be Naomi Bishop
she is just too badass XD
Today in "Reading Too Fast Theatre:" Resurrect Vampire Kittens.
@Magician you can totally launch my other post about magic
@trogdor She is *-*
@Zachiel I can't stop playing her, I have almost no interest in any other character in the setting XD
@BESW Also a good name AND a word salad.
hmm, I can't find the thing I posted on Wordpress for the blog now
Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to roll dice online that is verifiable by other players (other than a video feed)?
Hmm, I'm pretty sure I've seen a question like that on the mainsite somewhere.
My bad, I should have searched there first. Going now.
From personal experience I know Hangouts has apps for it, and there's Roll20 if you're looking for a more full-service online RPG experience.
I think those are useable without a video feed, but audio may be necessary for Hangouts.
And depending on the kind of dice you're rolling... I think I once saw a Fudge dice service with verified links for each roll.
Thanks, good to know.
@LiveMynd It looks like InvisibleCastle quit :(
I was thinking of how I could host sessions online, starting with Roll for Shoes.
My online play has always been with people who I trusted not to falsify their rolls, so I'm not really familiar with it myself.
@LiveMynd Well, if the other players are Stack citizens also, an RPG.SE chat room is always an option.
Or you can roll all the dice yourself.
We've played Roll For Shoes here, and Fate Accelerated, and a handful of other games.
The standard method is opening a side chat to play in, supplemented with a Google Docs sheet for tracking whatever's needed.
There is a browser extension that converts d6 to FAte dice too
Linked in the description of the Fate room:

 Fate chat and game room

Good questions raised here should hit the main site too! Fudge...
Awesome. I started GMing my first Dungeon World adventure a couple of weeks ago, but my players aren't available for the holidays here. I've been jonesing for some dice and storytelling action.
Summer. Games. Such incompatible worlds.
Remember that if you need a comprehensive tool, Roll20 comes with dice roller
@Zachiel Aren't those in Rio?\
@eimyr I don't think those count, they're under the equator, it's "winter" there. XD
@Zachiel So are we still right in calling them Summer Olympics, I wonder?
"Northern Summer Olympics In The South" isn't quite as catchy.
I was smitten by my own North-hemisphere-centrism.
@eimyr I live there. I'm not used to the southern emisphere, no other reason.
Oh, excuse me, I gotta go. Anyway thanks for the info -- especially for the Google Docs + side chat tip.
See you around!
@Zachiel I think you mean eimyrsphere.
That weird feeling when you caught yourself thinking "eimyr's avatar is still more flexible than mine. What should I do?" - D&D contortionist problems.
@BESW [rimshots]
@LiveMynd bye!
@BESW That's a set of points equidistant from eimyr. Can be defined by any three points in space or one point and one eimyr, assuming eimyr is a point entity.
Well, not any three points. Three points on the same line is not going to satisfy it. Also, not any three points defining a circle whose axis does not point towards eimyr.
I hope I did my math right.
My coworkers would now say I'm a fun-killing nitpicker.
They would be right ot the last word.
@RollingFeles Indeed they are. We even have one already!
Q: 1 post - 1 question , is it a rule or a guideline or what?

SimanosA mod said I should ask if there is a rule that says one single (arbitrarily defined) question per post. Too Broad does not mention it. Is it an actual rule somewhere or a guideline or what? And how does it define 1 question? Questions can need very broad answers (like explaining how a spell work...

Hah. I've been mistaken for mod again.
@eimyr It'll go live soon. Will try to post something twice weekly, for as long as we have materiel.
@Zachiel fixed
@Zachiel also, eimyrsphere is not free from bugs. Or insects.
@eimyr What is that? Did you use the liquify tool?
(apart from a complete face-turn, I mean)
I just flipped the head to match my avatar's flexibility level and filled in the blanks with whatever random gimp tool I clicked.
I probably should have used liquefy, but I think there was smudging and regular brush, as I couldn't get clone brush to work
Well, it's the kind of character that can squeeze herself through 2-inches-wide square holes, but I'm pretty sure octopuses are still better at it.
I need to go now :p
I'd rather see an octopus at night than a 180 degree head turn
How about a 180 degree head turn at night?
@Zachiel Wow. In VtM it is just a resisted roll of two stats. And they call VtM a complex and hard to learn system. Meh.
@Magician did my draft pop up at all for you or do I have to actually re write it?
I can't actually find the one I wrote up
I see it. I think once you say it's "pending", it's out of your hands.
ah ok
Would you like to keep working on it?
editors can in old style admin page
does it have the tags and such on it?
@Magician no, I was just worried it was gone
It does.
unless you see anything like formating that I need to change, I think I am happy with it
I went through it and fixed capitalization :)
@Magician Your posts have a good length for not needing “Read More” links. But if it continues growing, at some point it will be hard to skim through articles even on tag pages.
That is a also a future generations' problem :)
@BESW [choo-choo]?
@Anaphory Railroading.
Ah. I was looking for the train reference, but did not get that the whole post was one.
@Magician cool, sorry about that, I have picked up a habit of not double checking for that XD
I'll add my other post in there sometime tomorrow
1 hour later…
I'm just really confused on how to split my incorporeal question. I can probably make it 2 questions, or 4 or even 10. I just don't know how much [content] is enough, and how many [separate questions] is too many. rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/86270/…
I can see three main problems you have (It's very chaotic, forgive me if I missed anything)
1) can an incorporeal creature occupy the same space as another creature (incorporeal or not)
I'd personally rip out any reference to RAW, RAI, and house rules and just ask for a primer on how incorporeal movement differs from normal movement.
2) how does passing through objects work for incorporeal creatures?
3) Is an incorporeal creature subject to actions like Bull Rush or Grapple or not?
the rest is noise and should be removed
i cut it into two questions, second one rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/86482/…
Incorporeal creatures passing through cracks through walls thicker than their space
I can easily see how other folks would see that as too broad, though, and Mxy seems to have put his foot down on it; he's usually right about that sort of thing, even if he's not always the nicest person to have tell you about it.
I second BESW's motion to remove RAW and RAI mentions. If you want both no mention is necessary.
I just feel that if I don't say that I get ONLY RAW answers usually :(
and i also wanted to add the request for reasonable houserules too
it just seemed to flow more fairness worded that way
Ask for what you really want, no more and no less. If it needs to be pruned in order to fit the Stack form, we'll see if it can be pruned into a still-useful question.
But artificially expanding a question beyond your needs just gets bloated, vague answers or discourages people from answering at all because they can't hit every point.
Some questions are complex, and we can deal with that pretty well. But questions that have complication artificially added tend to just make headaches for everybody.
It's been my experience that folks tend to like to talk and have opinions; answers often overflow the strict boundaries of what's being asked, just because of human nature. Encouraging that garrulousness, though, leads to problematic levels of noise.
We do occasionally get waves of conservatism passing over certain parts of the Stack, but they pass.
"When shall we attack Earth?" "Just waiting for them to finish Game of Thrones." "You said that of Breaking Bad. And Sopranos. And Buffy."
@BESW Darkvision [check]; chameleon psychoactive skin (found two weeks ago) [check]; twisting the neck backwards... [check]
<- is wishing he'd read the end of the long published campaign in more detail at the start so he doesn't now have to work out how to make up for all the bits he's misinterpreted whilst running it so the end actually works and makes ssense :/
Complex investigative campaigns are rewarding to run, but are an absolute nightmare to ensure consistency and a satisfying climax
@Wibbs … BotchBlog?
@Anaphory ??
> Ladies and genltemen, we have lift-off! Botch blog is officially up and running. Come, read about our mistakes, and contribute your own!
… is there a better way to answer on a post here pointing out (and possibly quoting) another post?
OMG yes
@Wibbs you should totally write a note for the Botch blog.
If I had the time, maybe :p
@Anaphory Probably/maybe? What are you looking at quoting, where, and better than what?
In this case, I wanted to point out the quoted and “answered to” post (also pinned on the right) to Wibbs.
I did that by copying the post, clicking it's “reply to” link, and editing a > and the link manually into my post above.
This is not very convenient, I would have prefered to look up the post number (via permalink, for example, giving me 31590057) and then typed something like @Wibbs: :31590057 to make that connection.
@SevenSidedDie when you've got a moment, I've a question about this comment I left. I was a little on-the-fence about writing it, worrying that it might be crossing the "small/incomplete answer" or "discussion-ey" line. When I later saw that you'd done some cleanup I was actually surprised to see my comment had survived... can I ask what you saw as redemptive about it?
@nitsua60 … Reminds me of Torchbearer.
@nitsua60 Certainly! Yeah, I can see how that seems inconsistent. One of the rarer (and more rarely properly-used) purposes of comments is to “Add relevant but minor or transient information to a post”. Links to related questions are obviously useful; off-site stuff is a judgement call, sometimes used to “answer without answering”, but sometimes is just related reading. That post doesn't try to answer the question, so it looked like a fine, related bit of reading.
@SevenSidedDie To be clear, I'm not terribly concerned about consistency in the abstract. I just noticed that in this instance you were nearby with the broom and dustpan and thought "eh, that's okay" and wondered what you saw.
Question to the room: is it true that the "contact us" link at the bottom of main/meta pages is the way to get in touch with CMs?
@nitsua60 Gotcha. I saw a good-faith link to some cool reading that was topical. Sometimes such links are left in a passive-aggressive way that implies “this question shouldn't exist, here is a link that will induce shame in such ignorance” or a LMGTFY vibe, and those get the dustbin fate, but links with no whiff of that are cool. They don't always survive general cleanup, but when there's attention to spare, it's worth sparing them. :)
@nitsua60 It is true!
@SevenSidedDie Offenders looking something like "uhh.... did you try [this]?" where [this] links to the google search result for the title text, I suppose?
@nitsua60 Those are the really bald examples, yeah.
Are CMs stack employees, or just uber-mods? Elected? Appointed?
@nitsua60 Staff employees.
They're like the front-line service peeps for the community side (as opposed to business side) of the company. Anything sent from outside to SE-the-company goes to/through them.
In my experience they are friendly and quick to help, when they can. I had to get past my impulse to not “bother real paid staff”.
@SevenSidedDie I've only had one interaction, when trying to navigate my way around Area51 for the first time. I was just asking so that I can be sure of my facts before leaving a comment; just trying to help, I hope it works out that way.
(I don't know the emoticon for distressed-anticipatory-grimmace.)
@nitsua60 Oh, that's helpful. Good call!
@nitsua60 :S ?
@SevenSidedDie I also think might help for mxy to explicitly spell out what he's meaning when he says "any additional traffic on this topic," as there are actually a lot of different topics that seem to run together in the OP's mind. But I'm hesitant, because every single character directed to OP just seems to add fuel to one-of-many raging fires. :S
@nitsua60 ヽ[ ಡ _ ಡ ]⊃ ?
You've greatly surpassed my keyboard-input skills, sir. I couldn't even swing an umlaut on "uber-mod."
@SevenSidedDie Your emote... these eyes... they look like... did you notice?
@eimyr I'm going to go with either “anime-style wobbling circles” or, if necessary, “bag of holding.” v.v
A bag, yes.
@eimyr I didn't actually before, but now I can't unsee it.
It is, however, due to the font I see.
On the linked website it looks much less rude.
@SevenSidedDie deleted and re-posted that comment now that you shimmed up mxy's nomenclature.
@nitsua60 That's a good point, on both counts. I am torn. “Steer well away from the whole fiasco” is kinda the hoped-for course of action at this point, because trying to steer close-but-not-too-close is a rare skill that we can see isn't in play. Defining more precise boundaries than “all the stuff that has resulted in trouble” unfortunately would probably be taken as permission to steer as close to the rocks as possible.
@SevenSidedDie "Torn" is a good point. I'm perfectly happy to leave that troublesome decision to you-all. I'm already feeling like I've gone sailing in a thunderstorm, just leaving my one hopefully-unambiguously-helpful comment!
Should I comment on this question linking to 8 kinds of fun, or is that more of a frame-challenge-answer than a related-reading-comment?
Nvm, think I'll answer.
@mxyzplk the first sentence of the comment you just left on encouraging roleplaying diesn't quite scan, I think. At least, I can't quite figure it out. I think your overall gist is "answers don't have to challenge frame, and could just answer the question posed." But if it's not that the comment might need work.
@nitsua60 I'm saying "everyone is bugging you to clarify whether it's what you want or the player wants" - feel free and clarify, but don't let that intimidate you into not proceeding if the answer is "it's what I want." Because allowing every player to do what they want isn't IMO the best way to have a successful game, and you don't have to.
(you the OP)
I've dealt with shy players, and sometimes that's been getting them to open up, and sometimes it's been them leaving the group because our expectations aren't consistent with what they can give.
Having too many bump on a log players impacts the play experience of the group. So they are valid in the kind of fun they want, but it's not necessarily congruent with the goals of the group.
My books/dice just came in =)
@NiekBergman Nice! Of what?
@nitsua60 I'm still wondering how independent these (or the ones listed as Metagame rewards) are, i.e. which ones go well together, which ones are actually orthogonal, and how much they depend on personal vs. situational preference.
@Anaphory Fate Dresden Winter Knight dice, and the Fate Core/Fate Accelerated book =)
I would have guessed Fate (few other games have dedicated dice, and I thought I remembered you playing D&D), but I did not want to assume.
@NiekBergman … was that just a reflex, or is it worth pointing out that you have a grace period to edit posts in this chat? For me, I get recent posts to edit by pressing the “up arrow” key.
@mxyzplk New version conveys that perfectly well, IMO.
@Anaphory Yeah, they're certainly not a perfect partitioning of the game experience. But I think they're an excellent prompt to think constructively about "what're all the things going on at my table--and in my mind!"
It wasn't until reading that and thinking about my players in that paradigm that I ever took the time to sit back and think about my own play, even. Turns out, a lot of the reason I like to play D&D is as an arts&crafts outlet!
And they look sufficiently useful as tools to say “I want to play a game with lots of X”. My wondering is purely academic interest, let the social engineering go on with what we have!
1 hour later…
@BESW I finally get round to following a similar plan for dinner.
@nitsua60 word
1 hour later…
@Miniman on this answer, penultimate paragraph: "I think most people would allow...." I'm not completely sure I'm following you. Are you saying "casting feather fall on someone currently falling even if you weren't within 60' of them when they started falling?"
It kinds reads to me, as currently written, "I'd let you cast it on someone who's 120' up when they start falling, even though that's outside the range of feather fall" where I think you mean "I'd let you cast it on someone when they enter feather fall's range, even if the fall had started higher up."
@Anaphory How'd it work for you?
Well indeed! The rest of that sauce is likely to be salad dressing tomorrow. (Also, I did not follow any recipe, I just mixed those or substituting ingredients)
Yup, sounds about right on both counts.
Tristar Pictures to Shoot a #PhantomTollbooth Movie http://adweek.it/2beihaU https://t.co/JH0u5P6zgq
Does this rise to NAA level?
nuke it from orbit
@Tashio I've inserted my key to nuke it. Awaiting authentication....
Auth code ID10T
Sadly, launch protocol requires two other key-holders insert theirs. Waiting....
@nitsua60 Auth code "That's the combination to my luggage!"
@Zachiel Also, how come nobody told me my ass was this big!?
@nitsua60 ;)
I can't believe it. I'm surrounded by-
Oh hey! We were just talking about you... All good things all good things ⛄
Fate character aspect: A black belt in medicine.
@BESW Or surgadores?
@BESW Or Dr. McNinja?
@Zachiel For you.
@nitsua60 You're right that that's what I meant, is it any clearer now?
@nitsua60 saw this in HNQ already -- the pricetag is lower than I thought xD
@nitsua60 What, you don't want to optimise for peals?
@BESW Dammit BESW, I'm an oyster farmer not a bellringer!
But it's so... appealing.
@Miniman yup. To me, at least.
@Miniman Speaking of belltowers, today a lawn company ranked my school the most picturesque school campus in the US, mentioning the bell tower! Of course, they got the facts wrong, but it's nice to know that the fertilizer budget isn't going to waste =)
@nitsua60 Wow! What level of school is it?
@Miniman 9-12; i.e. high school.
@nitsua60 Huh, I would've picked that as the hardest to keep looking nice.
@Miniman It helps if you take the photo from 500' up =)
Also, they totally photoshopped in that river. There's no river there.
@nitsua60 It always does. Anyway, congratulations!
@nitsua60 wait, why would they do that?
just to justify their choice more?
(Sorry, @trogdor, I was just messing with you. We really do sit on a river. We've got a pretty boss rowing program, which you can see shots of in the embedded video.)
@nitsua60 you are a horrible person :P
@trogdor And yet, I'm HUGE in Asia!
(That's what our admissions people tell me, from the two-second shot of my classroom in that video.)
my audio isn't working right now for some reason, so yet another thing I have to take your word for (or not :P)
Trogdor: "TIL: nitsua's a damned liar."
more like "TIL I am gullible, at least about photoshopping in rivers!!?!?"
I was incredulous, but I also mostly bought it
I'm just having a hard time imagining what they'd have photoshopped over... =)
I suppose an interstate, for one.
yeah, well I wasn't thinking too hard about that
I think that, at least, should be obvious
Ooh, hey: does Guam have interstates?
we have "main roads, side roads, and technically roads"
Aww.... I was wondering if it was like Hawaii, having "interstate" highways that don't connect to any other landmasses.
Our highest posted speed limit is 45mph.
yeah, I was about to mention that
and 45 is actually rare
We do have some roads with up to six or seven lines (total, both ways), and an underpass.
@BESW that isn't really enough to qualify though is it?
No, "interstate" is a technical term.
didn't think so
It means the government has certain controls over it, and that it's been designed for strategic military use and disaster evacuation as well as for civilian infrastructure.
we have a lot of road that is speed limit 35 and below
most people do not go that slow anywhere
there are some main roads where it is a little silly to have 35 be the speed limit, but there is also an issue in actual legit 15mph areas of people still going like, 45
I get made fun of for going "too slow," ten mph over the speed limit through Malojloj.
A lot of the speed limits are because of road-fronting residential housing, not because of the safety of the road itself.
@BESW my dad just yesterday commented when I was driving him to pick up my mom's car from the airport that the 10 I was going over the speed limit was too slow for the guy who passed me at like, 60
@BESW yeah, I get that, but not all of it is that
And in some places, the speed limits are left over from when the road was paved with coral-based asphalt, which gets super slippery when wet.
(Or the road is STILL paved like that.)
my point is, some of these speed limits need to at least be re-evaluated
(Or it's alongside a cliff that sometimes drops boulders into the road.)
but no one with the authority to order it gives a heck about that, apparently
@BESW I am not saying everywhere needs a higher speed limit, but some places certainly do
I feel like it wouldn't help; people would just go ten or twenty mph faster than that posted limit.
that being said, I do doubt the current ability of re-evaluations of the speed limits around the island's ability to help much right now
@BESW yeah, that is a fair point for sure
[takes notes for 1HS]
we also need a not-understaffed-police-department who can actually start enforcing traffic laws more effectively
but if we don't fix both of those problems at the same time, we technically just create a whole new combo problem XD
Ooh, combo problem with fries and a drink.
it would be that
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