Say you define one of the unused operators like ±x_ := {x, -x} ... how do I clear that definition? I can't seem to find a related question on main, but it seems like something that would have been asked before.
oh, I just Clear[PlusMinus], don't I? Ignore me...
While we have customization tag I think it would be nice to have more localized one which would group questions like:
How to implement custom integration rules for use by NIntegrate
How to create custom Graphics primitive?
Is it possible to define a new PlotTheme?
Is it possible to insert new c...
@J.M. Yes, to be honest, I didn't master the other usage of Partition[] apart from basic usage. In addtion, could you know how to calculate the complement of two sets? Like this?
@J.M. Now I know Complement[] will delete the duplicate element. In fact, I would like to use knotsCommonminusknots1, then returning the remaining element, like 0.25
@ShutaoTANG That's not how set complement works. As said in the docs, the result is a list of everything in the first list that is not in the second and subsequent lists. But, the numbers in your knots1 are all in knotsCommon!
I also posted this on the Wolfram Community site (link below)
Last week I attended the Wolfram Tour (which was great). I asked whenever we could expect a new version of Workbench, as the current (public) version 2 is very out dated. They responded that they use a more up to date version internal...
Is there a good reasoning behind reopening? Wouldn't it be better on meta if we keep it?
It's not that it isn't worth having a discussion on this topic, but this post is just so far from a "practical, answerable question". It simply doesn't fit SE. It would fit meta.
@Szabolcs doesn't really matter for me where it is, I think it doesn't fit both. I'd even say it fits better here than meta. (I didn't vote to reopen {unless I missclicked in review})
on-topic in meta seems to be only about site so I don't know.
@Kuba This is what my question was about. Do you think this would be helpful to other people struggling with the second argument to Dynamic. If so I would post my code as an answer