Try this: do the first one first then the next one
/scoreboard objectives add Deaths deathCount
/scoreboard objectives setdisplay list Deaths
This will display the player's amount of deaths when you push the Tab button.
/scoreboard objectives add Deaths deathCount
/scoreboard objectives setdisplay list Deaths
I'm guessing the answer's probably no, but did anyone happen to see a chest with both an elytra and a fortune III pick, possibly around the slime farm?
@El'endiaStarman btw I added more hoops to the course. I wanted it to end at the tower base so I couldn't use the mountain hole (but it still goes right past it). There are 11 hoops in total
A few days ago, I killed a zombie pigman with a Sharpness III diamond sword that someone must of given to it. I was wondering if anyone knows whose sword it is.
BTW, I logged on today to find that my food chests had be entirely looted of food, coal, and lava. Whoever did that, please reharvest and replace the coal taken. Thank you!
@epicTCK No. I've even whitelisted a few people without SE accounts (though I much prefer they have them). As long as they are respectful and rule abiding on the server they are welcome.
@HelkaHomba My friend would like to be whitelisted, his mincraft username is HecarimIsBeast. He's a n00b to code golf (and programming), but more of a n00b than I am.... anyway could you whitelist him?