« first day (249 days earlier)      last day (140 days later) » 

brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> sleeeeeep
brikerw left the game.
HelkaHomba joined the game (1 players online).
HelkaHomba left the game. (1 players online).
HelkaHomba joined the game (1 players online).
brikerw joined the game (2 players online).
<HelkaHomba> Test Test blah blah
<HelkaHomba> Hi
<brikerw> hai
<brikerw> not on for long
<HelkaHomba> bay
HelkaHomba left the game. (2 players online).
brikerw left the game. (1 players online).
brikerw joined the game (1 players online).
brikerw left the game. (1 players online).
brikerw joined the game (1 players online).
brikerw left the game. (1 players online).
brikerw joined the game (1 players online).
brikerw left the game. (1 players online).
brikerw joined the game (1 players online).
KennyTheCool joined the game (2 players online).
<brikerw> hai
<KennyTheCool> hi
<KennyTheCool> nice to see you
<brikerw> same
<brikerw> totally not borrowing someones elytes
<brikerw> *elytra
<KennyTheCool> whats that
<brikerw> the wings
<KennyTheCool> ohh :)
<brikerw> come to magenta's ffractal
<KennyTheCool> wheres that
<brikerw> where are you?
<KennyTheCool> at base
<brikerw> the fractal is at spawn
<KennyTheCool> ok im comming
<brikerw> the fractal is the big cool looking tower
<KennyTheCool> nice
<brikerw> out of acacia
<KennyTheCool> with the spiral
<brikerw> not mine, magentas
<brikerw> where are you?
<KennyTheCool> im still coming
<brikerw> okai
<brikerw> are you coming through the tunnel?
<KennyTheCool> theres a tunnel?
<brikerw> tell you later, but yeah
<KennyTheCool> okw
<brikerw> wait at the spawn nether portal
<KennyTheCool> ok
brikerw left the game. (2 players online).
brikerw joined the game (2 players online).
<brikerw> sorry delagging
<KennyTheCool> its ok
<brikerw> are you there?
<KennyTheCool> allmost
<brikerw> are you there now?
<KennyTheCool> shoot i went the wrong way
<brikerw> oops
<brikerw> far away?
<KennyTheCool> no
<brikerw> okay
<KennyTheCool> how long
<KennyTheCool> ok
<brikerw> go for it
brikerw left the game. (2 players online).
KennyTheCool left the game. (1 players online).
brikerw joined the game (1 player(s) online).
KennyTheCool joined the game (2 player(s) online).
<brikerw> BACK TO LIFE!!!!!
<KennyTheCool> yes :)
<brikerw> now come, my young kenny, come to me!!!
HelkaHomba joined the game (3 player(s) online).
<HelkaHomba> Hi
<HelkaHomba> Bye
HelkaHomba left the game. (4 player(s) online).
<KennyTheCool> im here
<KennyTheCool> riker?
<brikerw> okai sorry
<brikerw> lag
<brikerw> at the nportal?
<KennyTheCool> im here
<KennyTheCool> :)
<brikerw> FUNNNESSS
<KennyTheCool> how do you get wings
<brikerw> not mine actually
<brikerw> gotta put them back
<brikerw> but from the end
<KennyTheCool> wow
<brikerw> they are in the end cities
<KennyTheCool> cool
<brikerw> you coiing down?
<KennyTheCool> yea
<brikerw> and I WANT MY OWN VERY BADLY
<KennyTheCool> :)
brikerw fell from a high place
<brikerw> thx
<brikerw> thx
<KennyTheCool> no prob
<brikerw> tunnel:
<KennyTheCool> nice
HelkaHomba joined the game (1 player online).
<HelkaHomba> Test
HelkaHomba left the game. (0 players online).
KennyTheCool joined the game (1 player online).
brikerw joined the game (2 players online).
<KennyTheCool> yay
<brikerw> sorry
<KennyTheCool> that was weird
<brikerw> here now
<KennyTheCool> it kicked me out too
<brikerw> helka shut it down
<brikerw> norse
<brikerw> *horse brb
brikerw left the game. (1 player online).
brikerw joined the game (2 players online).
<brikerw> WTF????
<KennyTheCool> that sucks
<brikerw> on a horse..
<KennyTheCool> nice tunnel
<brikerw> vtc's
<brikerw> he owns the tunnel, little village, and our house
<brikerw> Helka: ಠ_ಠ
<KennyTheCool> nice
<brikerw> danigt
<KennyTheCool> cool
<brikerw> grow stupid plant
<KennyTheCool> lol
<brikerw> you have a bone?
<KennyTheCool> im going to make a wool farm
<brikerw> we has one
<KennyTheCool> i don't have a bone
<brikerw> make tree farm instead
<KennyTheCool> wools cooler though
<brikerw> eh
<brikerw> XP would be best
<KennyTheCool> for redstone
<brikerw> dude check out this bow
<brikerw> you can't has
<KennyTheCool> btw im making an 8-bit calculator
<brikerw> is mine, but can give some enchanted books
<brikerw> seriously check out the bow i tossed you
<KennyTheCool> woooooooooooooooooooow
<KennyTheCool> thxthx
<brikerw> took forever and lots of emeralds
<brikerw> NOOOOOO
<brikerw> give baxk pls
<brikerw> ಠ_ಠ
<brikerw> :D
<brikerw> will make more for coal
<brikerw> you give ~ 20 stacks coal, i give bow
<KennyTheCool> my calculator can divide, multiply, add, and subtract
<brikerw> wow
<brikerw> *woah
<brikerw> both
<brikerw> how big?
<KennyTheCool> it taks up allmost one chunk
<brikerw> O_Ow
brikerw left the game. (1 player online).
<KennyTheCool> it took me forever
brikerw joined the game (2 players online).
<brikerw> IS MUCH BIG
<brikerw> O_O
<KennyTheCool> how can i show you
<brikerw> give me a mo
<brikerw> crap
<KennyTheCool> what do you mean by mo
<brikerw> moment
<KennyTheCool> ok
<brikerw> sleep pls
<KennyTheCool> can you sleep
<KennyTheCool> ok
<brikerw> if you can't
<brikerw> dangit
<KennyTheCool> lol
<brikerw> got in bed myself
<brikerw> watch this
<brikerw> wait near taht slime block
<brikerw> oustide
<KennyTheCool> where
<brikerw> left of door
<KennyTheCool> im here
<brikerw> wait
<KennyTheCool> i see you
<KennyTheCool> jump off and hold sift
<brikerw> EPIC
<brikerw> i did
<brikerw> dang brb
brikerw left the game. (1 player online).
MagentaField joined the game (2 players online).
<KennyTheCool> hi
<MagentaField> hi
brikerw joined the game (3 players online).
<KennyTheCool> yay
<brikerw> is back
<brikerw> hai magenta
<MagentaField> hi
<brikerw> KennyTheCool you like my slime jump?
<KennyTheCool> yea
<brikerw> KennyTheCool come look at our door
<KennyTheCool> ok
<KennyTheCool> wowa
MagentaField left the game. (2 players online).
<brikerw> :D
<KennyTheCool> :)
<brikerw> look epic?
<KennyTheCool> yesssssss
<brikerw> :D
<KennyTheCool> im collecting die
<brikerw> okai
<brikerw> have you seen my tardis shield?
<KennyTheCool> no
<KennyTheCool> wow!!!!
<brikerw> bai
<brikerw> bye
<KennyTheCool> by
brikerw left the game. (1 player online).
DogetorHue joined the game (2 players online).
<KennyTheCool> hi
DogetorHue left the game. (1 player online).
KennyTheCool left the game. (0 players online).
HelkaHomba joined the game (1 player online).
<HelkaHomba> CHARLIE!
<HelkaHomba> YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!
<HelkaHomba> ONG
<HelkaHomba> OMG*
MagentaField joined the game (2 players online).
HelkaHomba left the game. (1 player online).
MagentaField left the game. (0 players online).
KennyTheCool joined the game (1 player online).
MagentaField joined the game (2 players online).
<KennyTheCool> hi
<MagentaField> hi
<KennyTheCool> by
KennyTheCool left the game. (1 player online).
MagentaField left the game. (0 players online).
2 hours later…
KennyTheCool joined the game (1 player online).
KennyTheCool left the game. (0 players online).
KennyTheCool joined the game (1 player online).
KennyTheCool left the game. (0 players online).
7 hours later…
epicTCK joined the game (1 player online).
epicTCK left the game. (0 players online).
epicTCK joined the game (1 player online).
epicTCK left the game. (0 players online).
epicTCK joined the game (1 player online).
epicTCK left the game. (0 players online).
epicTCK joined the game (1 player online).
epicTCK left the game. (0 players online).
TheNumeralOne joined the game (1 player online).
TheNumeralOne left the game. (0 players online).
epicTCK joined the game (1 player online).
TheNumeralOne joined the game (2 players online).
<epicTCK> hey
<TheNumeralOne> Hello!
<TheNumeralOne> How in the world did Silver get free :/
<TheNumeralOne> Invisible ghast just attacked me.
<epicTCK> im backd
KennyTheCool joined the game (3 players online).
<epicTCK> yo
<KennyTheCool> hi
<TheNumeralOne> Hello!
<KennyTheCool> sorry but i have to go
<TheNumeralOne> bye
<KennyTheCool> by
<epicTCK> u just got on
<epicTCK> bye
KennyTheCool left the game. (2 players online).
<TheNumeralOne> Working on city?
<epicTCK> sorta yeah
<TheNumeralOne> I wish you could put depth strider on horses.
<epicTCK> that would be cool
TheNumeralOne left the game. (1 player online).
<epicTCK> bai
TheNumeralOne joined the game (2 players online).
<epicTCK> hai
<TheNumeralOne> hi
<TheNumeralOne> Why does the mesa have no yellow clay :(
<epicTCK> i took it all maybe
<epicTCK> i think it doews
<epicTCK> just dig down enough
<TheNumeralOne> ok, can you sleep btw?
<TheNumeralOne> nope, no yellow.
<TheNumeralOne> Eek, almost fell into a ravine while riding silver.
<TheNumeralOne> brb
TheNumeralOne left the game. (1 player online).
TheNumeralOne joined the game (2 players online).
<epicTCK> yeh
<epicTCK> *hey
<TheNumeralOne> hi
<TheNumeralOne> gtg test some stuff, bye.
TheNumeralOne left the game. (1 player online).
epicTCK left the game. (0 players online).
epicTCK joined the game (1 player online).
epicTCK left the game. (0 players online).
epicTCK joined the game (1 player online).
epicTCK left the game. (0 players online).
epicTCK joined the game (1 player online).
epicTCK left the game. (0 players online).
1 hour later…
Pietu1998 joined the game (1 player online).
Pietu1998 left the game. (0 players online).
TheNumeralOne joined the game (1 player online).
TheNumeralOne left the game. (0 players online).
ElectroRedstoner joined the game (1 player online).
ElectroRedstoner left the game. (0 players online).
ElectroRedstoner joined the game (1 player online).
ElectroRedstoner left the game. (0 players online).
ElectroRedstoner joined the game (1 player online).
ElectroRedstoner left the game. (0 players online).
ElectroRedstoner joined the game (1 player online).
ElectroRedstoner left the game. (0 players online).
ElectroRedstoner joined the game (1 player online).
ElectroRedstoner left the game. (0 players online).
ElectroRedstoner joined the game (1 player online).
TheNumeralOne joined the game (2 players online).
<ElectroRedstoner> hello!
<TheNumeralOne> Hello!
<TheNumeralOne> gtg test some redstone, bye!
TheNumeralOne left the game. (1 player online).
TheNumeralOne joined the game (2 players online).
<ElectroRedstoner> wb
<TheNumeralOne> Hey!
<ElectroRedstoner> i gotta go, bye!
<TheNumeralOne> bye!
ElectroRedstoner left the game. (1 player online).
MagentaField joined the game (2 players online).
<TheNumeralOne> hello
<MagentaField> hi
MagentaField left the game. (1 player online).
TheNumeralOne left the game. (0 players online).
TheNumeralOne joined the game (1 player online).
TheNumeralOne left the game. (0 players online).
TheNumeralOne joined the game (1 player online).
TheNumeralOne left the game. (0 players online).
TheNumeralOne joined the game (1 player online).
TheNumeralOne left the game. (0 players online).
TheNumeralOne joined the game (1 player online).
TheNumeralOne left the game. (0 players online).
HelkaHomba joined the game (1 player online).
ElectroRedstoner joined the game (2 players online).
<HelkaHomba> Hi
<ElectroRedstoner> hello!

« first day (249 days earlier)      last day (140 days later) »