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@UbuntuQuestionsonU&L Because it wants to, duh
@Zacharee1 It's just a bot.
I know...
Shutting down to try to fix my stupid trackpad buttons
Graphics card probably gives the sense of GUI being slower
Why does a UNIX/LINUX stackexchange bot report to this chatroom?
if i had a dime for every time i coughed, i could probably go to China already . . . .
@HenryWhiteHatHacker because those questions are related to Ubuntu
@Serg That make sense.
@RPiAwesomeness found a github account of someone copying the code
So there's tree.h and tree.c
So what functions are we talking about exactly?
Oh, never mind.
For example in tree.h author defines bool DeleteItem(const Item * pi, Tree * ptree); , but then we have static void DeleteNode(Trnode **ptr);
The github version of the code differs
Well, I've never done actual C work, just some C++, but from what I can see, basically, you're just declaring the functions with their proper arguments.
In the book tree.c has DeleteItem implemented
Then, in the .c file, you're actually implementing all of the code
You're letting the compiler know what to expect
@NathanOsman, @Mateo, or @Seth would know more
But AFAIK that's what you're doing
I don't really know any more about C stuff than you do @RPiAwesomeness :P
OOOOO, Epiphany !
But that does appear to be what is happening. However how you manage to declare a function twice is beyond me.
The prototypes of the functions in .c file at the top are local to that .c file . . . they're not part of .h
Sort of like private method of a class
Oh, if the args are different then you're dealing with overloaded functions
Basically it's the same function name, but it can be called with different sets of arguments to produce different output
No, different names . . . .
/* protototypes for local functions */
static Trnode * MakeNode(const Item * pi);
static bool ToLeft(const Item * i1, const Item * i2);
static bool ToRight(const Item * i1, const Item * i2);
static void AddNode (Trnode * new_node, Trnode * root);
static void InOrder(const Trnode * root, void (* pfun)(Item item));
static Pair SeekItem(const Item * pi, const Tree * ptree);
static void DeleteNode(Trnode **ptr);
static void DeleteAllNodes(Trnode * ptr);
you cannot find these in tree.h
Oh, you're right
My bad
@RPiAwesomeness ohhh, good catch. This is one of those areas where Java is actually nice. You have to explicitly overload a function..
Then there's your answer.
With python it's simpler . . . .you import a file, and then add a few defs . . .
OK, I gotta run home, cuz it seems like it will rain soon
@RPiAwesomeness huh, I don't really know anything ;P
but yeah, .h = "header"
To pho or not to pho . . .that is the question ?
@Serg PHO
Well, I can't fix the touchpad
Because it's held on by plastic flat springs
@Serg Let your stack overPHO.
And one is stretched out
@Seth Shut up
That was terrible
Just terrible
It only works if you pronounce it the wrong American way :p
@Zacharee1 @Seth my bank account of 48.13 USD agrees with you , gentlemen . . . pho it is !
wat ? I send out 450 $ to my friend in China, because she's broke right now . . .
But now you're broke
@Zacharee1 for 2 more days . . . I've paycheck on 31st . . .
You're broke together <3
How much?
@Seth lol
Okay, I'm getting creepy, I'll leave.
something about not needing to declare the static stuff @Serg ?
After tax and considering that I've missed bunch of days due to being constantly ill . . . $391.17
(back to c++ anyway)
@Serg That's $4600/yr
@Zacharee1 not quite . . . My pay is 9.5 $ per hour right now , which means every month i get around 500 $ . . . .But most of it is spend on parking fees , sadwiches and coffee
You're $15000 below the poverty line
I tried eating rice for some time, but recently i just cannot bring myself to it . . . or forget my lunch at home . . . .or something . . .
@Zacharee1 well . . . technically yes . . . I am broke, degree-less , college student , with no work experience ( aside from working in 3 restaurants whose bosses probably won;t give reference anyway )
true, I guess :/
Realistically speaking, I could save for a trip to china . . . but then again , I'm not the best at saving . . . I need to invest into something . . . does Canonical have stocks ?
don't believe so.
@Zacharee1 Most college students are..
@RPiAwesomeness In that statement, you're first assigning the two return values of f1() to r and e. Then you are comparing e to nil. Basically exactly what you described.
The important thing to note is that both r and e are scoped only to the if block.
@Seth I have a lot to look forward to
@Zacharee1 you can get by without it, but you have to start planning in HS.
without what?
without being broke and then coming out with 50k in debt.
Oh, yeah
I don't even have a plan of where to go
@RPiAwesomeness I tend to suggest people stay away from the compound if unless they are doing something really simple because the way variables are overshadowed is a bit complicated and it can bite you if you're not aware of how it works.
Instead I'd do:
Luckily, I think if I try, I'd be able to get at least some financial aid if it exists
r, e := f1()
if e != nil {
There's one guy in my major, he graduated loooong ago. What he did was basically take one - two classes per semester (so he was part time student all the time) and worked at comcast. Now that I think about it - he's smart. He basically lowered his tuition, still got his degree (even though it took him forever), and he basically avoided failing classes (because only one or two) . . .
I just found the compound ones out, love them
@Serg And he worked for a monopoly
my variables were getting trapped in the brackets :)
Another thing that I probably should have done is to go to community college instead of 4 year university. Get associate degree, get job, then get the real degree
Oh, no . . . it's raining already outside . . . and I'm sick . . . and I've no umbrella - ella -ella . . .eh eh eh . . .
auto something = if_this_is ? "1" : "0";
I'm really liking doing that right now ;)
Is there python certification ?
Not that I'm aware of.
Awww . . . Java has certification from oracle, there should be something for other languages too
What do you mean by certification?
@Zacharee1 taking an exam , passing , and then showing-off a certificate ? I think that's an accurate definition of certification XD
Later guys
@Zacharee1 move to California, go to Azusa Pacific
You were talking about college, right?
Good school, close to the beach, affordable for a private university
What's it do?
Teach you things you need to know?
What else does a college do?
Does it have a focus?
Lots of them
Technology, business, education, theology, psychology, administration
I kind of want to stay near home
Jon Stewart is great. Trevor Noah is great too
But I get a bonus on my student account if I refer new students!
What if I apply but don't come? cough sellout cough
Then I get nothing
Perfect :p
I need a date, life is boring :(
Christian Mingle would be perfect >:D
thinking out loud ;P
This isn't out loud
anyone know about shortcut keys, this seems interesting:
Q: Dell developer edition ubuntu 14.04 super key not working

bischoffingstonJust picked up a precision 5510 loaded with 14.04. Everything is pretty smooth but for some reason the super key does not work ( checked with xev, it works). I downloaded the unity tweak tool and it doesn't register when I try to change the search to use the super key.

@Zacharee1 to the world! (well the part that read au chat...)
wonder if dell changed the logo on the keyboard on these new ones yet...
@TheBrownOne sorry, both me and Fabby are a bit far from you to date
I need an editor plz
A: Get a specific word using awk

SergYou dont need to read file line by line using bash. Awk does that already. For instance, you can print broken entries using this code awk '$2!="OK"{print $0}' check.log You can also just print table name and put that command into array , then act upon those array=( $(awk '$2!="OK"{p...

@muru if you have time ? I'm on mobile, need that ^answer proofread
@Serg the usuall: default action on true condition is {print $0}, so the first command reduces to just: awk '$2 != "OK"'
@muru Are you an expert in vim?
@HenryWhiteHatHacker Not an expert. Power user, perhaps.
@muru How to edit a file in vim?
typing and nothing is happening
@HenryWhiteHatHacker How much do you know Vim? Do you know how to enter insert mode?
@muru Well sudo vim filename
that's all
nano is better
I love nano!
@HenryWhiteHatHacker for suitable definitions of "better"
A: How to use `vi` when you've never used it before?

JoshuabgRun the command vimtutor to learn a lot of the many cool functions of vim. If you just want to do very basic things here is a little cheat sheet: Pressing i in normal mode allows you to insert text. You can usuallu get into normal mode by pressing the Esc key. Entering :w will write or save yo...

if you like nano use nano.
user image
@jokerdino --^ :P
@muru @HenryWhiteHatHacker i learned using vim from a YouTube video and just practice, remind me to find it later, maybe tomorrow
I got it now I can edit my python code.
I love VIM
@Serg Sorry, I was away. Did you decide?
@HenryWhiteHatHacker Real programmers use ed
@TheBrownOne What do you mean real programmers?
I use VIM for most things, including my webdesign. Though, I did get brackets and I kind of like it.
It's a joke, click the link.
Real programmers use butterflies
Real programmers use zeros and ones.
@TheBrownOne i didn't take that book, too heavy. But i sure will come back for it
Now I want to go to the library. Too bad it's closed D=
I did get my DK64 cartridge though =D
@Serg Can you give me the name of the books
@muru thanks for edit by the way, writing code from memory isn't most comfortable thing for me so far
@HenryWhiteHatHacker sure, what topics ?
@HenryWhiteHatHacker Odd Thomas, Brother Odd, Odd Hours, Odd Apocalypse, Saint Odd
@Serg you said copy editing, so I left the code alone. :P
Well , it's hard to check code on mobile
I'll go have a shover ...
Shover? Do you mean shower?
@TheBrownOne Don't push. It might be an innocent typo.
@Seth lol don't share it around.
What kind of crack Microsoft has been smoking this time ?
@NathanOsman April 1 is two days away
@jokerdino may i axe you a question
axe me
What format should i give to a partition for just files and data ?
what's wrong with the default ext4?
That's a second hdd
I've two in my laptop, an ssd with Ubuntu and hdd with win 8 on it ( used to be my mom's )
Buuuut because she didn't like this laptop , it's now all mine
I am not really a partition expert.
Well, it is ext4
Q: How to configure Debian/Ubuntu to obtain partition numbers on desktop icons?

Symb932As you can notice in the below picture there is no way to guess which partitions are referred to various icons volume. I would like that various icons has to be renamed on something like /dev/sdax. Thanks in advance for any help.

@NathanOsman I only read the header, and I'm already hating it. Allot. Like extreme amount allot.
@TheBrownOne Thank you! Sorry for the late reply, been busy moving things to my new apartment, its gonna take 2 weeks before I can get the Interwebs again! ;(
guys how can i take my screen shot
@MuditKapil Press the PrintScreen button on your keyboard.
Q: How do I take a screenshot?

gr33kbo1I'm not really sure since I'm still new to Linux distros in general

there's also usually a gui application for that, depending on your DE
ok thanks
> "The government has now successfully accessed the data stored on Farook's iPhone and therefore no longer requires the assistance from Apple Inc. mandated by Court's Order Compelling Apple Inc. To assist Agents in Search dated February 16, 2016" - Apple-Status Report
i feel facebook is hard to handle than a nude machine
Power outage woke me up
It's midnight, I should be asleep
@TheBrownOne Midnight?
Where are you from?
Why would that wake you up? All should be dark and quiet now, no?
I'm in California. I'm used to street lights coming through my windows
Sudden pitch blackness wakes me up
Power company said it would be back twenty minutes ago
We have blinds on our windows...
Well, how long will your notebook battery last?
I'm on my phone with a full charge
@TheBrownOne California! Awesome! Im in the Netherlands: 09:23 right now
Going to try sleeping though
Have a good night
@TheBrownOne Do that! GG
You can't imagine how I would love to be able to go sleeping now...
@ByteCommander I haven't slept at all! five days working on my appartement.... Sleeping at my parents house
So tired I actually had to open the calender to see how many days I actually spent on this house
Just go get some sleep...
Yay korean spam
SD is not catching those...
I just flagged an almost exactly the same looking thing a few minutes ago.
@ByteCommander spammers don't take breaks
And speaking of sleep, I'm off.
I need to wake up in 4 hours and rush like an idiot for work
Even less than 4 now Since it is 1:30
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported question: in order to load new code onto the board by rzpcqss9483 on askubuntu.com (@ByteCommander) …
they forgot to include their spam?
@Takkat No, we just had 4 spam posts of the same type. First the Q is something blabbering about Arduinos, and then they edit it within the grace period to become full of Korean characters etc...
let's kill it within the grace period >:)
@Takkat They use the grace period to add the spam just before the 5 minute mark, leaving no edit history why the spam was there, bypassing the spam detection from smokey. By catching atleast 1 post before the edit, we will train SE spam checking with the orginal post
good that the spammer's IQ is less than ours.
@Ferrybig, can you guys email me the list of spammer accounts so I can destroy them?
Let me check in metasmoke
@jokerdino You can look at Smokey's posts in the CCHQ: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/11540/charcoal-hq
It's hard work checking my emails. You want me to lurk another room too?
It looks like all the 6 users that smoke detector reported are already "Page not found"
Yeah, I just killed them.
I am talking about future spammers.
I have access to the same tools for smokedector as you have, would a list of recent reports work?
Would be nice but I would really like only the link to users.
Maybe hosted on a site somewhere which I can check once in a while.
Hm, I am so demanding. Woops
We can ask @Undo or @404 to include a list of users on metasmoke, like already is done with the users of stackoverflow already
Could Smokey keep a list of spammy user accounts of a site and report it on command?
@Ferrybig yeah, that looks very useful. Can I request a list for AUers?
@ByteCommander There is already a list of people stored in the files of smokedetector for every blacklisted user, so that would work. I am not sure if that's really smart to send in the public. Smokedetector is running at Undo's place, and I don't have access to that, we really need to wait for him or use metasmoke
Good morning :)
Hi everyone. I am trying to find out what happened to the UbuntuGIS repository/group. There are a number of things strange or broken in their PPAs.
In the past month or so there were only 2 messages send to the UbuntuGIS mail list, both authored by me.
Yesterday I was at the #debiangis IRC channel, and the folk there did not even knew the channel was shared with the UbuntuGIS team.
Is there anyone here in that team? Or anyone knows what is going on with them?
A programming language based on that paper you linked.
Good morning @ByteCommander @jokerdino @terdon ! :)
15.04: askubuntu.com/questions/751721/…, unless you have a good duplicate...
Hi @kos ! Good morning ! :)
Hi @cl-netbox o/
Lets start commenting on every spam post, so if they edit the post, the old revision is still stored for spam detection
Really? Why that?
Do comments add the current state of a post to the revisions even if it later receives an edit within the grace period?
Yes, a revision is saved as soon as you comment
Ah, okay. Did not know that.
Q: What happened to the grace period?

kosI've edited the body of this answer (link to the answer's revision history) twice after ~21 minutes I initially posted it, the second edit ~3 minutes after the first edit, but the 5 minutes grace period for those two consecutive edits didn't apply; in fact the revision history shows two different...

^^ That's why I know. :)
@Ferrybig It is already stored, what do you mean?
I talked to someone who's name is Ram
@MuditKapil I talked to someone who's name is:
@terdon As far as I have heard from other moderators, if a post is edited less than 5 minutes after its creation, then the new revision will override the older one. If we add at least 1 comment to the post, we prevent the overriding and proof destruction from happening (and because the post is a separate revision, the anti-spam from SE will learn to catch a edit of that content, instead of a post of that content)
> "horsit"
@Ferrybig Yes, but I don't think that applies to posts that are deleted by spam flags. The original version is always available there AFAIK.
he has done nothing for mke
I need a godfather
@terdon this post got edited before the 5 minutes where over, can you see 2 revisions? There is a version without the spammy unicode, and one with those spammy unicode
just to survive and live in this World
@Ferrybig that's what I see ^^
fabbby i love you
If there was another revision in the middle, that's gone, yes. However, the important thing is that we see the original version that triggered the spam flags.
@Rinzwind you are awesome
@MuditKapil Tell me something I do not know yet >:-D
pls make me a community part
@Rinzwind You are MEGA awesome ! :P but I'm sure that you know this as well ... ;P
what is happening?
300 to go and I move up a spot on the users list :D
@Rinzwind so tomorrow will be the day ... right ? :D
you all are best
@cl-netbox not with this headache I have currently :P
let us make Ubuntu
(my head is too small for my brain :+ )
@Rinzwind I wish you all the best to soon get rid of the headache ! :)
@MuditKapil You wanna make a new ubuntu ? :D
means me
are you challlenging me
i can fireapart
I want an OS development
i do need a gooole sunglasaeees
@MuditKapil stop posting nonsense please.
hey @terdon acknowledge my awesomeness :=)
@terdon : Mr. @Rinzwind wants to hear something way above being MEGA awesome ... :P
@TheBrownOne: any plans to install OwnCloud on the server?
@Rinzwind Everyone knows you're awesome!
@Rinzwind I will admit that you are, by far and away, the best bowling player I've ever met.
Will that do?
(You're just less awesome then @fossfreedom)

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