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12:01 AM
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] 3 issue comments.
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] 13 commits. 88697 additions. 79043 deletions.
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 4 commits. 82211 additions. 87583 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 3 commits. 2 opened issues. 2 issue comments. 53446 additions. 58100 deletions.
[Vannevelj/VSDiagnostics] 4 commits. 3 closed issues. 341 additions. 9 deletions.
2 hours later…
2:19 AM
> Unit test discovery is going to be working off parser state / declarations and annotations (1.x worked off the VBIDE API); running code in protected projects is out of scope. Good to know though :-)
> Do we have a way of knowing whether macros are enabled/disabled?
> @autoboosh yikes! Indeed, some caching is in order. I committed a modification to Declaration yesterday, dramatically reducing the number of RuntimeBinderException thrown by IsArray and HasTypeHint; I'll take a look at QualifiedModuleName.
2:47 AM
> You can determine whether a project is in Design-mode by inspecting the state of the "Design Mode" button on the Run Toolbar, but that's not enough to know if macros are enabled when you exit design mode
You can exit design mode *and* determine whether macros are enabled by executing `Application.Run("Now()")`, but I can't tell if a project with disabled macros might cause a dialog box?
3:28 AM
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit e69bf09d to BugBlipper: Branches View UI
@Mat'sMug WPF question here.
I have that set up so each button is the same width.
The min width is the width of the largest button.
This means the button with the largest text fits nicely, and the width of the other buttons matches it.
So, the problem comes with localization.
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit cc4be65d to BugBlipper: Remove test resx value
Because I am using the min width, the buttons are never too narrow.
However, when the locale is changed, the buttons never narrow back down to fit.
Of course, they don't look bad the way it is, but...
A grid wouldn't work, possibly because I am using it in a stack panel.
I can't just set the width because that just sets the min and max width, leading to lots of problems.
let the buttons size to content, no?
I wish I could just set the current width, but still allow the button itself to resize as needed.
@Mat'sMug That looks funny with some buttons larger than others.
3:34 AM
but it's going to happen anyway, no matter what
It especially looks funny with OK and Cancel buttons, although, in fact, those all have hard-coded widths at the moment.
or, make LinkButtons instead
you're talking about the SC panel, right?
@Mat'sMug Not with what I just did.
3:35 AM
the VS Team Explorer has link buttons
like at the bottom of the Code Inspections toolwindow
Oh, ugh.
Wait a sec, that means I did the About window wrong.
See, they all adjust to the width.
okay... what's wrong with that?
Absolutely nothing, until I localize.
Like I said, the buttons adjust bigger, but not smaller.
do they wrap if the window gets resized small enough?
No, that is next.
2 hours later…
5:46 AM
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit ee599ea6 to CodeExplorer: added DeclarationType.Constant to the _neverArray list
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit d3ba4aa3 to CodeExplorer: removed lying comments in ParserState; fixed description of ProcedureShouldBeFunctionInspectionResult
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 2c3f69d7 to CodeExplorer: fixed descriptions / NRE's for ImplicitVariantReturnType and NonReturningFunction inspections
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 27fe666f to CodeExplorer: fixed bug with reference context string in FindAllReferences; tweaked NonReturningFunction to a more robust implementation, but resolver still doesn't find function retu
6:01 AM
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 053e267b to CodeExplorer: resolver now correctly locates assignment target in functions & property getters; fixes false positives of NonReturningFunction inspection; added debug output to CodeExp
Merge pull request #46 from rubberduck-vba/next

Merge pull request #1135 from retailcoder/CodeExplorer
that false positive has been annoying me for so long!!
Merge pull request #47 from rubberduck-vba/CodeExplorer

Code explorer
Merge pull request #48 from retailcoder/next

sync with merged PR's in main repo
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit ee599ea6 to CodeExplorer‌​: added DeclarationType.Constant to the _neverArray list
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit d3ba4aa3 to CodeExplorer‌​: removed lying comments in ParserState; fixed description of ProcedureShouldBeFunctionInspectionResult
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 2c3f69d7 to CodeExplorer‌​: fixed descriptions / NRE's for ImplicitVariantReturnType and NonReturningFunction inspections
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 27fe666f to CodeExplorer‌​: fixed bug with reference context string in FindAllReferences; tweaked NonReturningFunction to a more robust implementation, but resolver still doesn't find f
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 053e267b to CodeExplorer‌​: resolver now correctly locates assignment target in functions & property getters; fixes false positives of NonReturningFunction inspection; added debug outpu
Merge pull request #1139 from retailcoder/CodeExplorer

resolver / inspection fixes
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 053e267b on CodeExplorer: AppVeyor build cancelled
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 1d8b60e3 on CodeExplorer: AppVeyor build succeeded
6 hours later…
12:34 PM
[Vogel612/TranslationHelper]‌​ Vogel612 pushed commit b8183388 to develop: Updated readme, stopped depending on test for fatJa, since UI tests fail unpredictably
[Vogel612/TranslationHelper] build for commit b8183388 on develop: The Travis CI build passed
6 hours later…
6:40 PM
> Thank you. Just tested it and it is extremely fast compared to before!
6:51 PM
> The operator precedence was a total chaos for some reason. It also seems like there's a mixup between statement and expression here since about half of the rule could/should be moved to some sort of expr-rule. I found this paper describing how ANTLR4 works with left-recursion very useful: Adaptive LL(*) Parsing: The Power of Dynamic Analysis. Appendix C is where left-recursion and how the precedence rules are implemented. VBA operator...
precedence rules are described here: Operator Precedence and Associativity Removed the PLUS valueStmt rule as well since that gets "optimized away" as soon as you move to a new line in the VBE. It's not mentioned in the VBA specification either. PLUS_EQ and MINUS_EQ are gone now too since those are not supported in VBA. I don't quite understand this one to be honest. Is there some kind of out-of-spec VBA runtime out there...
supporting these operators?
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 8f6f40e1 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
> I don't know what += and -= operators were doing there either. Saw them before, but they didn't interfere with anything and since we didn't need to care about those... I just left them there. Nice cleanup!
7:07 PM
@Phrancis quack quack!
Sub MoveToErrorDump(item As Outlook.mailItem)
    'This is to be used largely for notifications from SQL and other
    'automated notifications, which notifications are not necessarily important
    'to look at in the immediate and can be archived in the _ErrorDump folder in Inbox

    'Set up Outlook application variables
    Dim nameSpace As Outlook.nameSpace
    Dim inbox As Outlook.Folder
    Dim destFolder As Outlook.Folder
    Set nameSpace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set inbox = nameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
I've just about had it with Outlook rules ;)
> CPU usage is still a concern though. I noticed the initial parse gets triggered by the code inspections' view model at startup, so the initial parse performance (and CPU usage) will be further improved tonight when I fix the inspections' view model to no longer register/unregister parser state changes, and work like the code explorer instead (i.e. register parser state changes in constructor, and don't call for a refresh at startup). If you look at the debug output when you bring up the VBE, y
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 94ef8f7e on unknown branch: AppVeyor build failed
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] autoboosh pushed commit 8f6f40e1 to next: fix operator precedence
@Duga nuget acting up again
7:21 PM
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] autoboosh pushed commit 94ef8f7e to next: readd accidentally deleted changelog line
Merge pull request #1140 from autoboosh/precedencefix

fix operator precedence
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit f204a23a on next: AppVeyor build failed
7:58 PM
@Duga what's up with nuget??
1 hour later…
8:58 PM
Hmm, new chatSEy mangles that^
I removed ChatSEy from my cell phone :)
don't need it anymore!
arrives in new chat
Hmm, it seems ChatSEy mangled and discarded the chat...
isn't it awesome :)
Anyway, I need to get Inspection results in a format that allows me to build an HTML or CSV table, so I need to know the data for each column and the column title and text-alignment. Right now, I've added a ToArray method to the result, so I get a jagged array for the data (which I pass to my table-building method) and I'm thinking of passing a list of column metadata. Any ideas on a better way to get results in a neater way?
9:15 PM
No clue... I didn't even know you could have multiple formats of the same data in the clipboard anyway :-/
9:34 PM
NirSoft makes a great clipboard viewer. Lets you inspect and save individual clipboard formats, or the entire clipboard (which you can later restore from disk to the clipboard. I've had colleagues use it so send me the contents of their clipboard.
For the love of everything that is good in this world, please, don't do this. Use meaningful names, and if you need 50 values of SomeMeaningfulName, then use an array, like SomeMeaningfulName(0 To 49) As Integer. Don't call it Var, give it a name that tells whoever is maintaining that code (future you?) what these values are used for. If they're completely unrelated, then make a Type and give each one a meaningful name. And then thank yourself later (e.g. was the column width of Sheet4!$A:$F stored in var23 or var47 again?) — Mat's Mug 4 mins ago
9:59 PM
Lol, I inherited a project last year with 1000's of Global variables like varA1_0. The A1 being a record set field value, and the _0 being the current value as opposed to _1 being the previous value.
Truly horrific.
> Rubberduck > Refactor > Rename
I really hope 2.0 will release with a "perfect" resolver
any resolver glitch undermines the tool's credibility
refactor/rename and refactor/extract method simply cannot be flaky
anything else is forgiveable
VBE has it easy as it doesn't try to resolve the dead-branches.
oh, we won't either
if ReSharper doesn't handle it at version 10, I don't see why we should handle it at version 2!
10:37 PM
@ThunderFrame I'm in Sage300, inside Sub Main(), and when I press the "play" button in the VBE, it brings up the "Macros" window for me to manually select which public procedure to run -- the "click play" approach can't work for unit testing :(
How about Run..Run Sub/UserForm.. menu?
nope, same thing
we're "stuck" with Application.Run
wait no
I wasn't inside Sub Main
I was inside a private method
@ThunderFrame it works!!
10:55 PM
hmm, even if we find a host that doesn't support "Press Play", I think we should default to using Application.Run, and only use "Press Play" for things like Outlook and CorelDraw document-type projects, that don't have a Run method.
Press Play involves opening a code-pane, so it should be the option of last resort.
And Application.Run leaves the door open for running tests on protected projects.
but regardless of whether a project is protected, we still need a way to ensure the project is active (and macros are enabled), in order for Application.Run to be scoped to the right project (in instances where more than 1 project is open).
11:10 PM
yeah. those are edge cases though
but I agree
11:25 PM
Thanks for the #swag @StackCodeReview! Wheeee!!! #rubberduck #codereview https://t.co/fYv6ZEgtNJ
I got a Dickie!
Lol. Duckie
Where'd the menu go?
new chat seems to be busted on chrome
I think I found a bug in Microsoft's RichEdit20A control
Hehe, I applied for a job at Mold Craft. Just looked at their online application, and they need to hire me ;)
They have a state drop down for the "years known" field in the references.
1K buffer overflow... Which pays better... responsible disclosure or 0-day auction?
@ThunderFrame Probably 0-day auction.
Maybe you should blackmail them ;)
11:36 PM
Ok. This is gonna drive me nuts. I can either access the menu or send messages, but never both.
lol - Give me a vbProject.MacrosEnabled property, or else...
Thanks for the reference, @RubberDuck. I applied for a couple businesses that asked for your email/phone as part of the application, I hope you don't mind that I gave them the ones on the reference.
I don't mind at all @Hosch250
At the worst, they would try to get rid of you because other businesses seem to be recruiting you. At best, they'll give you a raise to keep you.
I wouldn't want the first to happen, but I doubt a business would do that.
A: Test the new mobile chat!

RubberDuckTerribly broken on iOS mobile chrome. I can either access the fancy new menu (star, pin, flag) or type messages. Never both.

11:43 PM
@RubberDuck gosh, thank god I deleted that
Lol. Oops
11:59 PM
I'm having trouble with my visual states.

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