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@dmckee I shot the guy a thank-you and said I'd like to reach out to the NE dept and asked for the name and number of the person to contact
@dmckee He told me to just contact the department head :/
@FenderLesPaul I wish I could go tweak minor things on some of mine >.<
@Danu Not really, it is evidently incompatible with entropy in terms of probabilities, i.e. $\sum_i p_i\ln(p_i)$ or $\int p \ln(p)$ since the $p_i$ there are fractions.
@ACuriousMind but is one tied to Shannon entropy for thermodynamics?
AFAIK the ln W is completely satisfactory in that context
@Danu Hmm? You need the expression in terms of probabilities to define entropy for non-equilibrium (or equilibrium, but non-ergodic) systems
@ACuriousMind Do you sleep?
I know that
@BernardMeurer Sometimes
But thermodynamics, @ACuriousMind
I find it an entertaining thought that maybe one may not be able to distinguish the correct definition
@Danu I don't recognize thermodynamics as distinct from statistical mechanics. All thermodynamics is is equilibrium statistical mechanics disguising itself by using strange historical approaches :P
Hahaha, no I don't agree
I think there is no rigorous way of getting thermo from stat mech
But there is a rigorous approach to thermo I think
With the ln as "real" entropy
@Danu I'm not following you. What do you think is the difference between equilibrium statistical mechanics for large particle numbers and thermodynamics?
@ACuriousMind I mean a more rigorous limit
Not just "something something infinite particle number"
Has it been done?
It's as rigorous as the "continuum limit", I think. That is, in many cases you can take it, and it is provable it exists, but there might be annoying cases where the limit doesn't (naively) exist
Just to spur on discussion, can't we have thermodynamics of systems not composed of Newtonian billiard balls?
@ChrisWhite That's statistical mechanics, in my book :P
Also, it's too late for me to be up
Topology exam is about 40 hours from now :P
One professor once noted to me that it's a shame people only learn stat mech and not traditional thermo, since practically there exist systems where we don't have a description in terms of large numbers of particles, but we do have empirically valid notions of temperature and so on.
Since when do people not learn traditional thermo**?
I didn't learn it
I know I was forced to
EU > US as usual? ;)
since ACM took over the curriculum, apparently
I'm pretty sure ACM must've taken a course on it
ACM took a course on everything
Did you have a course on AdS/CFT, ACM? :)
In about 1 year's time, I will have :3
(taken a course on everything; I already did the AdS/CFT course!)
In other news, my algebraic topology TA laughed in my face when he heard I was interested in taking the upcoming course on group cohomology. He said "maybe I will take that course" (he's a postdoc)
@Danu We did a little bit of thermo in an experimental lecture that was already crammed with mechanics and electrodynamics, but I mainly had stat mech. That might have shaped my view :P
@ACuriousMind Oh... In Amsterdam there's a mandatory 1semester course purely on thermo
@Danu Only on pure CFT
@ACuriousMind Sooooo boring ;D
JK I think the course on CFT was more interesting than the AdS/CFT one
although it's really nice to have learned what all the fuss is about
CFT is pretty great
@Danu It was wonderful, which makes me hate seeing the string theorists butcher it all the more :P
I read an old answer of yours on CFT today; neat summary of the first ~50 pages of Blumenhagen
"which makes me hate seeing the string theorists butcher it" That goes along with a bunch of things
That's what I got out of string theory
(had the exam today...)
@Danu Hehe, that was your upvote, then
@Danu Yeah
@ACuriousMind Yush.
@ACuriousMind And oh yeah also
one of the worst courses in the curriculum here
I bet string theory 2 will suck even more
I need it for my thesis prep though :\
@Danu Well, how does it
Seems like Kaluza-Klein to me :P
@0celo7 Hurr durr self-dual radius massless
@Danu NaCl much
So boring!!!
@Danu I'm not sure whether they are trying to select for people who enjoy those boring computations or whether they genuinely think they are presenting their field in an attractive manner
Pretty sure my PDE prof wants to kill everyone's interest in PDE for life.
Then again, QFT is also usually "CALCULATE THIS FEYNMAN DIAGRAM!" for a time...
Not at LMU
Then there are strange people like my father who think calculating Fourier series after Fourier series is interesting...
At LMU the professors are way too lazy for that
So we basically do classical field theory
The course at my school uses Peskin-Schroeder, so it's probably Feyman diagram season for days
But I have no intention of taking that course.
@Danu wat
Welp you can see the Higgsing, the Stueckelberg fields and the dualities
who needs more? :D
The only time we did anything quantum in the past semester of Advanced QFT was, I think, the chiral anomaly stuff
Anyways, I really needda sleep
bye guys
@Danu Cheerio.
I am certainly no fan of computing Feynman diagrams, but I think you need to see at least a derivation of the LSZ formula and some explicit computations in QED to really understand how QFT works and how it gets its predictions. And it doesn't hurt to do perturbative renormalization so you get an appreciation for the people who actually calculate stuff
@Danu What did you do to calculate it? Triangle diagrams? Fujikawa method? Just abstract A-S application?
@ACuriousMind Just like you have to do some tremendous index calculations to get an appreciation for people like @ChrisWhite :)
(and good night)
I don't need index manipulations to have an appreciation for @ChrisWhite
(But I would also say that you need to do indices at some point. I just think they're overused, I don't want to abolish them completely)
@ACuriousMind Seriously
What in GR is made clear by abolishing indices
I want your no-nonsense opinion here
Because you HAVE to go to coordinates at some point, anyway
@0celo7 I'll give you your weird quantities. That's not a reason to have all the QFT people calculate with indices in flat space
@ACuriousMind It's not even weird quantities. It's the fact that stuff like $H_{\mu\nu}u^\nu$ is less awkward than $H(-,u)$.
If something is really awkward to express coordinate-free, then don't do it. But I think e.g. electrodynamics and QFT would be a lot more beautiful if they didn't write everything in indices
Beautiful or useful?
Not really.
Try building a bridge while viewing mechanics as a flow on phase space.
@0celo7 Ah, well, there we disagree. I definitely prefer the latter notation because it makes the relation between the objects more clear - it is H that eats u, and still can eat another vector. I just don't see that in the first version
@ACuriousMind I'm sure you know I understand what both notations mean.
(And yes, in my mind, forms are gluttons that gobble up vectors)
@0celo7 Of course. They both mean $H(-,u)$ ;)
I taught @BernardMeurer how to urban dictionary :D
@ACuriousMind :P
I'm not sure what there is to teach
He taught me it's a thing
I'm also not sure whether I want to know
Existence and usefulness of UD
My algebra prof has failed the second part for algebra
How can a prof fail their own lecture?
I think I'm not parsing that correctly...
I'm not convinced anything we're doing is useful.
My adviser was visibly upset when I showed him my class notes
He saw your handwriting, what did you expect? ;P
I had him for diff eq last semester...
And you've seen my handwriting. It's pretty good.
Note the ";P" indicating that was a joke
@ACuriousMind I know.
What's your point?
Sometimes I feel @ACuriousMind is an AI
@0celo7 Thus there is no need to defend youself
@BernardMeurer Not sure whether that is a compliment, an insult, or something in between
@BernardMeurer What do you think?
@ACuriousMind Wasn't in italics, so not an insult.
@ACuriousMind It's not in italic, it's not an insult
Exactly @0celo7
You have the handwriting of a sixth grade girl @0celo7
what the fuck
It's too pretty
@BernardMeurer Nah, not enough flourishes
On the solution of B) you dun goofed your ramp
I'm a girl
I will freely admit I'm a girl, no shame in that
looks like an engineer's handwriting
also very pretty
@BernardMeurer He's said things that are far better to quote at him :D
Like what
"I'm stupid"
Oct 22 '15 at 1:12, by 0celo7
I'm a hypocrite
I don't think "I like boys" has happened yet...but it might, one day.
@ACuriousMind damn, why did I say that
wow, that's completely out of context
@0celo7 Of course, what did you expect? :D
Anything else interesting?
I have the hand writing of a first century barbarian from Varusschlacht
@0celo7 Of course, but I'm not using up the good stuff now without good reason
@BernardMeurer You're illiterate?
the fuck :D
Also, but that's unrelated
@ACuriousMind c'mon
for me
That's mine
In the prettiest it ever gets
That's not bad at all
At least you won't be mistaken for a 6th grade girl if someone reads your handwriting 300 years from now...
My teachers used to complain about it being hard to read and not cursive
"Oh my god this 10 year old girl was taking notes on Morse theory"
I stopped writing full-on cursive because mine is unreadable to most people
@0celo7 lol
@ACuriousMind Same
Someone should encode Milnor's book in Morse code, btw
Get me a pdf
Then you can learn Morse while learning Morse
@BernardMeurer Ah, that's the problem, it's typewriter
so original ACM
Morse is not complex, just boring
@ACuriousMind What is morse theory?
@0celo7 Good jokes come from running out of bad ones
@BernardMeurer The art of detecting the homotopy type of a manifold by studying a generic differentiable function on it
@ACuriousMind which person with shitty jokes said that one
@0celo7 Not sure whether that's a quote or I made it up
If it's a quote, I don't remember by who
@ACuriousMind Whats a homotopy; whats a manifold; what's a generic differentiable function and what do you mean by 'on it'?
is this post-your-handwriting club now?
@ACuriousMind ok, so you're the person with the shitty jokes :P
@BernardMeurer A continuous deformation; a space locally modelled on $\mathbb{R}^n$; any differentiable function but a few ones; "on it" = function from it to the reals.
@ChrisWhite Yes, go ahead
@ACuriousMind "Continuous" as in infinite?; "Locally modelled"?; but a few ones?
@BernardMeurer Do you really want to continue this? :P
@BernardMeurer Continuous: preimage of open sets are open
Locally modeled: every point has a neighborhood homeomorphic to an open set of $\mathbb{R}^n$
@ACuriousMind I always want to learn stuff, but I also don't like pestering people so it's entirely up to you :)
excluding the few that have a degenerate Hessian (I think)
preimage of open sets?
@BernardMeurer That's fine, but you won't learn stuff if I just explain words you don't know with words you don't know, and I won't improvise an intro to topology and analysis right now
@ACuriousMind I have a theorem that if we go for long enough it will just be the four basic operations
That can take years tho
In the end, it's all set theory (or type theory).
No you got it wrong
In the end it's all magic
bit out of focus it seems
wtf is that
That's a badass handwriting right there
looks like geometry/calculus
GR stuff?
My board writing is bad
mmm, this was a warmup in normal spherical coordinates
didn't want to bother writing it all out in Kerr
@busukxuan "Mind if I ask a short question?" is a short question.
@GBeau tweak what?
Wow, that took a while to respond to huh @AlfredCentauri?
@HDE226868 How's the chamber going?
@FenderLesPaul Show us your handwriting
@BernardMeurer Not yet started.
But midterms are done, so my free time just tripled.
@BernardMeurer haha alrighty
@HDE226868 I want to see them particles
@BernardMeurer I'll see if I can post pictures if we get good tracks.
@HDE226868 :)
But that won't be 'til May or June. I do have to actually finish the rest of the course.
One more unit, then AP review.
@FenderLesPaul just minor wording and things QQ
@FenderLesPaul did you have to do a personal history statement for ucsb
@ACuriousMind I can't get the chalk to not make this horrible squeaking noise
Denzler has banned me from writing my thoughts on his board when we're talking
@ChrisWhite If that's your work I admire your neat sketching. Well done.
@dmckee My sketches are a lot better.
@0celo7 The question is how are they when done in front of a class?
my handwriting significantly improves in front of class
which is better than the other way around
@dmckee never done that
why can't I star my own stuff
there's something satisfying about closing 20 tabs
Oct 22 '15 at 1:50, by 0celo7
I can't stop thinking how handsome my avatar is
What was my avatar at the time...
@GBeau yeah I did
I wrote about my high school and tutoring and minorities
@FenderLesPaul I had to write one for UC Irvine
it ended up being a couple of really bad paragraphs
but I guess it didn't matter because I got in
I think all the UC schools make you do it
but I don't think they care about it at all
it's just like a formality
Is Stonybrook your top choice over UC Irvine?
between the two?
yeah between the two
a week from today is going to be pretty big
I just mean that's when a lot of schools have sent out historically
a week from today
oh I see
yeah fair point
although at this point I can finally stop checking my emails frantically and being anxious
because UCSB was my top choice
anything in addition to this would just be icing on the cake
why qq?
seeing other ppl get in
@GBeau ah, yeah I feel ya
@0celo7 is there anything you want me to relay to Polchinski or Srednicki on visit week?
3 hours later…
@ACuriousMind All that stuff was just done in exercises for us :P
Fun fact: Dmckee has a user ID (according to stack exchange search bar) that happens to be last year
@0celo7 Math and GDP:
it has literally the acronym GDP in the second line of the intro
yuggib, what's your view about an economic model known as steady state economics?
Obviously the correct model is accelerated inflation economy
Because of dark money
Uh, I am not making a joke or anything. The thing is, I am kinda aware there are many economic models. Recently in a talk I learnt about a model called steady state economics. I am just wondering how it compares with other models like what are the pros and cons on using them?
Ask economists, maybe
The response just a few lines above is the reason why before realising economics has a non human factor, I often refrain from asking economics questions, because people tend to start thinking about money and corruption, and then turned the question into a joke
Q: Is indefinite exponential economic growth possible?

gerritEconomic growth is frequently expressed as a % of GDP. Proponents of a steady-state economy postulate that perpetual exponential economic growth is impossible and that any system relying on it is inherently unstable. Is this true? Is indefinite exponential economic growth possible? (See also: ...

Only one question on this topic
Now searching for other questions that talked about various models
Q: Are there fundamental reasons why (exponential) economic growth is highly desirable?

gerritOne of the most widely published measures of the economy is the economic growth as a % of the GDP; i.e. the degree to which an economy grows exponentially. In my understanding, when the rate of economic growth is declining or close to 0%, this is considered undesirable and acts are undertaken to...

The user of this question, seems biased towards non growing economy
Q: Why economic models have no profits, unlike the real world?

luchonachoI'm puzzled by the core example of an economy populated by firms with a constant returns to scale production function operating under perfect competition, where no income remains after paying out competitive wages to workers (L) and competitive return to the capital hired for production (K). Mean...

understanding profits
Q: Topological concepts in economic theory

user218 QUESTION: What are the major or systematic applications of post-1960s mathematics to microeconomics? For example, in the late 19th century, Fisher first used the mathematical ideas of Gibbs to construct modern utility theory. In the 20th century, Mas-Colell incorporated topological ideas to...

I am interested in anything that does not reminds me of corruption and impassiveness
Ecological economics/eco-economics refers to both a transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary field of academic research that aims to address the interdependence and coevolution of human economies and natural ecosystems over time and space. It is distinguished from environmental economics, which is the mainstream economic analysis of the environment, by its treatment of the economy as a subsystem of the ecosystem and its emphasis upon preserving natural capital. One survey of German economists found that ecological and environmental economics are different schools of economic thought, with ecological...
More interestingly, Pastafarianism is now an official religion in my home country :)
what will that implicate?
That one may wear a colander on his/her head for a passport photo now.
Any reason why this should not be deleted?
A: Number theory in Physics

sigoldberg1I recall being stunned (they can do that?) by the mere mention of the technique called "Zeta Function Regularization", see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renormalization, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeta_function_regularization , to sum divergent series like zeta(-n) to get finite results. I tho...

2 hours later…
@FenderLesPaul No, but I probably have something you can ask Zee about
@Danu And you people call me the troll...
@yuggib VERY GOOD
Nice to see that mathematicians are finally spending their time wisely. Now if only those pesky algebraic geometers and number theorists got their shit together...
@Slereah heh

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