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Oh oh
Dammit y'all in cahoots with imgur
SU appends a ?s=328&g=1 to the end of the imgur link and unanimates it
I have this in my playlist.
If they were to enable gifs, then people could set multiple images as their ava. Surely, it'd be more difficult to filter inappropriate images too, i guess.
@R.Doto that's manual anyway.
(Its mandrin bubblegum pop from years ago)
@JourneymanGeek Oooh, fairplay
well that was an interesting weekend
Hmm. Mandarin bubblegum pop.
all and all it was a huge success
just performed the most criticial database upgrade in history
I'm pretty sure its from the early naughties.
a database > 15 year old up to the most current.. FLAWLESS. (essentially going from windows 3.1 to windows 10)
@Dave /usr/bin/pg_upgrade
wish it was that easy
@qasdfdsaq: more like mssql 2000 database for an application to the latest application on 2008 R2.
I hope you get paid well for that
@qasdfdsaq sure
microsoft sql server
People use it
(hell this chat runs on it)
they need to pay me more
I wouldn't touch it with a Microsoft Windows XP CD Bargepole
@JourneymanGeek Is that why StackExchange's database broke the other day taking down the entire network?
@qasdfdsaq: it was crucial (pci compliance) that it got done.
@qasdfdsaq: but yea they should pay me more
i get paid decent but i deserve a bit more.
esp thru shit like this.
I on the other hand suffer from imposter syndrome
whatever you're a nerd
shut your face
nerds rule..
it appears that i need to chmod permissions to a file, i could use some advice on this @qasdfdsaq (heheheheheheheheheehehe)
The only advice I can give is check what you're chmod'ing before pressing enter.
@Dave excessively curse at the screen and the file should promptly open
Impostor syndrome (also spelled imposter syndrome, also known as impostor phenomenon or fraud syndrome) is a term coined in the 1970s by psychologists and researchers to informally describe people who are unable to internalize their accomplishments. Despite external evidence of their competence, those exhibiting the syndrome remain convinced that they are frauds and do not deserve the success they have achieved. Proof of success is dismissed as luck, timing, or as a result of deceiving others into thinking they are more intelligent and competent than they believe themselves to be. Notably, impostor...
Why do women get all the fun diseases
@qasdfdsaq, i actually know someone who suffered from that. She was my ex gf, who was even called out by myself and others when she was proven guilty of pirating other peoples work to attempt to claim success at something which she wasnt experienced at.
@Dave That's the opposite of imposter syndrome...
@qasdfdsaq lots of computer folk have that
@qasdfdsaq: she thought it was a bright idea to pretend to be a DJ, ripped someone elses set, handed them out to a rave and claimed that she mixed it herself. Then I checked imdb metadata and saw that she stole the entire set from another artist.
Otherwise known as a psychopathic biatch.
@qasdfdsaq maaaaaaybe
@JourneymanGeek It seems to be widespread in academia. Though most people who've told me about it are men, despite Wikipedia saying it's popular among women.
@Dave That's just... being a fraud
@qasdfdsaq tho I think its cultural
How do you change the ava?
she suffered from compulsive liar syndrome (if that even exists)
@Dave Yep.
Pathological lying (also called pseudologia fantastica and mythomania), is a behavior of habitual or compulsive lying. It was first described in the medical literature in 1891 by Anton Delbrueck. Although it is a controversial topic, pathological lying has been defined as "falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and very complicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a lifetime". The individual may be aware they are lying, or may believe they are telling the truth, being unaware that they are relating fantasies. == Characteris...
@qasdfdsaq: Shes pretty cute though and surprisingly with all of her lies, shes been quite successful.
even after the raving community called her out in arizona
thats her
posted on December 07, 2015

Even GabeN comes to SO for support.

removing the pic shortly though
Didn't see it. Booring
That's not her.
yeah it is
^^ That's my ex
@qasdfdsaq , you spin me right round, baby right round like a record baby roundroundroundround.
Wait here's a better picture
@qasdfdsaq You're images don't render (for me) :P
Does that somehow imply I'm "still waiting" for the one?
@qasdfdsaq Hmmm, what do you mean?
im familiar with that one @ work
@qasdfdsaq ayy I see what you did there! A bit late - yes :D
Wait, animated jpegs, that's new
hows that for a loading animation?
Get that off my screen
That's totally nsfw







If only there was a clear screen command -_-
lol how is that not safe
It looks like a wiggling dick from a distance
People walking past my office will be wondering wtf I have on my screen
@qasdfdsaq Plz that language frightens me!
@qasdfdsaq Tehe.
Prepares for hate
@qasdfdsaq I do wish room owners could delete messages :\
So much for self-curation when deletion requires mod intervention.
You would delete meeeee?!
!!forget selfdestruct
@Daniel Command selfdestruct forgotten.
!!learn selfdestruct "https://i.sstatic.net/pSHRd.gif"
@Daniel Command selfdestruct learned
Heck, easy way to prevent abuse: just let the poster know who deleted it and they can take it up via flag or meta if they think it's abusive.
@qasdfdsaq Was referring to the NSFW-ish animation above.
arg no embed
@qasdfdsaq I'm afraid I can't let you do that, qasdfdsaq
@Bob Ah
how do you tell the bot to embed?
@qasdfdsaq Command reallyselfdestruct learned
!!forget reallyselfdestruct
@Daniel You are not authorized to delete the command reallyselfdestruct
!!learn selfdestruct <>https://i.sstatic.net/pSHRd.gif
@Daniel Command selfdestruct learned
Only the person who taught it can forget it. Or bot owners.
To be honest none of these animations are particularly SFW :P
I'll probably care more in the morning when I'm actually at work, though. Eh, that's what the tiny window is for.
I wish you could just hide individual messages
@qasdfdsaq I was actually working on a disable-onebox userscript that @OliverSalzburg took over, but then we all just gave up/forgot about it.
It might still work, actually...
@qasdfdsaq help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, awsm, ban, unban, color, convert, define, doge, domain, export, findcommand, forgetseen, github, google, hang, inhistory, import, jquery, learn, test, why, hello, friday, after5, theanswer, caution, nicethings, goaway, status, poptart, routertroubleshooting, networkingproblem, meta, rlemon, no, foxno, yes, orlmente, fixit, uio, taytaytay, ping, say, facepalm, hv, ohhh, whocares, snore, toostupid, bababababat
plz, whee, lol, ittts, gates, potato, pissed, evil, ohmy, cancer, theplan, thisplanet, win, suatmm
!!info taytaytay
@qasdfdsaq Command taytaytaycatconfirmed, created by Tom Wijsman on Sun, 28 Jun 2015 16:41:27 GMT, invoked 1 times
@qasdfdsaq Command taytaytayagrees, created by Tom Wijsman on Sun, 28 Jun 2015 16:37:19 GMT but hasn't been used yet
@TomWijsman taught most of the tswift commands :P
@qasdfdsaq Command taytaytaycat, created by Tom Wijsman on Sat, 18 Oct 2014 18:41:13 GMT but hasn't been used yet
@qasdfdsaq Command taytaytay, created by Gowtham on Mon, 02 Dec 2013 16:02:37 GMT, invoked 2 times
@Bob How did you know!
!!unonebox off
@qasdfdsaq Command unonebox, created by God but hasn't been used yet
@qasdfdsaq That didn't make much sense. Please use on or off to toggle the command
He actually did the original too but Hacktohell/Gowtham fixed it when we added oneboxing properly
@qasdfdsaq un-onebox enabled
@qasdfdsaq un-onebox disabled
@qasdfdsaq Chuck Norris keeps his friends close and his enemies closer. Close enough to drop them with one round house kick to the face.
I wonder what unonebox does
@qasdfdsaq every 1.5 mins it unoneboxes old bot messages
I don't know why that's not a protected command. Hm.
Oh interesting
@JourneymanGeek Look what you have done.
I think you might've stuck it in the on state o.O
We'll see
Oh wait no, I misread the code. He actually schedules the 1.5 mins fot after each message is posted
Do you's ever get back pain from sitting at a desk, too?
!! learn ihavenoideawhattonamethistaylorswiftcommand <>https://media.giphy.com/media/WNbRxgsJ9NklO/giphy.gif
@qasdfdsaq Command ihavenoideawhattonamethistaylorswiftcommand learned
@qasdfdsaq ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@qasdfdsaq That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: shrug
!!learn shrugs <>http://media.tumblr.com/d4483d274a62043d0b44ed85a5a0cdcc/tumblr_inline_mjynvy8‌​yNa1qz4rgp.gif
@qasdfdsaq Command shrugs learned
!!learn taytaytaylovesyouguys <>https://media.giphy.com/media/xPJlAe0S305z2/giphy.gif
@qasdfdsaq Command taytaytaylovesyouguys learned
!!learn taytaytayisisane <>http://i.perezhilton.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/taylor-swift-blank-space-m‌​usic-video-insane.gif
@qasdfdsaq Command taytaytayisisane learned
!!learn taytaytayhello <>http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m406v1aoj51rvzrpno1_500.gif
@qasdfdsaq Command taytaytayhello learned
!!learn taytaytaypathetic <>http://cdn4.teen.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/week-in-review-taylor-swift-gi‌​fs-pretty-little-liars.gif
@qasdfdsaq Command taytaytaypathetic learned
OK that's enough for today
@R.Doto that is impressive
@qasdfdsaq better to upload them to imgur and use them on commands
so if they get renamed or moved...
I'd probably use a sandbox room for uploadination tho
@JourneymanGeek That's kinda a pain for animated gifs though
!!learn tayderp <>http://i.imgur.com/V3RLIvS.gif
@qasdfdsaq Command tayderp learned
!!tell 25975236 tayderp
wtf is it with all the gifs?
@OliverSalzburg BOTABUSE!
Daniel started it
Ooh I get £100 cashback on my laptop
So it only really cost £750
Still lose the free 3-year warranty though :(
I just had a funny thought: hey Clippy, get bent. (I'm sure other people have thought of that before)
Now that's just rude
oh my god, there's a smutty novel about Clippy
@allquixotic [citation needed]
What even causes 502 gateway errors (server side) when you try to load a webpage? (Providing that the error is not localized to the browser or home wlan or caused by a server overload etc)
@qasdfdsaq [citation not wanted]
@qasdfdsaq To avoid posting the actual smut here, I'm going to give you Google search terms instead: Christie Aackerlund Clippy
Please, do not enjoy. Or if you do, don't tell us.
@allquixotic Whatever you're into ;)
the fetishes are getting worse
Well if it's a novel I assume you could just link to an amazon page or something without linking the actual smut
"Yes, Clippy. I WOULD like some help with that."
Haha £1.96 on Kindle and a one-star review
Also there's another one called "Taken by the Tetris Blocks"
@qasdfdsaq Somebody must of mistaken it for a "How to" guide
> main character Christie Aackerlund is flown by the world's largest technology company to a remote island all by herself to investigate a strange alien artifact. When that alien turns out to be an incredibly large, helpful animated paperclip, Christie gets all bent out of shape, presumably over the sex appeal emitted by Microsoft's cold, metallic digital assistant.
'cold, metallic' ew
"Invaded by the iWatch"
> Taken by the Tetris Blocks is a 4000 word short story featuring sexual situations involving blocks. It’s for super mature audiences only.
17 reviews, 4.5 stars on that one
"Coaxed by the Copyright Page" OMFG
> Five stars: Pleasantly surprised.

This is one of those books that leaves most people, myself included, astounded that anyone would even think to write that story. I went into it expecting to encounter utter ridiculousness, and I was let down.
It would make a great Christmas present.
> The book starts out with the idea that there are Tetris block shaped alien life forms somewhere in the galaxy (or in some galaxy) and they come to Earth, which is a bit absurd, but no more absurd than the idea that there is an alien species made out of metal, rubber, etc and brought to life by a cube called the All Spark, that can transform from a human-ish shape into cars or electronics, and Transformers have been quite popular during two separate times in my lifetime alone. And really, that is the most ridiculous part of this story. Once you accept that premise, it becomes pretty standa
'YOU FINISH': people like him disgust me.
He's got a point, that guy
It's "no more absurd than the idea that there is an alien species made out of metal, rubber, etc and brought to life by a cube called the All Spark, that can transform from a human-ish shape into cars or electronics"
Oh wait, there's a 2nd edition of the Clippy one that has some proper reviews, 4.4 out of 5 average
> 2 stars: Don't bother
There is a sex scene. It is about as fun to read as this review. Sorry to say.
> 1 star: ???
I read this book out of curiosity more than anything. Unfortunately I did not find it very entertaining. No romance here if that's what you're looking for. For me, some of the reviews were more entertaining than the story itself.
fun fact: the reviews contain more words than the story itself
Still, for £1.96 it's like those throwaway apps you might use once to see if it does anything interesting.
No worse than paying £1.96 for a crappy beer you dislike just to try it
@Boris_yo (bling-it) I do know that a "different picture" of the 101 items that come up in search might get clicked also. Because when searching for stuff on e-bay , amazon and there are many repeats of the same old same old.
But clicking isnt buying. good descriptions, and great pictures, and answered questions in descritions, low prices for the exact same items. That is why the "more information" or even less but more accurate information, can make a sale. The picture having some crap put behind it , is not going to sell it. The picture being different, and showing what people want to see could.
Like the backside, the ports, the design, the size comparison. the facts about its use, what does and does not work, how it can or should be applied.
Oh hey guys, my chatbot is running if you feel like teaching it some tricks. chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/32473/daniel-smith-chatbot-room
I've tried but both times it didn't respond
posted on December 07, 2015

Bumpity bump bump bump…

Delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete
Oh hey @allquixotic just added you in STO
Sorry, never actually get notifications if someone adds me while I'm not logged in
Hmm. Why am I getting a robot captcha when I'm permanently logged in on SO and trying to post an answer?
Cause you're acting like a robot
lol. I wasn't even pasting a previously prepared answer. I did copy and paste a bunch of links. I suppose that counts as typing too fast :/
Q: Centos 7 auto unlock encrypted hard drive

Jojo CoanaI have a Centos 7 server, and i have chosen to encrypt the hard drive in case someone breaks into my home and tries to read the files on my hard drives by directly inserting them into his own computer. I would like Centos to not ask the key every time i boot up, because that would be a problem if...

Uhh, so like i want to keep everything from people with encryption, but it will be easily available always ? I just dont get it.
Either it is locked in your safe, or your safe is open and has little value to being in a safe.
@DavidPostill link count is a major determinant of the filter's spamminess factor ;p
@allquixotic Ahh. I like further reading links in my answers ;)
"Awesome! Thanks David. It worked. I'll look into the reading material."
The other one i probably will not ever get is. The information is really important, nobody should see it, but I need to access it from the line that 3 billion people connect to :-)
@Psycogeek Hmm. If he breaks in and the server is on then he can read the files anyway ... and if the server is off he can just steal it and turn it on ("I would like Centos to not ask the key every time i boot up")
must be the "peace of mind" the same one you get when you hand your car keys (and car) to some guy standing on the street with a vest on, and sign behind them saying "Valet Parking"
theauris.com/products/… ships December 2015.... let's gooooo :) I can't wait... plug my SoundBlaster Z's SPDIF Out into that... buy a second pair of these... and ditch my annoyingly huge Steelseries H Wireless
never had an issue with apt-X dropouts with dedicated apt-X devices (cf. Avantree Saturn Pro)... should be great
besides, the M2OEBT has like double the battery life of those shitty swappable batteries that come in the H Wireless. I literally can't stay awake long enough to deplete the batteries in the M2OEBT.
I end up swapping out the batteries on the H Wireless like twice a day
oops... that Auris is backwards from what I want
posted on December 07, 2015

Poor teddy bear.

lol "Searching comes up with the super genius authors who are writing for the mouth breathers that can't discover the damn option in the menu itself. "
Doesn't really help his question ...
I just didnt get it based on if a program Should crash ever, the Alt Ctrl Del is always there (for task manager)? that will bring it foreward?
if you have it open constant, to fix programs all the time, then that is just Sad :-(
Control escape IIRC
control shift escape
I have lost track of all the TS commands on our bot, we should teach him a command that produces a list of them... :(
Well, let's see if the non-chatty users of Super User can help me with my grated textures
I know some of you suggest that I upgrade my BIOS, but that BIOS update is from 2012. The GPU is from 2013, and I think the issue started in Windows 10, which is from this year. I'm not sure that a 3 year old BIOS would help with a 2 year old GPU in an OS that's not even 6 months old
@NateKerkhofs if you could, put in one closeup pic (or just cropped) of the visable problem also. which would be better than an arrow to it . That area where the icons are with some text.
like to crop up the 1/4 top left.
@Psycogeek Like I did just now?
thats better, but it didnt need to be (pickey) lenghtwise.
Me and aspects :-) i hate it when people video with a phone portrait, when 99.9% of everything it will be viewed on is landscape.
@Psycogeek well, deal with it. I think the post is helpful enough as it is. Also, it's not a video. I use the app vertically, for example
@NateKerkhofs That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@NateKerkhofs Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
At least I know that a BIOS flash won't help, thanks to @Ramhound mentioning he has the same issue on a different mobo
I wonder if we are going to start seeing more fun things like that, If i remember right some of the latests advancements in sending data to monitors with huge res will begin to use compression methods for the first time.
@NateKerkhofs Does it only happen with the Battle.Net app?
Oh.. Or is that a desktop screenshot?
@MichaelFrank it also happens in Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, but I haven't yet managed to get a screenshot from that one yet
@Psycogeek There might be high-speed, low-latency lossless compression algorithms and delta encoding solutions that can substantially reduce bandwidth use. I have this feeling, though, that there's going to be a need to use more exotic interconnects like optical fibre at some point.
@Psycogeek Simple. Proximity based authentication.
Even my phone has it built in now
@Psycogeek Copper cabling is approaching its limits with HDMI 2.0.
@GFSE I just don't get why people do this
We're coming to a point where ordinary, low-cost copper cabling is going to be inadequate for cable runs of more than a few feet.
wow, Japanese marketing materials are very different from western... direct.sanwa.co.jp/ItemPage/400-BTAD002
@allquixotic Surely you've browsed AliExpress before!
@qasdfdsaq your phone knows when you are approximate? :-)
@Psycogeek Bluetooth!
USB Cable!
Although that last one is kinda annoying.
But yea, my phone knows when I'm nearby. I have a fitness band that is linked through low power Bluetooth, so it unlocks when I'm near. Or is supposed to, the app doesn't work with M correctly. :<
!!/tell 25982418 wiki Bayesian poisoning
Bayesian poisoning is a technique used by e-mail spammers to attempt to degrade the effectiveness of spam filters that rely on Bayesian spam filtering. Bayesian filtering relies on Bayesian probability to determine whether an incoming mail is spam or is not spam. The spammer hopes that the addition of random (or even carefully selected) words that are unlikely to appear in a spam message will cause the spam filter to believe the message to be legitimate—a statistical type II error. Spammers also hope to cause the spam filter to have a higher false positive rate by turning previously innocent words...
wtf, why are there hundreds of different knock-off brands of the CSR8510, variously advertising class 1 and 2 BT support?
Because false advertising is rife?
And technically the class support can be independent of the baseband?
@Psycogeek No, it knows when i'm proximate.
@Psycogeek Do you know the difference?
@Boris_yo one is new :-) probably different packaging? there is also "ultra" but they are all about the same when used.
One is General Purpose
When it comes to the energyser lithium , i have seen some graphs on different types, and just forgot it, because it made little actual difference. if the complete formula was changed totally and suddenly there was 2X capacity or you have a very specific need, i dont know of any huge variations.
Lithium is never general purpose
Someday i expect the beloted claims (of any battery) out of pitri dishes to make it to market. Its not like they have to have clinical trials :-)
I still want the one with the 10year capacity, that (only) has the side effects of nasea , sudden exploding, hair loss, and shouldnt be used by pregnant women
"Hey yea... so that issue you get every few minutes with your app? We're not fixing it until June 2016."
Sounds like Craptic in Star Trek Online
"Hey we're introducing this brand spanking new mail feature on the 7th that allows you to delete multiple mails at a time!"
P.S. We have to deactivate the mail system completely because we broke it
Yeah MMO without a messaging system. Nice one.
That's cause they're focused on Neverwinter though, right?
-.- I'm so glad I'm not a teacher right now...
@CanadianLuke More strikes?
I don't suppose anyone here is good with audio/mixing? Got a little question...
@WilliamHilsum Not 'good with', but you know better than to ask the meta question :P
@JourneymanGeek produced an album before!

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