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@skillpatrol Thanks Professor.
@Jasper people with anxieties like social anxiety, ocd, etc are normal people. they are not mental patients
@Jasper and no i don't need to look up a dictionary :)
@M.S.E It depends on the severity
@Jasper Varying. Sometimes better, sometimes worse.
@M.S.E Same goes for 'religion'.
@Jasper the definition that Balarka Sen gave was way out of what religion means.
Like Professor @skillpatrol says, it always comes down to definition.
@DanielFischer For $M\subset B(H)$ a von Neumann algebra, $M'$ denotes its commutant. A vector $\Omega\in H$ is called cyclic for $M$ if $M\Omega\subset H$ is dense. It is called separating for $M$ if $T(\Omega)=0$ only for the zero operator $T=0$.
@Jasper a porn addict, people with sleeping disorders, anxieties like social anxiety, or OCD in your case are normal people :) not mental patients.
@M.S.E Well, you should know that many people have very different ideas of what that word means.
@M.S.E I don't see a difference :P Anyway, I think we all agree that athiesm is irrational and illogical, as well as theism.
@M.S.E One can even have a defining moment in life...
So I want to show if $\Omega\in H$ is separating for $M'\subset B(H)$, then it is cyclic for $M$.
@BalarkaSen Also depends on definition of irrational and illogical.
@BalarkaSen @Jasper okay ^_^ now let's forget about that religion topic
Define: define.
@skillpatrol one can have a defining moment in life? I'm sorry, where does this come into the story?
@M.S.E Have you heard of that term?
@Jasper Ah. Well, rational and logical have a universal mathematico-logical definition.
@Jasper which? Sorry, there is too much going around. what are u referring to ?
@M.S.E Defining moment.
@M.S.E Yes, exactly what theists say when their ideas are questioned, lol.
@BalarkaSen Well, anyone who has studied logic will know about different logics, lol.
But anyway, I need to concentrate on my work.
See ya
@BalarkaSen I'm an atheist. we went onto talking nonsense about defining words.
Let $P$ be the projection onto $\overline{M\Omega}$. So if we could show that $\operatorname{Id}-P\in M'$, then we could conclude that $\operatorname{Id}-P=0$ from the fact that $(\operatorname{Id}-P)\Omega =0$, @DanielFischer.
@BalarkaSen later pal
@M.S.E I'm simply saying that atheism is illogical, in the sense that you are assuming something as an axiom which cannot be deduced logically.
I am going to take a nap, good night Professor @skillpatrol.
Of course, you can mend this, by letting your ambient logical system to be "Axiom 1: God exists/does not exist".
@Jasper defining moment. What comes to my mind is that an unusual event that happens in life, that have a defining moment of their life. A game changer?
@Jasper later pal
I'm fine with that, but it's extremely silly.
@M.S.E if you view life as a "game" yes
@skillpatrol okay so with that definition, what has that got to do with anything we were talking about?
just don't be too quick to judge
enough said
@iwriteonbananas Aha. The commutant was the algebra of operators that commute with all $T\in M$, wasn't it? Writing $Q = I - P$, we have $QM = 0$, so we want to see $MQ = 0$, right?
@skillpatrol Hmmmmmm
@BalarkaSen Define atheism.
@DanielFischer starred nice one :D
@DanielFischer The logical system obtained from the assumption "God exists"?
Anyway, defining that is @M.S.E's job.
Because I'm not an atheist.
@DanielFischer Yes, that's the correct definition of the commutant. Why is $QM=0$?
@skillpatrol did you read that? I deleted just in case he sees.
4 mins ago, by skill patrol
enough said
@skillpatrol ok :)
@BalarkaSen Yay! I finally found myself a job :D if only I could find a real job this easily.
@M.S.E Am I to take your silence as evidence that you agree that atheism is illogical? (DanielF pointed out that we don't know a good definition for atheism. But that's more evidence for the whole thing being illogical).
@iwriteonbananas Oops, not that.
@BalarkaSen no I was into the Jasper talk after the religious talk ended.
@BalarkaSen Oh, did you ask me that? Atheism is not at all illogical.
@BalarkaSen Atheism is the lack of belief in religion (Something which can't be proved). If I don't believe your claim that $1=2$, that does not make me illogical.
@BalarkaSen Well, if you say something like "atheism is an irrational belief system", it would be helpful to know what you mean by that to know whether you're right or blatantly wrong. Or something in between. That depends on what your definition of atheism is.
I've mention what my definition of atheism is.
@BalarkaSen you might not be having a correct definition. Here's the definition:
What is atheism?

Atheism is the lack of belief in any god or gods. That's it. While this should be obvious, many people seem to think it implies other things. It doesn't. The only generalization you can make about all atheists is that they don't believe in any gods.

The term atheism often invites misconceptions. Unlike a typical -ism, atheism does not refer to a particular positive ideology, and there is no school of thought behind it. It is used as a blanket term to refer merely to the absence of something others may happen to have. To be very clear, atheism is not a philosophy or a move
6 mins ago, by Balarka Sen
@DanielFischer The logical system obtained from the assumption "God exists"?
That ^^, @BalarkaSen?
should have been "God does not exist".
@M.S.E "Atheism is the lack of belief in any god or gods." What's the logical basis in that belief?
21 mins ago, by skill patrol
It always comes down to a matter of definition.
Or are you taking it is an axiom?
Okay. Not my definition of atheism, though.
is an Atheist
but are fascinated with trigonometry functions raised to multiple powers
@BalarkaSen "lack of belief in existence $\neq$ belief in nonexistence"
@DanielFischer starred exactly
What's the logical basis of the former? :P
@BalarkaSen like I said previously. If I don't believe your claim that $1=2$, that does not make me illogical.
@BalarkaSen It's just a state of mind to ignore something that has no proof......doesnt mean atheism is proving that God doesn't exist!
@BalarkaSen In the absence of convincing evidence, we choose to suspend judgement. Not "logical" as such, but a good rational strategy.
@M.S.E @DanielFischer Sorry, that's not atheism. That's agnosticism.
Which is of course perfectly logical.
could the natural log be expressed as a power? (probably a dumb question)
@BalarkaSen Isn't Agnosticism a flavoured type of Atheism?
If you think so, you're confused.
@BalarkaSen Ever heard of Agnostic Atheism?
@BalarkaSen M.S.E has given his definition of atheism as "lack of belief". If you prefer to call that agnosticism, fine.
Well, @DanielFischer, M.S.E. never clarified his defn of atheism before!
@BalarkaSen Hm. Agosticism is "ignoramus et ignorabimus". M.S.E's atheism is content with the "ignoramus". Looks like from M.S.E's viewpoint, agnosticism is a flavour of atheism.
Well, M.S.E.'s definition of atheism is agnosticism!
I think this conversation won't end here.
My version of atheism is "I don't care about existence of gods".
@BalarkaSen Seriously? After all that I have said?
is it possible to get an answer to my question?
Yes, @M.S.E. As I have said above, you are confused.
@BalarkaSen Okay we have a linguistic problem here.
@DanielFischer Sure, that's my version of agnosticism.
@Ghost whats your question? is it related to atheism? if not, the answer is no :P
^^^ just kidding
no it is maths, surprisingly
Nov 5 at 16:49, by Balarka Sen
Maybe we need to change the name of this chat into "Hodge Theory and Topological Quantum Field Theories"
@BalarkaSen Point is, people have different concepts and definitions of things like religion, atheism, agnosticism etc. If you believe everybody means the same thing when using such a word, you're wrong most of the time. Pretending there is one correct definition of such words is erroneous.
I lost all my credibility for saying that.
@Ghost oh yeah mate. Look, we are having a Theology class over here right now. Your question would be better suitable as a question on math stack exchange.
@BalarkaSen haha :D starred ;)
@DanielFischer Yeah, I don't think there's any point discussing this until we have a common, well-defined definition.
An agnostic is one who believes it impossible to know anything about God or about the creation of the universe and refrains from commitment to any religious doctrine. An atheist is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings.
@skillpatrol thank you SIR. let Balarka figure out now the difference.
@BalarkaSen Start with something easier. Establish a common universally agreed on definition of $\mathbb{N}$.
@M.S.E nevermind then
@BalarkaSen A serious question: Can we like change the name of the chat room for a few hours? That would be really cool.
@M.S.E Compare skill's definition of agnosticism with Daniel's definition.
"In the absence of convincing evidence, we choose to suspend judgement."
"[...] and refrains from commitment to any religious doctrine".
Stupid me for asking a maths question in a maths chat room - what an idiot I am for assuming that it'd be on topic
Looks similar, although one is being called atheism and the other agnosticism, lol.
God is unknowable.
@Ghost sorry its off topic
@BalarkaSen also heard of Agnostic Atheism?
Agnosticism is the view that the truth values of certain claims – especially metaphysical and religious claims such as whether or not God, the divine or the supernatural exist – are unknown and perhaps unknowable. According to the philosopher William L. Rowe: "In the popular sense of the term, an agnostic is someone who neither believes nor disbelieves in the existence of God, while a theist believes that God exists, an atheist disbelieves in God". Agnosticism is a doctrine or set of tenets rather than a religion as such. Thomas Henry Huxley, an English biologist, coined the word "agnostic" in...
grr, I don't want to talk about this anymore. theism is a religious piece of self-styled rubbish.
@BalarkaSen If you did not know, there exist something called Agnostic Theism.
atheism is also a nonreligious piece of self-styled rubbish.
@BalarkaSen This is why I said that Agnostic is a flavour.
everything is a piece of self-styled rubbish.
go away :P
@DanielFischer does this room get so fun/active like this and confusing this often? I'm not very active here.
So, to ask my question again (as it is on topic for a maths chat room) - can a natural log be expressed as a power?
Looks like I'm the only one here believing in God (100% sure of God's existence). :-)
@Ghost What do you mean with "express the natural logarithm as a power"? Something along the lines of $\ln x = x^a$? That isn't possible.
@DanielFischer thank you, that's what I was asking
@Chris'ssistheartist You might be surprised, the small conversation we started, went all over the place.
I am concluding that discussion about religion or non-religion is an utterly bogus piece of self-styled rubbish, and a complete and an irreversible waste of time.
Actually, @DanielFischer - I do appreciate the answer to my maths question, which is on topic here, despite what @M.S.E stated to me
@BalarkaSen As an atheist, yeah, it is for you an irreversible waste of time, not for all. For a believer is almost all.
I'm no atheist, @Chris'ssistheartist
@Ghost "for both general discussion & math questions alike" <- Yes, maths is also on topic here.
@Chris'ssistheartist A practically useful question for me: The god you believe in One day when I die, if he really exists like you say for sure, will he reject me from heaven for not believing in him?
^^^ This is all I care for.
Every time I see $$1+2+3+\cdots =-\frac{1}{12},$$ to add math into discussion,I remember God's existence.
shit, there we go again
@DanielFischer yes, I know that, @M.S.E needs to be educated on that, especially when said to me:
7 mins ago, by M.S.E
@Ghost sorry its off topic
@Ghost I was joking. @DanielFischer I was just kidding, I thought it was obvious.
@M.S.E not really obvious, no
@Ghost It was a joke. Wasn't it obvious? O.o
@Ghost Wow :) okay. sorry
@Chris'ssistheartist ;)
@Chris'ssistheartist an answer for my practical question? :(
Can't read minds, nor read 'jokes' in a chat room
and by the way, I am an Atheist
@Chris'ssistheartist cause I dont want to end up in hell.
@Ghost Always work on the assumption that people aren't serious. That's safer.
I almost mixed up the result with another one.
@DanielFischer starred! Now that's an awesome life advice for the day :D
@DanielFischer not really a safe measure
@M.S.E I also have tons of questions that you might never answer. Just to know that. I need research for such questions.
@Chris'ssistheartist Questions from whom? Me? Ask away :D
@Ghost Not safe, but safer. If people talk nonsense, it's better to assume they're joking than otherwise.
if you say so
@Chris'ssistheartist And the first question is :D
at least I got an answer to my question - so saved me wasting my time on the board
@M.S.E $$\sum _{k=1}^{\infty } \sum _{n=1}^{\infty } \frac{\Gamma (k)^2 \Gamma (n) }{\Gamma (2 k+n)}((\psi ^{(0)}(n)-\psi ^{(0)}(2 k+n)) (\psi ^{(0)}(k)-\psi ^{(0)}(2 k+n))-\psi ^{(1)}(2 k+n))$$
@Chris'ssistheartist oh nooooooo :O I thought its gonna be on God and stuff :P
I wonder if there are papers about modelling with the natural log of trig functions raised to a power
@Chris'ssistheartist I see what you did there. Hmmmmm
@M.S.E Some problems require some specific research. Without (personal) research I'm powerless (maybe it's not the case for others).
@Chris'ssistheartist are you doing the research on that? :) Talking to God in anyway?
@M.S.E The wisdom comes from God too.
@Chris'ssistheartist Btw this brings up an interesting question, do you also believe that there was an actual God called Namagiri that spoke to Ramanujan ? Or do you think like me (atheists) that it was just all in his head, and a result of his genius?
this is a waste of time
@M.S.E Indeed, Ramanujan believed in God, in his way, it's a known fact that he was pretty religious since very young. Euler was very religious too. It's hard to tell what happened there.
@Chris'ssistheartist yes I know they were religious, and he claimed that. So I was asking you if you believe that claim.....for which you responded that its hard to tell :) fair enough
@Chris'ssistheartist or was the answer :indeed?
@M.S.E No, it wasn't.
@M.S.E I also believe in some sense what Ramanujan believed, but, well, no more talk about myself. ;)
@Chris'ssistheartist hehe :) modesty ;)
@M.S.E (wisdom comes from God even when calculating integrals - to say it in short)
@Chris'ssistheartist Interesting, I see :) I wouldn't know though
@M.S.E I consider my calculation ability (no matter how it is) a gift from God. I created so far thousands of problems and solutions without a math background.
I'm full of research ideas every single day. Question: where our thoughts come from? It's not about creativity, it's about extreme creativity, plenty of ideas.
@Chris'ssistheartist thoughts come from neurons firing in the brain ? :)
@Chris'ssistheartist But you love mathematics, and you do it more than anyone with a mathematical background. Don't you?
@M.S.E I love mathematics very much, but I prefer not to compare to anyone (in the sense of being in a competition). I only prefer to be in a competition with myself.
My pleasure lies in discovering results, this gives the maximum amount of pleasure. :-)
@Chris'ssistheartist :) That is a good discipline to have.
@M.S.E Yeap, I think so. :-)
@Chris'ssistheartist Your lucky that you found your passion :)
@Chris'ssistheartist most of us don't even know what to do with our lives :P
@M.S.E Let me show you something, to give you an example.
@Chris'ssistheartist YES :D
@M.S.E Today I found a way to calculate the integral below without pen and paper (it's by Ramanujan) $$\int_0^1 \frac{t^{a-1}}{1-t}-\frac{ct^{b-1}}{1-t^c}\ dt$$ Now, be careful about it. Major part of people provide with the wrong answer to it. Try to do it alone without looking for an answer. You'll have much fun.
@Chris'ssistheartist without looking for an answer? :)
@M.S.E I mean not to try to look for an answer given in some papers, sites, or elsewhere.
@Chris'ssistheartist what is the result? I'll like to see the final result :) So it would be prove that $$\int_0^1 \frac{t^{a-1}}{1-t}-\frac{ct^{b-1}}{1-t^c}\ dt=?$$
@Chris'ssistheartist hehe oops I am doing the exact thing you told not to :P
@M.S.E let it be a surprise!!! :-)
@Chris'ssistheartist without a pen and paper? for real?
@M.S.E Absolutely.
@Chris'ssistheartist so it would be a few steps in your head? O.o
@M.S.E One line.
@Chris'ssistheartist for real ? :O
@M.S.E Absolutely. :-)
@Chris'ssistheartist okay show me show me :D I can't figure it out obviously.
@M.S.E It's one of the most deceiving integrals I ever met. Be very careful! :-)
@Chris'ssistheartist what happens when c=1 ? ;)
@M.S.E Well, if you know the integral, my story is in vain. :-)
@Chris'ssistheartist Didn't get you? :)
@M.S.E sure, it reduces to polygamma functions (digamma functions more precisely).
@Chris'ssistheartist I haven't learnt Digamma or polygamma functions :/
@Chris'ssistheartist But still how does the 1 line go :D
without a paper and a pen
@M.S.E You'see that idea in my book. Next year, if all is fine, it will be released.
@Chris'ssistheartist But you made me too curious :(
@Chris'ssistheartist our secret? :)
@M.S.E Oh, let me keep some stuff to my book. :D
@Chris'ssistheartist ok ok ^_^
Is the whole book on these type of integrals that you always post?
@Krijn integrals, series and limits. I think the series I prepare to my book are the most amazing part.
Some simply blow up any mind.
I'm not such an integral-y type of guy
However you seem very enthousiastic so I believe you when you say that they would blow my mind
Yes, I'm very enthusiastic, I live these things deeply, the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me. :-)
This world (of calculating integrals, series and limits) is simply amazing, full of mind-blowing mathematical connections, you never get enough and want more and more.
@Chris'ssistheartist Could you do an easy example for me to show me what's so amazing and mind-blowing?
@Krijn starred :D
@Krijn OK. Calculate $$\lim_{n\to\infty} \left(\frac{1}{n+1}+\frac{1}{n+2}+\cdots+\frac{1}{2n}\right)$$ that is a classical example.
@M.S.E :D I'm really curious, because I've never really liked integrals and if someone is this enthusiastic about them I must have been missing something
@Krijn However, you need to work more to see the big picture (of beauty) I presently see.
@Chris'ssistheartist I imagined so
Is it equal to $\ln(2)$ or am I doing something completely wrong?
@Krijn Right. How you did it?
Well, rewrite to $\lim_{n \to \infty} \sum_{i = 1}^n \frac{1}{n+i}$
Then you do the trick where you exchange the sum for an integral
Which I'm not sure why that works anymore, but I was just toying with it
And then you'd get that $\int \frac{1}{n+x} dx = \ln(n + x)$
Which you evalute at $n$ and $1$, so you get $\lim_{n \to \infty} \ln\left(\frac{2n}{n+1}\right)$
Which is $\ln(2)$
How about thi sone? $$\lim_{n\to\infty} \left(\frac{1}{n+1}+\frac{1}{n+2}+\cdots+\frac{1}{2n}\right)=\lim_{n\to\infty} ((H_{2n}-\log(2n))-(H_{n}-\log(n))+\log(2))=\log(2).$$
@Krijn harmonic number
oh, seems like I missed an argument.
I'm not sure that I understand what you are doing, how did you get the $\log$ in there?
@Krijn $$\sum_{k=1}^{n}\frac{1}{n+k}=-polygamma(0, 1+n)+polygamma(0, 1+2 n)$$
This one I call to be part of the beauty in a small example.
@Krijn your integral should be $$\int_0^1 \frac{1}{1+x} \ dx=\log(2).$$
hi @Soham
@Chris'ssistheartist Oh I understand your approach now, thats quite nice!
@SohamChowdhury inf?
(although I did need the wikipedia page for harmonic numbers)
I should probably save all these examples of what I'd call cute proofs
It would make a nice list
@Krijn coends are nice
I'm not that far with category theory yet
Btw, we did CW structures yesterday, that was fun
Amazing that they allow you to compute the homology groups of $\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^n$ so fast
yes. did you use cellular homology directly, or the long exact sequence?
i'll be right back
Cellular homology directly
The prof wanted us to know why we would want to put all of this work in, so he showed us that example so that we have a goal in mind
I have a question relate to metric space. Is anyone here who can help me
Just ask; hope that someone here can help you
isn't a metric on R. Its triangular inequality doesn't holds.
As I did
As, a2+b2<a2+b2+2ab ,so we can say that (x−y)2+(y−z)2<(x−y)2+(y−z)2+2(x−y)(y−z) this implies that d(x,z)>d(x,y)+d(y,z). Am I right ?
What if $(x-y)(y-z)$ is negative though?
What you should do is just find a counterexample, that is enough to show that the triangular inequality doesnt hold
And what you have computed shows that your counterexample would work if $(x-y)(y-z)$ is positive, so just find $x,y,z$ such that that is true.
I got your point
but issue is that our teacher said to solve this question generally
ok, back
@Krijn yes, $\Bbb{CP}^n$ is an ideal example for cellular homology.
@AsMa Well, you could generally say that this holds if $x > y > z$
the deal is that if $X$ is a CW-complex, $H_n(X^{(n)}, X^{(n-1)})$ is the free abelian group generated by $n$-cells of $X$. so if you can arrange this in a chain complex, and take it's homology, that would be a more efficient homology theory. fortunately, it turns out we can arrange this in a chain complex and the resulting homology is the same old singular homology (this is not as surprising, by the classification of singular homology theories)
ok, thanks @Krijn
@BalarkaSen I see, I guess we'll work towards that the coming weeks
@Krijn Er? I mean, that's essentially what cellular homology is.
Not sure how you have computed homology of CP^n with cellular homology without constructing the cellular chain complex.
He just explained CW complexes so far, and only told us that there is some theorem (which we will work towards the coming weeks) that connects the homotopy groups of $X$ to its CW structure
"homotopy groups" did you mean homology groups?
Yes, sorry
right, ok.
@Krijn Do you see why $H_n(X^{(n)}, X^{(n-1)})$ is free abelian generated by $n$-cells of $X$?
No not really
Although I'm not in optima forma today
let's see. there is a theorem connecting homology groups of $(X, A)$ with the homology groups of $X/A$. are you familiar with that?
[for nice pairs $(X, A)$]
Relative homology groups?
What does it say?
$H_n(X/A) \cong H_n(X,A)$
not true for all pairs $(X, A)$.
Hmm, I don't know this from the top of my head, and I am not near my lecture notes now
e.g., take $X$ to be $[0, 1]$ and $A$ to be the subset $\{0\} \cup \{1/n : n \in \Bbb N\}$.
1st homology of $(X, A)$ and $X/A$ (which is a Hawaiian earring) do not agree
@Krijn what you need is $(X, A)$ to be nice. one such nicety condition is that there is a neighborhood $U$ of $A$ which strongly deformation retracts onto $A$.
Hmm, so what is the general statement?
if $(X, A)$ has homotopy extension property, then $H_n(X/A) \cong H_n(X, A)$.
that neighborhood condition is a special case for which the pair indeed has the homotopy extension property, but is all you need for now.
Okay, got that
if you're free, apply this to $(X^n, X^{n-1})$ and tell me what $H_n(X^n, X^{n-1})$ is. otherwise, think about this.
I was working on elliptic curves and algebraic number theory today, but I'll look at it tomorrow
It's good to see math in here.
@Krijn motivation in case you forget about this problem : cellular homology is a baby version of spectral sequence of filtered topological spaces, and spectral sequences are used in all your algebro-number theoretic and algebro-geometric context. :P
We're proving Mordell-Weil Theorem at the moment, which looks very boring when you know nothing about elliptic curves, and look very amazing when you know a bit about elliptic curves
@MikeMiller i hate to be negative but the amount of math in this chatroom has dropped down to 0, though.
@BalarkaSen Oh thats some good motivation! :D
I have forgotten what Mordell-Weil says. re-enlighten me?
@Krijn: Oh, that's not an easy theorem. Must be a nice class.
Rational points on an elliptic curve are a finitely generated group.
elliptic curve over \bar Q?
@MikeMiller Well, not the whole theorem, I guess we just prove the Mordell theorem (and some handwaving on what Weil did)
@Balarka: No, $\Bbb Q$.
@Krijn: It's still not easy then, is it? I don't quite remember the details.
ok, so $E(\Bbb Q)$ is finitely generated, that's all you mean, right? ok.
@MikeMiller No definitely not. It takes two lectures (so four times 45 minutes) to prove it
Ok. I must be thinking of something else.
The first lecture showed that $E(\mathbb Q)/2E(\mathbb Q)$ was finite
very interesting. rank of an elliptic curve makes sense now.
Although apparently the proof is much nicer if you know Galois cohomology
can you give a brief sketch of the ideas in the proof?
Oh, that's what I'm probably thinking of. A friend of mine sketched a proof with Selmer groups.
A brief sketch of what I had so far: Define another ellpitic curve $E'$ and a function $q: E' \to \mathbb{Q}/(\mathbb{Q}^*)^2$ with some nice properties
bummer, I don't understand anything in the wikipedia page on selmer groups.
Me neither!
@Krijn ok.
And then we know functions $\phi$ and $\psi$ between the elliptic curves
With $\phi \circ \psi \cong [2]$ I believe
what are those functions?
Rational maps $E \to E'$ and $E' \to E$
Which we know explicitly
yes, but are the definitions too complicated?
Oh no not at all
ok, then what are $\phi$ and $\psi$?
Lets see if I can find them, hold on
Got them
So we write $E: Y^2 X(X + aX + b)$
$\varphi: E \to E': (x,y) \mapsto (x + a + b/x, y - by/x^2)$
Sorry, $E': Y^2 = X(X-2aX + (a^2 - 4b))$
And $\psi$ is just this same process (going from $E'$ to $E''$)
And then $E'' \cong E$
er. you have typos there, don't you? $E : Y^2 = X(X^2 + aX + b)$, you mean?
And somehow $\psi \circ \varphi \cong [2]$
Now, $E(\mathbb{Q}) \to E'(\mathbb{Q}) \to \mathbb{Q}^*/(\mathbb{Q}^*)^2$ is an exact sequence
hmm, alright. the first map is $\varphi$ and the second is $q$?
Where this second arrow is the $q$ map which sends $(u,v) \to [u]$
oh, alright.
And $(0,0) \mapsto [a^2 - 4b]$
And $O \mapsto [1]$
You can show that it is a homomorphism of groups by calculation, but thats tedious
sure, continue. ($\Bbb Q^*/(\Bbb Q^*)^2$ looks suspiciously similar to the Zariski tangent space, although likely there's no connection)
Now the image of $q$ is finite!
And so $E'(\mathbb{Q})/\varphi(E(\mathbb{Q}))$ is finite
@Krijn yep, makes sense.
And by the same argument you can show that $E(\mathbb{Q})/2E(\mathbb{Q})$ is finite!
(You can do the same for $\psi$ and then you use the kernel-cokernel sequence
Sometimes, mathematicians should rethink about how they name their machinery: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cox%E2%80%93Zucker_machine
No, that was intentional.
@MikeMiller really?
They met as graduate students snd immediately decided to write s paper together.
That's brilliant
@Balarka: don't forget I gave you homework.
Oh, imagine the moment where they realised they could call their discovery a machine
@MikeMiller Right, thanks for reminding.
If I have a rectangle, and dtop, dbottom, dleft, dright, respectively the distances to top, ... sides. If I want to check if a point is on top of the fist diagonal, I could use the euclidean distances (squared) dleft²+dtop² < dbottom²+dright² ok, but also it seems to work with the 'norm0' and 'norm1' distances dleft+dtop < dbottom+dright or max(dleft,dtop) < max(dbottom,dright) seems to give the right answer too, is it right they all work? I though Euclidean was the only right way for this
I can't find counter-examples at least
@crl Hi Cyril.
@crl Comparing the euclidean distances to the corners will tell you which side of the line half-way between the corners the point is on, but not which side of the diagonal of the rectangle the point is on. For that, you'd need to use $$\left(\frac{\text{dleft}}{\text{width}}\right)^2 +\left(\frac{\text{dtop}}{\text{height}}\right)^2 \lt\left(\frac{\text{dright}}{\text{width}}\right)^2 +\left(\frac{\text{dbottom}}{\text{height}}\right)^2$$
@robjohn Your LaTeX is always so perfect.
@Jasper I practice :-)
ok, thanks, is this the only way just for curiosity?
@robjohn Over here, I practise instead of practice. =)
takes a lot of practice to pratise
@crl You can only ask one question per day. =)
@crl to get the diagonal, the other metrics won't work, if that's what you're asking
I have actually access to the positions (x,y) of each corner, (and the ones of the point of course) maybe there's a simpler way with this, instead of using the distances like I thought

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