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in 3.X i would have said effective = works well at its target level, while viable = playably decent at all prior levels
Example: I once built a D&D 3.5 PC with the secondary goal of being able to reasonably fake being any PC archetype; "viable" would mean that build can contribute usefully in typical adventures with a typical party, while "effective" would mean I accomplished my design goal.
@ObliviousSage yeah, because you can get into situations where you have a build that doesn't work until it hits a high level because of feat ordering, spells, item acquisition, etal
I rolled an 18 so I don't need an ASI for 20.
so any combo examples guys?
I'd go with "probably not".
You could probably get something interesting with like, 4 or 5 classes, but after that it gets a little unwieldy.
Well 4 or 5 is close enough
any cool ideas there
5e is way more forgiving of multiclassing than previous editions, but most classes don't have their main features online until like level 3 or 4.
i feel like strength & charisma would be the most broadly applicable ability scores
Maybe dex and cha, due to the broad availability of finesse weapons.
Maybe a Rogue/Ranger/Fighter/Bard/Sorcerer?
Well, anyone can take 4 levels of Warlock and be reasonably effective for the rest of their career spamming Eldritch Blast.
True story.
@SolidusVerum Ah, that would be the key point I was missing. In that case, you can pretty much do whatever you want with feats and multiclassing, since you don't have to worry about your ability score progression.
Rogue(Arcane Trickster) 3/Bard(College of Lore) 3/Fighter(Eldritch Knight) 8/Ranger 2/Warlock(Tome) 4, maybe?
You get 4 Expertise skills, Eldritch Blast, both Archery and Armor fighting styles, and a bunch of higher-level spell slots for your smattering of low-level spells.
@DuckTapeAl As long as you take the fighter levels first to get your charisma to 20.
I'd say start with Warlock 1, then Fighter 8, then whatever.
Since your primary weapon is EB, getting that soon is probably a good plan.
Spellcasting is 4/3/3/3/2.
@DuckTapeAl Yeah, I meant get the fighter levels first after the warlock levels.
Honestly, it isn't even a super big deal to get Cha up quickly with a build this ineffective. :P
I'm re-reading chapters of Nightmares of Mine with an eye toward tonight's session.
If I'm understanding this right, and I accept Nightmares' categories as valid, DRYH is an interestingly subversive combination of Psychological Horror and Characters-As-Monsters, through the lens of Madness & Dream. Huh.
That explains why I'm having trouble with it.
@Sandwich Grats.
Inb4 Stack finds a way to screw me out of my 100 days badge
It's the most annoying gold badge that seems super easy.
Hahaha! I just got it
Stack actually gave it to me
@DuckTapeAl I've found that 5e is actually significantly less forgiving of multiclassing than it might initially seem
sure, you get some of your good abilities early, but taking even a single level in another class can delay your feat and ASI progression by as many as three levels
(I guess in the midgame there's more potential)
(but even then, feats being tied to class level is rough)
Q: Can our badges be swords?

SandwichSci-fi's stack Badge is the rebel alliance symbol, some other stacks have other cool symbols that represent their badges. I think Role Playing games stack should have swords for badges. Gold Swords, Silver Swords, and Bronze Swords. ( But not Gold Axes or Silver axes)

But what about the poor mages who can't use swords! Surely, the badges should be a wizard's staff ;p
Yeah, our dice badges are a lot more universal.
Hey guys. I wanted to get your opinions on a level 9 homebrew spell I'm working on
Anybody interested?
I might need to work on the errata a bit

9h level spell

9th-level Transmutation
Casting time:
1 action
Self (Special)
V, S, M (an adamantine (super rare meteorite) lodestone which serves as spell center)
10 minutes

You call upon the limits of arcane possibility to transform your deterministic form into one of probability. For a sphere of radius of 10 feet times 1d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier, you can be simultaneously in two places or less (0 included) at once.
Once per round (optionally as a reaction) you can choose to create and/or destroy copies of you within the spells ar
remove " and can only move on the turn they are created. " I made a typo there
@Sandwich Is your meta Q is based on wanting a cool symbol because you thought we were using the default, and the swords are just a suggestion? Or did you know that the badges were dice and you want to change them to swords?
I think they don't look anything like dice
I thought they were just generic hexagons
Either way, might be good to edit your question to make it clear whether you're advocating for swords in particular, or just for a more recognisably cool badge of whatever sort.
@user507974 if I'm reading this right, you basically get to double your actions per round for 10 minutes in a fairly wide area, or turn undamageable until you feel chaining out a pair of yourselves?
"Our badges look boring, can they be cool?" is gonna get very different answers from "Can our badges be swords?"
feels too strong, to me. Kinda wonky in general
breaks one of the cardinal rules of 5e
(concentration on only one spell)
and otherwise is just... incredibly good. Doubling your actions is massive
Yea, but you cant really make anything better than a 9th level spell
so im trying to figure out if its just TOO good
I think it is, personally.
I mean, it'd be incredibly strong in 3.5
@Sandwich Thanks. See, now my answer is totally pointless because you already knew everything I said, but your first version didn't indicate that you did.
and that edition had significantly more powerful 9ths
lowering the level and making the action pool shared between your doubles might be a decent way to fix it
becomes a tool to let you attack from multiple directions with your spells or actions, instead of one that turns you into a one-man army
potentially allow a Reaction to shunt yourself fully into a copy when attacked, negating the thing
mages only really have 1 action though, + bonus action
so at taht point it just becomes a teleport spell almost but with more liability sitting around
...also I don't have to downvote that question for being based on a misunderstanding about the design we already have.
bonus action spells are a thing
gishes are a thing
/me shrugs
... okay, this chat doesn't do that.
@Forrestfire We often use brackets. [shrug]
I like swords.
anyway. That's my thoughts on it. The spell just outright doubles your actions, on top of allowing you to become immune to everything if you want, in a fairly large area. Even if enemies can run away, if you're in the sorts of fights that high-level games tend to have (big showdowns), then it's going to work for the whole fight.
swords are cool.
We could make like
what's your favorite sword?
Swords gold badges
Staves silver badges
And daggers bronze badges
Swordchucks, yo.
I like dice, tbh
swords are always cool
thanks for the feedback forrestfire
I like Psion gishes myself
(the spell is super cool, though. Just overpowered)
1 question though, the most gishy full caster in vanilla 5e would be a cleric right
depends on your definition of gish
I'd actually say Bladelock
Your spell is basically the schism power from 3.5 though User
it's a lot better than schism
But Schism is only a 4th level power
it's like fission with no drawbacks + at-will timeless body
+ tactical teleports
bladelock wouldnt have 9th level spell slots could it
For reference: Schism
since you need 18-19 levels as warlock
@Sandwich You're not gonna get three different badge designs for one site. That's a very big difference in effort compared to changing the one existing emblem to another single emblem, for very little payoff.
well, warlocks get a 9th-level spell at 17
"While 0 of you are manifested, you are immune to all damage and have blindsight within the spells area. If 0 of you exist, as a bonus action at the start of your turn you may create copies, but cannot create/destroy copies until after the end of your next turn. " This line is problematic
Any fixes you could see in place while still having 0 of you
Removing that line entirely from the spell and shifting the spell level from 9th to epic
how do epic spells work?
In 3.5 you had epic spell slots and had to roll a spellcraft check to successfully manage to cast an epic spell
I'm not sure how they work in 5E
5e doesn't have epic
how I would approximate it is as a "magic item" that requires some prerequisites
Remove that line entirely, and then limit the number of duplicates to one other than yourself
permanently eats an attunement slot in exchange for access to it, perhaps.
That still lets you cast twice as many spells, gives you twice as many actions, and allows you to take double damage
It has a drawback to being twice as powerful
No spell should give anyone absolute invulnerability, trying to make a spell that does sort of breaks delicate game balance
Good point
It also shouldn't last more than a few rounds
Because a Wizard that can cast twice as many spells is very, very dangerous
Yea, duration was something I was trying to work out, i just left it as 10 since I based this on another similar (but far more broken) homebrew spell
Theres your problem. Base your designs on real spells that already exist.
You seem to be trying to create a spell that does everything
usually im just sticking with spells but i accidentally read that and really liked the concept
Instead of creating a spell that does one thing really well, perhaps with some drawbacks
yea, i still dont really have a sense of 9th level spells
so that was the tricky part
Your material component should have a GP value or otherwise be rare or unattainable to the point of actually having to quest for it if you want it to exist
yea, it will be
Because a wizard with twice as many spell slots is twice as dangerous
super rare meteor rock
spell slots remain the same
you just can cast them twice as fast
That exists in the D&D setting and its called Starmetal
Also, I want to have them actually fight someone who uses the spell to get it
(the metal)
@user507974 Nah, the most gishy full caster is definitely the Valor Bard. Cleric doesn't even get Extra Attack.
wasnt originally planning on making a bard spell, though a Lore Bard could get it
i think right, they can get 9th level spells from other classes right?
And this would be a self spell
lol, envision a fighter running around with this
8 attacks + 2 bonus attacks
(if TWF)
@user507974 [shrug] I was just answering the question about gishiest class.
well, 2nd gishiest is war/tempest cleric right?
or is there something im not thinking of
@user507974 Depends whether you count the Warlock as a full caster.
Are they gishy?
Oh, did one of them get extra attack?
Thirsting blade, attack twice in one action
saw that now
oh shit
that stacks with extra attack
now wonder people like pallalocks
@Forrestfire I agree that multiclassing in 5e can definitely hurt your ability to make an optimal character, it's also way harder to make a character that outright sucks.
@DuckTapeAl yeah -- even the Eldritch Knight can do OK
I think Psion + Slayer is really gishy
what is this psion class?
and slayer too?
Like, if I'm a Warlock 4/Anything and I have an 18+ cha and Agonizing Blast, then I can do alright in combat. I don't need anything else.
Psions are like wizards but they have points they cast spells from instead of spell slots
@Sandwich but i mean i havent seen any official releases of that
is it actually a thing now?
Its a 3.5 class @user
oh yea
They'll probably release psionic rules for 5E
Then you'll probably see Psion/Wilder
I wanna see a magus
Magus is fun
I found what looks like a good homebrew of it actually, but Im not running it since I'm not sure about balance
@DuckTapeAl yeah, my palalock will be fine once she gets to L8
@Shalvenay What's your build?
@DuckTapeAl the build right now is Paladin 3 :P
it will be Paladin 12/ Warlock 8 -- Oath of the Ancients, Feylock, Pact of the Blade
@Shalvenay :P I mean, what is it that you're going for? Like, once you have all the abilities you need, what is it that you do?
@Sandwich I have a party of spellcasters but they also really like the idea of beating enemies with swords, do you think I could allow them to use spell slots to do Whirlwind attack without breaking the system
@DuckTapeAl the Paladin part is close-in, while the Warlock part will let her deal with pesky folk who stay at range
I'm in a game now where I'm playing (what will eventually be) a melee Warlock lockdown tank.
You would probably find it easier to just copy the cleric spell Divine Power from 3.5
And give that to your casters
But provided your entire party was spellcasters
And you let them all have access to it
It'd probably be fine in the long run
Blade, Fiend, and I'll be using Devil's Sight, Darkness, and Sentinel to lock down enemies.
How much of an imbalance is it if eventually nonspellcasters joined?
@DuckTapeAl the one problem with the Devil's Sight/Darkness/Sentinel cheese is that I'm not sure if you can grant Devil's Sight to the rest of your party
otherwise, I'd spring for that as a lockdown option in a heartbeat
Sure, but that just means that I can't do the whole thing in every combat.
I'm still a reasonably tanky melee dude with Sentinel.
And with stuff like Armor of Agathys and Hellish Rebuke, I can make it dangerous to attack me even without the darkness.
Hellish Rebuke is nice
although half the warlock powers will need new names :P
What do you mean?
they're just not fitting for the Paladin/Warlock combo.
Devil's Sight, Hellish Rebuke, etal
those names rightfully would make a Paladin puke. :P
I see what you mean.
Then again, you could probably just do a simple replacement. Angel's Sight, Heavenly Rebuke, etc.
Armor of Elysium.
@DuckTapeAl if I was going for a straightforward celestial-type pally :) I'd go with it. for a fey knight though, I'd think some fey themed names would fit better, no?
@user507974 If spellcasters had access to Divine Power and mundanes didn't? It'd probably be a little imbalanced yeah
i meant the degree of imbalance
they still cant out damage any class that has extra attack right
What do you think of these @BESW
Fey's Sight, Wild Rebuke, Armor of the Tir na Nóg.
Classes that have more than one attack would outdo them in melee yeah
But spellcasters could still cast spells
yea, just was trying to make sure that was the main imbalance you were talking about
rather than other effects compounding to make them better at melee than other classes that specialize in it
@Sandwich I think they aren't taking into account how small the icons will wind up.
Look at badges like English Language & Usage and Movies & TV for examples of good use of transparent pixels.
Oh yeah
Well how about these
I'm thinking, a square with pips for a d6 similar to movie.se's film reel.
Make the internal lines consistent width?
@DuckTapeAl that'd work :)
Using Vector files I've made them scaleable to very very small without losing too much resolution in the process
It's not about resolution. It's about the visual effect of single-pixel lines on what should be a very simple design. When you've got two shapes that are almost, but not quite, touching, it creates tension.
I'm coming at this from an art perspective, not a mechanical one.
Give me a second
When you shrink the design, you reduce the white space between each design element.
I'm making the lines a bit more noticeable
Photoshop is happening
instead go for a highlight version of the base colors
So something that doesn't have a lot of tension in large scale gets noticeably changed in smaller scale. This is why good logo designers make multiple versions of the same logo with very small adjustments, one for each broad size category the logo gets used in.
and maybe add some subtle lighting effects to the shape
@user507974 Nah, I'm pretty sure badges have to be a solid fill with transparency. Their sole purpose is to show their colour, after all.
id say the middle two aare weaker than the edges
Alright here's the second mockup
That's 20x20 pixel size on the small mockup
Its approximately the same size as the badges we're using now if I counted my pixels right
Had to remove the 20's inside because you couldn't see them inside the small mockup
What happens if you eliminate the line variation entirely, given them all their current widest width all the way along?
Also, remember that the badge background isn't totally solid.
I'm using just a solid white background right now
It might look better with another color though
I like it
Mostly the badges will be displayed on dark grey or white, or on dark grey with a light celtic knot pattern.
It looks more noticeable with black
The light celtic knot pattern may be a problem.
Just doing some color tests now
If they can use a solid background
@user507974 Thirsting Blade specifically says that it does NOT stack with Extra Attack.
I could make them look noticeable and beautiful by using darker versions of the base badge colors
Before you do a lot of work, you should probably find out what the mechanical and policy requirements are for badge designs.
I'm happy to do the work if its to help the site
Have you considered a simple inverted version of RPG.SE's favicon?
If it were me, I'd probably start by taking the existing hexagon badge and just add a single inverted triangle in the middle, for the face-up side.
The fewer details you can use to achieve the goal, the better.
Isn't the question favorite icon a star?
Favicon: The little icon that appears next to the site's name on the browser tab.
If I can get a JPEG or a PNG of it sure
Inspecting the code doesn't provide me a link to which I can download a copy of the image
Q: How to download favicon from website?

Robert CartainoWhen you browse a web site, the "favicon" icon shows up next to the URL (or the bookmark). If I want that graphic, is there a way to download it directly from the site? I'd prefer to download it directly from the web, but if all else fails, I'll dig it out of wherever it is stored on my compute...

That works
Give me a sec
...might also consider a less fiddly die.
A d8, for example.
Nah this is fine
I just have to do some color replacement in photoshop
I'm not saying "less fiddly" because I think it's hard for you to deal with. I'm saying that because it'd potentially take fewer details to be obviously a die.
And, again, the simpler the design the better.
I see.
Here's the favicon mockup
I seem to have lost my connection to imgur
Ah here we go
Generally speaking it's much better to have a clean, simple design that has nothing to do with your subject, than to have a messy, unclear design that perfectly encapsulates your concept.
So its better to have cat photos than it is to have a vector of a d20.. I see...
nods assent
If was can have a clean, simple cat photo at that size, and we can't do the same with a d20, yes.
Inb4 keyboard cat becomes the RPG.SE Mascot
Sometimes it feels like he's a regular contributor.
What I mean, though, is something like English Language & Usage's badge choice.
It looks good because it's clean and simple, and that it has nothing to do with the site's topic doesn't matter.
I like Arqade's choice in badge
But yeah I understand what you meant
I was just being sarcastic
I don't go to Arqade because their pinstripe background resonates with my screen's refresh rate and gives me a headache almost instantly.
@doppelgreener I love Rick and Morty. It's pretty great though. :D
It relies too much on cringe comedy for me to get past.
hmm. Should I treat DRYH's Mad City concept as a Bad Place or an Invaded House?
...I don't think that's something I can ask mainsite.
@BESW Should each mockup get its own answer?
Or should I post them all on one answer
They're all fairly narrow variants on a theme, so I'd make 'em all one answer.
In meta, using comments to clarify exactly which one a voter likes, if necessary, is fine.
They're all really different
White background, black background for better contrast, and badge colors + Saturation to compliment lighter colors and whatnot
I like the second one from the top personally
Alright... A Hylian: in D&D 5e would you use the base or Variant Human?
TIL there's an actual band called "The Pointed Sticks." I approve.
There should be a band called Critical Fail
@BESW whaaaaaaaat? I usually hate cringe comedy and I love Rick & Morty.
"Cringe comedy" isn't exactly the right word for the main feeling I got from the series, but it's close.
hey guys, hows 50 cents a AA battery?
random i know but I was just about to ask something really relevant then that popped up
...how do you make a wizard in 3.x that's not OP?!
kinda like a nice deal i got for these: scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t35.0-12/…
@Shalvenay It's pretty simple, really. Most players' first try at a spellcaster will focus on blasting, and not even in a good way.
In 3.5, more options means more potential power, but also means more trap options.
@Ben There's no real difference, RP-wise, between a normal and a variant human. It's just a mechanical change.
That said, I'm pretty sure the Variant one is better for almost all characters.
@Shalvenay "pretty strong" isn't necessarily the same as OP
btw what are requirements to be able to upload pic on chat?
@doppelgreener heh. I suppose @Miniman's right
wizards are going to be reasonably strong, except, y'know, for the perception they'll keel over the first time they sustain a paper cut
@DuckTapeAl Every character. The largest number of ability scores you can feasibly rely on is 3, and since you can boost 2 scores and take a feat that boosts the third, there's reason ever to take standard human if variant is available.
@Shalvenay My level 34 Wizard in an epic game I played was easily the worst party member.
@DuckTapeAl wow. :P
@user507974 you can't do so immediately?
Basically, if you're a low-op player, wizard is an awful class.
Like, truly terrible.
yea, but whats the definition of "immediate"
I was decent at utility stuff, but only because I was really creative with Wall spells.
@user507974 like, right now, there should be an upload button right there you can use. (you just can't use it while you've got stuff typed in already.)
I did basically no damage, everyone passed my saves, and all of the memorable moments for that character were about him doing awful things.
One of my signature spells was a Sudden Maximized Black Blade of Disaster.
After casting it a few dozen times, I'm pretty sure I ended up doing a total of 500 damage or so.
would a question that relates in-game items to real world items be appropriate for RPGStack? I was just wondering what a real spell components pouch would look like. Since there are some components that are reusable and some that are consumed by the spells my first thought would be that the pouch actually would have many pockets in it to separate out all the different components? I doubt a wizard would just dump everything into a sack and be even remotely efficient in battle.
In all seriousness though, I think a question asking the Stack to find a one-to-one correspondence between real life practicality and an obviously leaky 3.5 abstraction will get quickly closed as opinion-based.
@Sandwich I think by inverted version of the favicon he didn't mean a colour change, he meant put colour where there isn't (on the faces) and transparency where the colour is (lines)
so, same design, but fills w/ invisible lines, not lines w/ invisible fills
Roughly, yes.
Though a really solid implementation of that would get fancy with the outside edges, I think.
Munchkin and Magic: the Gathering expansion icons are good places to look for both good and bad implementations of "teeny tiny solid-fill icon" concepts.
@BESW fair enough. I appreciated that Batman reference though hahaha.
By a strict mechanics-to-simulation reading of the text, a level 1 wizard's D&D 3.5 component pouch contains a literally infinite supply of every single non-cost reagent and focus the wizard might possibly need for his entire adventuring career, no matter how high of a level he reaches.
There is no way you're going to cram that into an actual pouch.
This afternoon's playlist is 17 covers of The Shape of Things to Come across 35+ years.
@BESW There's what I think is a fan theory that suggests the red cloth for burning hands has nothing to do with the spell, but everything about the caster having a good visual cue to help the spell happen. Were it me, I'd take that, and make my caster pouch contain a kazoo, and every spell is cued to a particular kazoo note or a particular wave of a kazoo.
@doppelgreener Historically, D&D spell components have had meta origins: jokes or references from the designers, almost never intended to be taken really seriously.
I think they have their roots in Vancian magic, but I'm not sure how Vance used components.
@BESW i remember this
Hmm. @doppelgreener, what kind of d6s do you guys have over there? I should've asked earlier.
@BESW I... don't know. I don't think we have many! We have a few of different colours from our polyhedral sets, and i have the two blue + 1 purple I'd used for cthulhu dark.
I just realised this is a game that might need handfuls of d6's.
We can figure something out.
Strictly speaking, the game asks each player to have 3 white d6s, 6 black d6s, and 6 to 8 red d6s.
(black d6s, huh. that's a thing everybody's got lying around in multiples of 6.)
A while back I wrote up a miniature dice roller for Cthulhu Dark. I could update that for this game for Daniel and I.
@BESW Are black, white, and red the only ones we need?
i can work with this
(first: food. hungry.)
The idea is, you roll all of them at once and tally your overall total # of 3-and-under to check successes, and see which colour comes up highest to see what the theme of the action's result is whether you succeed or fail.
@BESW What are the names of the dice types?
White: Discipline
Black: Exhaustion
Red: Madness
I may have to switch out black for green because I don't have a lot of black dice.
1 hour later…
Hey guys, are there any good templates out there to create really nice looking D&D pages that look like the original material?
thats a page ripped from some a class just made by someone thatll come out monday
also as a screenshot it doesnt look as good as the original pdf, which is REALLY nice
3 hours later…
Looks like a parchment base sheet with some design overlays in a two column format
I think DRYH went well!
We changed the timeline and then changed it back, re-inflicted childhood trauma on a PC, turned the boat into a Victorian hellscape and back, and although we reset most everything, the mental trauma's still there. Also a handful of Atlantean vandals and the cultist nemesis of one of the PCs are on the ship now and they weren't before.
2 hours later…
@BESW 5/5 would get emotionally traumatised again
Anyone know of a source of...say... cyborg playbooks for apocalypse world?
3 hours later…
Well yea sure, but I'd still need to find the original type sets, colors, formatting, table stuff, etc.
That's why it'd be much nicer to find a template than try to create a LaTeX or Word template
2 hours later…
@HDTGM playing an RPG where every character is a Nicholas Cage character from movies like Con Air, Face/Off http://t.co/sePlfwDhl2
@HDTGM I'm playing Sean Archer/Caster Troy. We are fighting a team of Samuel L Jacksons
1 hour later…
Simple Eighties Logic would be a good name for a band.
I wonder if it is worth spending two rounds for trying to deal 3d6 dex damage to a dragon that probably knows I can.
I guess he'll spend a turn casting spell immunity, and that could be worth it.
Or he will fly away and I'll just use the other spell that deals 6d6 damage of an element he's vulnerable to, and 2d6 dex.

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