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[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] 7 commits. 1 opened issue. 84 additions. 22 deletions.
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] 5 commits. 3362 additions.
[Hosch250/VSDiagnostics] 1 commit. 38 additions. 1 deletion.
[Vannevelj/VSDiagnostics] 1 opened issue.
[Vannevelj/VSDiagnostics] 5 commits. 3 opened issues. 2 closed issues. 160 additions. 13 deletions.
@Mat'sMug I do?
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit d7d7226d to next: Add Project PIA
I just have the downloaded .iso.
I'm pretty sure 2010 has PIA's.
@RubberDuck You have Office 2007, don't you?
It contains the Visio/Project PIA's, so you can include the versions.
Yeah. I think I have the PIA on my hard drive. I can add it. Remind me of I forget.
3 hours later…
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 577f1fba to ICommand_Shelved: removed ICommand interface, changed all implementations to CommandBase base command type, which implements the WPF ICommand interface; added DelegateCommand base
so, this is how it's going to work:
I can't figure out why the TestExplorer is shooting its events twice
so I decided to rebuild the view
...in WPF
might as well
so I'll need a ViewModel class right
and I'll bind the buttons to the commands
now, there are commands we want "global", and commands that are tied to specific views
like, the "refresh" command in the TestExplorer will only ever be needed in the TestExplorer
but the "RunAllTests" command is called from various places
so there's a CommandBase class that implements System.Windows.Input.ICommand:
    public abstract class CommandBase : ICommand
        public virtual bool CanExecute(object parameter)
            return true;

        public abstract void Execute(object parameter);

        public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged;
        protected void OnCanExecuteChanged()
            var handler = CanExecuteChanged;
            if (handler != null)
                handler.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
these commands are injected in SingletonScope wherever they're needed
so if they're needed in a ViewModel, they should be injected there
but they can also be injected in CommandMenuItem objects
then we have the "normal" DelegateCommand that extends that type:
    public class DelegateCommand : CommandBase
        private readonly Predicate<object> _canExecute;
        private readonly Action<object> _execute;

        public DelegateCommand(Action<object> execute, Predicate<object> canExecute = null)
            _canExecute = canExecute;
            _execute = execute;

        private bool _canExecuteState;
        public override bool CanExecute(object parameter)
            var previousState = _canExecuteState;
So we have DI-able commands that can be associated to COM commandbars and managed WinForms/WPF buttons. And they work with WPF command bindings, too
Anyway, TTGTB
8 hours later…
In other news:
Rubberduck.Setup. - Downloaded 404 times.
Last updated on 2015-07-08
3 hours later…
@Mat'sMug 404 - Rubberduck not found error.
@RubberDuck Not panicked, just cognizant that a change is coming and when it eventually arrives I would like to hope there are good options.
and javascript is not my idea of a good option.
Been busy @Mat'sMug? Cool brother. Sounds good to me.
1 hour later…
@RubberDuck looks like you're being stalked ;-)
Lol. Hell, that's not even really my repo anymore. I have no idea what's in there. I should probably see if I can't totally transfer that to @cheezsteak.
@RubberDuck neat stuff is in there.
SortedSet, HashSet, Dict, Lambda, List, Frame, Str, Maybe
Maslow's hierarchy of needs, updated for 2015. http://t.co/b267vu6xyp
@cheezsteak SortedSet? That's nifty.
@RubberDuck It's like the 2nd one i made. Uses a binary search to find if an element exists and where to add new elements.
I need to document the interface system though. It's kind of fluid like Go
no hierarchies. If you implement an interface then that's that.
Yeah. I def need to actually go look at what you've been up to. Crying shame I'll never get to really use it though.
Sounds crazy, but I actually kind of miss writing VBA.
@RubberDuck I need to stop writing VBA and write some C# for Rubberduck.
Can't get a job with VBA. And I think many employers will frown on me bragging about full solutions being provided in VBA.
So I am trying to port some of my solutions to Java.
Java's a good bet. Lots of JAVA jobs out there.
Cross platform so I can work at home, no M$ account needed and current employers standard. Also I know a fair amount of Scala so it ain't hard. It's just the quirks and tools I need to know.
Q: Refer to other cells besides the one in the Cells.Find

mrbungleI have the following that loops through a range. When the initial value is found on the second sheet it goes to the cell to be able to compare some date values on the same row. Once the comparison is complete another value from the same row is copied to be placed back onto the first sheet. I b...

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