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I hope you guys realize that this is an endless battle, he'll never admit that he is wrong.
He's French!
@Simon sure, I'm more hoping to poke him into doing something bannable
@Flyk yeah you're now in a club with me the bears @Adi and @LucasKauffman ... feels good huh
pls gimme rep
Hey, guys, I just noticed: Sexuality has been in Private Beta for two weeks, has halfway-decent stats according to A51, but is now scheduled for closure this week. WTF?
@Iszi Are you always late to the party or that's something that you've only been doing in the past few weeks?
Silly ex-one.
@Simon Hey, my wife's been out of town. Deprivation of certain necessities throws the hormones out of whack. Which just throws everything out of whack. So do your ex-pops a favor and catch him up?
What's the deal with the Sex.SE closure?
@Simon I believe iszi is asking you to explain why sexuality.se appears to be closing down before exiting private beta
God damn it.
@RоryMcCune Especially considering the A51 stats actually look pretty decent.
@Ohnana may also know the answer to this q.. ?
2 days ago, by Ohnana
Q: Sexuality SE will be closing on Fri, 8/14

Robert CartainoI'm going to be a bit blunt: This site is going to be more distracting and emotionally draining to maintain than your average subject. It is unfortunate; I suspect this is one of those areas we may actually be genuinely helpful, but the subject matter alone seems to demand that we support better...

@Simon it did, I'll be trying to pwn it soon
@Flyk It is not a mainstream media: you can copy/past that paragraph and find it everywhere in professional IT media. Of course I can not find a video where Bill Gates states I hacked you all via my products, but still he says that quite directly. Back to the last paragraph I quoted, there is no answer provided except that I linked to media. Well, your only link was quoted from media too. That makes non sense. I underlined logic points, including this last paragraph that is erased by Msoft but ... anyway, this is my last comment and feel free to use Windows. — begueradj 4 mins ago
You haven't provided any logic during your entire attempt to answer this question. Your entire time has been spent ranting and speculating. You haven't understood the concept of the Windows Insider program and you haven't got any of your facts straight. You don't seem to be able to grasp that the EULA your entire argument is based on is from a pre-release version of the software and any time anybody tries to help you by clarifying you assume they're astroturfing or trying to troll you. Stack Exchange is about fact, not wild speculation with no basis in reality. — Flyk 14 secs ago
I wanted to tell him to do one
but I expect that crosses some line
I suppose I could make a mother of @sim joke
to do wat
to jog on
to dee de dlee doo his willy?
@Simon Can't get in since it's still private beta.
@Simon to take a hike
@Iszi o soz ex-one
`I'm going to be a bit blunt:

This site is going to be more distracting and emotionally draining to maintain than your average subject. It is unfortunate; I suspect this is one of those areas we may actually be genuinely helpful, but the subject matter alone seems to demand that we support better separation of professional profiles from private. But even if the only concern was the topic, the site didn't exactly crush it in any meaningful way. For a subject with such broad and diverse appeal, we probably would have to close it on volume alone.
Cool, the markdown for quotes doesn't work
@Flyk "This is my last comment" and he just commented again.
@Simon Markdown breaks in chat when you have line breaks in a post.
@Simon That's really frustrating. I haven't gotten to look at it, but I expect its current state isn't much different from any number of other sites that were at least given a shot at Public Beta. They're just throwing the numbers and lack of unique content in as an excuse to back up the fact that they just can't be bothered to give the site the special-needs attention/features it will require.
@Iszi The whole idea of SE is that the sites "maintain themselves". That's why they always speak of "the community" and hire moderators out of free volunteers.
The powers-that-be at SE provide the technology for (apparently) free because it does not cost them much.
They simply do not have the resources to devote to "special needs" for any site.
@Iszi Yup, it sucks.
@ThomasPornin Yeah because as we all know, they don't make a dime out of this website.
@ThomasPornin The community could still maintain itself. Problem remains that it's a topic (only one, among others) that really needs special things like "separation of professional profiles from private".
Right, begueradj just decided I'm too chatty now he's run out of counters
@Flyk Technically, you are chatty. Not more than usual, but still.
suddenly I dislike @ThomasPornin
David Haney on August 7, 2015
In February of 2015, I was promoted to Engineering Manager at Stack Overflow. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
Rachel Maleady on August 13, 2015
Learn all about Stack Overflow Marketing Manager of Customer Happiness, Bethany Marzewski.
@StackExchange NO
Part of the problem is that SE is among the many social sites that assume (at least in technical implementation, if not actually in site usage policy) people only want/need one identity online which perfectly maps to their real-life identity. Issue with that is, there's a lot of things talked about online that people don't want publicly associated with their real-life identity.
@Flyk You're having a war against one of his fellow Fwenchie.
Plus, there's still a whole generation or so that was raised to completely separate their online identity from their real-life identity for the simple protection of their privacy and security.
@Iszi This could be argued to be a big mistake.
That is, the idea that having a "separate online identity" would be sufficient to achieve privacy and security.
i am taking the closing of sex.se as a personal insult
because i am a rational person
speaking of rational people
I am going to close all site windows now I think
and go back to "idling" in chat
@ThomasPornin Obviously, we know that true anonymity is impractical if not impossible. But a certain layer of obfuscation will typically keep your online profile from being easily associated with your real-life identity by most friends/family/colleagues/employers. And that's what most people are really worried about.
@Iszi That's the point I want to make: in practice, such a simple layer of obfuscation is not sufficient to prevent association between your identity and your online activity.
When your family / friends / colleagues don't succeed in identifying you, it is because they don't bother trying.
This is a recipe for catastrophic failure.
Using a pseudonym gives you the habit of believing that the pseudonym works.
For all intents and purposes, most people assume the government is going to find out everything about you if they want to regardless what you do. But the government (at least, in theory) has policies and procedures regulating what they can/can't do with, and how they will/won't respond to, what they find. The same applies, for the most part, with your employer. The same cannot be said, however, about your friends/family/colleagues.
@Iszi That's weird; as I see it, it works the other way round.
So, if there's certain legal activities you're engaged in which may be social taboo among your peers, it is only sensible to try to obfuscate any associated online identities from those.
@ThomasPornin Which, the assumption or the existence/applicability of policies?
Friends, family and colleagues have context and that makes them a lot more able to unravel your identity than any government force.
@ThomasPornin Able yes. But actually, technically, capable and dedicated to that purpose? Generally not.
pls, if your social taboo is that you're posting on Sex.SE, then you should review your entourage.
@Iszi He. As I said, they don't bother.
@Simon stop making me agree with you
I do agree that pseudonyms can be a good things with regards to prospective employers because it is known that a number of them are prone to jump to incorrect conclusions after a couple of Google searches.
@ThomasPornin And that's my point. Identity obfuscation is like a cheap lock - it won't keep out the APT, but it'll keep everyone else off your back. And, in most cases, "friends & family" fall under "everyone else".
@ThomasPornin Don't you want to avoid an employer that would jump to conclusions anyway?
@Simon I am a consultant currently working for a government agency, therefore I will not answer that question.
@ThomasPornin For some people though, that's not a major concern - a job's just a job. On the other hand, good friends/family are irreplaceable and at the same time can be the most judgmental.
@Iszi And my point is that using the "cheap lock" incurs the risk of gradually forgetting how cheap it is.
@ThomasPornin works for the NSA
now I'm worried
@ThomasPornin Fair point.
I see @Flyk is already here, but is there anything we can do about this answer? security.stackexchange.com/a/96715/13256
However, your skewed perception of the lock's value has no effect on its actual value. It only affects your liability to trust the lock further than you should.
not really
It got accepted
and the OP loves it
since it confirmed his pre-existing biases
I've noticed
OP is 14.
@Iszi Precisely.
I want to downvote but I'm a SO user so these parts aren't my normal hang out :) still I don't like seeing crap like that on any SE site
@ThomasPornin So we agree that identity obfuscation does have value for certain uses. One just has to be careful exactly how far they trust that obfuscation to protect them.
you could wait until one of our mods are around and lobby them but they'd probably agree with you but still keep it based on the fact it's accepted
@Iszi Let's say that it has potential value. You can also operate under a different mode.
E.g. I consider that all I write could be shown to my friends, family, employer and government(s), and I would still be proud of it.
that removes all of the fun
@ThomasPornin i.e.: Nom de plume
@Iszi I am using my real name.
@ThomasPornin Which, Pornin or Leek? ;-)
And even when I began using Bear #2, I made it clear (notably, here) that it was still me.
I never saw that, therefore it didn't happen
@Iszi Fun fact: the name "Pornin" is a derivative from the rural term of "pournin" which means, in the Berry (an area in the middle of France), "leek".
In any case, there's a substantial difference between having a "nom de plume" and having "that screen name you use when you go to chat on the scat forums".
today I learned that @Iszi visits forums full of scat
in this instance I'm hoping you're a fan of jazz
@Flyk Sigh - should have seen that coming. Of course, you won't believe me. But I don't do the scat thing. That was just an example.
really hoping.
@Flyk Wouldn't call myself a fan, but I do enjoy it occasionally.
Usually prefer it without the scat.
@Iszi I don't say things that I could be ashamed of. I am aware that not everybody acts similarly, for various reasons.
i just find it interesting that adults talking about sex is scandalous enough for anonymity
@Flyk mod here, but I'm waiting for some of the raw emotion to subside
raw emotion?
@Ohnana It's a worldwide cultural stigma.
Do you mean that post made you a little sick in the mouth?
@Iszi it's silly
@Ohnana I don't disagree, but the fact remains.
This user is abusing the system
All I did was replicate the tweet text
(as clearly stated in the edit comment)
er wat
that makes no sense
someone wasn't using their eyeballs
@Ohnana more likely he's bitter about the post he made coming up against resistance
@Flyk Welcome to humankind.
@Flyk I totally agree, which means that any action will snowball - this needs time
oh, to stop a snowball, use fire
@ThomasPornin Shame has varying definitions according to context, though. Are you comfortable having things you talk about with your doctor exposed indiscriminately to your employer, family, friends, etc.?
@ThomasPornin I know, it sucks
@Flyk I totally agree. Fear of action because of possible consequences mostly means that you don't act enough.
consequences are literally the best part
@Iszi We are not talking about "online activity" anymore ?
@ThomasPornin We are. Various online forums are dedicated to just such topics.
people should approve my edits of that question,
One day I shall have the reputation to approve edits
One day...
Most likely as the result of passive reputation gains while not logged in
@Iszi Then I can keep on with the "big mistake" argument. Using a SE site as a substitute for a doctor strikes me as a very poor idea.
@ThomasPornin I agree
This reminds me of a talk I saw once.
that's like Googling symptoms
guaranteed method of losing your sanity
The guy began his talk by shouting "I have erectile dysfunction".
@Flyk Or mis-diagnosing as Lupus.
oh no, nevermind, I apparently don't deal with jet lag at all
@Flyk you need one of those virtual presence robots to travel for you
once humanity reaches the point where that's commonplace and people accept it without thinking anything is weird, I'm done with the world of the living
it is certainly the sort of thing I would push out of a window
woot +2 points
and you sound a lot like Sheldon from big bang @Flyk
I... er... what?
I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not!
TV show Big Bang Theory the main character is Sheldon
@RоryMcCune hahaha fail
I sure love my Android device
I really should just build my own kernel and Android version....
@raz that's ok I'm sure that re-rolling out the patch to the millions of phones that it's been sent to is a really cheap process.
@Flyk Singularity can't come fast enough for you, eh?
only saving grace is that most don't have it yet
@RоryMcCune nbd
I cleaned up the comments on security.stackexchange.com/a/96715/6253 leaving the first comment that called the timing of the first article into question (which would explain some of the downvotes).
it would be really awesome if a black hole formed close enough to matter
@schroeder nooo you removed my awesome comment how will I ever get the badge for commenting without my comment noooooooo
you made a veiled insult to the intelligence of the answerer, else I would have kept it
veiled? I thought it was quite obvious
It makes me a sad panda that 28 people have upvoted that answer, also why was he allowed to keep the criminal line if I couldn't call the answer opinionated clap trap?
@Flyk lol, yes exactly like sheldon
it's a complement by the way
I can't believe that answer is still getting more upvotes
@ryan the criminal line was removed
true, but not by my proposed edit, (which only removed the line) which would of put me 2 points closer to downvoting that answer
at least I got the malware tag removed
@ryan I approved that for you
well thank you :)
@RоryMcCune This is my cue to say (again): don't use C
(A typically unpopular statement.)
@ThomasPornin i'm in a c class right now
@ThomasPornin not with me, the amount of pain caused from using low level languages that force individual devs to do memory management is immense...
i have a burning hatred for it and amazement at the people who built a fucking OS out of it
@Ohnana I'm sorry
@ryan ;-;
so much malloc
s'why I find it rather amusing that it's controversial for Oracle to try and deprecate sun.misc.unsafe 'cause people like using it so much
the clue is in the name
those are the very best variable names though
@RоryMcCune As it stands today you should probably write your kernal in javascript
clearly the best answer
@ryan well yes, that is the only way to get close to the metal
just vomited all over my computer
thanks for that
\o/ achievement unlocked
I'd try and take credit for that line but I got it from here
I'll often drop down to node.js if I really need to be close to the metal
ahaha this is an account to follow
by the way @Flyk what's he mean by astroturfing ?
Astroturfing is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organization (e.g., political, advertising, religious or public relations) to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participant(s). It is a practice intended to give the statements or organizations more credibility by withholding information about the source's financial connection. The term astroturfing is a derivation of AstroTurf, a brand of synthetic carpeting designed to look like natural grass, a play on the word "grassroots." The implication behind the use of the term is that there are...
So when he says that he's saying that everyone disagreeing with him is secretly employed/compensated by Microsoft?
That seems really rational
@schroeder But he is a dumbass.
@Simon but it's not polite to point it out
Fine, fine.
@ryan That's what he says, but I think he believes the term to mean that people who disagree with him are just "fans" of Microsoft, not necessarily retributed fans of Microsoft.
well that makes more sense
I like how he believes that "famous newspapers" is the most credible source of all time.
I'll add him to the list of people I'd punch in the face with pleasure.
Man we've got lots of continued drama going on today
my favorite was his statement that Bill Gates goes around saying he's hacked everyone
popcorn for all \o/
1 hour later…
@Gilles Let's hope this succeeds. meta.embedded.stackexchange.com/questions/89/…
@DavidFreitag "this site will be closing aug 14"
sooo what's going to succeed?
@Ohnana Apparently you didn't actually read that meta question.
@DavidFreitag don't have an invitation
> Is it possible to let the private beta continue, or even to allow it to go to public beta? I realize this is an exception to the rule for area 51 proposals, but we are still getting good questions and answers despite the closing announcement.
Basically, they are closing the site (for the second time), and the reasoning behind it is still a bit blurry.
> Whatever the reason, this site will be closing on Friday, August 14.
oh wow
He basically used the fact that "out beta doesn't have as much activity as other betas" as an excuse, which is true, but I have yet to see a bad question. He even said our site has more questions per day than some public beta sites.
plus it's private beta
it's not like you can get hordes of people off the internet
For some reason SE is under the impression that private betas see more activity than public betas which makes no sense at all
The most infuriating part about it, is that it took us six months to get a private beta the second time around, and they closed the site within two weeks.
@Ohnana Go here and click the "Visit this site" button to read the meta posts.
Embedded Systemsembedded.stackexchange.com

Beta Q&A site for developers of embedded hardware and software systems.

Currently in private beta.

maybe SE needs to hire Ellen Pao to make unfavorable decisions and then get ejected with the blame
@Herringbone_Cat SE's reponse to paomageddon was beautiful
@Herringbone_Cat I don't care what people say, I think Ellen Pao did do some good things. She did go a weee bit overboard though.
@Ohnana Link?
@RоryMcCune I really wasn't expecting this sort of thing from Google...
@DavidFreitag I had the displeasure of working with her at KP. I was just a consultant though, and avoided her; she wasn't very friendly to say the least.
Q: Preventing Ethernet over power

philI'm an electrician doing a job at a secure site. The client is concerned that someone could plug an Ethernet over power (EOP) connection into the switch and then connect elsewhere in the building. Is this possible and if so, how can I prevent it? The room is secure with a dedicated three-phase s...

@DavidFreitag let me find it
@Herringbone_Cat KP?
@DavidFreitag I believe the longform is kleiner perkisn caufield and byers
@Herringbone_Cat That doesn't really tell me what sort of place that is...
@DavidFreitag can't find it
@DavidFreitag It's the place she sued.
@Ohnana Failure.
@Herringbone_Cat Huh?
Shaking my head at the majority of the answers at this one. EoP is one threat to worry about and is relevant to ask the electrician . Getting worried about wireless transmissions is out of scope.
@schroeder It's simple, if you wish to detect EoP, then connect an EoP endpoint and connect that to a packet sniffer. Boom dead.
@DavidFreitag yep - that's a possible detective control. The question is about a preventative control
@Herringbone_Cat Oh, it's a VC. You could have just said that :P
@schroeder Isolation transformers.
@DavidFreitag You know what a VC is but not what KP is? :) They're on the short-list of VCs in tech, like, top 3.
@Herringbone_Cat Just because I know what baseball is, does not mean I have any idea what teams play.
@DavidFreitag I'm pretty sure I know about the SF giants just because when they win there will be mattresses burning in the street.
@DavidFreitag yeah they've had the bug a while so a surprise that they missed what appears to be a relatively (for google) basic error
@RoryAlsop s/Security //
@Herringbone_Cat I'm sure it also helps that you live near (or in) SF...
@kenorb Some of your questions have been closed because they were bad questions, not because they were off-topic on Security.SE. We've been through this many times already. You keep misrepresenting the scope of Security.SE out of a personal vendetta. Stop it. — Gilles 34 secs ago
@Gilles git rekt
@RоryMcCune Perhaps this is the reason it has been overlooked: "This is such a simple problem, someone else will fix it."
@DavidFreitag In, yeah, but there's also this Oakland team that seems to also have some fans
Also, how on earth can you close an ES.SE site? 'CMON
@DavidFreitag lack of participation
@Gilles That's just a clever excuse that someone in some cubicle somewhere would like you to think.
whelp, killed that silly win10 question, probably should have done it sooner.
Robotics.Se had something like 30 questions in their first week. How did they make it to open beta?
I have closed this question as "opinion based", despite the fact that the most upvoted answer (by the community of experts) does indeed give an objective, fact based answer - because the question itself is obviously not interested in facts, but in sensationalist answers that confirm the OP's bias, regardless of facts, relevance, or even the basic logic of asking "does my OS know what I am doing with it". — AviD ♦ 23 mins ago
/cc @RoryAlsop @schroeder @JeffFerland
will probably go around editing out the M$ SUX LOL vitriol later.... that will be fun
@AviD sounds like the right thing to do would be do edit the question
@Gilles possibly - but I dont think I could make a sensible question out of it, without completely changing the question.
better off just asking a new one... Unless you want to try it?
@DavidFreitag about 60 actually
@Gilles Which is interesting, because we had 90.
@AviD if a question should be closed but has an answer worth keeping, edit the question to match the answer
Wait, no that's the answer rate.
@DavidFreitag no, Embedded had about 50
One of the factors is the site's uniqueness. Exhibiting questions that have no home elsewhere would be good to prove that the site is worth having.
I've been meaning to do it but I was swamped at work this week
@Gilles Honestly I feel like all of those "Not suitable for anywhere" questions could all go to EE.SE
@DavidFreitag have their stance on software questions changed?
When I asked, they said “no” or “meh”, but it was three years ago
> AviD compliance
is it just me, or is the very concept of your OS spying on you ludicrous?
@AviD Nope, you left your tinfoil hat on too long.
now go back to your abacus and leave me alone
@AviD There is a difference between knowing something and knowing something and then sharing with everyone you know.
oh, absolutely.
@AviD OS spying on you ≠ OS vendor spying on you
perhaps that's what is missing from the question.
will try that later.
@AviD Pls. I automated that with a robotic arm weeks ago.
@Iszi just re-wrote the whole thing ....
@DavidFreitag make sure you have a failsafe and plenty of lube.
@schroeder yes, this is better. Though I'm not sure its not too far from the intent...
aaaand reopened with a slight title edit from me.
@schroeder Hope you guys don't think that deviates too far. Wanted to try to boil away the conspiracy theory, while still keeping an appropriate level of tinfoil hattery.
@AviD yeah - seems like an overreach
@Iszi it's the right question, just not the questioner's question
@schroeder which is what I was originally worried about with editing it.
@schroeder I think the important point is that (at least, I think) it doesn't invalidate existing answers.
You should close and re-ask it, so that when it reptrains you get all the rep.
I'd rather give the OP an educational moment than go off on my own and be a repwhore.
that said, right now its a good question, and the alternative would be burnination. Let's monitor the question - if the OP starts pushback we can just shut it down and reask @Iszi's question seperately.
@Iszi I believe you succeeded
I almost want to lock it as it is
keep it cannonical for Win10
@Iszi still campaigning for moderator? ;-)
@AviD If you wanna call it that, sure. Never too soon to start.
a love-child of @Iszi and @Flyk .... shudder
@schroeder solid.
@schroeder Zefuq are you talking about?
@schroeder wouldnt that technically already be @Simon?
btw @Iszi thanks to you I swapped my downvote to an upvote.
@AviD Wait... Oh, dear. @Flyk - I take back every "your mom" joke I ever threw at @Simon. Ever.
@Iszi Too late, we all called no-takesies-backsies when you weren't around.
@Iszi wanna do the same for the tinfoil answer?
you can leave the technical inaccuracies and all the just-plain-wrongedness, just remove the rants, the conspiracies, and the bashing.
@AviD Hah. Would love to, but no. I think I'll leave that up to the community-certified pros for now.
@schroeder how did you get onto this?
I wouldn't edit the answer
@Flyk With a ladder, presumably.
what is it you want editing?
downvote and suggest edits, don't edit the accepted answer from under both the Answerer and the Asker
Q: How does Windows 10 allow Microsoft to spy on you?

Zviad GabroshviliWindows 10 is perhaps the most internet-connected and cloud-centric Operating System released by Microsoft to date. This, of course, has caused many users to be concerned about how the OS respects their privacy (or doesn't). Multiple sources are now claiming that this OS reports user data to Mic...

too much drama already
@AviD I am an unstoppable force of nature, no power in the 'verse can stop me...
@schroeder uhh how can I give a suggested edit?
@AviD Sockpuppet.
heh. nah.
@Flyk No, but a large pointed stick can stop one of your good buddies.
@Flyk my daughter's name is River ...
@AviD in comments :P
@schroeder ah. Been there, tried that - the whole problem is that he is not interested in the logics.
@AviD agreed, but at this late point, I think we need to leave it as-is, or lock the whole thing down
I can't edit that post
@schroeder I tend to agree with the lockdown, but @Gilles and @Iszi are working on cleaning things up.
it's trash
it should be deleted
@Flyk It that because you use windows 10
just kill it with fire and move on
@DavidFreitag I don't understand what you're implying
@Flyk He said you're drinking the M$ Win10 Kool-Aid.
@Flyk I've got a spare bucket, but you need your own sand.
you know that all of this has options to turn it off, with a paragraph next to it explaining what each option does, right?
I need an adult
we need more tinfoil hats in here
Perhaps that is exactly what they want you to think. False security is the best security.
@DavidFreitag troll
it's okay though, but @Flyk doesnt know you're joking
@Flyk I might agree with you on the facts, but it has many upvotes, and is the accepted answer - as a community moderation thing, we have to be careful about misrepresenting someone's post
@AviD of course I know he's joking
@schroeder oh I'm not new to Stack Exchange
@schroeder which is why I said to leave his mistakes and wrongness, just remove the conspiracy rants and silly ad hominems .
obviously you've not leveled up your omnipresence yet
but I've already stated sometime earlier that you can't delete it for those exact reasons
A: Google: "Unusual traffic from your computer network"

rogskelthis is nothing more then google trying to get you to use their free Google DNS servers.... this was posted as a solution to the problem in one of their forums >>> you can stop the hijacking by switching to the free Google DNS servers <<< other then that I have not read one thing on fixes accept...

Sometimes I wonder how people can sign up for SE and get through that processa nd then manage to churn out that type of incomprehensible babble
@DavidFreitag Why would this photo be tagged as "a troll"? :O It's a witch and we have a witch festival / carnival here in one of our cities where they're a part of the procession
@TildalWave I linked that picture because it resembled the look on my face pretty much exactly.

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