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05:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@PH13 What do you need halp with? Btw. quite nice question...
with a little spin-off on meta ;)
Okay guys, I have mentioned that earlier to a couple of guys that were here....\
What would you think about a chatbot, welcoming new users? (And having a couple of more features) I'd like to discuss it here and not on meta :D
4 hours later…
Anyone there ?
walked 27km today...
@santiago How would you get 3,4 dimethylhex-3-ene from but-2-ene ?
not too sure
I can easily see how to get 3,4 dimethylhexane but ... (basically using Br2 which breaks the alkene)
@santiago Also, how do you determine the solubility of I2 in water knowing the Ks of I2+I- <-> I3- ?
not too sure there either
my brain a little tired after the walk
@Hippalectryon why not ask these as questions?
@santiago The second one seems a bit too homeworky
could be written well
How do I write it well q_q
clearly state the problem and your attempt
But my attempt is pretty much "ugh the solubility cancels in the equation :("
show the calculations
It's very very short though. Basically $K_s=\frac{[I_3^-]}{[I^-]}=\frac{s}s ???$
Q: Getting 3,4-dimethylhex-3-ene from but-2-ene

HippalectryonHow can one get 3,4-dimethylhex-3-ene from but-2-ene ? Using $Br_2$ then two equivalents of $CH_3CH_2MgBr$, I can get the corresponding alkane (3,4-dimethylhexane) but I don't see how to do it while preserving the double bond...

good question!
:-) I doubt I can do that for the diiode one though, I'll just wait for other people to come in the chat :P
fair enough
i have to go to bed
~ oyasumi nasai ~
that walk exhausted me
@Martin-マーチン you did HALP without your knowledge
I did? Cool... when?
when you edited the comments out of the "atom visualization" thread
Ahhh... I did, yeah, that is now a chat room
@Martin-マーチン Hi ! How do you get the solubility of I2 in water from the Ks of I2+I- <-> I3- ?
@Hippalectryon What? Wait... let me think about that...
wasn't it like This appears to be a homework question ... ? ;D
I actually do not get it
I have no idea how to start a problem like that
It's 100% homework but I can't get it :(
Is it solved in a KI solution?
isn't k_s the solubility?
Ks is the solubility constant
Can you post the whole setup of the question
wait for it
That's pretty much all of it. Consider $I_2+I^-\leftrightarrow I_3^-,K=10^3$, question 1 is "solubility of $I_2$ in water ?" :(
Wow that is a horrible question
It's from an oral exam
As far as I know, I2 does not get dissolved in water
It does get dissolved a bit doesn't it ?
a tiny little bit
i think it is governed by the following $\ce{I2 + H2O <=> HI2+ + OH-}$ and related
so it's probably only because of a very weak autoprotolysis
If you have a KI solution (or anything with iodide) it dissolves much easier and much more
Also, in Ben's answer here chemistry.stackexchange.com/a/34009/5591, I understand his reasoning but I can't find suitable transformations of 2benzene to form the final product, any hint ?
at first ... how do you draw those horrible structures?
@PH13 some weird unknow software I had opened on my desktop, I had to go soon so I didn't bother opening ChemSketch
hahaha they look funny ;D
@Hip I think you mean 2-butene. What is the classic substrate for Grignard reagents?
Magnesium compounds
Like RMg
Sorry I meant what is the classic thing for Grignards to react with
ketones ?
Yes - well carbonyl compounds in general but it will be a ketone in this case
So I suggest you convert one molecule into a ketone and another into a Grignard reagent and see what you can do with them
Well converting an alcene into a grignard reagant is fairly easy but how do you convert an alcene into a ketone ? (without breaking it into two parts)
Hydration followed by oxidation?
Oh right :D can concentrated KMnO4 be used to turn alcools into ketones btw ?
alkene -> bromine -> dibromoalkane -> light bromination -> dehydrohalogenation
-> alkene
I guess that this is Ben's approach
Yeah I got it now :D thanks everyone.
I'm still interested whether KMnO4 can oxyde secondary alcools into ketones though :D
@ Hip Yes it can but its probably overkill. I would use something milder like acidified dichromate
Cr2O72- ?
I though about something like this. dropbox.com/s/fhxb82oxn7l6r1x/alkenetoketone.jpg?dl=0
ok thanks :-)
It would probably work as a one pot synthesis as well which is nice
@Martin-マーチン do you know an easy way for finding a good guess for the computation of transition states?
@bon you can upload pictures to chat ;)
but you'll share them as cc
Oh yeah forgot that
nevermind ;)
@PH13 This is incredibly hard to answer, because there are so many posibilities...
tell me what you want to do
I know :D
what kind of reaction?
I'm just a little bit playing with my reaction mentioned in chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/33613/…
but as finding transisiotn states is hard if you're far away from "optimum" and there is more than one imaginary frequency there has to be a good guess
well, well, well
which step are we talking about?
the last
wait, I draw sth
yay, pictures are great :D
I image it as something like this
the chloride "is leaving" so I tend to keep it out
but then there is the question about the sequence because I don't think that it is concerted
okay, sorry...
needed some afk moments
no problem
don't care
that looks fairly complicated
guessing is no good option there
so we are talking basically about reduction right?
I think so
i assume you have opted the hydrazine derivate
also the other molecule
I hope that all my questions aren't easy. If they were I should be able to answer them.
nahhh, not easy at all
Q: emergency: Sulphuric Acid burn?

RavingmadWill try to make this as short as possible, a friend wanted to clean something on glass and there was nothing that could clean it, the genius person AKA me went into his room and got very concentrated sulfuric acid, wore protective gear and everything and was about to apply a very small amount wh...

one thing at a time ;)
is there sth like a medicine se?
maybe the question is better over there
for your ts problem, try scanning the NH bond length
well, you have to find a stable complex first though
but only one bond scanning, so that you can see if the other hydrogen leaves with it
you should also fix the bond lengths in the rings
der FiXXer
don't fix too many angles and try to never fix cartesians
always modreds
otherwise you system might do very interesting things ;)
The problem with this system is, that you cannot really use one of the more sophisticated methods like qst2/3
yeah, not really
because you will most likely not have a stable calculation with dissociated molecules
and also no basis sets the are better suited than the small ones
so... guessing is your only chance
and scanning the only systematic way to get there O.o
well you can make a very crude scan with PM6
works more often than not and only takes a few minutes
then I will (scan and)$_{n\rightarrow\infty}$ scan
PM6 didn't work well
well tough luck ;)
or not as I expected it ... lol ... whatever this means ;)
sto-3g :D
Best basis set in the world!
I'd like to use ADF with their STOs
I do B3LYP-D3/def2-SV(P) this must be enough
do you have the program?
@PH13 Overkill
try df-bp86 instead
or MO6L
with density fitting
these are fast pure functionals
You are doing it in Gaussian?
df- ?
@Martin-マーチン yes
I cannot cite ... xD
this will never happen
what wil never happen?
that my cites work here
i don't get it lol
for M06-L wiki says "Fast, good for transition metals, inorganic and organometallics." ... that's not what I got :O
wouldn't m06 be the better choice?
well, the advantage of M06L is that it is pure... no HF exchange, works very fast and you can use density fitting
is it better than BP86? No.
then the df in df-bp86 means density fitting, right?
But this is also impossible, because BP86 is the best functional ever designed ;)
you can invoke it by #P BP86/def2SVP/W06
easy peasy
that's to new for rev a.02 i think
I do my def2-basis sets with gen
well ... it has the SVP basis set, which could be the same for C,N,H
the def2 are redesigned for transition metals afaik
i don't know
for sure, i mean
hi all, how's it going?
i think they implemented a couple of changes for turbomole
hey todd, I am fine, thanks :D
I'm earning points for my simple smell/taste answer but not for all other more complex things ... that bothers me ;) ... everything else is fine. how r u @ToddMinehardt?
i'm good, thanks - bummer in re: your questions
Now that was intense theoret. chem chatting in here
that was far away from intense :D
I wouldn't understand a word from intense theo chem g
hehe... that was just some computing stuff
Well, you don't have to understand quantum methods to use them ;)
my first experience with Gaussian was version 90 :)
"If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics." is very very widely attributed to Feynman en.wikiquote.org/wiki/…
I like that quote
i could see feynman saying that
it's like a good excuse g
haha yes it is ;)
Alrighty... i have to head home catch up on some sleep :D
no you don't
* jedi hand move *
@PH13 O_o what are those weird double bonds ?
it's what chemdraww considers a "double either bond" ... when you don't know if it's cis or trans ... but that's not IUPAC-recommended ... know a better way?
Well, just draw a normal double bond :P the geometry isn't relevant here
gtg, chemistry oral exam in 10 minutes :c
As you wish, sire * bows *
@PH13 If you * bows *, then it'll become * bows * but if you *bows*, then it'll become bows.
and I wanted them stars
party is over now, @inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M ?
Dunno don't care.
@Hippalectryon What is 2 + HCl? 2 pts.
Me too.
I'm kinda thirsty too.
do you two want to track my bacteria?
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M What governs the additon of CN on an alkene ?
I got some reaction where it added at the end of the alkene rather than where it was more substitued. Doesn't it behave according to MarkivNikov ?
What do you mean?
@PH13 If you had be keep track of paint drying I'd love you forever.
@BreakingBioinformatics wat?
@PH13 I am suuuuuuper boooooooored.
@Hippalectryon Sometimes they don't follow Markonikov.
I track bacteria and this is boredom in perfection
Let me remember what my organochem book wrote.
@Hippalectryon can you give more info on the molecule and the conditions?
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M But when and why ?
@PH13 When do species not follow Markonikov?
@PH13 C=C-R, nothing special about the conditions iirc
@Hippalectryon now I know more ...
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M especially when they follow anti-markovnikov ;)
Yes of course.
@Hippalectryon those substituents around the DB are important ... esp. if you say that it does not what you think it should do
@Hipp IIRC, if there are organic peroxides present, then the result will be an anti-markonikov.
C2H6 ?
Yeah but I don't recall seeing any of those @inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M
@PH13 (CH3)2
ah got it
@Martin-マーチン I want my job to remain, but that kinda bot would be cool; and flashy.
@Hippalectryon Any alkoxy halides there?
Ugh I'm not sure :( we don't study those, I can't remember
and cyanide adds on which side?
That's helpful.
@PH13 the end
How are you adding it? Protonation and attack on the carbocation I presume?
Yeah most likely
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M O.O
Why O.O?
how do you do the thing with the cool eyes
@BreakingBioinformatics stop creating polymers
@bon ಠoಠ
that doesn't really explain it
@Hippalectryon I'm trying to see polymers fragment in my program. But it's taking forever. So I have polymers on the brain. And I'm super bored.
Well you need to make an eyophile react with an eye-rich compound
@bon Porkchat.
@BreakingBioinformatics What program ?
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Btw what's the variance (degrees of freedom) in Cl2(aq) <-> Cl2 (g) ?
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M I just google that and I'm not sure that I want to click on the first link
@bon I see what you mean but oddly enough in France that weird results shows as the second result
@bon It's an extension or app for chromium (and maybe firefox?) that's associated with SE's chat.
@Hippalectryon There's no way it would work like that. You can add cyanide to alkene that simply
@Hippalectryon I haz no idea, since it's the lesson I'm gonna study next.
@Mithoron :( I might be forgetting smthing then. Also, do you know anything about that variance problem above ? :-)
@bon Don't tell anyone that I told you this, but you can also Google for unicode face characters.
Guys VLQ answer (the answer with -1):
Q: Why are sigma bonds the only ones used in determining the geometry and bond angle in VSEPR theory? Why aren't Pi bonds used?

user2102I have read that in VSEPR theory, multiple bonds are considered or treated as single bonds when predicting the geometry of a molecule? I've read in yahoo answers that it is because only sigma bonds are used in determining their shape. What's the reasoning behind this? Please help.

/人 ◕ ‿‿ ◕ 人\
☆*:. o(≧▽≦)o .:*☆
Ahan people are learning, and this chat is going nowhere nice now.
Eeeeeeek I shouldn't have said that. . .
ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ is the best face ever. ಠ_ಠ
@Hippalectryon What are the conditions for the cyanide addition?
ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ
He doesn't know.
@bon I'm not sure, I can't remember fully
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M ಠ益ಠ
What does OsO4 yield when added to that ?
I'd think it randomly cuts one of the C=C bonds in the cycle but why would it cut only one ?
@Hip presumably, syn dihydroxylation of the alkene
(It went through)
@bon oops it's a CN on the bottom left i'll correct that
(Stupid connection)
Also there are a bunch of metal based catalysts which achieve anti-Markovnikov addition of cyanide to alkenes but I expect you would remember if one of those was used
Grr and it's not CNH2 at the end just CN but whatever
I hate ChemStekch
@Hippalectryon This reminds me of black widows.
Is there a free version of ChemDraw out there ?
Out where?
:( any good drawing software for chemistry ?
not for 2d
Anyhow, what would happen to the molecule ?
Scrolling up I was in the bathroom.
Hydrocyanation is, most fundamentally, the process whereby H+ and –CN ions are added to a molecular substrate. Usually the substrate is an alkene and the product is a nitrile. When –CN is a ligand in a transition metal complex, its basicity makes it difficult to dislodge, so, in this respect, hydrocyanation is remarkable. Since cyanide is both a good σ–donor and π–acceptor its presence accelerates the rate of substitution of ligands trans from itself, the trans effect.1 A key step in hydrocyanation is the oxidative addition of hydrogen cyanide to low–valent metal complexes. In hydrocyanation of...
@Mithoron thnks
If you want the SE bot to change the link into something more good-looking use the reply to this message rather than ping.
@Hip You should post both of these problems as questions on the main site. I would be interested to see the answer
I bet @ron will know
@Hipp don't forget to add PLZZZZ HALP URGENT NOW NOW NOW.
Also a quick question, does the Lemieux Johnson oxidation on alkenes yield cetones or carboxylic acids ?
Yeah ketones is what I thought.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M can you draw wireframe (plane) molecules with Avogadro ? I only see a space board
But not cetones heh.
@Hippalectryon You can't do 2D with avogadro.
Yeah but in the wiki they add OsO4 then NaIO4. What if, like usually, you put both together ?
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M What do you recommend for 2D structures ?
@bon So basically L-J has the same main result as Ozonolysis with Zinc ?
@Hip I think so from the wiki page. I'm not familiar with the reaction though
@Hippalectryon I don't know if Marvin Sketch is free
In this case of degrees of freedom it's probably 1 degree as in melting
@Mithoron Don't we have 3 intensive variables and only one relation ?
@Hippalectryon Microsoft Paint.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M ಥ_ಥ
I don't have anything in mind that's free, on a more serious serious note.
@Hippalectryon ಠ_ಠ
@PH13 thnks
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M So, all of your brain is for sale ?
@Hippalectryon Yes.
> lol.exe
@bon is it really "multiply through" not "multiply by" ?
@PH13 Whaddya mean?
'multiply though by' rather than 'multiply by' adds extra emphasis to the fact that every item in the equation is multiplied by the constant. It's what I've always used in maths when talking about equations
Oh, language teaching.
ok ... this makes absolutely no sense for me. But I'm no native english speaker so I might not get everything right with it.
Both are entirely acceptable but the first is what I'm used to using all the time
Those compound verbs or sth, brr ;)
@Mithoron Phrasal.
Nouns are compound, verbs are phrasal.
Phrasal it is since one part of the verb has no meaning in itself; since when did here become ELL's cabin?
What those english lessons have done to you 8)
I'm a native english speaker and I have no idea what you are talking about :P
All these strange words
Congratulatons :D
Q: Lemieux-Johnson oxidation on cycles

HippalectryonConsider the following molecule : What would it yield by a Lemieux-Johonson oxydation ($\ce{OsO_4,NaIO_4}$) ? My first guess would have been that it was likely to attack any of the bonds in the cycle (since they are delocalized); but would it stop here, or attack the remaining bonds ? or woul...

@PH13 Do you use MarvinSketch ? I can't find how to put indices in text
Btw are my first steps right ? (I only put the key reagents over the arrows, some are missing (like water, acid and whatnot); don't mind the step with CN)
@Hippalectryon no, I don't. That's why I said that I don't know if it's free
@PH13 Hopefully it's free :D some of their more advanced software isn't though
you always forget the O besides the S ... $\ce{R_1-OH + R_2-SO3Cl <=> R_1-O-SO2-R_2 + HCl}$
@Hip Only two points I would make. Anti-markovnikov addition of the cyanide still seems odd - you should post it as a question. Secondly, you might have issues with substitution of the alcohol by the cyanide ions, depending on the conditions. If you are doing it under acidic conditions to protonate the alkene this might be something to consider.
Also I just spotted that the third step is wrong. Adding tosyl chloride will give you a tosylate ester rather than displacing the alcohol group
That might have been an oversight in your drawing though
as I said before
Oh yeah sorry @PH13 I didn't read that
I haven't read his question thoroughly.
And I don't feel like it.
Iftar's gaining on me.
Q: Visualization tag has reappeared - should we burninate it?

bonvisualization reappeared today. It was previously deleted after this meta discussion. Should we remove it again, or perhaps merge it with software?

I went all gif'y in my answer there.
I was gonna go more, but meh.
Now talk so it'd scroll off.
2 hours later…
@bon my bad, the protection should occur before the CN
@Hip What molecule are you trying to get to?
05:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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