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3:09 PM
Recently some questions about hypergeometric functions arose. I would be glad to write a blog post about the Taylor series of the squared arcsine, the Catalan's convolution theorem and an involved hypergeometric identity (the one giving that the square of a particular 2F1 is a 3F2, do you know its common name?). Just waiting endorsement.
3:22 PM
In particular, I would like to explain with full detail the techniques and theorems I mentioned in my answer to math.stackexchange.com/questions/1337688/….
3 hours later…
6:50 PM
> Before they die, aging mathematicians are racing to save the Enormous Theorem's proof, all 15,000 pages of it, which divides existence four ways
on the classification of finite simple groups. find it very strange that computer proofs/ verfification are mentioned nowhere in the entire article. it appears not to have occurred to anyone...?

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