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thus they are OK
oh no. Game recs being left open conditionally took the lead :(
well like I said: if game-rec will be allowed, I will simply ignore them and probably a lot of high rep users with me. The results? You loose about 50 experienced users giving their regular high quality answers. What value is left then for those questions?
and what a lead :(
Oh people can take it as advice, just like demos and trailers and reviews can be considered purchasing advices
ok, so people make purchased based on purchasing advice
bad purchasing advice leads to bad purchases
ergo, bad voting on game-recs leads to people making poor purchases
Read what I said above - I mentioned purchasing decisions, not advices.
if it's followed up, yes
there is a demonstrable harm
I would expect someone to smell bad advice from miles away
a decision is based on advice
sadly, if it get's upvoted... that get's problematic
to argue that they should not make a decision based on advice is ignoring the way in which people make decisions
@Ivo as I've said before, I think a lot of the strength of SE sites comes from the variety of different users with different experiences. Having some high-rep users ignoring one type of questions does not mean these questions will get poor answers.
you seem to imply that if people find a single piece of advice more important than others, or use it to make the decision, then they deserve their poor result
to me the entire point of an SE site is to avoid that situation
I think you overestimate the quality of the answers of this long tail. Those high-rep users are generally the lifeblood of the site
people shouldn't have to go looking 9 other places for advice because we should shift it for them and find the best answers
especially because they keep coming back, the others don't
@Ivo I disagree, I'm a firm believer that the long tail is the lifeblood of the site. But I guess it's just a matter of different opinions.
If I tell you: Go buy Azeroth rise of Perhentians, and you buy it based on my advice then I am not blameless here, just because you didn't check the game on n other sites
For reference Azeroth rise of Perhentians is the worst game I've ever played
Also the lamest name for a WoW expansion ever.
an extremely quick google search did not return anything about that game, since you peaked my curiousity.
so it must be a real gem.
Apparently time has distorted my memory of the name, it should read Azurik: Rise of Perathia
I think if game recs are accepted I'll just answer Portal to every single one of them and see how far I get.
@Mana rep farmer
if you want to farm harder, use Dwarf Fortress
on this site you're guaranteed top billing
Or even harder, both of them. In the same post.
I think we just hit the game-rec JACKPOT
Also, if we do end up accepting them...is that with community wiki?
@tzenes I feel like we're on a completely different page here. You assume many game-recs answers mentioning popular but inappropriate games will get highly-upvoted - I don't agree. I agree popularity will play a large role there but I also think people will downvote answer that mention inappropriate games even if they are popular. I might be wrong, of course, but that's what I think.
Consequently, if I understand you correctly, you perceive such wrongfully-upvoted answers as actively harmful to the site, because people will purchase games based on these advices and will be disappointed in their purchase, reflecting badly on us. Here I strongly disagree.
First, neither I nor anyone I know will make a game-purchase decision based on a single opinion online from some anonymous user, no matter how respected is the website in which it appears and how highly that website recommends it.
Second, because - and I guess we just see things differently here - I don't see game-recs as purchasing advice. I see them as "check out this game" advices. Similar, maybe, but in my eyes it's more about getting familiar with some game the asker have not heard about before.
Finally, if I see an answer recommending some game, then I check it out and become disappointed, I will not "blame the site", I will downvote the answer. That's the same thing for any answer on any SE site - if it's wrong it should be downvoted. Just because some random user upvoted it before does not make it right.
Naa I'm done
the long tail are lurkers and leechers, who love the answers here, but don't participate actively
only once in a while you get a new batch of active users
well the main problem with getting active users is the selling pitch
@badp looks like a student movie
there's always torrenting a game @Oak :P
So what I take issue with is the point where you say "first." I think we disagree on a number of this fundamental issues here (especially on blaming sites), but that is a longer debate. What upsets me is that you seem to think its ok to give bad advice because people shouldn't be purchasing based on websites
That is diffusion of responsibility
(You know a wall of text is coming when the first thing tzenes says is "so" :P)
Its their own fault because they didn't check 9 other places
It doesn't matter what their habits are, if we gave them bad advice we are in the wrong for it
Q: How to defend 6pool?

Josef SáblI am specifically interested in countering 6pool early rush as Protoss but you can include other races too.

@oak has a point that games due to their price are hardly bought on impulse, I don't go buying every software recommended on SU, simply because of the price
There is no way of weaseling out of that, we gave them bad advice and they followed it. Its our fault
@Ivo I don't think that's a fair statement. A lot of these game-recs are people saying: I'm looking for a game for my GF or my Son, or Friend, and the asker may or may not even play video games to begin with
@tzenes Well in the first place, as I said in the first paragraph, I don't think that game-recs will often result in a bad advice. My sentence above that you refer to is an appendix - saying that I see the purpose of these questions - like any other questions about products or services - is for the user to get to know them.
working the retail industry I can tell you right now that's not what they're going to do
but brb
I think @tzenes makes a good point that a lot of these are people asking for games for a loved one, where they themselves might not play the games so they may be more likely to take our recommendation without much further investigation
"A lot of these game-recs are people saying: I'm looking for a game for my GF or my Son, or Friend, and the asker may or may not even play video games to begin with" - that is a fair point. These users are more susceptible to bad game-rec answers.
Precisely @kazza
your statement isn't fair either: you assume that people follow the advise. Correlation isn't the same as causality. Just because they ended up following the advise, doesn't mean we were responsible
While probably everyone here in this chat channel would never do such a thing, I don't think we can assume that about any user of the site.
however, from a quality standpoint, I feel game-rec answers should hold enough information to base an opinion on, not just a link to the game's site
My (weak, not-really-trying-to-get-too-involved) stance is that game recs will end up on a bunch of people's "ignored tags" list, a bunch of other people will answer them, and nobody will really care six months from now.
@Ivo with that I agree.
@Brant just like itg questions?
so wait I don't think it was ever answered, are game-recs going to be community wiki?
I hope not, that's going to be so much pain for the mods.
@Brant I hope that is what will happen, actually.
I hope they are, or else I'm going to farm the hell out of them and not worry about writing up answers that are detailed anymore
I believe the currently-upvoted proposed policy does say that game-rec questions should be CW.
I don't think that solves the issue though. So I ignore them, but other people are out-repping me by providing (possibly) bad answers to a game-rec by using popular titles?
Though the difference between the two highest-upvoted proposals is small
@kazzamalla I'm sure all the COBOL people on stack overflow have the same problem.
it's not so much pain @badp, the mods can just follow every question that's tagged [game-rec] and wiki:0
@IvoFlipse if I were a mod I'd simply straight out refuse such a solution
or write a bot that did this for me
@tzenes just 1 upvote? Man your average is soo going down! :P
(not rly)
intercom crackle Paging tzenes. Paging tzenes. tzenes to the Starcraft desk, please.
Like, I mean...Let's take an answer that got 17 upvotes on a game-rec question.
"Portal, it's a really good game, if a bit short."
@IvoFlipse I think that is completely irrelevant. I also think whether or not they should is also irrelevant. In either case we need to take responsibility for the fact that we are giving bad advice. That people will take that advice and they will make purchases
We have to take responsibility for bad advice, I consider anything else shirking from our duty
sadly, I've yet to see a game-rec question that meets those quality measures
I see dangerous implications by that line of thinking
It goes squarely against Jeff's policy about gray area stuff
taking responsibility doesn't mean destroying the website @badp
but it does mean the occasional comment: warning this game is way off topic for this question
and possibly removing a question which is inherently harmful; which won't produce votes based on accuracy, but rather on popularity
Even in grey area we have a responsibility. That is the basis for the back it up principle, you can't just give people a subjective suggestion without provided more information
I meant the legal gray area.
If we tell people how to cook meat do we need to worry about the fact they may use this information to engage cannibalism?
I think that's a bit of a stretch
But if we tell people how to cook human meet so its safe for consumption then its a reasonable concern
Yeah, here they're asking about a shopping recommendation
must resist temptation to ask on Cooking what wine best accompanies human meat.
I think that's a good point, they're asking for a shopping recommendation, we should not be surprised if they use that advice to make a purchase
@badp I've heard good things about Chianti
Anyway, I'm off to work
also, game-rec are bad
Anyway, gtg. I still disagree though!
that is all
Peace, tzenes
@tzenes Later.
@Oak Ping you later too!
Not saying bye to Oak because I disagree with his disagreement.
angry irrational glare
oh wait he already left :(
Bye @Mana!
I love you too man!
All I see when he says things like that is that, he disagrees that we should take responsibility for our actions...
it drives me nuts
but yeah I wasn't kidding about rep farming game-recs like that
if Fabian got 170 rep for typing a quick sentence on a question that was closed the day it got asked I'm doing the same
since rep is important for getting jobs, getting ahead in the world etc.
kick kick
@Mana downvotes from my hand
Q: Where does a Warlock get a Flying Mount in World of Warcraft?

sgreeveHi, In World of Warcraft, I have a lvl 67 human warlock and have just purchased Expert Riding. Does this mean I can now purchase a flying mount from somewhere - and if so, where? It isn't offered by my trainer, which my previous mounts were. For context, I have a Wrath of the Lich King acco...

Rep hasn't helped me one bit getting work @Mana :P
I hoped unlocking the ability to edit other posts would do something about the sense of vague ennui permeating my day-to-day life, but alas.
Everything changes once you hit 10k
The UX goes up like at least 10x.
At 10k you unlock the LENS FLARE privilege.
But it's nothing like the 3k privilege: bloom.
@badp getting to tell other users their question doesn't belong?
@CRoss that, or bloom.
I'm pretty fond of crushing hopes actually
how about bathing them in pure liquid light as they are crushed?
I like to pick the longest, most detailed game-rec questions and then close-vote them.
Bonus points if they acknowledge trying to be specific.
so...we don't get our own domain name until we hit Server Fault-like stats, right?
@Mana - I thought we just sucked at coming up with names so we gave up on that
Whoever Blizzards new patch note writer is needs a raise.
@LessPop: Why?
> Corla will now always drop an item and the Red Winter Hat does not replace her regular loot drop. It's because she cares.
> Liam has been given lessons in anger management and team work. He will now properly stay with his soldiers during "The Battle for Gilneas City" event.
> Both the Rope Ladder and Last Chance Yacht Boarding Mortar objects will now sparkle while on the quest "Life Savings". Now with more sparkles!
> It is no longer possible for an ill-mannered person of the opposing faction to one-shot a flight trainer in Stormwind or Orgrimmar, which in turn made the 500 players standing on top of the flight trainer with their mammoths really sad.
That's the best one
> There is no longer a School of Fish in Elwynn Forest that like to think of themselves as in "testing," nor do they yield Peacebloom when fished. This School of Fish is no longer a part of the counterculture and will no longer give you flowers when fished.
Like I said, whoever is writing these needs a raise.
Their patch notes have always had those, just some patches more than others.
@WillfulWizard They are substantially more frequent in the past two weeks
Not that I disagree with the raise.
like, several orders of magnitude
I shall have to take a closer look at the recent patch notes!
"Here Fishie Fishie 2: Eel-Egg-Trick Boogaloo" might be the best quest name.
I love the Eel quest. No on likes eels. Killing them would be doing Azeroth a service. Then gold out of thin air... er water.
Yeah, I still need to do Vashj'ir on live.
Need to do it soon too because I need to start getting Earthen Ring rep and need the tabard
@LessPopMoreFizz I also had a good laugh at the most recent sets of patch notes, they've been quite entertaining. Personally I find most of their CM team to be pretty witty.
and on that note, I am off to work so I can get home and play more games
What should be done with questions asking for game recommendations? (or, more proof that this community is absolutely consensus free.)
I haven't bought cata yet... partly because I don't want to deal with the crowds, partly because my only server with a level 80 doesn't have any friends at that level anyway.
Situation as of now:
"Yes if specific enough" +66
"No" +62
"Yes if special needs" +36
"Yes" +27
A: What should be done with questions asking for game recommendations?

DavRob60We could set 2 team: The Game Recommendations Close Squad (GRCS) will close those question as soon as they are asked or reopened. Then, the Game Recommendations Liberation League (GRLL) will reopen them as soon as they notify the question was closed. That way, we will have a balanced policy...

"Yes and no": +2
This is a shame.
@badp I just want a logo
@LessPop_MoreFizz This is no Epic Advice, sorry
Besides on there the blues wtfpwned the reds.
> This policy has been withdrawn from the running
@IvoFlipse Where do you read that?
@badp top of the post
As much as I am happy that idea is out of the running, I think it does a disservice to the people that voted for it.
reloads, confused
We can expect everyone that voted on that option will log back and change their vote.
those will just flock to the even worse: let's allow them all!
if only Jeff came in, smacked some sense in to them and just forced a ban on game-rec, we could all blame him for wanting a clean site :P
So what if I (or someone else) just edits the post to remove the "this has been withdrawn from the running" text?
Who decided to withdraw it? Who gets to decide?
Oh, Grace Note did. Never mind. Damn your magical diamond!
The mods removed it for being a non-policy policy
this is what you get when you design by committee, don't expect people to agree :P
I would be willing to bet that even after the diamonds are no longer magical (voted in by the community) the new (if they are) diamonds will still feel this way, or quickly come to agreeing with it.
(@GraceNote: I didn't say I was going to, I just said what if. :P)
Having a two-way conversation with an omnipotent moderator who replies by temporarily weaving replies into the content of the site in places where I'll run across them is...strange.
it's like the paintings of Harry Potter that come to life!
Also, I assumed that the person who withdrew the option was the original poster.
@Brant Yes indeed.
Comment 3871.
Oh, it was.
I don't know what to think anymore.
If it was upvoted to hell and back it'd be nice
so it'd show always
@Grace !! Thank you for removing that answer from the running!!
all grace and tzenes did was bore the guy to tears to the point he gave up. Where have I seen this tactic used before? Hmm...
well, isn't that what politics is all about @badp? you as a 'Roman' citizen should know that
@IvoFlipse Democracy is an Athens thing mostly
oh but your senate liked discussions a lot
Romans tried it for a while, then got bored to tears and switched to imperators.
I would prefer that model here too :P
while I agree with it being a horrible idea ...
removing it from the running is likely to cause consternation
How did we go from being "100% consensus free" to "even LESS"?
@CRoss not unless we all upvote the comment where the answerer gives up
because we're currently at a negative consensus :P
Are we in such disagreement that we can't even agree that we're in disagreement?
so that it shows wihout having to click "show a bazillion more comments"
@Brant Well, what's less consensus than 0% consensus?
@Brant we agree that we're in disagreement, we just disagree on how much we disagree
wow, that's a lot of comments
@badp violent disagreement?
Q: Why there are no 2v2 pro tournaments?

Alex BagnoliniI enjoy a lot following starcraft 2 tournaments, both by downloading replays and by watching commentaries. I noticed though that all tournaments are 1v1. Is there any particular reason for not having non-1v1 tournaments? I guess there might be some like: hard to follow action problem...

@sjohnston Are you regretting it now?
@CRoss Darn you, I was about to pin it.
Your abuse of mod powers gets in the way of my abuse of owner powers! Unacceptable!
@badp :-)
I could have deleted that, even if I wasn't a mod
it's cool, this is chat
:222543 Dwarf fortress! You can even make kitten sausage!
Yeah, we can game-rec our hearts out in chat
Q: Headings differ in the revisions list from the actual post

Grace NoteBelow is what it looks like on the actual post, which is normal font. This is also how it will render in the post preview. Below is what it looks like in the revisions list, which is pixelated font. This is also the case for timeline view, but it is identical so one immage suffices. I thoug...

16 messages moved to The SE Tavern
So like, Just Cause 2 is ridiculously fun
I feel like a bit of a jerk but there's something immensely satisfying about rolling out of my car exactly as it goes off a ramp, where it proceeds to go flying into a bad guy's vehicle and explode.
@Mana When I got my OnLive console, I spent about 2 hours just watching Just Cause 2 clips
Is that the game Jeff recommended a couple days ago?
Yeah, it is, so I went out and bought it.
Q: How to fix Dungeon Keeper mouse lag? A program to slow down CPU needed?

oldschoolI decided to play this good old game again, Dungeon Keeper (the first). But i have horrible lag in the game, it depends on a map i play, i think. Now its also crashing after long games :/ I never had this problem before, ive played it on XP before, maybe its ATI card problem, hard to say. So,...

@badp Stop that, we only need one @tzenes
The combination of the super-rubbery physics, the GTA-type open world mayhem, and the grappling hook make it look immensely fun
things like people grappling a road sign, then attaching the other end to a passing motorcyclist
and like...I'm not even bothering to progress, or even to explore all that much. I've spent 5 in-game hours on the exact same highway, stealing super-fast vehicles and crashing into things at max velocity
or grappling a person to a propane can and then shooting it to watch them rocket erratically away
oh man I hadn't thought of that one
Aug 25 at 16:01, by radp
subjective! argumentative! CLOSE!
Also, I think you can use it to carjack jet fighters while they're in the air...
Flash from the past! :P
the only thing I'm disappointed in is that I apparently can't attach a person to the helicopter, although I can hook up a person in a vehicle to it
at least, when I do the hook comes off while I'm accelerating the helicopter, game probably inflicts damage on them due to dragging or something like that
welp, time to go eat my weight in cheesecake
@Grace I wish there was a proper way to link to comments, so that I could link the "withdrawn" word to the "You have won me over" comment.
yes, indeed
Just to preempt comments of "mod abuse" or whatnot when you instead waited for the guy to finally give up.
I thought about linking to the timeline, but it lacks anchors :(
everyone in the chat room should go vote that up
for now the link works so:
@badp Maybe we'll be lucky and not have many of those? After all, its not like we're Math.
@WillfulWizard It'll still look weird to have the top option killed like that.
@WillfulWizard We are a gaggle of people on the internet ...
Yeah, it does.
Of course, I wonder why someone else couldn't just "submit" the same answer again. Isn't a withdrawal from the original poster effectively just one less vote?
I'm not against the mods removing it due to being unenforceable, but that's legitimizing it in an entirely different way.
@WillfulWizard i completely agree. I am against game-recs but think that just because the original submitter says he no longer agrees with his original suggestion shouldnt invalidate the votes of 50+ others
Geez, Strix can be harsh when he wants to be sometimes.
"I vote that this answer be discounted from the tallying at the end of all of this because it's such a disgracefully terrible option that essentially leaves us off EXACTLY where we have been already since the inception of this site. This isn't a solution at all; it's just nonsense."
However, the clarification in the top of the answer now makes it clear enough I think that it wasn't a result of the original poster "withdrawing", but rather the enforceability of it. The timing that it happened soon after the author of the answer withdrew will probably go unnoticed by many.
@kazzamalla Yeah, having re-read that, it seems they did take the un-enforcable path. I think I got confused by all the talk about the original poster here in chat.
You know, I just read it again myself and noticed this at the bottom
Unlocked - in case anyone wants to continue in comments. However, it will be locked if people attempt to rollback the original proposer's decision to withdraw this policy.
sigh... I'm going to stop worrying about it. Game-recs are a big mess. I don't envy the mods for dealing with them.
So that clearly goes against the things at the top which made it seem like it was only being removed from voting for the un-enforceability.
So, who's going to run for mod in the election?
I think its a poor choice of words.
but not the end of the world.
Anyone have a good faq/wiki on styling in chat? I was trying to get my quote above to be a block quote and couldn't find the right way to do it in my allotted 3 minutes.
chat.stackexchange.com/faq that wasn't quite detailed enough.
Does chat even support blockquoting?
> Yes, it does, apparently.
hey, wow
@badp did something like I was looking to do a few chats ago.
Apparently you start a new line with >
> like this
or perhaps it needs to be a new message
Ah, that was what my issues was
I tried to do it in the same message
@kazzamalla Gracenote has requested I point out to the chat room some recent comments he's made:
> In response to chat: Technically, I could've just suggested that the original poster just deleted the post (which he is completely free to do). I instead opted for this method because I wanted to explain it loud and clear why the policy is impossible to enforce. This is why, just as kazzamalla notes, the emphasis of the announcement (in bold) is that the policy cannot be enforced.
> We lack any other method of removing a dangerous policy suggestion - without the ability to use downvotes to indicate something that is downright negative, the only possible option is basically to remove the option from the running. However, deleting other people's suggestions is completely unfair.
> The essence of this is that the original proposer deleted the post, but without the ensuing flood of "Where did the big answer go!?!" Meta posts that would otherwise have resulted. The "no rollback" request is not unlike a "please do not undelete" request.
ninja'd here:
A: Any news about our launch? (When do I get my shiny coin-badges?)

WillfulWizardJin has said we're lanuching in 45 mins! 3pm EST, when we always launch our sites during the day

(I'm guessing Grace can't come to chat due to company policy or some such.)
@kazzmalla With particular emphasis to you on "The "no rollback" request is not unlike a "please do not undelete" request."
I mean ahem. Yeah, pretty chill.
Q: Spoiler: Is there a 9th Sword orb in Secret of Mana?

JoshIn the SNES game Secret of Mana, all the weapons seem to have 9 orbs, and thus 9 variations, except the Mana Sword. It doesn't seem possible to forge the Mana Sword more than 7 times, to get it to level 9. Is there a way to forge the 8th level sword, the Dragon Buster? And if so, what is the 9th ...

Q: Any way to extract music from Nintendo Wii Games?

JoshI love the music from some of the Nintendo Wii games, like A Boy and His Blob or Super Mario Galaxy. Is there any way to extract the music from these games digitally so I can listen to it on my computer? I know I could just hook my Wii up to my computer and record the music, but I'm looking for a...

Q: How do I earn money/skill points in Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 for Wii?

JoshI like to play Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 for the Nintendo Wii with friends. I normally play using the "Play Now" option so that my friends can join in. However every time I finish a game, either 9 holes or 18, the reports at the end always say I earned no money and no skill points. How do you earn ...

@WillfulWizard @Grace Thanks for the clarification, I agree this was probably the best way to handle it. I still think it jeopardizes the democratic nature of the vote however since many of those voters who elected that option will not change their vote, although one might argue that the type of people who did not bother to check back on the clearly heated discussion of this topic might not be the type of people who's vote we care to count anyway.
:( I...I didn't get to answer the Secret of Mana question. :*(
Greetings compatriots!
On the bright side, it was a pretty good answer.
Hi Rav!
So anyway, I just got done updating an answer to the question about starcraft 2 and zoom-ing.
The aspect ratio makes a pretty big difference. I was surprised.
@Brant That was directed at you, FYI
seems odd to restrict zooming but then allow a large discrepancy between monitor sizes
@RavenDreamer that is really interesting, I would have thought for competitive reasons that wouldn't have been possible.
Yeah. I didn't realize the difference was that large until I uploaded the screenshots
ugh. Two large pieces of cheesecake do not make a good afternoon snack, in case anyone was wondering
@sjohnston You get me two large pieces of cheesecake and I'll try to verify your findings.
With that knowledge, players who are forced to play on 4x3 monitors should force the ratio to 16x10 and deal with the black bars, despite things decreasing in size they'd probably like the results.
@TimStone For science!
Hm.... I turned 21 yesterday, but it's smack dab in the middle of exam week.
Study or party... hm....
@RavenDreamer I only see one option there, my eyes have disregarded the first part of your message as unnecessary. Also, happy belated birthday. :)
Welcome to the twenteens!
Q: Help me identify old PC game named 'space'

SayyidHi! We had a game in PC about 15 years ago, whose directory name was SPACE. All I remember about the game is that the main character was in space, and there were some scenes in the game. I can remember a scene were the character walks (or runs?) in a way, and suddenly two creatures (can't rememb...

@Feeds I think the game you're looking for is called 'SPACE'
Space. In space!
The only control you use is the space bar
Huh, what? Oh sorry, I spaced out.
Man, I sure do love my space heater
No. Not TVTropes.
(Warning: TVTropes link. Not productivity-safe. Use with extreme caution.)
Out of curiosity
How would a reddit work for recommendations?
I need the opinion of an expert redditor for this though
Guys, can you confirm me that the ghetto login button is broken?
It just tells me I'm already logged in, which is true.
I can try logging out and back in using it...
Okay, it has been fucked around with then :)
because I got a 404 while logged out
Yes, it did not work right for me.
I logged out of everything, and then tried using it, and it told me I was already logged in.
heading home soon, later all

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