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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 21:00

homework vampire chemistry.stackexchange.com/users/11522/josh - 3 questions, without much effort, at lest initially
Indeed, but good job poking them to show their effort
If they do ask again in the future they will probably be more aware
3 hours later…
Q: How is the announcer badge awarded?

Brinn BelyeaHow is it determined that a member be awarded the announcer badge? I've linked a couple questions that may have had the required number of IP addresses visit. How would the site know that I am the one that posted these links if in fact the required number of IP's have visited SE from my links?

@NicolauSakerNeto I tend to downvote these, but reverse the downvote if some effort is then made, and upvote if they are particularly good changes
the latter occurs a lot thankfully
chemistry.stackexchange.com/a/32620/15489 <-- very helpful way to answer a homework vampire question
1 hour later…
We are having elections, visit meta.chemistry.se for more information or check the parent chat room.
2 hours later…
@santiago Woo! Welcome back to the chat!
This is a bit worrying though. Only one nomination? C'mon! Step in!
Give it one or two days... I believe some might need some time to make up their minds...
You can step in yourself @M.A.Ramezani
both of you should nominate
Hullo @san and @Martin!
@Martin-マーチン Meh. They're a lot of people that are worth this position, better than me.
seriously, both of you should nominate
@Martin should. Me, not so much.
@santiago Thanks for your vote of confidence :D
I believe you can do it, too.
me?? nah...too crazy, but thank you!
@San you should do it too!
only if you two do it
@Martin will. I won't. I mean, why me?
@M.A.Ramezani are you kidding? You rock!
What? Nah!
do it! do it! do it! do it! do it! do it! do it! do it! do it! do it! do it! (pant pant) do it! do it!...
Well, what I mean is that there are at least like 30 people in chem.SE that deserve the place more than me.
If I nominate, I'll only suck votes from those guys, and that's not what I want.
and at least 31 ahead of me
and for the same reason I am reluctant to nominate (and I am very new)
Nah. You're a miracle!
A new user with this amount of contribution!
And also you're meta enough.
@M.A.Ramezani and @santiago You are up there in the pool, of course there are others fit for the job, but your commitment to the site shows that you can do it. And I guess this is what elections are for, deciding on the ones who are deemed most fit.
hmm i will have to ponder this
@Martin and your contribution says you deserve it more.
I fully support any chat regs becoming a mod, if they promise to come to chat.
Even the sneaky @Wildcat. :D
Hullo @Wildcat!
yup, @Martin-マーチン you'd be an epic mod
Well, if I have to vote for three people, the first people that cross my mind are @Martin, @Manish and @Jonsca.
Hi everyone!
@Wildcat Hullo!
Hi there kitty!
So, wait. We have elections, but we don't have Mr. Putin on the list of candidates?! :O
You only vote once M.A.
If any of other cool guys step in, like @Santiago, @Klaus, @Ron, it's gonna become really hard to decide.
I would struggle to know who to vote for - all are very good!
@Martin-マーチン You vote for three people.
But you give second and third preference
at least that's how I understood it O.o
Yes, there's that.
when I voted on SO, it was a 1st, 2nd and 3rd preference
@Wildcat He doesn't need no elections!
Well wildcat, you can find him and ask him to become a mod...
clearly no election necessary ;)
@M.A.Ramezani Great minds think alike ;)
They do.
way I figure it, it couldn't hurt to nominate
It won't hurt. It's an ampule, once being injected, it stings your butt, but overall, makes you feel better and helps defeat cold.
nice analogy!
Yup. That's me!
Q: How to find out our candidate score

EkaNomination phase for the election of moderator is underway and before nominating myself I would like to see my candidate score. Meantime only manish has nominated himself for the election and his candidate score is like this candidate score 20/40 reputation 7k moderation badges: 4/8 editing badg...

@Martin-マーチン, when I find him and will piss in his slippers! :D
Heh. After that Russia will order shooting wild cats on sight.
@Wildcat Hahaha... I would live to witness that :D
I'd even join...
that should be a mmoderator criteria
@M.A.Ramezani, we are in The Red Book!
Are we?
red book?
IUPAC's red book, I reckon. @san
The new meta question made me count my score.
I saw - I would have a lower score - but still not too bad
What's your score?
going to check now
my score is a mere 11
That's cool!
Mine is 14.
am catching up to you!
Thanks for the update :D
I calculated that for myself now....
<drum roll>
Ha... that's a secret ;P
<louder drum roll>
I bet @ron will outscore all of us...
You got the Copy editor?
@Martin-マーチン ...Mere mortals.
he is maybe only outscored by @Klaus
I am missing sportsmanship and convention from the tags
What happens if there are less candidates than positions?
@Martin-マーチン you get conscripted
@Martin you do have convention!
@santiago Hahaha... well, well
@Martin-マーチン They usually give it a bonus time.
@M.A.Ramezani Oh... hang on then another one is missing
You miss constituent.
Actually, no one has constituent!
Since there haven't been any previous elections.
Yes that's it
Another charming aspect of SE rules.
absolutely correct
So no one's getting 40 from forty after all. Chuckles
ron will get 41
50, because
well, just because then...
ron and Klaus would look resplendent in their SE bling
lol, I am close to the Copy Editor badge
If Ron nominates, I'll ask him to reveal his full name.
Horatio Bobalinquin Sasquatch MacHinery Dura-dura Smith
yeah... smith ;)
I as going to say Jones, but that may have been cliched
Is that so popular in USA?
not sure, am not in the US
@Martin-マーチン Yes. I remember the first English book I was reading had a protagonist named Uncle Jones.
I always thought the most popular is smith
Yeah it's right there... names.mongabay.com/data/1000.html
I think variants on cthulhu should be popular
Quote of the day:
"MMMMMMmmmm unexplained bacon..."
What was the quote of yesterday?
"better quote tomorrow"
Nah, it was from me.
that's a strange quote
@Wildcat what are the main branches of your chemistry?
I am so tempted to make a wiki for it
For questions that involve chemical principles directly or indirectly involving a cat
...The cat is usually 7lbs according to IUPAC standards.
omg... did I make a legitimate tag?
What was the tag you made?
Holy crud!
You made cat chemistry?
Sorry @M.A.Ramezani it was a too purr-fect of an opportunity ;D — santiago 32 secs ago
Hehe...I wish we could slip away from rules sometimes.
I would've made the tag .
Tag description: For questions relating to the obscure properties of MAR-like cyclohexanes.
Oh, what do you think of a tag named
hey @M.A.Ramezani I am thinking of a meta post about people's interests and expertise
@M.A.Ramezani YES!
You think yes? o.0
@santiago Not now.
We have a hot election running.
It will distract us.
Or the election.
What do you hunt with?
the usual, pitchfork, stake, thesaurus
@M.A.Ramezani true dat
that tag I made above needs to be pinned
No way!
lol chicken
Good tag...Description: For questions regarding Lymphocytes Or Lagrange.
ha ha ha hardy mar mar
hey @M.A.Ramezani I walked 4km today
Hey @Santiago I walked five meters today
not bad, not bad at all!
Welcome back @Wildcat from Winkabearia!
@M.A.Ramezani :D
I see a @Wildcat watching the chat room, scoping out his prey... a tasty @M.A.Ramezani
Stupid-stupid NWChem! Burn in hell! :(
@santiago Wut? Are chair cyclohexanes delicious?
Bites himself
@M.A.Ramezani taste like chicken
I taste like cyclohexane!
@Wildcat What's NWChem?
Normandy Winters Chem?
north west chem?
this one
awful memory specifications
couldn't run frequency job on a big molecule
something is wrong, presumably not enough memory
@M.A.Ramezani will fix it
but i tried so many different options...
Fixes it
what the? I got a gold badge on SO?
Or electorate?
electorate... must be the downvoting
> 160 up
540 down
Whoa you've got the spirit @santiago!
Do it for @Wildcat!
@santiago, down voted it also. :D
Now i feel way better!
I am 'stucked' here? what the hell is 'stucked'?
@Wildcat tis a good feeling
Oh my! @Wildcat has 5 cents?!
Everyone in the world has got only two.
hey, the homework vampire is learning chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/32629/…
Ah damn!
@santiago, the question can be closed as off-topic. :D
Now who wants to edit that much formatting?
Pretty sure it will eventually happen.
have upvoted @Wildcat's answer on SO
Hullo @Nicolau Green Chemist
@M.A.Ramezani it is all yours
@santiago, thx! :)
hello @NicolauSakerNeto
Fortran rocks by the way!
C sucks! :D
I dare you to nominate for mod
Do we still have just 1 nomination?
@Wildcat What does it suck? Air?
Computer memory?
GAMESS calculations?
@Wildcat Yes.
I'll take truth, not dare
ice cream?
@M.A.Ramezani, programmer's time and nerves mostly. :D
Logical conclusion: Chemists are shy.
@NicolauSakerNeto the truth is you should nominate!
That's not how the game works!
@santiago Nah. I suck ice cream.
@NicolauSakerNeto lol
@M.A.Ramezani lol
Good. I missed @san's lols.
I have got the vampires scared
I am so evil
BTW tomorrow I've got biology exam.
After that, the last exam, is CHEMISTRY.
I am expecting a grade of A+ for both
Hehe, our scoring is only from 0-20.
I am expecting you'll get 21 on both
There are no such things as A, B, C etc.
@santiago I'll get 25 to make you wrong.
there is no spoon
you'll smash them both!
Well, bio is hard.
so, you'll get a 19 there?
Chem is full of memorizable thingies, so it's hardly a matter of knowledge.
@santiago I'll try to get my best. I'm aiming at 19.75 or 20.
or 26
Or 34234254887599349.
or 10pi
shouldn't you be studying @M.A.Ramezani?
I am studying.
And eating lunch.
And chatting.
and wrestling penguins
I was gonna say that.
still only 1 nominee
Ah man!
do it @M.A.Ramezani!
Fat chance!
doooooooooooo eeet!
anyways good people, I be going to bed, am tired and need to make a down payment on my beauty sleep
Nominate, then sleep.
NOMINATE already!
Don't shout at me :D
gnite all!
good night santiago!
Good night
oh and nominate all of you!
Have a nice dance!
@Martin are you nominating?
I don't know... I am not sure... I really have to think about it
What about you, @Nicolau?
Hah! @Nicolau would make a real nice sneaky mod!
I'm not sure either, it's a significant responsibility, and my next year will be very busy
I have been unusually active in the past six or so months
It is... and who knows what comes next year...
Next year comes. That's easy.
I think you would make a fine mod though
Problem is, there are limited positions, so just being a good mod isn't enough, I can't take the place of someone who could be an even better mod!
@NicolauSakerNeto Exactly.
That's why I'm not gonna nominate.
You never know if you are not trying.
I think if you get the vote of confidence of the community, then surely you can be a very good mod.
I think we can all agree, that the ones currently running the show, are good mods.
That's why you'll make a cool mod.
@Martin-マーチン Yes!
@Wildcat comes to chat whenever that NWChem messes up.
Well thank you M.A.
@M.A.Ramezani I understand that, but it's not NWChem that messes up in my cases...
still have not yet figured out that gamess configuration for my pc :/
@Martin-マーチン It's the messes that make up NWChem in your case?
Haha... nope ;)
What the?
@Martin little LaTeX help...
I want to use the equation environment.
How do I use tag?
Is it \tag{something}?
Are you using amsmath?
Well I wanna do it in chem.SE.
It should be the tag command.
But it doesn't tag well.
While I do \tag{1}.
Well the \tag{1} should do
It doesn't.
It just shows (1\,).
post the complete alignment please
the whole snippet
Oh wait...It worked. O.O
Haha... sometimes things like that happen ;)
Are you nominating yet? Are your thoughts over?
I'll have a good nights sleep over it ;)
Well, do as you wish, but promise to come to chat when you got the POWER.
Haha... I can't see how that would change ;)
It's nice having it active here
Alright, I'll take a rest now. See y'all :D
See ya Martin
Have a nice rest!
Hi everyone!
Hullo @Lord!
Have you seen DA ELECTION?
Indeed I have.
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 21:00

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