> Customs can search through your hard drives based on nothing more than a hunch. “Must protect the children! Child pornography,” they say. “Must protect the economy! Industrial espionage,” they say. “TERRORISTS,” they shriek. But, behind all this hyperbole, they offer no explanation as to why a terrorist would literally walk their digital contraband across the border rather than send it via the Internet from the convenience of their cave in Pakistan (or wherever “the enemy” hides these days).
@AviD I'd like it if I could drink an espresso, as then I'd be able to instantly remove over 1200 calories from my daily intake (vanilla latte's are bad for the figure, mmkay)
@AviD the first post inforgraphic is kinda misleading on the cups. There are more cups for women, but they drink less. Then you read. Then you see there are little and big cups
actually, I think there is a correlation there that IS a causation - according to that, most women drink from e.g. starbucks. Perhaps that is why they dont drink more....
I like Starbucks because there often found next to shell gas stations in the Netherlands, so when I'm traveling there I can at least get a half decent cup of coffee
@Simon They're supposedly building an indoor sky diving facility somewhere nearby. I won't jump out of a plane, but I'll hover a few feet off the ground!
Despite me growing up very near the European surf capital (Thurso) I had to wait until I worked in a city hundreds of miles from the sea to learn to surf on a river fed straight from glaciers in the Alps - freezing!
@RоryMcCune wow - I cannot get that to display on any of the browsers available to me here. That said, I agree with raz - I can't understand what people get out of it - is it like a tamagotchi for adults?
@RоryMcCune yeah, but why - surely the only useful cheevos are the sub-8 second ones, so why would anyone click earlier? (yeah, I know I clicked - I was browsing the code...)
@RoryAlsop lack of patience I guess :) initially I think people wanted to have the lowest score, but collectively you can't rely on everyone else playing to leave the button alone
@RoryAlsop i clicked the button because i saw a button and i like trial and error discover of interfaces. and then I read the instructions and understood the whole point of the thing.
@AviD I like how they note an attacker could use the WiFi key to get access to all the similar pumps on the network, but completely omit the fact that there's probably a gajillion other similarly-weak devices on the same network that do plenty of other more scary things.
@AviD A theoretical compromise bringing attention where actual compromises haven't? What are you smoking?
e.g. a medical records system accessible by unauthorized personnel is not just about loss of privacy, if he can change medical history, allergy to drugs, or medicinal requirements....
I dunno, maybe that is too abstract. I mean, state of scada insecurity has been nothing new a decade ago, and yet so many security people were getting excited about it just last year....