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I am solely talking about the anime . "Maria the Virgin Witch"
I have no idea what "Maria Tidal Tug" means
the anime is the anti story of Virgin Mary
just saying, I could totally see urban dictionary having some entry called "tidal tug" with an example like: Maria gave me a tidal tug behind the school yesterday
@Runer112 you have a dirty mind ;-)
I can totally see it having now, if not yet
yeah... I'm not exactly proud of it
actually it was just an anagram of DigitalTrauma for April 1
Shoulda picked "I tug at Admiral" :P
@Geobits "bog site" or simply "Ego bits"?
"Ego bits" is so apt
As tempting as it was to use "ego", I'm Bigtoes. Blame Rainbolt for not being more creative if you like :P
but tomorrow you can be an ego bit.. :P
Tomorrow is Geobits Day, and I'll be celebrating appropriately.
@NathanMerrill Linear programming.
Shameless plug - my first pyth attempt
A: Find the next 1-sparse binary number

Maria Tidal TugPyth, 10 bytes Borrowing the x & (x*2) algorithm from @alephalpha Borrowing Pyth boilerplate from @Jakube My first attempt at Pyth: f!.&T*T2hQ Try it here implicit: Q = input() f hQ find the first integer T >= Q + 1, that satisfies the ...

Ok, it's integer linear programming and not as nicely behaved as the rational version, but it expresses the problem concisely.
A Data Rug Limit
@PeterTaylor I don't understand what you mean
@MariaTidalTug y is double in Pyth
@Sp3000 cool thanks!
A Ritual Dig Mat
Q: How do I get more Klotski in my life?

Nathan MerrillI really love sliding tile puzzles, but recently, I haven't had time for them. Hence, I need a program to give me my fix of sliding-tile puzzles, specifically Klotski puzzles. Your input will be in the following format: ####### #001gg# ##.222# .###### where # represents walls, . represents a...

^ I have a solution but CBA to golf it :(
2d golfs are so often annoying :P
@NathanMerrill Are you familiar with the area of optimisation called linear programming?
@PeterTaylor no, I'm not
@orlp do it anyways :P
The basic scenario is: you have a set of variables x_1, ..., x_n. You have a set of inequalities which are linear in the x_i: e.g. 3 * x_1 + 4 * x_2 + 3 * x_3 >= 5. And you have an objective function linear in the x_i which you want to optimise: e.g. x_1 + x_2 + ... + x_n.
When your variables can be real or rational numbers, the optimisation can be done in polynomial time. When they have to be integers, it's NP-hard.
by optimize you mean that the sum is minimized?
Typically, yes. Of course, you can maximise it by negating all of the coefficients.
linear programming is useful in my mind, because it's trivial for humans to encode a lot of problems in terms of LP
it's also useless because it's often way too slow :P
The last time I used it was to find the Nash equilibria for the game of Morra.
well, since my problem does require integers, I guess its useful to know that its NP-hard
@NathanMerrill What is your problem?
you are given an array of pre-defined integers. Your goal is to reduce all integers in the array to 0. The only method you have to reduce integers is to pick a position, reduce it by N, and reduce its immediate neighbors by M
N and M are predefined, and N > M
Actually the reduction is the other way: ILP being hard doesn't necessarily mean that your problem is hard. (Although I suspect that it is).
@NathanMerrill Does a solution exist?
whether its NP-hard, I don't know
oh, sorry, when I said "to 0" I also meant it can go below 0
Don't think so
You can work from left-to-right, aggressively reducing possible combinations
do I start with 0 or 1?
the first element can only be a certain amount of combinations of aM + bN
no, because the first element can go below 0
you can only reduce
and the goal is to get to 0
I didn't make that clear. It needs to go at least to 0
it can go below
then the solution is trivial
just reduce everything by a lot
my goal is to minimize the number of moves I take
the goal seems to be changing every second :P
since N > M, I think the optimal solution is to always reduce the highest element
that won't work either
no, it doesn't
it will if N > 2*M though
[2 3 4 3 2] N = 3 M = 2
or maybe 3*M
I strongly suspect this is not NP-hard though
if you want to see the full problem description, its here: codeforces.com/problemset/problem/6/D
@PhiNotPi Hmm, that makes sense. @Calvin'sHobbies agreed?
I have a poll for red team for pixel wars here
@Doorknob We may as well keep it undeleted as a staging area, but I am right now working on a proper test area integrated into the snippet.
Alright. Just flag again if you finish the testing thing.
@NathanMerrill here's a hint
@NathanMerrill Group up every 3 adjacent elements
So abcde becomes abc bcd cde
Then determine for each group the best solution
@NathanMerrill I would kill the archers left to right.
then do one move in the group that had the worst best solution
and you only have to recalculate the solution for that group and the two adjacent groups to determine the next move
Never mind, that won't work.
@orlp and if they tie?
@NathanMerrill then it doesn't matter
@orlp yes it does
[2 3 4 3 2] N = 3 M = 2
all three will tie
but you should take the first or third, not the second
since you can't target either 2
there's more groups here
you also should be making 5 groups
[9 2 2 2 9] N = 4 M = 2
also, I don't see why it would matter
[2 3 4 3 2] N = 3 M = 2
[3 4 3]'s worst case is 2
so you hit the 3
[0 0 2 3 2]
If you consider that in groups of 3, [3 4 3]'s worst case of 2 can be achieved by hitting the 4 twice.
So that ties with the correct moves.
oh, a tie within a group
I thought between groups
It's also tying with the adjacent groups.
[2 3 4] has a worst case of 2 as well
I'm going to be leaving on vacation next week. I am worried about losing my 66-day consecutive visit streak. What should I do?
if there's a tie within a group
always prefer the move on the side
@PhiNotPi Give me your password, obviously.
since that'll reduce other groups as well
@PhiNotPi, extract your cookies and set up a cron job with curl / wget.
does that solve the issue?
Or just cancel your plans. What's more important, a vacation or a fanatic badge?
I don't think so, I'm trying to come up with a situation that it won't work on
@orpl, not really. The move in the middle reduces the other groups as well.
@PeterTaylor But not by as much
So the one on the side is preferred, if it doesn't affect the worst case moves of the group
[4 2 4 2 4] N = 3 M = 2
I consider all 5, and they all get a score of 2
so I start with the second one?
since all groups are worst case 2, you can start with either 2
[4 2] will result in 2
[2 4 2] will result in 2
But if you break the tie between groups by selecting a [4 2 4], your heuristic says that you should start with the 4.
This is the best alter of a Magic card I've ever seen. Introducing, Taylor Swiftspear.
no, the tiebreaker doesn't quite work
I would definitely introduce a bit of preprocessing to make the problem a bit more uniform
since you can't target either end, I'd always use x/M moves on the 2nd and n-1th element
wait, you can't target an end?
says so in the problem you l inked
ah, you are right
then maybe you can do some sort of left-to-right algorithm
regardless, you can still end up with the same situation
since if you have x elements
the leftmost element must either be cleared by targetting it directly or the element to the right of it
(and ofc combinations of the two)
order of operations doesn't matter at all
[0 0 5 2 5 0 0] N = 5 M = 2
yeah I know, the tiebreaker doesn't work :P
that's not even a tiebreaker
actually, there it does work
the element with the maximum number of moves is the center one, which is the wrong one to pick
[0 5 2] has a worst case of 1
nvm that algorithm all together
This guy has ruined Christmas movies for me forever: worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/q/13495
Guys, Code Review has 21768 starred messages. We have 2306.
what game you talk about? I can't find out
You think that's bad? Take a look at CR's chat right now. I linked it above.
Their starwall is like three times as tall
thanks, checking...
their chat had some missing spots, so I had to fill them
> You have fully used your vote allowance for today
@Hosch250 time to bring out the sockpuppet
@orlp I don't have one.
@Rainbolt StarredMessages += 40;
All of you who want to play StackEggs for fun vote on this proposal: meta.codereview.stackexchange.com/a/5175/36427
I leave for 40 minutes and you guys trash the place. I'm calling all your parents.
hmm... my heuristic solver for codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/48352/… seems to work better (and get results faster) when it adds and sorts (slow) then uses a binary insertion, I should have know that deviating away from a breadth first search would create problems, BFS is the only way to go
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Joe Z.Build a minimum-clue Sudoku generator My attempt at stating this question, but with a more objective solving criterion. Your task is to build a program or function that taks a solved Sudoku grid S in the format of your choice and attempts to generate a problem grid with as few clues as possible...

@NathanMerrill a 16 (2*n-4) variable integer linear programming can solve this I think
edit: 8 (n-2) variable
oh god, not this again
if you fix every second variable (attack number for every second archer) computing the rest is O(n), so total O(n * h^(n-2)/2) which is 500K step, well below the 2s time-limit
hey guys, you missed one up there in between, but I got ya
@MartinBüttner, I had hoped that the chat would be back to normal today. Sigh.
I blame Rainbolt
You called?
This is making me sad:
Mostly because they stopped at three. It'll never get reversed like that
At least mine are legit :P
35 downvotes and net rep over 100 is pretty impressive
I got another +70/-4 the next day, so yea. More upvotes than I was expecting.
Total vote tally is +25/-36.
I found him guys, the one nothing vote we were constantly having
He claimed he could hit 190. That's a stretch.
You should edit an "/s" in front of it.
Ah, "Nothing." The equivalent of a no-vote at best, and a wasted savior vote at worst.
@MartinBüttner You saw that crap yesterday? I thought you got kidnapped or something
All those Arqade fans changing the chatrooms :D
@Rainbolt Yes I saw that.
I also commented about it in here.
Has anyone in here played Fallen London? (Or is still playing it?)
FYI: A new user has had 6 accepted entirely superfluous edits in the last couple of days, 4 of them today. Why are people accepting these???
@MartinBüttner: This is the first time I've heard about Fallen London but I looked it up and it looks neat!
why are there two urls?
@Optimizer "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do Nothing." Or is that too harsh?
@AlexA. Why is he accepting superfluous edits? I suggest you ask him.
@Rainbolt I assume he actually means his superfluous edits are being accepted
Oh, the grammar of the first sentence suddenly makes sense now
@NathanMerrill The second one just seems to be the promotional page from the developers. The actual game is at storynexus.
@AlexA. I started playing the other day, and it's quite fun so far... the depth of the game seems very impressive. And it's set in a very interesting world, I think.
And I guess if anyone's playing Sunless Sea it would be even more fun for them. (Same developers, set in the same world.)
@Rainbolt: I meant what @Compass said. Sorry for the wording.
Technically "has had" is correct wording.
@MariaTidalTug is your name change temporary?
That being said, English verb conventions seem terrifying.
@Compass I think "has had ... edits accepted" is also correct and might have been clearer.
Haha oh you guys.
Welcome to ELL or something.
@MartinBüttner yes, definitely tempoary
Unintended pun there.
Ah, you compared us to the nice people. ELU is the mean half of ELL.
it was an anagram for April 1
I hadn't realised I can't change it back for 30 days :-/
@Compass: Native English speaker here, just not a native chat room proofreader. u_u
I wasn't making fun of you.
It's just that English sometimes looks REALLY WEIRD even to native speakers.
@Compass: I know, I was being silly.
Like "wasps."
Say that word, then think about it.
Q: What English word has the most consecutive consonants?

Brian HooperI was driving past the village of Hampsthwaite the other day, and happened to spot the six consecutive consonants in the middle. It set me wondering whether this was the most possible, and if not, which word contains the maximum number?

StackExchange recommended this one to me in a side bar a few months back.
Q: Is there a parallel to defenestration -- for buses?

Jim MackWe often see defenestrate used in a somewhat jocular, mock-intellectual way for throwing someone or something out of a window. Is there, or could we imagine, a similar word for "throwing (someone) under the bus?" Not as literal as 'sacrifice', but rather something more whimsical, in the same vein...

Let the subvehiculation begin.
Oh man, I'm subvehiculating up a storm here.
When I was 14 my girlfriend and I used to have a paucity of diversions. We got tired of saying "I'm bored"
I learned years later that "I'm bored" is 14 yo code for "I wish we could just have sex so I can move on to other more important things."
That girl lived four blocks away and I saw her one time in real life.
I like subustication.
Bro, why'd you subusticate me. I thought we were homies.
@Rainbolt what age did you realize ?
The year I lost my virginity, which I will not be sharing. A lot of realizations came that year
@Rainbolt: One time in real life? That's... impressive.
At 14? I think that's normal
Depends. Internet relationship?
I barely knew how to use a computer at 14.
@Rainbolt I am surprised that you actually understood my half written question in the first go!
I'm pretty sure everyone who knows enough about Rainbolt did.
we need more Blue pixels!
I know next to nothing about Rainbolt and I did.
@MartinBüttner join up
Maybe some time this weekend
@Optimizer: I'm a blue but I'm really bad at KOTH. :/
this is not your usual KOTH
its actually really fun. my pixel is half done
Don't get me wrong, it looks like fun, I just don't think I'd be able to contribute in a meaningful way given my (lack of) abilities in that regard.
@Optimizer It didn't help that your question is pointing to the totally wrong message. Hover over it and you'll see
I should make a challenge about parsing the thing Optimizer says
my bad, can't change now
@Rainbolt now that you've started to understand, I am pretty sure its a trivial challenge
My understanding will magically falter when we disagree on something
^ 1000x this
so true
My understanding will magically falter when we disagree on something My understanding will magically falter when we disagree on something My understanding will magically falter when we disagree on something My understanding will magically falter when we disagree on something My understanding will magically falter when we disagree on something
That's five....
Someone want to help?
"My understanding will magically falter when we disagree on something".repeat(1000)
"I will not use code to get me out of mundane punishment"
# Julia
println("My understanding will magically falter when we disagree on something "^1000)
Seems like there's a foxtrot out there about this....
Python print "My understanding will magically falter when we disagree on something" * 1000
Hurray for string multiplication
@Geobits: Haha, I remember that one!
# Perl
say "My understanding will magically falter when we disagree on something"x1000;
Gotta participate :D
A shame that isn't a @Piet example instead :P
@Geobits Hmm, could be hard to show that in chat
Oh yeah, @Pietu1998, is your username a reference to Piet the language?
@AlexA. Actually, no. It's a kinda long story related to "Pietu" being 1 character different from my old nickname at home "Peetu" and Lego Club banning it for containing "pee" (sigh, that was also like 8 years ago)
Yes, 2007 was a different time in the acceptance of urine.
urines were so much discriminated against back then
We've made so many strides since then. Viva la urine.
Lego Club? Who actually joins the lego club?
People who like Legos.
"Today we have competitive building! First one to build an arbitrarily beautiful castle wins!" On your marks. Get set. BUILD!"
Q: Can I use another person's code in code golf?

ASCIIThenANSICan I improve upon code from another answer in a game of code golf, do I have to ask, or is it not allowed?

@NewMetaPosts I am going to change your name to "15 Minutes Old Posts" if you keep doing that.
Oh yeah, I was just reminded why I came here to begin with. (I get really distracted.) That user who keeps making entirely superfluous edits, some even changing the tone of the post. The edits are accepted by the community. Six in the past couple days, four today. Why do people keep accepting the edits?
@Rainbolt club.lego.com It's an actual site. Back then it had like Lego-themed games and maybe discussions. It also used the same accound for the Mindstorms site where you could share your inventions, which is basically what got me into it. You know, the drag'n'drop programming made even worse than Scratch.
Which reminds me of the minimal OpenGL library (just transformations and ortho/perspective viewing) I made with Scratch... :D
@AlexA. let me check
@MartinBüttner to the rescue!
which user was that?
Can you link to one?
@MartinBüttner: That's the one
It can't be just me that thinks they're superfluous edits... :/
okay, apparently I approved the first one. it's true it didn't make much of a difference, but the question was on the front page anyway, so bumping it didn't hurt and I figured if someone found the previous wording less clear, might as well change it (I found both versions clear)
Ah, okay. Makes sense.
hm, I remember seeing the second one in the queue, but for some reason I didn't vote on it. that should have been rejected. I guess I just left it open in a tab and forgot about it until it was too late.
Code Review has a bot that speaks up whenever their site is mentioned in the comments of another site. I am jelly.
And a bot that pipes up when new questions get posted
We used to have one then it died
@AlexA. I don't see any harm with the edit of the 1-sparse challenge you rejected. It's somewhat nicer formatting, includes a relevant link, and again it's an active challenge so bumping is not an issue
I always take this into consideration ... if something's active, I tend to accept any edit which isn't actually wrong or contrary to what the OP might have intended, even if it's as minor as adding syntax highlighting.
@Rainbolt There's actually an alternative to having these feeds posted as messages in the chat. You can give the chatroom an RSS feed which will pop up at the top of the chat window in an overlay box. The Mathematica chat uses it for new questions.
I agree with everything you said. My issue was partially that the user formatted the binary using Python-specific representation, which not everyone is familiar with. I think that would make it a little harder for new users.
I wasn't aware it's Python-specific (I don't Python much), but it seemed pretty obvious to me. But yes, that might have been a little over the top. If you find that, you can always use "improve edit", and revert that part of the edit.
It's a bit odd that the change to add 0b and backticks was applied inconsistently.
btw, I agree with rejecting the python tips edit
@PeterTaylor: Agreed.
@MartinBüttner: Why do changes like the one with Python tips get approved in general?
robo reviewers?
Is that someone who automatically accepts regardless of the changes made?
How do you tell if an array contains a particular something in javascript?
well I mean you can check who accepted the edits
My Chrome thumbnail for PPCG is a picture of me playing StackEgg.
I was hitting the "Continue" button.
My thumbnail is a picture of me smashing my computer with a bat with StackEgg on the screen.
@PeterTaylor: I really appreciate you taking the time to give me input on my sandboxed challenge! Just wanted to say thanks.
all right, had to do it in Befunge, I want to see you decipher this
@Pietu1998: "My understanding will magically falter when we disagree on something"?
Yeah, and 1000 times, but how does it work?
F if I know, man. It was just a lucky guess.
@Pietu1998 You first compute 1000 as 10*10*10. Then you've got a simple rectangular loop decrementing this. The string is split over the two lines (where you've got the string mode), and the ASCII codes are shifted up by 5 (which you decrement before printing). I guess the trampolines are a funny little loop that does the printing.
(I've never actually written any Befunge though.)
@MartinBüttner Yup, and as a bonus I use a turn-right to (ab)use the | I put in the data (shift by 5 isn't just random). It first west, turns north to hit the |, changes direction to either north (wraps) or south, and then turns again to east or west. The trampolines are a way to do two-way code (R#LR#LR#L... does LLL when moving left and RRR when right).
I love how spiteful this code comment is: "// [CustomerNameHere] wishes for distinguished name to not be distinguishing, so we will intentionally ignore it."
Hey, is there some way I can write some javascript code that will run across multiple pages?
(basically creating a macro that will hit several pages)
Probably, if you use Node.js.
I'm going to be travelling for a few days, so if you don't see me around then don't worry that I've abandoned the site (or break out the champagne :P ).
Okay, I wrote a script to open PPCG once every day.
Fanatic badge here I come.
@PhiNotPi: I had toyed with the idea of doing that, but I decided I'd rather just visit the page every day if I can. I'd be interested to hear if your script does end up getting you the badge.
@PeterTaylor: Have a great time traveling!
Some backstory: I'm already at 66 days, but I'm going on a vacation next week and might not have internet access.
@PhiNotPi Writing that script actually proves that you are a fanatic. :D
Q: Create a Fanatic bot for Stack Exchange sites

DoorknobYour challenge today is to cheat at badges! You will build a bot that will connect to a Stack Exchange site, log in as you, visit the /questions page, visit a question, and then visit 9 other questions in the "related" sidebar (because that seems sufficient to count as "activity," and I need to ...

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