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Now there's one that I do like having
That's good - so are you guys now mods?
Sure are. A whole new wooooorld ♫♪
A new confusing set of tools
Congrats guys, Couldn't think of three better people to moderate the site
Can you edit tag synonyms without having to have a min-score within the tag?
There's lots of work to be done there :D
I think I'm the only person who created one so far :/
It's probably for the best because clearly I don't understand tags properly from a community building and keeping things clean point of view :D
@jhabbott Probably? I'm not sure.
let's see...
structural-engineering <- structures; structural
crushing <- crushers
measurements <- metrology
The interface for creating tag synonyms is quite confusing actually.
well I found it that way at least :P
Tags seem to be a nightmare to manage - there's too many valid ways to do it and too many exceptions to break any conventions you try to make.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I don't want to jump right into synonyms before talking with the rest of the new super unicorn team.
Speaking of which, hi @Trevor.
And yeah, I think cleaning up tags is definitely something we should look at
There are 3 full pages of tags that are only used once
@Air @GlenH7 @TrevorArchibald Congrats, guys!
with synonyms, if an asker starts typing 'synonym' will it suggest the real tag even if there's no textual match?
I think what happens is that it lets them choose the tag and then substitutes the synonym.
Okay, I'm new to this blue thing. It seems weird to be able to still "flag for moderator attention" .... :-P
ahh ok
@GlenH7 With custom reason: "Glen please take care of this I'm too tired" :P
@jhabbott I can go check on Progs as we have a few synonyms in place. I'll tell you what it looks like
The tag changes have gotten rid of some cool tags, including the tag on Meta.
Hahaha I was thinking the same thing
"I'm lazy, you do this for me"
@Air We have a running joke on the Whiteboard that all SO messages have to be flagged with "Leave this for RobertHarvey"
@Air You haven't turned blue yet.
@HDE226868 Nope. Nor gotten lounge access. Blame caching, most likely.
mod ping pong... or grenade-toss :D
@Air Have you accepted the agreement?
@HDE226868 you're blue - are you a mode too?
@jhabbott I'm pro-tem on HSM, with Danu and LoganM.
Man, the system is picky about writing a test question....
@TrevorArchibald Yeah, twice (main/meta), it's probably because I had to change the account associated with chat, and changes take a while to show up
Anyway - it lets you pick the synonym, but when it posts the question it retags as the "master" tag
Yeah, same here, and mine was still showing up weird for a bit even though I've got access
@HDE226868 so you're blue in all chats, even for sites where not a mod?
By the way, one of the bad things about being a mod in chat is that when a message is flagged in any room, every mod gets a notification, and there's a flood into that room.
@Air ditto
@jhabbott Yep.
@jhabbott correct; chat doesn't care about what site you're a mod on
Actually, I think chat might care, if you set it to a different parent account
@HDE226868 10k+ get a similar notification (looking at you The Bridge...)
Interesting. I feel like the flag notification should say "[x] mods currently in room"
@GlenH7 Interesting.
Yeah, I find them amusing to look at every now and then
Saw one against a high rep user who happened to say something that was considered heretical in a particular room. I laughed and marked it invalid
Do we need to create a private chat room for the pro tems?
@Air You'll get that made for you.
@air - feel free to ping me with questions about tools. I've used a lot of them from 10k access and will happily explain what I know
I think Robert or Abby will make it. Whichever cm is most involved on the site.
Separate from TL?
@Air Yep.
Cool beans. I should check my sourdough.
Oh, by the way, the top rep guy is almost never a mod on the site. So GlenH7, you're doooooomed.
@jhabbott has already pulled into the lead quite handily anyway
Okay, I have dad stuff to do for the rest of this evening. I'll have to check out the diamond another day.
@Air Enjoy. . .
@GlenH7 you'll soon overtake me - I ran out of knowledge and question ideas ages ago :D
@jhabbott - does it look to you like your suggested synonym of road -> highway-enginering has gone through?
@GlenH7 yeah - it's a bona fide synonym as far as I can tell
I wanted to create a few others but didn't have score within the tag to do it
When I proposed it I think a few people needed to vote (4 according to that meta question @TrevorArchibald posted above) before it was approved. The voters also need a score in the tag.
tag synonyms are a complicated beastie
but roads should be gone now
so at the moment it's very stagnant, but once we have quite a few 1250+ rep people with scores in different tags, and they can go propose them, then the community can take care of it... until then you guys are gonna have to do all the leg-work :/
@jhabbott that's what the janitors are for...
@GlenH7 So are you saying that, where we're going (with this SE), we don't need roads?
Haha, brilliant @TrevorArchibald
@TrevorArchibald I much prefer the expressway....
And I think we'd be better off with tags that more clearly stated the difference in the domain they were asking about
@GlenH7 roads is still there, but it doesn't have a x3 after it (even though it's used in 3 questions, which you can tell on hover). Synonyms still appear in the tags list but at the end (as if they have x0).
I think anyway
If you're looking in the tags view, empty tags take a little while to disappear from the site. Since it's a synonym, it may be there "forever." And if I really messed up that tag for future use, then I'll figure out what needs to be done to fix it.
go to Tags, go to the last page, there it is at the end, hover = 3 questions, hover the one before = 1 question.
I think synonyms do stick around, so that they can still be used, they just show up as the master on the actual question and when searching
well when the synonym was created, it doesn't go through existing questions and re-tag them, so it's still there. But if those questions are edited (or if a mod does a 'merge' whatever that is) then those questions will be re-tagged with the master tag
also, what @TrevorArchibald said
I thought I merged with road, maybe I didn't do that correctly.
I need to drop for a bit; will be back on later.
It seems to be working for me.
@GlenH7 I think whatever you did worked as I just got a 'Synonymizer' badge - I guess it wasn't approved before (but probably i saw it since I created it, as with edits before you have enough rep to edit without needing approval)
New rule: The mod who makes the most BTTF refs wins.
Let's face it - Doc Brown is the ultimate engineer!
So I'm in the lead, right?
Woo I have a new icon
Now lets see how long it takes to propagate through everywhere
2 hours later…
Is architecture within our scope?
Depends on what perspective I'd say. Artistically, probably not. Structurally or functionally, perhaps.
Do you have an example?
Not really any questions, just a thinking.
I could see a question along the line of "I saw this feature on a building, does it have a functional use, or is it purely decorative?" being potentially within scope
It just happens to be one of the few areas that would actually be within our scope, but doesn't use the word "engineering"
@TrevorArchibald Yes, or also questions about structural options or compliance with accessibility codes or the like. But probably not about design aesthetics.
@hazzey I think there are actually lots of areas like that
@Ethan48 With how easily the word "engineer" is thrown around, I'm not sure ;)
Isn't that the opposite case though?
Subjects with engineering in the title that aren't actually engineering? (E.g. social engineering)
It is.
That was exactly the example that I was thinking about.
@hazzey I did a little whining about that the other day. I don't think that people policing use of the word engineer is very useful at all.
Not directly, but when we get questions like the social engineering one from today, I think those are going to end up being closed by the community. And I'm sure we'll find other similar but distinct subjects.
@TrevorArchibald Definitely, I voted to close that question, but I don't think the root problem is that people who are into social engineering call it engineering
True, though applying the term engineer I think does make the confusion easier.
It will just be hard to build a definition as to what is "engineering" until we have some history.
That should slowly build though.
@hazzey Agreed, and our definition of engineering as we set the cope of this site will be different from the dictionary or legal definitions
I just repeatedly see long, whiney posts on other engineering communities about how someone without a PE license is calling them self an engineer (not fraudulently, but like a sanitation engineer) and I hope we don't devolve into those kind of discussions.
Yeah, I don't think this is the place for that, and any definition of engineering that we develop will be purely based on what our scope comes to be.
I hope not too. Those aren't productive. Maybe we need to preemptively create a topic on that.
So that we can refer people there once the whining starts.
@hazzey Well, if the three of us agree, and the problem hasn't come up, maybe we're OK
That is VERY optimistic of you....
: )
@hazzey Are you suggesting a sample size of 3 does not describe the whole site?
Actually, we have a moderator on our side, so it just might work.
And my axe of power swings wide and swiftly. Which as we engineers know, means a lot of force, with a large moment arm and high energy.
@hazzey Ask this one on Meta. I think it's on topic, and I don't think it'll be that controversial, but the discussion will be a good signpost for people anyway
@TrevorArchibald In my frame of reference, your axe is motionless :P
@hazzey As the saying goes, mechanical engineers build weapons, civil engineers build targets
@SamWeston I have always liked that phrase
@Air I will post the question to meta.
@Ethan48 I think that might be like the german mentality though, like over there "engineer" is a protected title, like "doctor"
@SamWeston Isn't that the case with most states in the US also?
@hazzey I dunno, I'm australian
I will not work in imperical units :I
@SamWeston Yeah, it is here too when applied to 'real' engineering. Professional engineers are regulated much like doctors. But the word sometimes gets used for unregulated activity as well
@Ethan48 Where's here? USA?
@SamWeston Sorry, yes.
@SamWeston What?! Not everyone here is American? Next you are going to tell me that this internet is world wide!
I know very little about the area of controls; does this question really need an EE tag? It seems superfluous to me.
@hazzey Yeah and I hear some of those people use metric, what weird outliers those guys are
@hazzey I think you're confused. There is one separate internet for every city - my old friends told me that was why we couldn't talk any more after I moved....
Listen, maybe it's the barleywine, but I want to pat us on the back a little. Some of our questions are rock solid. Thanks for making us new mods look good without even trying, people.
@Air no, I don't think it needs the tag
Q: Is architecture in our scope?

hazzeyI can see one side of Architecture being in our scope, but the art side not being in our scope. There will likely be some combining of the two. I don't know enough about the day to day activities or interests of architects to know if they will be drawn here though.

@StackExchange Yeah I kinda doubt it still. Civil engineering for sure but the architects I've known have usually taken the approach of "design and let the engineers fix it" but maybe that's just the mentality in large scale projects
@SamWeston In school, I had a fair amount of architects in my engineering classes, so they at least have some requirement.
I'm trying to post a question but I can't find a related tag and don't have the rep to create a new one
it's about maglev systems
I wanted to put future-technologies or transport down
checking through the tags, there's both Aluminium and Aluminum, I'm making a meta post on that
@SamWeston sounds like you could post it in the civil tag, and let us figure out any additional tags
@Air I put it under research
Q: Aluminium or Aluminum?

Sam WestonI noticed today that both the tags "Aluminium" and "Aluminum" are used on this site. It is somewhat debatable in my mind if a material even needs a tag, but regardless of that, which format should this site adopt?

seems like a meta-tag to me.
@SamWeston Can you refocus your maglev question more on the present and engineering, and less on the future and speculation?
9 hours later…
@Air I'm not a fan of either. I was thinking of writing up a meta post on it.
@HDE226868 please do
@SamWeston - how would you feel about revising the maglev question to focusing on "technical issues that are preventing wider adoption of maglev transportation"? It's still a bit broad, but moves the question out of the subjective opinion realm into something more answerable.
ie. "It's not further adopted because electricity is too expensive" or "parts are too frail and break in the cold"
On hold:
Q: Could mag-lev transportation systems be a common place technology

Sam WestonMagnetic levitation systems of transportation such as trains seem to be common place in early 2000's science fiction, and while some systems exist currently, they aren't exactly common. It seems to me that this technology has grown unpopular (or at least has fallen into obscurity) in recent year...

Q: Do we need the "research" tag?

HDE 226868What's the point of the research tag? Quoting Air in chat, research seems like a meta-tag to me. It doesn't describe the questions; it merely gives a bit of (unnecessary) context. Furthermore, out of the three questions that use it, two are on hold and have been downvoted, though I don't t...

By the way, does anyone want to revisit naming the chat room?
@HDE226868 Still too soon?
Said the person who wanted to rename it during the private beta...
@GlenH7 I'm not sure.
Q: Do we need the "research" tag?

HDE 226868What's the point of the research tag? Quoting Air in chat, research seems like a meta-tag to me. It doesn't describe the questions; it merely gives a bit of (unnecessary) context. Furthermore, out of the three questions that use it, two are on hold and have been downvoted, though I don't t...

It would be good to see more folk dropping comments of "let's continue this in chat" to help drive up our room traffic and participation
I'm going to have to learn how to use the room feed ticker within chat better. I'm used to being in just one room, and now I'm in 4. Discombobulating... :-)
@HDE Rolled back your edit for the sake of keeping something "answery" out of the question.
Presents a better chronology for the reader this way, I think
@Air I'm fine with it.
3 hours later…
@GlenH7 Clearly we need to rename this room "Moderately Engineery" to make things easier for you
Oh no you don't! I'm struggling as it is having multiple chat windows open. I used to have just one open... <sighs>
You know you can switch pretty effectively using the "other rooms you're in" list on the right, right?
But Moderately Engineering Related could work as a new room name
@TrevorArchibald I do, but I prefer keeping a number of tabs open. I tend to track the chatter history that goes on in the whiteboard, so having separate tabs makes that easier
The Drafting Table?
Reflects the less polished conversation that takes place here than on main/meta
Though I don't know how many of us use them anymore
Sketch Pad?
Drafting Table is a bit more clear of a reference though
Not Rocket Science?
the 200% Safety Factor
But what will the aero's say? :-P
MacGyver Temple
Oh, now I know why my workstation was frozen for half an hour this morning. Frigging invisible antivirus definitions update.
Awesome. And that's why the disk activity light is still glowing brightly.
@Air I know you think that's a joke, but some of us work to a 1000% safety factor
@Air How about 'The Drawing Board?' (As in 'back to the...')
The Drawing Board has a good ring to it
@Ethan48 Oh, come on. What's a little BLEVE between friends?
@Air Where I come from we pronounce BLEVE as "A Good Time."
I just googled that; wow, that was a cool explosion
I have edited this question in an attempt to make it more constructive. As fun as a close / re-open war between mods would be (just kidding), I'd like the community to weigh in with either re-open votes or flags indicating that the question should be re-opened. — GlenH7 ♦ 41 secs ago
^^^ go vote please. :-)
Point of order: There are only 11 non-diamond users with reopen vote privileges at present.
@GlenH7 It still doesn't seem to me like there is a right and wrong answer. I fear that questions like that will lead to slightly-informed speculation, which is a big turn-off for many practicing engineers (who we still want to attract.)
That's a very valid point. Can you think of a way to help tighten the question some more then? ie. how do we work around that?
Despite my "notoriety" on Programmers for voting to close :-), I'd much rather we try to edit and make questions constructive here.
Might be better off drumming up new questions than spending a lot of time trying to smash square pegs into round holes.
@GlenH7 This question of yours could use some retagging; I've been removing "design" where it's meta-tasty, and "faraday" needs reconsideration. Unfortunately, "electromagnetic-interference" exceeds the 25 character limit. We could go with "faraday-cage" if you think there will be more questions that utilize it.
So far this is the only question where I'm considering leaving "design"

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