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1:56 AM
If you haven't heard of "premature optimization" then you might enjoy reading what Donald Knuth had to say on the matter. Here is a sample of his quotes: "Premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming." "Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about, or worrying about, the speed of noncritical parts of their programs, and these attempts at efficiency actually have a strong negative impact when debugging and maintenance are considered." — bhspencer 51 secs ago
Actually if you wanna to put it this way then nodeAt(2) is O(2) .. nodeAt(3) is O(3) ..and so on. You're thinking too much. As programmers we try to avoid thinking as much as possible. — Qwertyzw 2 mins ago
3 hours later…
5:12 AM
That's correct, they are not available in C#. Bit of history, the original classic VB6 had default instances, and they were not included in VB.Net 1.0 and 1.1 because Microsoft wanted to make VB.Net "on par" with C# in terms of correct OOP. There was such an outcry from VB programmers making the transition to .Net, though, that they were brought back in VB.Net 2.0 and they've stayed ever since. — Idle_Mind 23 secs ago
5:30 AM
Can you give me a hint on how to do this? Small hint- You have to write a program (Programmers all around the world recommend this) — Bhargav Rao 1 min ago
3 hours later…
8:32 AM
The Interaction Flow Modeling Language designed by Object Management Group (the same group behind UML and FUML and BPMN) maybe the way to combine layouts and classes together you are looking for — xmojmr 1 min ago
2 hours later…
10:26 AM
11:00 AM
Thank You for Your answer. I think I have to rephrase my question: Why does it behave like that? What is the intention of the programmers to make it behave like that? My issue is that I made a lot of different diagrams with same-sized boxes to make the formatting consistent. Then I realized I didn't have enough space in one of them, but if I scaled all of them a bit smaller, but still comfortable to read. According to Your suggestion, I would have had to resize some hundred panels and the spaces between them, which would have been tedious and error-prone. — user3240047 1 min ago
11:14 AM
I was just using Xcode for my test, the real example comes from Data Structures for Game Programmers by Ron Penton, so I'm assuming you can get away with it in most instances. @SebastianRedl — Congomon 1 min ago
This is off-topic for Stack Overflow, try Programmers Stack Exchange. — zenith 19 secs ago
12:02 PM
@zenith Nope, this question would be closed as “too broad” on Programmers as well. Please read through their on-topic guidelines and their “Where to start?” meta discussion to better understand why such a question would not be well received there. — amon 41 secs ago
12:25 PM
1:00 PM
Question on Stackoverflow usually contain: a specific programming problem, or a software algorithm, or software tools commonly used by programmers; and is a practical, answerable problem that is unique to software development This question seems too open ended, and will not be easily answered. — Chris Frank 1 min ago
1:49 PM
2:36 PM
You might want to ask at Programmers instead. — Juhana 17 secs ago
2:54 PM
I have flagged for migration to Programmers, please wait for the migration to occur. — GlenH7 1 min ago
1 hour later…
4:00 PM
Don't you think this question is a bit too broad / off-topic? You could try programmers.stackexchange.com for architecture advice. — CodeCaster 1 min ago
4:20 PM
I'm confused as to why this is going to Programmers. It is a typical agile Scrum question. What am I missing? — Barnaby Golden 15 secs ago
4:32 PM
Testing the programmers chat bot. retromedia.ign.com/retro/image/article/949/949206/… programmers.stackexchange. — MetaFight 1 min ago
1 hour later…
5:34 PM
NullReferenceException is a common situation for programmers. The link I provide should help you to undertand the problem. Use the debugger and see where/when/what is null. — Soner Gönül 1 min ago
6:00 PM
This question which involves a discussion about the code, is better suited to: http://codereview.stackexchange.com/ or http://programmers.stackexchange.com/Brian Tompsett 1 min ago
6:16 PM
@BrianTompsett, Please stop recommending Programmers.SE as an acceptable place for clearly off topic questions like this. If you would bother to read the Help Section, you would see that questions about best practice are considered primarily opinion based and off topic. — Ampt 1 min ago
Although this was clearly done to save on keywords, the reuse of void in this fashion serves only to confuse. But all C programmers gotta stomach it, I suppose... — SevenBits 37 secs ago
@BrianTompsett It definitely does not belong at programmers. — Simon André Forsberg 1 min ago
2 hours later…
8:13 PM
2015-02-07T20:14:01.135Z Quota has been reset. Was 9279 is now 9999
9:12 PM
2015-02-07T21:14:00.718Z Warning: Retrieved 100 comments. Might have missed some. This is unlikely to happen
We thought Stack Overflow "is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers". We ask a question and someone answers to that question? Correct? — BPI 1 min ago
1 hour later…
10:23 PM
I wrote a small implementation of what a proper object-oriented Boolean type in Scala would look like in an answer over on Programmers.SE, if you're interested: programmers.stackexchange.com/a/266635/1352Jörg W Mittag 43 secs ago
11:15 PM
To be under the impression of something is meaningless when developing software. The only meaningful thing is to verify if something is really a bottleneck, measure it and then draw conclusions. programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/99445/…Jack 1 min ago
If you're planning on going into computer science, you really should get a degree. I learned so much that isn't just code. Programming practices, how system work, what not to do, etc. But also, you need to be able to learn ANY programming language. Most programmers know at least a handful. — mbomb007 49 secs ago

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