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@JohnCavan There are worse things than dieing... Being neglected and not dieing is one of them.
3 hours later…
@NiallC. @MattS. sorry to ping you guys randomly, but wanted to know if anyone's ever heard of a dog having seizures, seemingly undergo personality change, and bounce back?
Specifically the bounce back part
It seems pretty common to have behavioral changes with seizures.
@UndotheSnowman One of my dogs had a few short seizures (like 15 seconds or so) over the space of a few weeks when she was young, maybe a few months old, but grew out of it. No personality changes that I recognize.
I think my mentor in dogs had one that was epilectic. I'll call her later today and pick her brains.
And if you do heartworm medication, I know that has been implicated in causing seizures in some breeds. Here's something to consider: kodaridgebacks.com/health/the_billion_dollar_heartworm_scam
We never did heartworm medication.
Anyway, doesn't matter anymore. Ya'll know what that means.
Oh. I'm so sorry to hear that
@UndotheSnowman :(
3 hours later…
@UndotheSnowman hugs
@Zaralynda :)

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