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When you said 'I am.'
people in open chats tend to dislike religious talk
Did you mean you are religious or you are a christian?
Christ saved me though I didn't deserve it, I live my life in response :)
@ZachSaucier yes,
@ZachSaucier and yes.
What did ya want to chat about?
I feel called to minister to the upper echelon of the tech community, hence why I'm trying to get involved/build reputation so they listen
it's the main reason why I hang around in chats
there are a couple that I am regular in, have gotten to have some good conversations
@ZachSaucier On SO?
just in general wherever I'm working
SO isn't my mission field goal, no :)
@ZachSaucier At school too? Cause that's awesome.
just a small part while I'm at college
@J.Musser 'course! That's my focus of being here, haha
@ZachSaucier I see.
my grades show it xD
@ZachSaucier good?
so long as I keep my scholarships I'm happy because doing His work is most important
What's your iq?
sorry random
not bad, but I have never taken a test
@ZachSaucier Ah.
I am a bad test taker
I wonder if I'm simply awful. So wondered if there was something to compare against.
@ZachSaucier Why's that?
dunno. I guess my mind stresses out or something
I almost always know the answers after I take the test
@ZachSaucier My iq was about 130 when I was tested...
maybe it's not having enough time
@ZachSaucier That's true for everyone.
I mean I don't do badly, they're just not representative of what I know
@ZachSaucier true dat
Are you a type 1 personality?
dunno what the definition of that is. I tend to avoid broad characterizations like that as it's much more determined by the situation I'm in
I tend to be an introvert but have lots of extrovert characteristics when it's required of me
God's blessed me with an ability to do most anything I want to do, always with the ability to do what He wants me to do
I mean, tend to be outgoing, high-strung
I'm pretty chill but I like being productive
anyway, enough talk about me for now. What are some ways you do outreach at work if any?
I'm absolutely an introvert myself - talking online I have a different character I think.
@ZachSaucier I am part of a church, which does these.
what's your daily work look like? in general terms
@ZachSaucier There are ways you can do this, like doing ten times better work than everyone else, and boldly directing all credit to God, who deserves it. That goes a long way.
@ZachSaucier Sorry, slow typer here...
don't worry at all :)
you're infinitely faster than my parents, haha
plus it gives me more time to study for my final at 8 tomorrow morning xD
@ZachSaucier Get up at 5:00 am, load the truck, check SE :D, go to a customer, do the work there (extremely variable), sometimes grab a quick lunch, go to another customer if necessary, usually work till about 5:00 - 6:30, sometimes home in time for supper. The work I do varies a lot.
cool, sounds interesting and fulfilling for sure
@ZachSaucier tiring.
I assume you get to talk to the customers some?
@J.Musser haha, 'course
@ZachSaucier Oh yeah, but I don't force it on 'em.
All kinds of people you'll meet. Some take you for granted, some think you're cool.
I am always trying to learn how I can better reach out to others in my future field :) I think my family has set a good example for me - they invite people over to our house all the time to have more personal conversations with them
The thing with tech people is that I need to know more theology and reasoning than most, which I enjoy learning. It can't just be a good example and point to God
It seems I always have to be the one pushing them to try and consider new beliefs
Analogy: bible == a gun. reasoning why it's accurate won't help. You have to pull the trigger.
Watch this:
@ZachSaucier That's a great idea.
Except you don't have a house.
so crunched on time xD final tomorrow
@J.Musser sure I do! All my housemates are Christian :)
@ZachSaucier what?
I know the guy who made the video above.
It's kind of funny, but true.
the vid
rather silly, but makes its point
@ZachSaucier yeah.
Well, I encourage you to make Christ an even bigger part of your life than He is already :) How that looks I don't know, but I know that's what He wants for you!
I need to study a bit. I'll see ya around, J... Mind telling your first name?
@ZachSaucier Josh.
Great! Mr. Musser, it was a pleasure :) We'll have to do it again sometime
@ZachSaucier challenge accepted
@ZachSaucier yeah, I'll be around.
@ZachSaucier Ok then, Mr. Saucier, if we're gonna use these titles... :)
it's only because you're my elder :P
more wise = have more formal title
@ZachSaucier I don't need one, ha!
sure, but it's the way I was raised :)
@ZachSaucier Me too, actually, but I usually save the term for those with white hair now xD
I love leaving comments too short for SE around and no one notices.
Also in chat:
it's a 404 :P
@ZachSaucier Oh, question removed just now.
Yup.‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ — J. Musser 4 hours ago
There I go, not 15 chars^
@ZachSaucier How did you find SE?
I taught myself how to program for the web
all programming roads lead to SO
@ZachSaucier I see.
How did you find Christ?
parents were Christian (missionaries in China for 7 years - I was there for 3), siblings became so before me. Went to church regularly and had small group at our house, etc. I think I started believing around the age of 8-10, I honestly can't remember
But from that time until around sophomore year of high school I thought all I had to do was "live my life well, be a good example, don't break rules" etc.
I kept large parts of my life to myself and didn't let Christ into them, namely how I played sports, my grades, and how I spent my free time
@ZachSaucier What changed then?
that changed around sophomore year and I started to grow in my faith a lot
@ZachSaucier You play ultimate?
I play lots of things :) ultimate included
My favorite sport, fwiw, and a new one too.
I suck at basketball.
Not spry enough.
lol, I can only run and do lay ups
shooting is horrid
How tall are you?
How much do you weigh?
6' 1", 155-160 lbs
seems like I'm trying out for something now xD
@ZachSaucier what's that?
dunno, seems like an interview with these detailed questions, haha
@ZachSaucier I'm 6' 3 1/2", 215 lbs.
@ZachSaucier Well your size has a lot to do with what you're good at.
sorry, :D
you do move around heavy things then, haha
@ZachSaucier sometimes. I can only bench press 375 lbs atm. :/
I worked out one semester of my life, haha
got up to 305 :D
But I can lift a little over 400 lbs, if I strain.
@ZachSaucier Good for a featherweight.
haha, I am 100% okay with that
runs and hides
I'm fast and can run for days
@ZachSaucier really? I run for about 5-6 miles, and I have to slow down. Seriously.
I'm not built for it.
I mean you can't sprint it, but I run it, yes
@J.Musser I am xD I didn't work to be like this, haha
God gave it to me
You sound like you'd be good at volleyball.
You ever watch princess bride movie?
@ZachSaucier How's the longest you've ever run?
@J.Musser I love volleyball. I wish my highschool had a team
@J.Musser yes
@J.Musser I decided the Thursday before a Sunday half marathon to run it this semester (so no training). I finished in 1:33:33 xD
@ZachSaucier cause I quote that all the time, "It's not my fault I'm the biggest and the strongest, I don't even exercise.'
@ZachSaucier :D
like I said, all Him
I know that for a fact
@ZachSaucier Yep, he gives us our talents to start with, and we should use them to the best of our abilities to glorify him, whether through missions, work, stack exchange, sports, it doesn't matter.
In the end, that's all that matters anyway.
Giving glory to God, I mean. :)
glad to see we're in agreement :)
@ZachSaucier You thought differently?
no, but that doesn't prevent me from being glad
Thinking about it, I think you'd be an awesome mod. I'd vote for you.
Too bad you're not interested.
@J.Musser haha, I don't know why you'd think that
it seems you know more about this stuff than I do
I'm new.
I'm not even new xD
I googled some of the answers I gave
I've only been on SE for 3 yrs, 5 mo.
I joined my first SE about two years ago...
but yeah, its as much of the attitude you have, as the understanding of the site, when it comes to good moderation.
only SE I would have modded was the WebDesign.SE, but that failed in beta
You have a great attitude.
haha, I don't know why you say that
most people on SE say I'm too critical
@ZachSaucier compared to the average lifehacks user.
text isn't a good medium for me, I'm much more friendly and laid back in person
@J.Musser TBH the average LH user at the moment seems quite ill-spoken or at least overtaken by the opportunity to gain internet points
@ZachSaucier I'm the biggest closevoter/downvoter ever met, but I still get rep way over twice the speed of everyone else. God blesses my work.
@ZachSaucier thanks...
I wouldn't mind modding GL one day.
have you guys had elections?
Yikes, I have to gat up in 5 hrs
sleep well!
I'll be up in 7
@ZachSaucier Not yet. We're a very old beta.
another 2 hours to study!
@ZachSaucier yay.
haha, most boring class ever
which I never say in irl
have fun then.
you still won't have as much fun as me. lol
I'd switch for finals day (tomorrow)
@ZachSaucier ha!
The power of prayer.
I'lll pray for ya man
I'll do so for you too!
11 hours later…
the more we discuss the less I think this site will get out of beta

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