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Rafflesia arnoldii is the first user with two gold great question badges on meta.
In mathematics the art of asking questions is more valuable than solving problems. (Georg Cantor.)
4 hours later…
Strictly speaking, neither of the two were questions, they were proposals. :)
Imagine that Math.SE had the same requirements for moderator nomination as Stack Overflow: 3000 rep and the badges Deputy, Civic Duty, Strunk&White, Convention. Who would be eligible to run then?
@Rafflesiaarnoldii That might be true. In any case such badges are rather rare on meta, I considered it worth mentioning.
There are 48 users meeting these requirements. Of them 7 are no longer active, and 3 are current moderators. This leaves 38.
It was mentioned on meta today that the date of new elections is already being discussed.

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